Although it was already three o'clock in the morning when we arrived at Huangjia Village, there were still many people gathered at the entrance of the village. The leader was Huang Bingrui, the head of Huangjia Village. He is over 60 years old this year, but he is still full of energy.

Seeing Liu Lianzi get off the car, Huang Bingrui couldn't help but blushed, and shouted, "Old sister-in-law, I'm sorry for you."

"I'm sorry, Xiaolei still couldn't be saved." Liu Lianzi, who had been strong all the way, couldn't bear the sadness in her heart anymore. The sadness came from her heart, and tears gushed out.

"Old sister-in-law, this is also Xiaolei's life, you have to mourn." Huang Bingrui supported Liu Lianzi and comforted him, but he couldn't hold back his tears.

For a moment, the entire village fell into grief. Zhang Xiao was also in tears at the moment, but she still directed people to lift Huang Jinglei down from the frozen coffin. Under the guidance of the villagers, she walked towards Huang Jinglei's go home.

With the help of the villagers, everything went on in an orderly manner, and after Huang Bingrui helped Liu Lianzi into the house, he walked up to Zhang Xiao, patted Zhang Xiao on the shoulder and said, "I heard from the old sister-in-law, This time I was able to bring Xiaolei's body back, thanks to your help, I am here to thank you on behalf of the Huang family."

Zhang Xiao waved his hand and said, "You are too polite. As sister Lei's friend, this is what I should do."

Huang Bingrui shook his head and said with a wry smile: "As for Xiaolei's funeral, the old sister-in-law said that you are fully responsible, so let's discuss Xiaolei's funeral arrangements?"

"Okay." Zhang Xiao didn't go her own way either. After all, when she came to Yancheng, she had to follow the local funeral customs.

After Huang Bingrui brought Zhang Xiao to a room, he smiled wryly and said helplessly, "Sir, according to the rules of our Yancheng, unmarried women are not allowed to enter the ancestral grave after death."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help falling into silence. In fact, although the customs are different across the country, it has been a tradition since ancient times that unmarried women are not allowed to enter the ancestral grave.

After all, most women marry from their husband's family, and her family's ancestral grave should be that of her husband's family.

If you die without being married, you are generally not buried in the ancestral cemetery, but can only be buried in the aunt's tomb (the cemetery unique to unmarried women).

It is said that unmarried women are those who face outward, and their ancestors do not accept them.

Huang Bingrui brought up this rule at this moment. Zhang Xiao really couldn't force Huang Jinglei to be buried. After all, when he arrived in the local area, he had to follow the local customs.

"In your opinion, where should sister Lei be buried?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

Huang Bingrui shook his head and said: "I watched Xiaolei grow up, and I can't bear her to be alone, but the rules are the rules. As the head of the Huang family, I can't break the rules, so I hope Xiaolei can choose to be buried."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help falling into silence. Choosing a place for burial was easy to say, but not so easy to operate. Even if he found a suitable geomantic place, how could he bear to let Huang Jinglei be buried in another place alone.

"Is there any other way? For example, can we give your village enough compensation?" Zhang Xiao asked tentatively.

Huang Bingrui shook his head, and said in a resolute tone: "The Huang family has lived here for more than a dozen generations and has a history of hundreds of years. Our ancestral graves bury all the ancestors of the Huang family. As the current person in charge , how can you break the rules, it’s better not to mention this matter again.”

Zhang Xiao is really helpless at this moment. After all, he is just an outsider. If Huang Jinglei is forced to bury Huang Jinglei in the ancestral grave, it doesn't matter if it can be done. Even if it is done, after he leaves, Huang Jinglei's grave will be in the eyes of the angry Huang family. Must be heresy, must not be at peace.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "I will think about it, but the mourning hall still needs to be decorated, and I need your help in this matter."

Logically speaking, unmarried women do not set up mourning halls, but after all, the matter of mourning halls is Huang Jinglei's own family's business, and Huang Bingrui is not easy to refuse. As long as Huang Jinglei is not buried in the ancestral grave, a little compromise is still possible.

"Okay, but the mourning hall should not last more than three days. This is also a rule." Huang Bingrui reluctantly agreed. For him, this was already a big concession.

After coming out of the room, Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan: "Let's start setting up the mourning hall. Also, starting today, the running water mat will be set up. I hope you can handle it well."

"Don't worry, boss, I will do my best." Hou Shuyan solemnly agreed.

When Hou Shuyan was preparing for the mourning hall, Zhang Xiao came to the room where Liu Lianzi was. At this moment, Liu Lianzi was leaning on a quilt, staring ahead blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Grandma Liu, Village Chief Huang said that sister Lei is not allowed to be buried in the ancestral grave. What are your plans?" Zhang Xiao asked directly. He had to discuss this matter with Liu Lianzi, and it also depended on Liu Lianzi's own thoughts. .

"This is the rule of the Huang family. There is nothing wrong with not being buried in the ancestral grave. Choose a place to bury, so that Xiaolei can be buried as soon as possible. I insist on bringing her back, not necessarily letting her Buried in the ancestral grave, I just hope she doesn't wander outside." Although Liu Lianzi looked listless, her thoughts were very clear, obviously she had already thought about it.

"Well, I'll let Mr. Feng Shui find a suitable burial place as soon as possible. In addition, Grandma Liu, you have to take care of yourself. Lei Lei is gone, so you can't have an accident, otherwise I really don't know what to do." After Zhang Xiao nodded, she carefully comforted Liu Lianzi.

"Everyone is mortal, so you don't have to worry about my affairs." Liu Lianzi took life and death very lightly. If she had a choice, she would rather exchange her life for Huang Jinglei's life.

It's a pity that there are no ifs in this world, and everything has its own consequences. Liu Lianzi is very clear about it, and she also takes life and death lightly.

Zhang Xiao didn't say anything more. After all, although Liu Lianzi didn't have the will to die at the moment, she didn't have much desire for life. Zhang Xiao was helpless but helpless.

After leaving Liu Lianzi's room, Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min to start looking for a famous local Fengshui master, hoping to find a burial place for Huang Jinglei as soon as possible.

Yuan Min nodded and said: "Boss, this matter is not difficult, don't worry, you should take care of your health, after all, you are the backbone of everyone."

Zhang Xiao nodded, but did not speak, but stood under the night sky, looking at the stars in the sky in silence.

Yancheng in winter doesn't seem too cold to Zhang Xiao, and he can't feel too much chill wearing a coat, and the gentle wind blows, making his thoughts wander.

Zhang Xiao thought of the scene when he and Huang Jinglei met for the first time, and couldn't help shaking his head. In just one year, everything has changed. This made Zhang Xiao feel lonely, but at the same time burst out more enthusiasm.

Because Zhang Xiao knows very well that the past will eventually become the past. There is nothing wrong with remembering the past, but after all, it is too decadent, and he has no time to waste.

Now Zhang Xiao is no longer the person who only had his own little life in the past. He bears too many responsibilities, and these responsibilities make him continue to move forward without stopping.

After dawn, the mourning hall had been set up, and the Huang family arranged for a few juniors to watch for Huang Jinglei outside. This was already Huang Bingrui's best effort for Liu Lianzi's sake.

The gold and silver paper ingots and many ghost coins were piled up on the ground and were continuously ignited by these juniors. The whole process would last for three days until Huang Jinglei was buried in the soil.

Zhang Xiao doesn't care about spending. To him, troubles that can be solved with money are not troubles.

Zhang Xiao is worried about two things now, one is the selection of the geomantic treasure land, Yuan Min has asked more than a dozen well-known local geomantic masters to start looking for it, and there should be news soon.

The second matter is the choice of Huang Jinglei's coffin. After all, Huang Jinglei is too young, and Zhang Xiao is willing to spend a lot of money to buy it. This matter is the fastest to be resolved.

Near noon, the golden nanmu coffin had already been transported over, and the coffin worth millions also attracted too many people to watch. After all, a huge sum of one million is still an astronomical figure in this era. After all, the millionaire Words are often used by people.

Zhang Xiao glanced at the coffin and was immediately satisfied. Both the workmanship and the material met Zhang Xiao's requirements, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little relieved.

At this moment, the flowing water mats on the street have been set up, and the chefs of more than a dozen local restaurants are lined up, all showing their best skills, and the dishes are continuously brought to the tables on the street for the local people eat.

"Boss, the food is ready, you can eat some." Hou Shuyan looked at the haggard Zhang Xiao, and couldn't help persuading him.

Zhang Xiao shook his head, not knowing what was going on. Although he hadn't eaten for a day, he still didn't feel hungry. Zhang Xiao also knew that something was wrong, but he didn't bother to care. Instead, he said to Hou Shuyan: "Ask Yuan Min, have you chosen the place yet?"

Reluctantly, Hou Shuyan went to the side to make a phone call, and at the same time gained a new understanding of Zhang Xiao's stubbornness.

Not long after, Yuan Min hurried over with two Feng Shui masters, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, I have already selected two places, and I need you to decide which one to use."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and quickly walked towards Yuan Min's off-road vehicle, asking as she walked, "What do you think?" m.cascoo.

"According to what they said, these two places are rare treasures for Ms. Huang. I don't know the specific situation. You can ask them to explain to you when you get to the place." Yuan Min said with some headaches, Not only did he not understand what the two Feng Shui masters said, but he also felt a headache.

After Zhang Xiao got in the car, he said to the two Fengshui masters: "Thank you, you two. When you get to the place, you need to think about it in many ways. After all, this is the place of life for the deceased."

"Boss Zhang, don't worry, we will tell the pros and cons for you to choose." The older Feng Shui master said seriously.

The sites chosen by Mr. Feng Shui are all located in the south of Huangjia Village, where there is a dirt hill, which is also where the local people choose the cemetery.

Seen from a distance, the dense vegetation on the mountain does not look yellow even in winter, giving people a sense of vitality.

Soon, after arriving at the foot of the earth mountain, Mr. Feng Shui pointed to the gorge not far away and said: "This is not far from the Huang family's ancestral grave, and this is a place where Feng Shui gathers. It is suitable for single women to bury. One of the good choices, the other one is a bit far from here, I think this should be the first choice.”

Zhang Xiao nodded, and after looking at the second choice point, he found that although the second place is still a place where Fengshui blends, it should be far away from the Huang family's ancestral grave, so he finally decided: "Just choose the first place, After all, it's not far from the Huang family's ancestral land, so she wouldn't feel lonely even if she came down here."

After choosing the burial place, Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min to negotiate with the owner of the land as soon as possible, planning to buy this place as Huang Jinglei's burial place.

The negotiation went smoothly. After all, this is also the land of Huangjia Village. Under Huang Bingrui's leadership, he didn't ask for much money. Not only that, a large number of young people who returned home at the end of the year helped to start building the cemetery.

In this regard, Zhang Xiao handed over to Huang Bingrui and Mr. Feng Shui to host. After all, professional people do professional things, and Zhang Xiao can only choose to trust them at the moment.

That afternoon, the mourning band also began to appear. Since Zhang Xiao wanted to give Huang Jinglei a big burial, he inevitably violated the local rules. Huang Bingrui did not object to this. Said, is it not an opportunity.

On the third day, with Huang Jinglei's encoffining, Liu Lianzi stayed in the room and wept silently, and Zhang Xiao's heart seemed to be missing something.

The funeral was very lively, with the support of Huang's family, there were not many people attending the funeral, and many children who were a generation later than Huang Jinglei joined the funeral procession wearing the little filial piety prepared for them.

And Zhang Xiao was dressed in black, with a white flower on his chest, and stayed by the coffin the whole time without saying a word.

After arriving at the cemetery, under the command of Mr. Feng Shui, the coffin slowly fell into the designated grave. As the first clay fell, Zhang Xiao knew that Huang Jinglei had finished her life.

Zhang Xiao stood aside, looking at the falling soil, but the sadness in his heart became more and more intense, and tears rolled down his cheeks unconsciously.

For Huang Jinglei, Zhang Xiao is more of a kind of pity, but it is this kind of pity that makes his emotions skyrocket infinitely. At this moment, with Huang Jinglei buried in the ground, he rose to the highest point and then fell down suddenly. The downfall also made Zhang Xiao understand that a person's life is so simple.

Struggling for a lifetime, perhaps only the achievements in front of you and the reputation behind you can leave behind. As for money and other external things, if you don’t bring it with you, you don’t take it with you. much meaning.

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