Zhang Xiao didn't want to speculate too much about Zhang Rujin's real thoughts. After all, it was useless to think too much, and everything depended on Zhang Rujin's choice.

And Zhang Xiao also has his own plan, no matter whether Zhang Rujin joins Hongyuan Group or not, his development path in the semiconductor industry will not change, and Zhang Xiao knows very well that the rapid development of the semiconductor industry is the foundation of all hardware, otherwise no matter other software industries No matter how rapid the development is, it is nothing more than a bubble of prosperity.

But Zhang Xiao is also very clear that as Shenhua Computer has continuously lowered the price of computers in the past two years, the number of personal computers in China has continued to increase, and the wave of the Internet is coming, and this is another way of making money that Zhang Xiao wants to create. source.

After all, with the passage of time, the retail industry dominated by supermarkets will eventually enter a decline, and the rapid development of the Internet will definitely become the mainstream of this society. Although Zhang Xiao is very clear that the cold winter of the Internet is coming, this is not Hongyuan. Group opportunities.

In order to obtain dividends in the midst of the Internet explosion, Zhang Xiao has continuously invested in those seemingly inconspicuous Internet start-up companies in the past two years. Starting from the angel round, it has never stopped. There is no Internet company directly under it, but Zhang Xiao has a lot of preparations.

For example, Zhang Xiao has invested in most of the domestic Internet companies that are popular all over the world in later generations. Although there is no significant effect yet, after Zhang Xiao, this day will surely come.

Zhang Xiao has invested in various fields such as search, social networking, and e-commerce, targeting precisely those Internet companies. When they need capital, Zhang Xiao will show up in real time to provide them with generous funds, so that They can develop faster.

In fact, the main reason why Zhang Xiao didn't let Hongyuan Group directly form an Internet company is that Zhang Xiao didn't think he would be bettered by those talented people.

That night, Zhang Xiao and Ye Shijiang started to discuss the development direction of Hongyuan Group in their office, which was something that Zhang Xiao and Ye Shijiang had already agreed upon.

Zhang Xiao hung a printed piece of paper on the wall, which clearly marked all the current business operations of Hongyuan Group, each department and each subsidiary company had detailed logos, and Hongyuan Group was among them. shareholding status.

Ye Shijiang looked at the piece of paper on the wall, but felt an inexplicable shock. Although he was well aware of the current business scope of Hongyuan Group, it was far less shocking than the piece of paper hanging on the wall at the moment.

"Boss, I don't know if I don't sort it out. Now it seems that our Hongyuan Group has a lot of business." Ye Shijiang sighed while looking at the Hongyuan Group's business network map on the wall.

Zhang Xiao is used to this, although he was surprised when he first saw it, but he is used to it now.

"At present, our Hongyuan Group has three business directions. One is the retail group system headed by Minmin Supermarket, which includes Minmin Supermarket, express delivery company and storage company."

"The second is the electronics industry led by microelectronics technology companies, including microelectronics technology companies, Hongyuan Chip Technology Co., Ltd., Greentown Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd."

"The third is the real estate industry headed by Hongyuan Real Estate, which includes the three subsidiaries of Hongyuan Real Estate, Hongyuan Construction and Hongyuan Property."

"In addition, our Hongyuan Group also has a research and development center affiliated to the headquarters, as well as a Hong Kong Island Investment Company."

Hou Shuyan started to introduce the current business distribution of Hongyuan Group. Although Zhang Xiao and Ye Shijiang knew it well, Hou Shuyan's introduction undoubtedly made it more objective and specific.

Following Hou Shuyan's introduction, Zhang Xiao also began to draw lines on the map with a black marker, and Ye Shijiang also began to think about what Zhang Xiao and he were going to talk about today.

Ye Shijiang knew very well what Zhang Xiao was going to talk to him about, so he also made a lot of preparations. After all, he knew that his position was not secure. Although Zhang Xiao trusted him, when he did not make outstanding contributions, He will not be respected by the heads of various subsidiaries, so he wants to do something when he returns to the headquarters of Hongyuan Group.

After Hou Shuyan's introduction, Zhang Xiao asked Ye Shijiang: "Mr. Ye, tell me, how should the three businesses of our group be integrated and planned, so as to better exert the competitiveness they should have?"

Obviously, Zhang Xiao is not very satisfied with the current development of Hongyuan Group's various subsidiaries, otherwise he would not discuss these matters with Ye Shijiang alone.

Ye Shijiang took a deep breath, calmed down and said: "Although the current three businesses are developing smoothly, we must plan ahead and integrate resources and plan from a deep level, so that the three businesses are more competitive. ability to adapt to the ever-changing market.”

"The first is the retail industry. At present, the scale of Minmin Supermarket is large enough, and the initial nationwide layout has been completed. It is currently the largest retail enterprise in China and has the largest customer flow, so we need to plan professionally. and design. For example, the home appliance market is expanding rapidly. We need to open up new business modules to inject new growth points into the people's supermarket. In addition to home appliances, we can also work hard on clothing, raw vegetables, etc. , so that the rapid development of the retail industry can be sustained.” Ye Shijiang obviously conducted research on the current market, so when he talked about the business direction of the retail industry, he did it with substance.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and was satisfied with what Ye Shijiang said. At present, the People's Supermarket has indeed reached a development bottleneck period. It is necessary to convert the traffic into sales as soon as possible, so as to further deepen the position of the People's Supermarket in the retail industry, and make the People's Supermarket even better. If it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it is imperative to seek the growth point of the industry.

Both home appliances and clothing are high-profit modules, and it is imperative to open up new business areas. This is also the only way to maintain the status of Minmin Supermarket in the retail industry. Zhang Xiao knows very well that with the current Traffic, which can guarantee profits, at least not lose money.

"Boss Ye, I agree to this matter in principle, so after tonight, you can discuss it with Li Mingxuan and come up with a plan as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao said solemnly.

"Okay, boss." Ye Shijiang was very happy to get Zhang Xiao's approval. After all, as long as Zhang Xiao agrees, everyone else must cooperate.

"Let's talk about the other two aspects." Zhang Xiao continued.

"The second aspect, I want to talk about real estate." Ye Shijiang clicked on the real estate module and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was a little surprised, but still nodded, signaling Ye Shijiang to continue.

"Last year, I visited Hong Kong Island and Japan, two densely populated places. During the investigation, I found a very interesting thing, that is, the more densely populated the place, the faster the development of the real estate industry. The more promising it is, and in places with relatively small populations, the development of the real estate industry is sluggish." Ye Shijiang said with a smile, but his words revealed a clear point of view.

"So I think in China, if real estate companies want to develop sustainably and develop faster and more stably, then we must implement the strategy of land development only in large cities. I think we need to clarify this point, so as to reduce the risk." Ye Shijiang said very seriously.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but fell into deep thought. In the development of future generations, real estate development projects are being launched all over the country and blooming everywhere. It looks like prosperity, but the risks involved are constantly expanding, especially the implementation of the pre-sale mechanism. The entire real estate industry is in chaos, and various magical operations emerge in endlessly.

Now that Hongyuan Real Estate is in its infancy, it is the best time to formally establish policies. At this time, both the development strategy and the planned goals must be determined as soon as possible. Only in this way can Hongyuan Real Estate not get lost in the next development.

"What you said makes sense, you continue to talk." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"At present, real estate in the world is roughly divided into two types, one is commercial real estate and the other is residential real estate. These two models have their own advantages and disadvantages, but I think I need to choose a real estate model for development instead of launching a horse randomly. , which has a great impact on the brand building of real estate." Ye Shijiang continued.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking of the advantages and disadvantages of the two real estate models.

The difference and advantages of commercial real estate and residential real estate are first of all that commercial real estate and residential real estate are different in function.

The functional requirements of residential real estate are relatively simple, mainly to meet people's living functions and provide people with a shelter from wind and rain.

The functions of commercial real estate are more complicated. The most basic function of commercial real estate is to serve as the infrastructure for commodity circulation, to undertake the function of commodity circulation and display, and to meet people's shopping needs.At the same time, commercial real estate can also carry other functions, such as catering functions, entertainment functions, leisure functions, business functions, etc.

It can be seen from here that the development of commercial real estate has more development prospects, and the only advantage of living in real estate is that it is quick to get started and can be copied quickly.

In the second aspect, commercial real estate and residential real estate are also very different in terms of location selection.

Residential real estate has more flexibility in choosing locations. Regardless of the city center, the suburbs, or the wilderness, housing can be developed, and various marketing strategies can be used.

But commercial real estate is completely different. Once commercial real estate leaves the urban area and comes to the suburbs, it needs to carry out new cultivation of the business content and format of the business, and the probability of failure will increase greatly. cascoo.

In the third aspect, the potential customers of commercial real estate and residential real estate are different. Residential real estate involves a narrower level of customers, while commercial real estate involves a wider range of customers.

"Actually, I am more inclined towards commercial real estate. After all, for our Hongyuan Group, we have a good foundation in commercial real estate. This is where our Hongyuan Group's advantages lie. Turn it into output of production capacity." Ye Shijiang said with certainty.

Regarding Ye Shijiang's statement, Zhang Xiao is clear that the future of commercial real estate is not very long. With the development of the Internet and the rise of the Internet economy, e-commerce will undoubtedly have an unparalleled impact on traditional business models, and commercial real estate will definitely bear the brunt However, commercial real estate still has great development prospects in the next ten to 15 years.

Residential real estate is the foundation of the entire real estate industry. Compared with the particularity of commercial real estate, residential real estate is more common and more in line with the needs of the public. Its prospects are even better than commercial real estate. Zhang Xiao has to think about how to do it.

As Ye Shijiang said, brand building is particularly important in the real estate industry. A good real estate brand can save a lot of marketing funds, which plays a big role in ensuring the profits of real estate projects.

"Mr. Ye, in fact, the development model of commercial real estate is doomed to its limitations, and there are at most two or three suitable for the construction of commercial real estate in each big city, and our Hongyuan Real Estate will definitely not be limited to commercial real estate, so I think Whether it is commercial real estate or residential real estate, specific issues must be analyzed in detail.”

"However, you are right in saying that whether it is commercial real estate or residential real estate, it needs to be built in a big city with a denser flow of people. Only in this way can we ensure that there will be more buyers and no fewer buyers." Zhang Xiao said with certainty.

Ye Shijiang couldn't help but nodded, but he still felt that commercial real estate has more prospects and future, but he also knew that, as Zhang Xiao said, commercial real estate has great limitations in construction, and he can't copy it quickly, so It means the reduction of projects, which certainly cannot satisfy Zhang Xiao's mentality of pursuing scale.

"Boss, I think we still need to think carefully. After all, real estate is an asset-heavy industry. If you make a mistake, you will face huge losses." Ye Shijiang had to remind Zhang Xiao that large-scale operations are good, but blindly pursuing scale , will inevitably increase the risk.

Zhang Xiao is a little helpless, he sees farther than Ye Shijiang, but the current real estate market is indeed tepid, and the pursuit of scale means risk, but Zhang Xiao knows how crazy real estate will be in the future. In cities, no matter how your real estate is developed, it will be sold out quickly. After all, with the continuous development of the country's economy, the siphon effect of big cities is constantly increasing, which makes more and more people migrate to big cities.

And population is the foundation of all economies. Once the demographic dividend is lost, economic development will inevitably fall into a period of stagflation. At that time, the real risk will lie, and it is too early to say anything.

However, Zhang Xiao's words must not be shared with Ye Shijiang, so he could only say to Ye Shijiang: "The particularity of the real estate industry means that we cannot make a decision with one word, and we have to make a decision based on market research."

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