Zhang Xiao was surprised because this old wine really gave him a different feeling, which was different from all the wines he had drunk before.

"Good wine, as expected of Dukang old wine." Li Guangcheng put down the wine bowl and said in admiration.

"It is indeed different. It seems that this wine is not an ordinary cellar wine. It should have a history." Li Wenyuan likes to interpret it from a historical perspective. After all, what he values ​​most is the history of the item, but it does not matter how much the item is worth. care.

Others also talked in a hurry, but Zhang Xiao could only listen to their flattery quietly, while Mo Wenxin watched all this with a smile.

Not long after tasting the old wine, Xing Yulan called everyone to have a meal together. The food was not luxurious, but it was full of chicken, duck and fish.

After dinner, Li Guangcheng and others left one after another. Zhang Xiao and Mo Wenxin both walked them to the door and watched them get in the car and leave.

After returning to the living room, Mo Wenxin lit a cigarette, smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "Tell me, what is your business today?"

"Master, according to what you said, I can't come to see you because I have nothing to do." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

Mo Wenxin chuckled and looked at Zhang Xiao quietly without saying a word.

Zhang Xiao didn't feel embarrassed, and said with a smile, "Master, the Spring Festival is approaching, and I have received many invitations to meetings. What do you think I should do?"

"That's right, you should be invited to the meeting based on your current situation. As for whether you participate, it depends not only on whether the content of the meeting is related to your group's business, but also on the importance of the meeting. After all, many There will always be some symposiums before policies are formulated, and the higher the level of such meetings, the more important the information disclosed is to you, so you have to learn to choose." Mo Wenxin said in a deep tone.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded. In fact, this is not only the case in China, but also the whole world. Therefore, Zhang Xiao also wants to listen to Mo Wenxin's advice when he comes to his master Mo Wenxin this time.

"With the expansion of your group's business, you often consider more than just the specific business, but also national policies. This is what you should really pay attention to. The most important thing in doing business is dealing with people. It's more about people's ways of the world." Mo Wenxin told Zhang Xiao the principles of life.

Mo Wenxin also knew that as he merged the real estate company into Hongyuan Real Estate, he could help Zhang Xiao a lot less financially, but he could still help Zhang Xiao in dealing with people, so he was not stingy Pass on your experience to Zhang Xiao.

"The so-called sophistication of the world is the principle and skill of being a human being. After all, a person's energy is limited. No matter how smart and capable he is, if he doesn't know how to behave, he will definitely fail in the end. The reason why many people are mediocre all their lives is because they haven’t figured out how to deal with others all their lives.” Mo Wenxin really taught Zhang Xiao as his nephew.

Listening to Mo Wenxin's words, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded.

In fact, Zhang Xiao is very aware of his shortcomings, that is, he is not good at dealing with people. With the development of Hongyuan Group, he has gradually separated from specific affairs and has to participate in the communication between the group and the outside world. And that's exactly what he's not good at.

"In dealing with people, the most important thing is three points."

"The first point is gratitude. Gratitude is the most basic way of life. Those who know how to be grateful are always luckier than those who are not. Except for parents, no one in this world has to do something for you. What others have for themselves Well, it's all out of affection, not obligation, and you must be grateful for it, knowing that people who know how to repay you are more popular and more likely to succeed."

"The second point is respect. When interacting with others, you must learn to respect others. Respecting others is the greatest respect for yourself. Regardless of the other party's status or status, you must first give respect to the other party. This is also the premise of communicating with others. If there is no respect, nothing else will exist."

"The third point is the distribution of benefits. Since ancient times, turning relatives against each other and friends against each other is nothing more than the uneven distribution of benefits. Therefore, in the distribution of benefits, we must have our own principles and ethics. We would rather eat some small things. Don't worry about losing money, and most of the time, losing money is taking advantage of it."

Mo Wenxin wrung his fingers and told Zhang Xiao one by one. He hoped that Zhang Xiao could avoid some detours and develop more smoothly, but he also knew that many times, preaching is not as good as personal experience, but The price of that is really high, even with the strength of Hongyuan Group, it may not be able to withstand such a toss.

Listening to Mo Wenxin's suggestion, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded. Combining the experience of his previous life, Zhang Xiao had to admit that his failure in the previous life was due, and what he can do in this life is to try to avoid the experience of the previous life. Potholes, walking more smoothly.

At the end, Mo Wenxin said with a smile: "In fact, I have said so much, and I don't know how much it is useful to you. You can just listen to it, but I still hope that you can establish your own way of being a human being. Only in this way to go further.”

"Master, thank you for teaching me so much." Zhang Xiao expressed her gratitude to Mo Wenxin from the bottom of her heart, and her words were full of sincerity.

Mo Wenxin shook his head and smiled wryly: "I can't help you much now, I just hope you can avoid some detours."

"Master, you have helped me enough." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After putting the cigarette butts out in the ashtray, Mo Wenxin leaned on the back of the sofa and said with a sigh: "A person's life seems very long, but in fact he has very little time for himself. Don't let your career take over the focus of your life." Everything, after all, career is just a part of life.”

"Actually, the greatest achievement in my life is not how many assets I have, nor what name I have, but to have a virtuous woman like your teacher's wife as a wife, and my children grow up healthily. I think this is the most rare thing."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded. Everyone's definition of happiness is different, and it changes all the time. Zhang Xiao also hopes that she can have her own happy life.

After leaving the home of his master Mo Wenxin, Zhang Xiao thought a lot. Whether it was the development of the group or his own life plan, Zhang Xiao thought about it carefully.

In fact, Zhang Xiao is also very clear that in the current interpersonal relationship, it is impossible for us to satisfy everyone. After all, we are not Renminbi, so we cannot be loved by everyone.

That being the case, in interpersonal communication, you must make appropriate trade-offs, don't try to please others, and don't forget to be yourself for others.

After Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard, Shen Biyu was already sitting on the bed reading a book.

"Do you like antiques?" Zhang Xiao asked Shen Biyu with a smile. After all, he thought Shen Biyu was looking at antique appreciation.

"I like it. I think every antique has its own history, and unfolding the history behind it is an extraordinary life. I think that instead of exploring the future, it is better to study the past quietly. After all, the past is fixed. Yes, but the future is disorderly, I like certainty." Shen Biyu said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help raising his brows. He didn't expect Shen Biyu to say such philosophical words, which made him want to see it, but Zhang Xiao didn't feel surprised after thinking about it carefully. After all, Shen Biyu was also the number one student in the college entrance examination. Nature has its cultural heritage and ideas.

"Since you like to study antiques, I will take you to see the world another day." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay." Shen Biyu immediately agreed.

After a night of nothing to say, Zhang Xiao came to the company office the next morning and began to choose the next meeting to attend, cutting out some meetings he didn't want to attend, even so, he still kept ten meetings in the end.

There are meetings held by relevant state departments, exchange meetings held by the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and economic symposiums that Henan Province invited him to attend.

"Boss, what do we do with these meetings that you don't attend?" Hou Shuyan said with a headache.

"Contact the organizer, and just refuse politely. If you can change to another vice president of the company to participate." Zhang Xiao waved his hand and said, he can't control how Hou Shuyan will do it, he cares about the result.

Hou Shuyan was a little helpless, but she had to go back to her office to deal with this matter. After all, the meetings were all around the Spring Festival, and she could only do her best.

And now Zhang Xiao understands why those big bosses are so busy. It's not just about the business of the group, but also because of the holding of various meetings. Before Zhang Xiao, many meeting arrangements were pushed out due to the situation at school, but Now he couldn't refuse.

Moreover, those who participated in these memories are all bigwigs from all walks of life. As a latecomer, Zhang Xiao also needs to appear in many meetings, at least to have a sense of presence, so that more people can recognize him.

Just when Zhang Xiao decided to attend those meetings, Yuan Min knocked on the door and walked in, and said to Zhang Xiao: "I got in touch with Mr. Zhang Rujin and Mr. Zhang. The meeting time is about three days later in the afternoon, and the place is in the capital." restaurant."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, in a very good mood.

Zhang Xiao is also looking forward to meeting Zhang Rujin, he really wants to meet this future legend.

"However, Lin Jian's situation is more complicated. Although we have his contact information so far, we still haven't been able to contact him." Yuan Min continued to report, and Yuan Min also made a report on the two people Zhang Xiao wanted to meet. Checked.Fun Court

Zhang Rujin is relatively more famous, but Lin Jian is also famous, but at the moment he is far less famous than Zhang Rujin.

"Try to get in touch with him as soon as possible. It would be best if we can come to China. If it doesn't work, we can go abroad to meet him." Zhang Xiao said seriously. He wanted to persuade both of them to join the company. As the industry goes further, it is imminent to master core technology patents.

"I understand, I will contact you as soon as possible." Sensing Zhang Xiao's sense of urgency, Yuan Minmin also agreed.

Then Yuan Min left, and Zhang Xiao also called Hou Shuyan over to arrange the next itinerary. Since he had to meet Zhang Rujin, his itinerary had to be adjusted.

Hou Shuyan is very proficient in this, which has something to do with the frequent changes in Zhang Xiao's itinerary.

"I need to attend a gala held by the Charity Federation tonight. What is the appropriate amount?" Hou Shuyan asked.

"About 1000 million, it depends on the situation at the scene." Zhang Xiao made a decision after a little thought. At this time, entrepreneurs from all walks of life are invited to participate in the charity gala, and Zhang Xiao naturally accepted the invitation.

After recording it, Hou Shuyan said, "Although the charity show doesn't officially start until eight o'clock, we'd better arrive around 07:30."

"Look at the arrangement." Zhang Xiao has no objection to this. After all, for him, this kind of meeting is mainly for communication, but he doesn't care much about the form of the meeting.

"What about your female companion at night, who do you ask to go with you?" Hou Shuyan asked pretending to be calm, but her eyes were full of hope.

After a little thought, Zhang Xiao knew that Shen Biyu was not suitable, and besides Shen Biyu, there was no suitable candidate, so she said to Hou Shuyan, "Do you have time? Why don't you go with me?"

Hou Shuyan nodded with a smile and said, "I have time."

"Then if you have nothing to do today, choose a dress, but you will be reimbursed by the financial account." Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan.

Hou Shuyan left very happy, full of expectations for being able to participate in such a banquet with Zhang Xiao.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao didn't know what Hou Shuyan was thinking, and he was still thinking about how to persuade him when he met Zhang Rujin.

Although Hongyuan Group has its own chip factory and the most advanced photolithography machine in the world, Zhang Xiao still has no confidence in whether he can persuade Zhang Rujin to join the group.

After all, Zhang Rujin's ability to leave Texas Instruments shows that he is unwilling to let others down. How to persuade him has become Zhang Xiao's first consideration.

Time passed quickly, and the whole morning passed quickly. Zhang Xiao handed a bunch of processed documents to Hou Shuyan and said, "After lunch, you can choose a dress and let the driver take you there."

"Okay." Hou Shuyan said excitedly, she was not looking forward to the dress, what she was looking forward to was to attend the banquet with Zhang Xiao.

After Zhang Xiao had lunch, he called Tian Xiaodan to his office while he was free.

After Tian Xiaodan sat down, Zhang Xiao said, "Have you read the excellent employee selection plan?"

"I've seen it. Although the number of outstanding employees has expanded to ten this year, the selection of outstanding employees this year is biased towards ordinary employees. I am worried that some middle-level leaders will have opinions." Tian Xiaodan nodded and said.

"Things cannot be absolutely fair, and the selection of ordinary employees at the grassroots level as outstanding employees can better highlight the group's employment system and let more people see hope." Zhang Xiao has a positive opinion on this, "You We must work with the Supervision Department to supervise the selection process of outstanding employees to prevent people from engaging in malpractice for personal gain."

"I understand, I know what to do." Tian Xiaodan agreed without hesitation. After all, this is not a difficult thing for her. As for offending people, Tian Xiaodan is really not afraid. After all, Tian Xiaodan has Zhang Xiaodan Her trust is the greatest confidence, but she despises those who practice favoritism and fraud.

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