Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 434 The Predicament of CAD

Zhang Xiao nodded, smiled and said, "You're right, but we need to look for candidates as soon as possible. After all, the capital market is ever-changing, and opportunities are often fleeting. We can't delay any longer."

"Yes, although the capital market is relatively stable now, we have to prepare early." Ye Shijiang said helplessly.

In fact, this is also very normal. As a newly established investment company, it is not so easy to recruit a person in charge with a strategic vision. So far, although Zhang Xiao has attracted many people's attention to this talent, he still Nothing satisfactory was found.

At this time, the midnight bell rang, Zhang Xiao glanced at the wall clock on the wall, saw that it was already twelve o'clock, and said to Ye Shijiang embarrassedly: "Boss Ye, let's go to have supper?"

"Okay, I just don't know where there is supper now." Ye Shijiang felt hungry immediately after being told by Zhang Xiao, and agreed with a smile.

"I know there is a small shop with authentic Shanxian mutton soup, let's try it?" Hou Shuyan said with a smile at this time.

"Okay, you lead us there." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation. He had heard about Shanxian mutton soup for a long time. It was winter, and it was a good time to have mutton soup.

The three of them didn't stay in the office, they directly got into the Mercedes-Benz driven by Guo Feng, and headed towards the small shop of Shanxian Mutton Soup.

The reason why Shanxian mutton soup can be praised by Chinese people is because of its unique style.

Shanxian mutton soup is included in the famous Chinese recipes with its unique style of "white like milk, blending water and fat, pure texture, fresh but not smelly, fragrant but not greasy, rotten but not sticky".

The only soup that is included in the recipe is Shanxian mutton soup, which is called "the first soup in China" by Chinese people, and Shanxian mutton soup is known as the famous soup of Chinese cuisine!

Shanxian mutton soup actually has a history of thousands of years, but it was not until more than 200 years ago that the mutton restaurant jointly established by Xu, Dou and Zhou's family really went to the whole country and became a rare delicacy.

Shanxian mutton soup uses fresh mutton as the main ingredient. When cooking, first use mutton bones to pad the bottom of the pot, and then add mutton and pepper, anise, angelica, cinnamon, cinnamon, tangerine peel, Amomum seed, green onion, ginger and other condiments. Add water and simmer until the meat is cooked and the soup is milky white.

When eating, take the cooked mutton in the soup and chop it up, put it in a bowl, then serve it with mutton soup, add refined salt, minced garlic, coriander, and spicy oil, and eat it while it is hot. Shan, can be described as a must.

In the sales process, every time water is added, a certain amount of raw meat is added for cooking, and it is added when it is sold out to keep the soup delicious.

In addition, there are mutton soups cooked with mutton as the main ingredient, such as Tianhua soup, mouth soup, belly soup, milk dregs soup, heart, liver, lung and intestine soup, etc., with different colors, aromas and tastes. Eating together is a perfect match.

Although the Shanxian mutton soup restaurant in the capital city looks small, the inside area is not small at all.

Even at midnight, there were still many diners coming, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help but look forward to the Shanxian mutton soup.

Maybe it is for publicity, there is an unprotected stove not far from the entrance of the small shop, but it is a pity to clearly see the mutton in a big pot constantly tumbling in the boiling soup, which makes people can't help but whet their appetite.

There is no private room here, and Zhang Xiao and Ye Shijiang didn't care. After sitting down on a vacant solid wooden dining table, Hou Shuyan and Guo Feng went to the front to serve soup.

After a while, four bowls of mutton soup and a stove of biscuits were brought over. The unique aroma made Zhang Xiao unable to resist his taste buds.

"Boss, Mr. Ye, this is the seasoning. You can add it according to your own taste. You can try it yourself." Hou Shuyan put the seasoning beside the table in the middle of the table and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was not polite either. After adding some refined salt, coriander and spicy oil, Zhang Xiao started to eat.

I have to say that eating a steaming bowl of mutton soup is a rare treat in this cold winter.

With the last sip of mutton soup in his stomach, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but let out a satisfied sigh: "It's really good, this is the best mutton soup I've ever had."

"Thank you for the compliment. The mutton and water in the store are specially transported from my hometown. We are relieved that all the diners like it." The middle-aged woman who was cleaning up the dishes said with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, the business is very good." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Of course, our Shanxian mutton soup is famous all over the country, and we use the most authentic method. In addition, it is winter, and people who like it will rush over to try it, and now there are more and more repeat customers. We are all prepared A branch has opened." The middle-aged woman said with a smile, her tone full of pride.

"A life with hope is good." Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing.

"That is, the country is developing better and better, and people's lives are getting happier. Who is full of hope for the future?" The middle-aged woman smiled, her face full of happiness.

After getting out of the mutton restaurant, Zhang Xiao smiled and said as soon as he got into the car: "Actually, from the business of the mutton restaurant, we can see that people's lives are getting better and better, which means that people's consumption power is also gradually improving. It means that the era of personal computers and mobile phones has arrived, so we still need to continue to deepen the field of computers, and we must also catch up in the field of mobile communications.”

"Consumption power determines the size of the market. Last year, the sales volume of computers reached 560 million units, of which the sales volume of notebook computers reached 35 units. This is only the statistics of branded machines, excluding various assembled machines in various places. I think this year The sales volume will increase significantly." Hou Shuyan said with a smile, these data are not actually calculated by the official, but Hongyuan Group's own statistics.

These data have not been announced in the group yet, even Ye Shijiang is not clear about it, but Hou Shuyan is very familiar with it.

"That's a lot! How much is the sales volume expected to reach this year?" Ye Shijiang asked without hesitation, having changed his mentality at this moment.

"It is expected to double, but no detailed research has been conducted yet." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Ye Shijiang nodded, but he felt that what Zhang Xiao said was not too radical. Judging from the current situation, the sales of computers this year will only get faster and faster, especially the number of commercial computers will reach a blowout Growth, this is the conclusion he came to after looking at the survey data these days.

After sending Ye Shijiang and Hou Shuyan to their residences, Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard. At this time, Shen Biyu was already asleep. Zhang Xiao did not wake her up, but fell asleep beside her after taking a bath.

The next morning, when Zhang Xiao came to the office, he found that Academician Ni was already waiting in the office.

"Academician Ni, what are you doing today? Are you here so early?" Zhang Xiao said while handing the coat to Hou Shuyan.

"Boss, I think we still need to pay more attention to the computer-aided design software cad. We have been using autocad before, but it runs on the win operating system. This is not a long-term solution for our company." Academician Ni looked He said solemnly.

Utilize computer and its graphic equipment to help designers carry out design work, referred to as cad.In engineering and product design, computers help designers with tasks such as calculations, information storage, and graphics.In the design, it is usually necessary to use a computer to perform a large number of calculations, analyzes and comparisons on different schemes to determine the optimal scheme; all kinds of design information, whether it is digital, text or graphics, can be stored in the memory of the computer or externally. The designer usually starts the design with a sketch, and the heavy work of turning the sketch into a working drawing can be handed over to the computer; the computer can be used to edit, zoom in, zoom out, translate, and rotate graphics. graphic data processing work.Fun Court

However, Hongyuan Group is still using autocad, which is also the most used software by almost all designers.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded at Academician Ni's proposal. The computer-aided design software cad has always been a pain in Zhang Xiao's heart, but there is nothing he can do about it. After all, the current autocad is really powerful and has complete functions. He wants to change It is even more difficult, but Hongyuan Group has its own computer operating system after all. If it cannot use its own computer operating system in the design process, but has to use a competitor's operating system, this will make all designers psychologically troubled. Feel like a dwarf.

So Zhang Xiao knows very well that the computer-aided design software cad must be solved as soon as possible.

"What are your plans?" Zhang Xiao asked Academician Ni.

"Establish a special R&D team and start three months of hard work, trying to complete the functional design before the construction of Greentown's electronics industry base project is completed next year, and then continue to improve in the process of use, thereby replacing the use of autocad in the group." Ni The academician has a clear idea about this, and obviously has gone through detailed research.

"I completely agree with your idea, you can form a new project team, and then propose a project plan, don't worry about the cost, I will fully support." Zhang Xiao is very clear about how much it is to design a CAD suitable for Shenhua's computer operating system. It is very important, which can not only satisfy the use within the group, but also allow it to be used as a tool to penetrate into the competition in the computer market.

Once Hongyuan Group's cad is developed, as long as its functions can be comparable to autocad, then Shenhua's computer operating system is bound to usher in a new round of expansion, which is of positive significance.

"Boss, this involves going to other companies to poach people, which may cost a lot." Academician Ni said a little impressively.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood that after Academician Ni said so much, he was actually waiting for him here. Otherwise, with Academician Ni's status, he could settle all these projects with one word, and he didn't need to discuss with Zhang Xiao at all.

But if it involves a large-scale expansion of the staffing, then the operation will be much simpler after Zhang Xiao agrees, and there is no need to rely on the faces of the personnel department and the finance department.

"Take out the project plan as soon as possible, and list the required personnel and funds. I will decide on the next move after reading it." Zhang Xiao said helplessly. Helpless, after all, this is also a great test for the group's salary system.

Academician Ni chuckled, handed a document to Zhang Xiao and said, "This is the CAD project plan, please take a look, if there is no problem, you can sign it."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Academician Ni had already dug a hole for him to jump in, but he was good enough to jump in without hesitation, and even dug several meters down by himself.

The key is that Zhang Xiao is still willing, which makes Zhang Xiao feel helpless. He finds that Academician Ni has changed a lot in the past two years. He has learned to beat around the bush when talking about things. Zhang Xiao suffered several losses, the key point is that Zhang Xiao is willing to suffer from this loss.

Zhang Xiao took over the project plan, and after a brief review, he found that there was no major problem in it, except that the staffing was a bit too much, requiring 50 people, and with academician Ni's nature, doubling the number sometimes couldn't keep up .

"Do you need so many people?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise. In his opinion, an application software shouldn't need so many talents.

"Be prepared, I'm going to let them go hand in hand and speed up the research and development." Academician Ni said with a chuckle.

Although Zhang Xiao had some doubts about Academician Ni's approach, he still signed his name on the project plan. For him, this is not a big problem, and based on his understanding of Academician Ni, this project plan It must have been mixed with Academician Ni's other ideas, and he didn't bother to get to the bottom of it.

After seeing Zhang Xiao's signature and seal, Academician Ni immediately smiled, and said with a smile: "Boss, with your support, the work of our R&D center will be much faster. Next, you can look forward to it."

"It's fine if you're happy, but Academician Ni, let's talk about the ugly things first. Unrealistic research in the R&D center is not allowed. All R&D projects must be approved by me before they can be carried out." Zhang Xiaowang said seriously, I am not worried about academician Ni Zhang Xiao, but I am afraid that he will start researching some unrealistic things, which will affect the research and development work that is already tight in research and development funds.

"Don't worry, boss, I will." Academician Ni readily agreed without hesitation. This is also because he has learned the previous lesson and did not study the scenarios that may appear in his mind decades later.

For example, he no longer thinks about strange ideas such as human beings flying into the sky, traveling through the infinite, etc., but is moving forward step by step according to the current situation.

Zhang Xiao nodded. He was skeptical of Academician Ni's willingness to agree to Zhang Xiao, but he did not continue to ask questions. unrealistic research.

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