Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 433 Responsible for Sales

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Ye Shijiang immediately understood that Zhang Xiao was dissatisfied with his suggestion, but he didn't say it clearly. This made Ye Shijiang feel puzzled, but he didn't know where to start.

Zhang Xiao actually knows that Ye Shijiang's proposal is not a big problem. It is indeed a relatively successful experience in foreign countries to develop commercial real estate and residential real estate at the same time, but that is the product of foreign real estate development to a certain stage. The current domestic situation is not It is different.

Urbanization should be a gradual development process, but domestic urbanization will go faster in the coming time, which has caused a series of problems, and the chaos of real estate development is just one aspect of it.

How to control the coordinated development of the two real estate models is also a multiple-choice question for Zhang Xiao. After all, foreign experience cannot be directly used in many cases, which makes the development of Hongyuan Real Estate full of uncertainties, but there are also problems. One advantage is that Zhang Xiao can use Zhang Xiao's foresight to promote Hongyuan Real Estate to obtain greater profits at the smallest cost.

"Mr. Ye, we can't directly use foreign real estate development experience. After all, the national conditions are different, and we can't make empiricist mistakes." Zhang Xiao said to Ye Shijiang with a smile. This is also Zhang Xiao's admonition to him. Whether Ye Shijiang can listen to it remains to be seen.

Ye Shijiang nodded bitterly. He knew very well that making empiricist mistakes is a problem that returnees like him have always had. go in.

"Boss, I understand that I will try my best to change all the ways of thinking to better adapt to the domestic situation." Ye Shijiang said seriously. Finding and solving the problem is not a big deal to Ye Shijiang. How big is the face.

"You can understand, I'm very happy. The situation at home and abroad is different. It is destined that we can't make decisions based on experience in dealing with many things, but also according to the specific situation and policies in China." Zhang Xiao said in a deep tone, and at the same time he I feel gratified that Ye Shijiang's pragmatism allows him to let go of his body and accept mistakes, which also makes him happy.

"Then I'll study what we're discussing about the development of real estate projects. Now let's discuss the third aspect?" Ye Shijiang didn't care about it, and said with a smile.

"Okay." Zhang Xiao nodded without hesitation.

"The third aspect is the electronics industry led by microelectronics technology companies, including Shenhua Computer, which occupies a large-scale personal computer market, and various supporting electronic products, as well as chip technology companies. High-tech chip manufacturing enterprises, as well as the soon-to-be-built Greentown Electronics Industry Base, are destined to be the most important part of our Hongyuan Group, which is why I put the discussion at the end."

"The current market of the electronics industry is getting bigger and bigger, and it is expected to become stronger in the next time. This is both an opportunity and a challenge. If we want the group to have the competitiveness beyond others in the electronics field, then our The level of scientific research must be continuously improved, and our products must be updated on a daily basis, which requires us to have our own plans and plans for the production and operation of the entire electronic product." Ye Shijiang obviously made a lot of preparations. The understanding of the electronics industry is much more detailed, which is also related to Zhang Xiao's emphasis on the electronics industry.

Ye Shijiang began to introduce the situation of the electronics industry, not only the domestic situation, but also the international situation of the electronics industry.

The electronics industry usually refers to all electronics-related industries, including a series of industrial modules such as upstream and downstream components, complete machine manufacturing, electronic production equipment and material manufacturing, and electronic manufacturing services.

The electronics industry is an industry that develops and produces electronic equipment and various electronic components, devices, instruments, and meters.It is composed of production industries such as radio and television equipment, communication and navigation equipment, radar equipment, electronic computers, electronic components, electronic instruments and meters, and other electronic special equipment.

According to the current classification of the electronics industry, the electronics industry includes the radar industry, the communication equipment industry, the radio and television equipment industry, the computer industry, the software industry, the household audio-visual equipment industry, the electronic measuring instrument industry, and the special equipment industry for the electronics industry industry, electronic component industry, electronic device industry, electronic information electromechanical product industry, and electronic information product special material industry.

At present, the electronic industry of Hongyuan Group is mainly the electronic computer industry and the soon-to-be-established communication equipment industry. These two are also the two fastest-growing industries. Both Zhang Xiao and Ye Shijiang are aware of the importance of this, so they started serious discussion.

"According to the current incomplete statistics, the demand of the domestic electronics industry exceeds [-] billion, and it is expected to grow rapidly in the future. In the field of electronic computers and communications, the scale will continue to expand, especially the popularity of personal computers. And the popularity of mobile communications will be the catalyst for the entire industry." Ye Shijiang said seriously.

Zhang Xiao also agrees with this, and he knows that the development speed of personal computers and mobile communication terminals will far exceed people's imagination. In the process, a series of giant enterprises will be catalyzed, and the current production capacity of Hongyuan Group is far from being large.

However, Hongyuan Group also has its own advantages. As the market share of Shenhua Computer and Shenhua Computer Operating System continues to rise, more and more software companies have to pay attention to cooperation with Hongyuan Group. After all, the users of software companies decide Software development, all software development that deviates from users is a product doomed to failure.

On the contrary, as long as it meets the needs of users, even products with little technological content will be recognized by people and thus be needed by people.

Just like the office software developed by Jinshan Software before, it was doomed to the tragedy of Jinshan Software if it deviated from the actual development. After Zhang Xiao became a shareholder, Jinshan Software has undergone a series of reforms, and the software development has more face-to-face problems. It lost users, and it also made Jinshan Software reborn from the ashes, and it developed faster than in the previous life.

After listening to Ye Shijiang's introduction to the entire electronics industry, Zhang Xiao asked with a smile: "Mr. Ye, then which direction do you think we should develop?"

Ye Shijiang listened to Zhang Xiao's question, and said with a solemn expression: "Hongyuan Group has already come to the forefront of the industry in the computer field, so the advantage must be maintained. This is also the basis for us to gain a foothold in the electronics industry. In addition, we must also take advantage of our technical reserves and other advantages in the field of mobile communications to widen the gap with other domestic companies and become a leader in the industry."

"Only in this way can Hongyuan Group cope with domestic and foreign challenges in the next development and become a leader in the domestic electronics industry. Although it is very difficult, this is what we must do."

Zhang Xiao nodded, but he also knows that it is easy to say, but it is too difficult to do. If you want to maintain the current leading position of Hongyuan Group in the electronics industry, you must continue to invest a lot in research and development, and this It means that the cost continues to rise, and this is inevitable.

"I will order Academician Ni to lead the R&D center to strive for a breakthrough in high-end chip design this year, so that our Hongyuan Group can develop a full range of chips instead of relying on foreign chip designs." Zhang Xiao gritted his teeth and said firmly. Open your mouth and say.

Ye Shijiang also understood Zhang Xiao's investment in this aspect, and he had no objection to it, on the contrary, he strongly supported it.

"According to Moore's Law, the next chip update will be launched on a large scale by the end of this year, so our time is very tight." Ye Shijiang nodded and said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little helpless. After all, Hongyuan Group's current research and development foundation is still a little weak, which has caused a lag in research and development. Although after a period of supplementary lessons, it has already completed catching up with low-end chips, but Moore's Law Like a reminder, it kept urging Zhang Xiao and the R&D center to run as fast as they could.

Moore's Law is the experience of Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel. Its core content is that the number of transistors that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will double approximately every 18 months.

Moore's Law is the experience of Moore, an insider. It is regarded as a law, not a law of natural science, but it reveals the speed of information technology progress to a certain extent.

For now, "Moore's Law" is summarized into three "versions": the first is that everyone is familiar with, the number of circuits integrated on an integrated circuit chip doubles every 18 months.

The second version is that the performance of the microprocessor doubles every 18 months, while the price of the cut will drop in half.

The third version is the computer performance that can be bought with one dollar, quadrupling every 18 months.

Among the above three statements, the first statement is the most common, while the second and third two statements involve price factors, but their essence is the same.Although the three theories have their own advantages and disadvantages, they have one thing in common, that is, the "doubling" cycle is 18 months, and now the time since the last chip update is undoubtedly shorter.

Both Zhang Xiao and Ye Shijiang looked solemn. After all, the research and development of Hongyuan Group is still on the way to catch up with the previous generation of chips. Once the new chips come out, it will definitely have a huge impact on Shenhua Computer, and this result is unpredictable. .

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but think of the various changes of the Lianxiang Group. Why isn't he waiting for the new generation of chips to come out? This is also the advantage of the Lianxiang Group.

And once Shenhua Computer loses the advantage of self-produced chips, then Lianxiang Group may not have the possibility of turning around. After all, for Lianxiang Group, they do not need to invest in research and development, they only need to assemble new chips after they come out. , will undoubtedly shorten the product update cycle, and this is obviously more troublesome for Hongyuan Group.

However, Zhang Xiao has already planned for this. As the 32-bit computing is about to become history, Zhang Xiao directly asked the R&D department to start the in-depth research and development of 64-bit computing, and also arranged for a team to develop [-]-bit computing. Xiao is still not clear about the progress, but Zhang Xiao is clear that Academician Ni has never slackened in the research and development of the central processing unit.

"Mr. Ye, we always have to look forward. We don't have to be too nervous about things that haven't happened yet. What's more, what we're going to discuss now is the overall development of the entire group in the electronics industry. Of course, head products must catch up. But other products are the main source of our profits, so how to maximize profits will be the top priority of your future work." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"It's because I worry too much. Academician Ni is still responsible for the research and development center. The most important thing is for me to do a good job in serving them." Ye Shijiang also laughed suddenly. In the final analysis, it is still the focus of his work. problem of emphasis.

"It's great if you think so, so I'll give you the sales status of all the company's products. You have to make reasonable sales arrangements based on the current situation and try to expand the sales scale." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

The reason why Zhang Xiao arranged it this way is because Zhang Xiao found that Ye Shijiang was not experienced in manufacturing, but he was unique in the overall situation. Letting him be responsible for all sales would also allow him to achieve results in a short period of time. Establish its position within the group.

In addition, Zhang Xiao also wanted to observe Ye Shijiang's ability in the next arrangement, so as to make more reasonable arrangements.

Ye Shijiang does not have much objection to this, after all he is aware of his shortcomings, but these can be made up for through learning, what he has to do now is to make contributions to get the recognition of the group's senior management, including Zhang Xiao, Without grades, the higher the position, the greater the pressure.

The following conversation became much more relaxed. Zhang Xiao began to talk to Ye Shijiang about the Hong Kong Island Investment Company. After all, Ye Shijiang was in charge of it.

"For now, the situation of Hong Kong Island Investment Company is still good. In just a few months, the layout in the financial market has been deep enough, and the rest depends on the reaction of the market to make arrangements, but The current profit has reached 8000 million US dollars, which is enough to explain to all investors." Ye Shijiang concluded after introducing the basic situation of the Hong Kong Island Investment Company.

Zhang Xiao has actually read Ye Shijiang's report and is satisfied with his performance in the investment company on Hong Kong Island. He said with a smile: "As far as the current stable market operation is concerned, the income is not bad, and it is enough to deal with investors. Yes. But what do you think of the person in charge of the investment company?"

"Boss, I think it is more appropriate to find people from Hong Kong Island or overseas markets. After all, we are facing overseas markets." Ye Shijiang suggested.


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