Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 427 The backbone of the nation

The subsequent auction session of the charity party made Zhang Xiao realize the strength of many entrepreneurs and bosses. Eighteen collections provided by art masters from all walks of life were all auctioned out after four rounds of bidding, raising a total of more than 4000 million charity.

Zhang Xiao also let Hou Shuyan win the first prize with a donation of 500 million yuan, and won a painting of distant mountains provided by contemporary art masters, which is an ink landscape painting.

This ancient picture scroll was one of the 500 auction items that Zhang Xiao liked. He directly bid [-] million yuan to buy it, and Zhang Xiao continued to lead this year's charity list.

After the charity gala, Zhang Xiao took Hou Shuyan and other bosses to exchange greetings and exchange business cards with each other. Many people also came here one after another, getting acquainted with Zhang Xiao and laying the foundation for possible future cooperation.

And Liu Dong's side is also full of voices. Although Lianxiang Group encountered great difficulties last year, this did not affect Liu Dong's status at all. Liu Dong also talked and laughed happily with everyone, and it seemed that he was not affected in the slightest.

It wasn't until after eleven o'clock that Zhang Xiao finished greeting many business owners and took Hou Shuyan and Li Wanquan to say goodbye.

"President Li, I'll take my leave first. Let's make an appointment another day when we have time." Zhang Xiao said to Li Wanquan with a smile. Zhang Xiao admired Li Wanquan very much, especially his investment in charity and public welfare. Zhang Xiao dare not underestimate him.

"Mr. Zhang, after the Spring Festival, this year's charity activities will officially start. At that time, Mr. Zhang will need a lot of help." Li Wanquan held Zhang Xiao's hand, and his heart was full of joy. After all, for him, like He is looking forward to a patron like Zhang Xiao.

"Then we'll see you later." After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, she led Hou Shuyan towards the stairwell.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a suit took two quick steps, caught up with Zhang Xiao, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Mr. Zhang, please stay. Mr. Liu is waiting for you in the upstairs box."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Liu Dong to come to the door first, and it was at this time, which was somewhat different from Zhang Xiao's expectation.

"Lead the way ahead." Zhang Xiao didn't doubt the identity of the middle-aged man, after all, he had seen him by Liu Dong's side before, although it was a quick glance, but Zhang Xiao remembered it clearly.

In a room on the sixth floor, Zhang Xiao met Liu Dong from Lianxiang Group. This was the first time Zhang Xiao and Liu Dong met alone.

"Zhang Dong, I take the liberty to ask you to come here. I hope you will forgive me." Liu Dong smiled and said to Zhang Xiao. The reason why he invited Zhang Xiao to come here is that Liu Dong did have his own plan.

After all, for Lianxiang Group, it has completely lost its momentum in the sales of personal computers. If this situation cannot be reversed as soon as possible, Lianxiang Group will not be able to last long just relying on government procurement.

However, the shareholder meeting of Lianxiang Group was postponed again and again, and Liu Dong didn't know how long he could last, which made him feel worried.

To change the current situation, communicating with Zhang Xiao has become the most convenient way, which is also the main reason why Dong Liu decided to talk to Zhang Xiao tonight.

"Dong Liu is a senior in the industry. It's too polite to say that. Zhang is flattered." Although Zhang Xiao said so, she sat casually across from Dong Liu, waiting quietly for Hou Shuyan's tea. .

But Hou Shuyan sat beside Zhang Xiao very skillfully, and started to make tea smoothly with the tea set on the table.

Liu Dong looked helpless at Zhang Xiao's casual look. In fact, he knew very well that Zhang Xiao was really confident, and now he could only talk to Zhang Xiao about the follow-up matters. Forced to die.

"Mr. Zhang, I have always wanted to meet with you and talk about the competition between the two companies. After all, for our two companies, cooperation will benefit both. Once we compete, we will be the losers." Liu Dong tried his best to keep his tone calm. Although he was indeed full of anger, he still understood the reason why people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"What Liu Dong said is wrong. Competition is the law of survival in this world. In human society, only through continuous competition can the survival of the fittest and progress be made. Only those who survive the fierce competition are the driving force for social progress. where." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Liu Dong was really annoyed by Zhang Xiao's words, because he felt that Zhang Xiao was too arrogant to say such a thing to him. After a long time, he said: "Zhang Dong, I admit that competition is indeed our progress. Source, but isn’t it inappropriate to hurt the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred? After all, we still have to compete with many foreign computer brand companies.”

Zhang Xiao admits that what Liu Dong said is right, but Zhang Xiao is very clear that the progress of science and technology will never stop because of compromise, and competition is going on all the time, which is independent of human will. If you want to gain a foothold in the world, you must actively participate in the competition, not the game of hello and me.

"Of course there is competition between us and foreign computer brand companies, but I think this is something that must be experienced in the advancement of science and technology. And the progress of science and technology will only get faster and faster. If you don't want to be eliminated, then you can only work hard to promote the development of science and technology. Stand above the trend of the times." Zhang Xiao said with a heavy tone.

"Since the first industrial revolution, the progress of science and technology has been advancing rapidly. After decades of catching up, our nation and country have gradually gained a firm foothold. Now that we have entered the most critical time, we can only Go forward bravely, work hard to speed up the pace of research and development in the field of science and technology, and let the level of science and technology gradually reach the front of the world, this is the attitude we should have as the person in charge of the enterprise."

Although Zhang Xiao's words were peaceful, they were harsh in Dong Liu's ears, which made Dong Liu couldn't help but feel angry.

"Dong Zhang really speaks loudly. I never believe that a company can do so much, and don't flaunt how noble it is. We don't start a company to pursue more profits." Sitting in Liu Yang Qing beside Dong couldn't help laughing at Zhang Xiao's statement.

"Who are you?" Zhang Xiao said angrily. He didn't think Yang Qing had the confidence to talk to him like this. After all, Zhang Xiao still couldn't understand Lianxiang Group's approach.

Yang Qing was instantly annoyed by Zhang Xiao's words. He didn't expect Zhang Xiao to humiliate him so knowingly, and looked at Zhang Xiao with a flushed face, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"I'm Yang Qing, the general manager of Lianxiang Group." Yang Qing took a deep breath and tried hard to keep his voice from trembling.

"It turned out to be Mr. Yang. I have known you for a long time, that is, you cut off the research and development project of Lianxiang Group. Now it seems that you have really helped me a lot." Zhang Xiao suddenly said with a smile. To be honest, if Academician Ni hadn't left Lianxiang Group, how could he have recruited him into the microelectronics technology company, and how could the microelectronics technology company have the current achievements and scale.

Yang Qing was immediately speechless by Zhang Xiao's words. With the development of the microelectronics technology company, Academician Ni gradually became the leader of the domestic personal computer brand, and all of this made Lianxiang Group regret it.

But Zhang Xiao is behind all these things, and Zhang Xiao pushed Academician Ni to the foreground, relying on the strong financial strength of Hongyuan Group, and constantly created opportunities for Academician Ni. Academician Ni has been accomplished.

Liu Dongchao and Yang Qing waved his hands to signal him not to speak, then shook his head at Zhang Xiao and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Zhang, microelectronics technology companies do have a place in the computer field at present, but this does not mean that microelectronics technology companies can sit back and relax, and In my opinion, with the development of microelectronics technology companies, they will inevitably encounter bottlenecks, and it is still unknown how long microelectronics technology companies without sufficient profits can support them. Lianxiang Group won’t let it go.”

"Dong Liu, you don't think that the competition between Microelectronics Technology Company and Lianxiang Group was caused by academician Ni's grievances, then you really disappointed me." Zhang Xiao made no secret of his disappointment, He felt that the reason why Academician Ni was expelled from Lianxiang Group was no surprise that bad money drove out good money.

"Mr. Zhang, you don't understand what our Lianxiang Group has experienced, and why we gave up some research and development projects in pursuit of profits. The reason behind it is very heavy." At this moment, Dong Liu was a little inexplicably excited. Looking for someone to open up and talk about why I did everything I did in the past.

Zhang Xiao was also a little surprised why Dong Liu was so excited, but Zhang Xiao didn't interrupt Liu Dong's words, and wanted to listen to Liu Dong's self-report.

"At the beginning of Lianxiang Group's establishment, its corporate attributes determined the future development direction of Lianxiang Group."

"The establishment of Lianxiang Group is to earn more funds to support research institutes and personnel salaries, and what Lianxiang Group has to do is to transform research and development results into practical applications, so Lianxiang Group has always been engaged in serving customers. For the ultimate goal, realizing the technological transformation of the research institute has also become the fastest path."

Liu Dong fell into the memory, he talked about the difficulties of starting a business in the past, and talked about everything he did for the development and growth of Lianxiang Group, but only the part that should belong to Academician Ni was missing, which made Zhang Xiao understand that, Academician Ni is the eternal pain of Lianxiang Group, and Liu Dongzhi's reluctance to mention Academician Ni's contribution is not a guilty conscience.

"Dong Liu, you still need to seek truth from facts to be a human being. You know exactly what Lianxiang Group relied on to take off. Why are you unwilling to admit it? What qualifications do people who don't recognize the past have to look forward to the future. Academician Ni said to Lianxiang The contribution of the group is obvious to all, and it cannot be wiped out no matter how long it takes." Zhang Xiao listened to Liu Dong's self-report, and quickly interrupted Liu Dong's words, because he wanted to listen to Liu Dong's boasting.

Liu Dong's face became ugly. After all, it was very ugly to be interrupted by Zhang Xiao, especially when there were other management members of Lianxiang Group in the room, which made him even more angry.

"Zhang Dong, you have never experienced that era at all, and you are not qualified to judge the past of Lianxiang Group, and what kind of evaluation Lianxiang Group will have in the future is not up to you at all. I only hope that you can always Go on victorious, instead of being knocked into the dust." Liu Dong angrily reprimanded Zhang Xiao, his rapid breathing made no one doubt his emotions.

But Zhang Xiao knew that the reason Liu Dong did this was just a passionate reaction to lose face, and who could know his true inner thoughts, but Zhang Xiao was keenly aware of Liu Dong's thoughts.

After all, compromising is the better choice for Lianxiang Group at present, and this is why Dong Liu asked him to meet today, but because Zhang Xiao's successive offenses forced Liu Dong to act.

"I don't know whether Hongyuan Group can continue to exist, but I know that the progress of science and technology will not stagnate because of anything, and enterprises that lose technological innovation are destined to be eliminated by history." Zhang Xiao stood up Hehe said with a smile, he is really disappointed with Liu Dong at the moment.

Originally thought that Liu Dong was a wise person who could accept other people's opinions, but now it seems that he has gradually become arrogant after a long time of arrogance, and his self-righteous attitude makes it difficult for him to listen to other people's opinions. Still ignorant.

"Liu Dong, goodbye, I hope Lianxiang Group can get through this difficult time." Before Zhang Xiao left, he ignored the ugly expressions of Liu Dong and Lianxiang Group's senior management, and after saying something to himself, he took Watching Hou Shuyan leave the room.

However, after getting in the car, Zhang Xiao didn't feel that there was anything to be excited about. For him, the real trouble was not the Lianxiang Group at all, but the current social atmosphere.

In this era where making is worse than buying, in this era when money is gradually becoming the mainstream of society, in this era full of false shortcuts, Zhang Xiao really felt an atmosphere that was hard to suffocate.

It is better to be self-employed than to engage in scientific research. It is not a tragedy of the times to be on par with money.

Zhang Xiao suddenly remembered those people who were called the backbone of the nation in later generations. It was they who relied on their firm beliefs to persist in scientific research in such a harsh environment, and thus created core technologies such as atomic bombs and artificial satellites that shocked the world. Products, also let the Chinese nation truly stand in the forest of the nation.

It can also be seen from this that the greatness of a nation lies in the ultimate level of their scientific research.

Only when advanced science and technology lead production can people see the importance of technology. What Zhang Xiao has to do now is to find like-minded people to build a technology-based enterprise together, so as to gradually change people's views.

It's not the conditions that really beat you, it's the life that feels hopeless.

And Zhang Xiao wants to be that ray of light in the darkness, a beacon that guides people's progress. Maybe the process will be difficult, but Zhang Xiao decides that he must go on.

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