At 06:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao and Hou Shuyan first ate at the restaurant of the group, and then headed for the charity party by car.

This year's charity gala was held at the Capital Hotel, and the grade was much higher than last year. When Zhang Xiao came to the lobby of the Capital Hotel, someone greeted him immediately.

"Zhang Dong, welcome to come." Li Wanquan, the vice president of the Charity Federation, said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

Li Wanquan is in his 50s. As the vice president of the Charity Federation, he is a long-sleeved and good at dancing. When the president is not in charge, Li Wanquan is the general manager.

"President Li, you are too polite." Zhang Xiao said to Li Wanquan very politely. Over the past year, Zhang Xiao and Li Wanquan have met several times, and they have donated to several charity projects. It was a pleasure to cooperate.

"I'll take you there." Li Wanquan said with a smile. This is not because Li Wanquan is being polite. Compared with other entrepreneurs, private companies like Zhang Xiao are more liked by Li Wanquan.

After all, such a private enterprise does not have too many constraints on charity, and more decisions are made by the boss.

"Mr. Zhang, we will have an award ceremony tonight, which is to present awards to outstanding figures who made great contributions to charity last year. I hope Mr. Zhang can say a few words." Li Wanquan said as he walked.

"No problem, I won the award after all, if I don't speak, what if you take down the trophy?" Zhang Xiao chatted with Li Wanquan with a smile, and at the same time paid attention to the guests around.

In fact, Zhang Xiao had already been notified. Li Wanquan now said that it was just to let Zhang Xiao remember the link. Besides, Li Wanquan put Zhang Xiao first, and naturally hoped that Zhang Xiao could donate more funds in the coming year.

"Look at what you said, the names on the medals are all printed. If you don't accept them, who can I award them to?" Li Wanquan responded to Zhang Xiao's teasing with a smile, and at the same time introduced to Zhang Xiao where he came from today. entrepreneur.

Zhang Xiao also shook hands and greeted these entrepreneurs one after another. For Zhang Xiao, he was no stranger to such scenes.

With the rapid development of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao is naturally a sweet bun in the eyes of all entrepreneurs in the country, and they also hope to reach more cooperation with Zhang Xiao.

After greeting all the entrepreneurs who came first, Zhang Xiao took Hou Shuyan to sit down in his seat.

"Boss, who do you think is next to us?" Hou Shuyan tugged at Zhang Xiao's arm and said in a low voice.

Zhang Xiao looked at the seat next to him, and couldn't help being taken aback, because the nameplate of Lianxiang Group was stuck on the seat next to him, which made Zhang Xiao a little surprised.

After all, everyone in the industry now knows that Microelectronics Technology Company and Lianxiang Group are engaged in fierce competition in the computer field. Although Microelectronics Technology Company has an advantage in technology and price, Lianxiang Group still relies on its deep connections Supported by resources, especially government procurement, more are given to Lianxiang Group, and Zhang Xiao has nothing to do about it.

"Why did the organizer arrange us together?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Could it be that there are ulterior motives, otherwise there would be no such arrangement." Hou Shuyan was also a little anxious at the moment, she was really afraid that Zhang Xiao would quarrel with Director Liu of Lianxiang Group after meeting, and that would be big news.

"If you come, you will be safe. Besides, we have the upper hand now, and it is Liu Dong who is even more upset." Zhang Xiao said indifferently at the moment.

At this moment, Li Wanquan led Liu Dong and his party from Lianxiang Group into the banquet hall, and immediately many people greeted them.

It has to be said that Liu Dong's status is deeply rooted in the corporate world. Even though the current Lianxiang Group is not as good as the microelectronics technology company in terms of business, it is still an existence that many people look up to.

Coupled with Liu Dong's 20 years of business operation, he has formed a huge network of relationships, and there are more companies with interests in him than Zhang Xiao's Hongyuan Group, which also makes Liu Dong more popular as soon as he arrives.

"Boss, there are quite a few people admiring him." Hou Shuyan felt a little bit aggrieved for Zhang Xiao, after all, judging from the scene, Dong Liu was more popular than Zhang Xiao, which made Hou Shuyan extremely unhappy.

"Yeah, from here we can see that Lianxiang Group and Liu Dong are indeed superior, and this is something we have to learn from." Zhang Xiao looked at the problem from another angle, which is also Zhang Xiao needs a place to grow up.

Hou Shuyan curled her lips, but she didn't speak. After all, Dong Liu had brought someone over at this moment.

Dong Liu saw Zhang Xiao next to his seat at a glance, frowned slightly, but then smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "Mr. Zhang, you really are a good-looking talent."

"Liu Dong, it's better to meet Liu Dong than to hear about it for a long time. Zhang Xiao really admires Liu Dong." Zhang Xiao said with a smile. Regarding Liu Dong, regardless of his standpoint, Zhang Xiao still admires Liu Dong very much, no matter how he wins people over or beats dissidents. approach can be considered classic.

But standing on the opposite side, Zhang Xiao is extremely vigilant towards Liu Dong, because he doesn't know what Liu Dong will do before the shareholders meeting is about to be held.

After all, with Liu Dong's personality, he would never sit still, and how to turn the situation of Lianxiang Group's business around was what he had to do.

Dong Liu didn't take Zhang Xiao's words to heart, but nodded with a smile, and sat down in his seat.

Next, Zhang Xiao and Liu Dong did not communicate, but greeted the people who came to greet each other, and Hou Shuyan gave Zhang Xiao's business card to these people from time to time.

With the passage of time, the charity gala officially began, and various performances began on the stage amidst the sound of the host of the show.

This is actually the normal state of charity evenings. Otherwise, if people start donating money as soon as they come up, it is not in line with people's modest character. With the backdrop of song and dance performances and the host, the atmosphere will be enthusiastic. The auctioned items Only then will the price be sold.

And this year's charity gala also has an award-giving session that has never been seen in previous years. It is mainly awarded to those who made great contributions to charity last year. This also makes many people look forward to it. After all, everyone is engaged in business. Money does not come by the wind, and every donation will have various considerations.

And those who are willing to donate large sums of money are bound to be in very good business conditions, and they will be the favorite targets of these business people. After all, when everyone has funds that are not enough, short-term borrowing is also a matter of course. .

Looking at the performance on the stage, Zhang Xiao was thinking about the reason why Li Wanquan arranged him and Liu Dong together. After all, according to Zhang Xiao's inner thoughts, Li Wanquan definitely had his intentions in such an arrangement.

As the performance came to an end and Li Wanquan came on stage, everyone was full of anticipation, and the award ceremony was about to begin.

"Thank you all entrepreneurs for taking part in the charity gala held by the Charity Federation in spite of their busy schedules. I would like to thank you all for coming here."

"In the past year, the Charity Federation received more than one billion donations from all walks of life. This is a huge progress in charity and public welfare, and it also reflects that there are more and more caring people in our society..."

Li Wanquan smiled on the stage and talked about the situation of the Charity Federation last year. The development of last year was indeed gratifying. Many public welfare activities have received support from all walks of life. Many charity projects have been carried out very smoothly. As the actual person in charge of the Charity Federation Li Wanquan is naturally happy, and holding a charity party at the beginning of the year is not only to thank those who made great contributions to charity and public welfare last year, but also to prepare for this year's charity and public welfare activities.

"Next, I invite the chairman of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiaozhang, to come to the stage to accept the award."

"In the past year, Hongyuan Group donated more than 8000 million yuan for charity and public welfare, which is second to none in China. Let us welcome Chairman Zhang."

Li Wanquan applauded while looking at Zhang Xiao.

The entire banquet hall suddenly burst into applause, and everyone looked at Zhang Xiao, which also surprised them. After all, although Hongyuan Group has sprung up in the past, even though they attached great importance to it, they did not expect that Hongyuan Group would donate to Zhang Xiao last year. so much money.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao stood up, walked towards the stage with a smile on his face, and naturally received everyone's attention. Even with Zhang Xiao's mentality, he seemed a little excited. After all, this was indeed the first time for him. Accept this award.

After shaking hands with Li Wanquan, Li Wanquan handed over the certificate and crystal trophy to Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Xiao and Li Wanquan accepted the photos taken by the media reporters on the scene.

After the award ceremony, Li Wanquan said with a smile: "Dong Zhang was the top donator last year, let us listen to Dong Zhang's heartfelt donation."

After Zhang Xiao nodded to Li Wanquan, he took the microphone from Miss Etiquette and said: "Charity and public welfare are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. According to the records of "Zhou Li Local Officials", the king of Zhou once served as a central administrative official. Set up local officials and officials to help them educate the people and stabilize the world. To do a good job in charity and public welfare, it must be carried out from six aspects, namely, "to protect the interests of the people and support the people six times: one is the salesman, the other is the old-age care, and the third is relief. Poverty, the fourth is compassion for the poor, the fifth is the leniency, and the sixth is peace and prosperity'."

"The so-called "salesman", "pension", "relief for the poor", "compassion for the poor", "lenient illness", and "safety and wealth", in modern terms, mean caring for children, providing for the old, helping the poor, and supporting the poor , Preferential treatment for the disabled, appease the rich, these are the specific contents of the modern concept of charity.”

"To carry forward the spirit of humanitarianism, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation to help the poor, help the unfortunate individuals and groups in need, carry out various forms of social relief work, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious society. It is what we entrepreneurs should do. Things to do."

"On the premise of abiding by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, abide by social morality, carry forward the humanitarian spirit, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of respecting the old, caring for the young, and helping the poor, raise charitable funds, carry out elderly care, support Social assistance such as childcare, education, poverty relief, etc., helps vulnerable groups, thereby promoting social fairness and progress.”

"Doing public welfare activities is not only to give people something in material terms, but the most important thing is to spread the atmosphere of love, which means that there is still love in this world, as well as the spirit of caring for each other and unconditional contribution, spreading the atmosphere of love on our planet Up, uplift the energy of this world."

"As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will be a better place."

At the end, Zhang Xiao expressed his inner thoughts with a line of lyrics.

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, everyone couldn't help applauding, not only because of what Zhang Xiao said, but more because of their flattery to Zhang Xiao.

After Zhang Xiao returned to her seat and sat down, Hou Shuyan couldn't help but praise: "Boss, what you said is very good. If everyone is like our group, there will be a lot less poverty in this world."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling helpless. Hou Shuyan's thoughts were too simple. There are so many impoverished people in this world, and the solution to poverty cannot be solved by donating some money and materials.

To solve poverty requires the efforts of all sectors of society, and it is impossible to achieve it only by corporate donations.

And in Zhang Xiao's view, poverty is only relative. Compared with the past, people now have solved the problem of food and clothing, so it is not a kind of social progress.

As for realizing the common prosperity of society, there is still a long way to go.

The various awards ceremonies that followed during the performance had nothing to do with Zhang Xiao, but Zhang Xiao also knew many legendary bigwigs.

However, for Director Liu of the Lianxiang Group sitting next to Zhang Xiao, it was a torment. After all, in the past year, the Lianxiang Group has been outstanding in charity and public welfare undertakings, but his status is comparable to that of Zhang Xiao. Xiao is much taller, so it is inevitable that people will compare him with Zhang Xiao.

This made Liu Dong, who is extremely face-saving, secretly angry, and even Li Wanquan who arranged him here, he could not help but feel a little resentful. cascoo.

However, Dong Liu also knew that compared with Zhang Xiao who owned Hongyuan Group, he was only the person in charge of Lianxiang Group. Although he held a certain amount of shares, he was not enough to compare with Zhang Xiao.

The reason why he can be compared with Zhang Xiao is only determined by his status in the world over the years.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao has completely let go of her mind, discussing the program arrangement of the annual meeting with Hou Shuyan while discussing the quality of the program.

Since the establishment of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao has attached great importance to the group's annual meeting every year. In Zhang Xiao's view, the annual meeting can increase the cohesion of the group's employees. Even if the cost is staggering, it needs to be continued.

Especially between various departments and subsidiaries, there is not much contact in normal times, and the annual meeting is a process of increasing contact with each other, and mutual familiarity will greatly promote the development of the group in the future.

"Boss, do you think it's appropriate for me to participate now?" Hou Shuyan asked Zhang Xiao cautiously. He had a lot of ideas about the preparation of the annual meeting.

"What's inappropriate, as long as you want to do it, I won't stop it." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

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