Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 435 Never see you again

After Academician Ni left, Zhang Xiao still couldn't help feeling a little worried. He was very clear about the status of computer-aided design software cad in design, and if he wanted to challenge autocad's status, even if he just walked side by side, the difficulty was still not small.

But Zhang Xiao is also very aware of the importance of tools. Currently, autocad accounts for 90.00% of the global market. It is conceivable how powerful it is. Now Academician Ni wants to develop a computer-aided computer based on the Shenhua computer operating system. Design software, this will be a huge breakthrough.

Although there were domestic software like autocad in China before, they were all based on the win operating system. After all, the Shenhua computer operating system appeared for too short a time. Although its influence is unprecedented in the field of personal computers, it is still in the entire industrial field. , there is still a very large gap.

This is also the main reason why domestic computer complete machine companies like Lianxiang Group can still support under the pressure of Hongyuan Group. After all, in terms of global influence, the Shenhua computer operating system still does not have the strength to compete with the Win system.

Zhang Xiao is well aware of this, but with the continuous sales of Shenhua Computer and Shenhua Computer Operating System, Zhang Xiao also hopes that Shenhua Computer will occupy a certain position in the future industrial system. made.

The computer-aided design cad will be a stepping stone. Once the R&D center can develop computer-aided design tools based on the Shenhua computer operating system, the Shenhua computer operating system can occupy a place in the field of industrial systems.

In fact, Zhang Xiao hopes that Academician Ni can develop eda, which is the so-called electronic design automation. Although eda is a kind of cad in a broad sense, it is more refined and can be used to complete the functional design of VLSI chips , synthesis, verification, physical design (including layout, routing, layout, design rule checking, etc.)

EDA is known as the "mother of chips" and is the cornerstone industry of electronic design. The EDA market has built the foundation of the entire electronics industry. It can be said that whoever masters EDA will have the leading power in the chip field.

At present, the development of domestic eda has basically fallen into a stagnation stage. After all, foreign eda technology is much more advanced than domestic ones. Under the influence of the idea that it is better to buy than to build, domestic eda is even more lonely, which leads to the already backward eda companies. Had to rely on state subsidies to live.

Academician Ni also wanted to support a company with eda as its main product before, but found that all of these companies were state-owned enterprises, and some of them had more unclear property rights. In the end, he had to give up this plan and start independent research and development. For this reason, he also poached many people from home and abroad, and has achieved some results so far, but still cannot meet the needs of Hongyuan Group itself.

Zhang Xiao's thoughts are a bit complicated. In the complicated thoughts, Zhang Xiao still grasped the context of it. Looking at Academician Ni's project proposal, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly. In one of the notes, Zhang Xiao finally saw the electronic With words like design automation, it is obvious that Academician Ni is going to give him a dark secret.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking his head, he was already accustomed to Academician Ni's behavior, and he didn't blame Academician Ni for any reason. After all, the bigger Academician Ni's heart, the bigger the stage for Hongyuan Group.

As the boss, what Zhang Xiao can do is to give Academician Ni enough financial support. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao has to consider this year's project expenditure.

Just when Zhang Xiao was considering the project expenditure and income ratio of each subsidiary company this year, Yuan Min knocked on the door and walked in, and whispered to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, Miss Huang has gone!"

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being slightly taken aback for a moment, and then came to his senses, and quickly asked, "When did it happen, didn't the day before yesterday be fine?"

"About an hour ago, Ms. Huang's organs failed suddenly, and she was declared dead after rescue efforts failed." Yuan Min said in a low voice.

Zhang Xiao hurriedly picked up the mobile phone in her handbag, but saw that there were more than a dozen missed calls on it, except for one from Yuan Min, the rest were from Fang Huiping.

But he didn't hear any of them, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little depressed.

The reason why the phone didn't ring was because Zhang Xiao was used to turning the phone to silent at night, but he forgot to adjust it when he came to the company today.

Zhang Xiao's hands trembled slightly, but he still dialed Fang Huiping's cell phone number accurately.

"Xiaoxiao, my condolences are changing. If you have time, come over now. I don't think it's appropriate for the old lady to take Ms. Huang's body back to her hometown for burial." Fang Huiping said after the call was connected.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Fang, I didn't receive your call in time." Zhang Xiao's words were full of self-blame.

"I don't blame you. Besides, it's a miracle that Ms. Huang's condition can last until now, and even if you receive the call, so what? It won't change the result of the treatment." Fang Huiping spoke to Zhang in a deep tone. Xiao persuaded.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help falling into silence, and Fang Huiping comforted Zhang Xiao for a while before hanging up the phone.

After a long time, Zhang Xiao wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said to Yuan Min: "Come with me to the hospital and see if there is anything that needs my help."

Yuan Min quickly nodded in agreement, and Hou Shuyan quickly helped Zhang Xiao take out the coat and coat, and helped Zhang Xiao put it on.

Zhang Xiao put on her clothes, and very rarely, she wore a pair of sunglasses to hide the sadness and red eyes in her eyes.

When Zhang Xiao came to the hospital, Zhang Xiao stopped Hou Shuyan who wanted to go with him, and only took Yuan Min to Fang Huiping's office.

Seeing Zhang Xiao coming in, Fang Huiping said to several doctors who were originally reporting to her office: "After the treatment plan is determined, it must be carried out firmly. After the patient's condition changes, it will be fine-tuned according to the situation. This is also the principle of our treatment. Fundamentally, you can make preliminary preparations now, and we will discuss further after the new test results come out."

"Okay, Director Fang." Several doctors saw someone coming to Fang Huiping's office, and they all left one after another.

After Fang Huiping left all the doctors, she closed the door and said to Zhang Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, Doctor Liu Lianzi wants to take Ms. Huang's body back to her hometown for burial. Advise her."

"Aunt Fang, it's human nature for Ye Luo to return to her roots. I don't think there is anything wrong with Grandma Liu's actions. I will discuss the next itinerary with Grandma Liu. Where is Grandma Liu now?" Zhang Xiao asked.

Fang Huiping took a deep look at Zhang Xiao. She didn't expect Zhang Xiao to agree with Liu Lianzi's approach, which made her feel helpless. She didn't care about Dr. Liu Lianzi's opinion, but Zhang Xiao had to Pay attention, after all, Zhang Xiao's ability can break through the procedure, and handle special cases.

"Come with me." Fang Huiping couldn't help but sighed, and led Zhang Xiao towards the nursing home behind.

In a room of the nursing home, Zhang Xiao met Liu Lianzi. Liu Lianzi's expression seemed to be still calm, but it could be seen from her actions that she was trying to suppress her emotions. The blow was too great.

She lost her father in her early years and her husband shortly after marriage. At that time, she relied on her belief in raising her son.

Unexpectedly, the son and daughter-in-law would both die when Huang Jinglei was three years old, leaving only Huang Jinglei, the granddaughter.

And now Huang Jinglei has also left, which makes Liu Lianzi, who has always been strong, completely on the verge of collapse.

If it weren't for the power of faith, Liu Lianzi didn't think she would be able to persevere at all. Now she just wants to take Huang Jinglei's body back to her hometown for burial and let her return to her roots.

"Sit down." Seeing Fang Huiping and Zhang Xiao coming in together, Liu Lianzi said expressionlessly.

After Zhang Xiao and Fang Huiping sat down, Zhang Xiao took the lead and said, "Grandma Liu, what are your plans for sister Lei?"

"I'm going to take her back to her hometown and bury her with their ancestors. After all, the fallen leaves will return to their roots." Liu Lianzi said without hesitation.

Speaking of this, Liu Lianzi's eyes couldn't help but feel a little sad, because she couldn't take Huang Jinglei away at this moment, after all, it didn't follow the procedure, and the hospital didn't agree with her taking Huang Jinglei away.

"I understand, I will help you." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation, and this was the last thing he could do for Huang Jinglei.

Liu Lianzi nodded, looking at the young man who was well-known throughout the country, she knew that Zhang Xiao could do it, and said with a wry smile: "Then I won't say thank you, besides, I have nothing to thank your."

"No, sister Yu Lei, I should do everything I should." Zhang Xiao shook her head and said.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao said to Yuan Min: "Mice, you can handle this matter and find another suitable vehicle. We will go to Miss Huang's hometown in the afternoon."

"I know what to do." Yuan Min agreed and left.

At this time, Liu Lianzi took out a letter from the package she had already packed with trembling hands, and after handing it to Zhang Xiao, she said in a lonely voice, "This is a letter from Xiaolei. Take a look."

Zhang Xiao took the letter, and his name was written on the envelope. Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar font, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but tremble in his heart. The last time he saw Huang Jinglei's font was when she escaped from the hospital. The envelope, with the same font, is already a different thing.

Zhang Xiao took out the letter paper from the envelope, opened it, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Xiaoxiao, when you read this letter, I must have gone to a distant heaven." Cascoo.

"In the face of death, I have never been afraid. I am just sad that I will never see you again."

"Thank God for allowing me to meet you in my lifetime. That was the happiest time in my life. Although it was short-lived, it has already made me not regret it in this life."

"You can't find me again this time. I hope you can help me take care of my grandma. I'm afraid she won't be able to withstand such a blow."

"Don't look at my last remains, because it must be ugly, I just hope you can remember my beautiful appearance."

"I used to imagine that I could get better, and then go to see the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland and the beauty of the world, but now I know that I have no chance."


The content of the letter was not much, but it made Zhang Xiao unable to control his emotions anymore. Tears flowed down his cheeks and dripped onto the dry floor, bursting out into sprays. It disappeared, leaving only a little wet trace.

Liu Lianzi looked at Zhang Xiao's appearance and couldn't help shaking her head. She knew Zhang Xiao's concern for Huang Jinglei, and she couldn't help feeling a little regretful at the moment, regretting that she had prevented Zhang Xiao from meeting Huang Jinglei.

Fang Huiping was also silent at the moment, she could see Zhang Xiao's kindness to Huang Jinglei, but at the moment she was more helpless.

The beauty and cruelty of life are always intertwined. While enjoying the beauty of life, the cruel reality always tortures people.

After a long time, Zhang Xiao wiped away the tears on her face, put away the letter paper, put it in her close pocket, and said to Liu Lianzi: "I will arrange the whole process of sister Lei's funeral, and I hope to get your consent .”

Liu Lianzi was silent and nodded. She no longer had the energy to deal with all of this. She only hoped that Huang Jinglei would be satisfied when she returned to her roots.

The capital city is nearly [-] kilometers away from Yancheng, which is not a short distance. Zhang Xiao was worried about Liu Lianzi's health and wanted her to fly there, but she refused without hesitation. She wanted to accompany Zhang Xiao to accompany Huang Jing Ray walked this final journey.

Zhang Xiao could only agree to this, but he also made Yuan Min and Guo Feng prepare accordingly.

Before noon, Yuan Min had arranged everything properly, not only the formalities, but also the vehicles and accompanying personnel.

After a simple lunch, the team started to set off.

Huang Jinglei's body was transported in a large refrigerated truck, while Zhang Xiao and Liu Lianzi followed the truck in a car.

The vehicles in front and behind are the entourage led by Yuan Min, who are ready to deal with emergencies at any time, and there is also a medical team dedicated to protecting Liu Lianzi's health.

Zhang Xiao was very satisfied with Yuan Min's arrangement. Being able to arrange all this in a short period of time undoubtedly showed Yuan Min's ability.

Yuan Min himself knew that the reason why he was able to go so smoothly was in the final analysis the strength of the Hongyuan Group, otherwise, no matter how powerful he was, it would not be of much use.

From the capital city to Yancheng, it took nearly twelve hours. Everything was in an orderly manner, and nothing unexpected happened in the middle, thanks to Zhang Xiao's careful preparation.

Huang Jinglei's hometown is not in the urban area of ​​YC, but in a village under Yancheng. Most of the people living here are Huang's family. When they learned of Huang Jinglei's death and came back, the whole village was mobilized.

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