Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 421 Attitude Determines Everything

But Zhang Xiao is also very clear that all he can give the R&D team is the direction of R&D, but thanks to his daily continuous learning, although he has not made any contribution to the R&D of various projects, the most basic operation Zhang Xiao is still understandable.

After returning to the office, Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni began to summarize and research the problems of each R&D team in the R&D center, which is also the basic purpose of the research.

Finding and solving problems is the most basic operation of research, and it is also the place where results are most likely to be achieved.

"Boss, I think the R&D progress of the various R&D teams in the R&D center is pretty good, but the requirements they put forward are really too many and too weird." Academician Ni also felt tired at the moment, and was in charge of this R&D with endless ideas emerging every day. In the center, Academician Ni felt like he was riding a roller coaster every day.

"Academician Ni, in fact, this is the state that the R&D center should have. Behind every whimsy is their wisdom, and what we have to do is to screen out more practical ideas based on their whimsy. guide them in the right direction.” Zhang Xiao doesn’t care about this, in his opinion, the most important thing in scientific research is imagination and creativity, and this is the core element of technological development.

"As for their requests, we can provide them with conditions that are reasonable, and we can filter out unreasonable ones, so don't worry too much."

Academician Ni nodded, agreed with Zhang Xiao, and said with a smile: "Boss, you are still too tolerant, and it is unbelievable that you would discuss game bugs with them when you saw them playing games in the R&D center."

"Old Ni, what else can I do, scold them? Not only will they be in a bad mood, but I will also feel depressed, which will blind my eyes. But if I talk to them from a technical point of view, they will not only appreciate my tolerance. I will show the best state in my future work.” Zhang Xiao has been in the company all her life, and she also understands the minds of these employees. What they resent most is the accusation from the leader and the boss. Redouble our efforts with tolerance and leadership.

Academician Ni was at a loss for words. In his opinion, strict requirements on employees' working hours are necessary, but Zhang Xiao is obviously more tolerant and magnanimous.

"Then why is labor discipline so strict?" Academician Ni asked a little puzzled.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing and said: "Violation of the most basic labor discipline is a matter of the attitude of the employees. An employee with a problematic attitude is destined to have no good influence on the group. But there is no need to blame the necessary leisure at work. Yes, I know that some of them will fish in troubled waters, which is unavoidable, but we can only minimize the occurrence of such things through assessment methods."

Attitude is everything, this is what Zhang Xiao has always agreed with.

The work attitude is an important criterion to measure whether an employee is willing to contribute to the group.

The potential of every employee comes from three aspects: knowledge, skills and attitude.

Among these three aspects, no matter what one does, one's attitude is the most critical and plays a decisive role.

Work attitude determines work performance, a person's attitude directly determines his behavior, determines whether he treats his work with all his heart or perfunctory, whether he is content with the status quo or enterprising with his heart.

Zhang Xiao suddenly thought of a lot at this moment, and he couldn't help but said to Academician Ni: "In fact, we have neglected one thing in the management of the group, and that is the work attitude of the employees."

"In our group, every employee has his own specific work attitude. Some employees are hard-working, enthusiastic, and full of energy. This is true. Such employees are undoubtedly the best employees, and they are worthy of our vigorous cultivation.”

"However, some employees are always leisurely and carefree. Although they always commute to and from get off work on time and step by step, they don't care about things outside their duties, and they don't take the initiative to do extra things. They don't seek meritorious service. However, such employees undoubtedly account for the largest proportion, we can only use the system to restrain them, and use tasks to control them, after all, they are the foundation of the group."

"In addition to the above two types of employees, there is another type of employees who are always full of complaints, always pessimistic and disappointed, always complaining about others and the environment, and think that all their dissatisfaction is caused by the group's environment. Such employees, we They must be resolutely dismissed, because they are the cancer of the group, and they will gradually spread their attitude to the second type of employees, which is the most harmful."

What Zhang Xiao said above seemed to be for Academician Ni, but it was a kind of warning and reminder to himself. After all, he is the captain who decides the course of the big ship of Hongyuan Group.

"You're right, I'll ask the heads of each team in the R&D center to report on the situation of each team member, hoping to find the cancer you mentioned and get rid of it." Academician Ni said seriously, he knew Zhang What Xiao said must be on target, because he sensed the problems in the group.

"Old Ni, our company has been established for three years. Due to the rapid expansion in the past two years, there must be many problems in the group. The main task of all our managers this year is to eliminate as much as possible those problems that are not conducive to the development of the group. factors, and establish an active and effective management system to lay the foundation for the group's future development." Zhang Xiao said in a deep tone.

In fact, this is not a kind of helplessness. Although the current problem is not serious and there are not many problems in the rapid development of the group, Zhang Xiao knows that if these problems are not solved now, it will only become more and more difficult in the future. , This is what Zhang Xiao doesn't want to see.

"I understand. I support your decision." Academician Ni nodded seriously. In fact, he also knew that there were various problems in the group, but he didn't care too much about it. It's all normal.

However, Zhang Xiao's conversation with him today revealed that the main task of the leadership this year is to establish a system suitable for Hongyuan Group, so as to solve the problem fundamentally.

Although Academician Ni didn't know exactly where Zhang Xiao planned to start, this undoubtedly determined the work tasks of the management this year, no longer focusing on projects, but focusing on establishing a reasonable enterprise system.

The reason why Zhang Xiao made such a determination was because he didn't want to see that with the development of the group, the whole group was covered with all kinds of black stains. The whole group up and down.

Now that the world is in a stable period of technological development, it becomes more reasonable for Zhang Xiao to carry out institutional reforms for Hongyuan Group at this time.

In the afternoon of the same day, Zhang Xiao held a meeting in the small meeting room with the vice president of the group and everyone above him. In addition to Ye Shijiang, Academician Ni, Li Mingxuan, and Yang Lei, Tian Xiaodan also attended the meeting as an assistant to the chairman. Hou Shuyan still sat at the meeting. Zhang Xiao took the minutes of the meeting behind him.

Before the meeting, Tian Xiaodan had already played the theme of the meeting on the big screen, creating a reasonable institutionalized management path for Hongyuan Group.

Institutionalized management is familiar to everyone here. After all, as the leaders of Hongyuan Group, they have heard Zhang Xiao talk about institutionalized management many times, and they have also studied institutionalized management models through books.

Now Zhang Xiao is holding a special meeting to discuss institutionalized management, which undoubtedly shows Zhang Xiao's attitude, that is, institutionalized management must be implemented, and what they can do is to make suggestions and make institutionalized management a reality. more reasonable.

When Zhang Xiao came to the meeting room, the others had already arrived, and they were all whispering their views on institutionalized management.

After Zhang Xiao sat down in his seat, he said with a smile: "Everyone must know the purpose of calling everyone here today. I believe everyone has their own opinions on whether the group implements institutionalized management, so you might as well take a look first. I asked Assistant Tian to sort out the information, and everyone will express their opinions after reading it."

Tian Xiaodan quickly distributed the materials in her hands, which she had prepared at Zhang Xiao's request a long time ago, but she only took them out now.

Institutionalized management is actually a stage that every enterprise must go through in the growth process, and it is the premise for enterprises to realize system construction.

Zhang Xiao had already made a decision a long time ago, but until now, the institutionalized management has really met the conditions for implementation.

The current Hongyuan Group has established a firm foothold in China and is about to go international. At this time, it is the right time to fully implement institutionalized management.

The essence of institutionalized management is to take the scientifically determined institutional norms as the basic mechanism of organizational cooperation behavior, and mainly rely on the external, scientific and reasonable rational authority to implement management.

In fact, every enterprise and company will set up various systems at the beginning of its establishment to regulate the behavior of employees, but such systems are fragmented and unsystematic, and their implementation usually does not match the attention of managers. related.

In fact, Hongyuan Group is the same. All the systems including attendance system, salary system, and labor regulation system existed before, but they are far from meeting Zhang Xiao’s requirements. This time, Hongyuan Group implements a comprehensive system. Globalized management is Zhang Xiao's preparation for the future development of Hongyuan Group.

There are many advantages of institutionalized management, which is beyond doubt, and it is shown in detail in the materials prepared by Tian Xiaodan.

First of all, institutionalized management is conducive to the normalization and standardization of Hongyuan Group's operation, and promotes the integration of enterprises with international standards.

"Doing everything according to the system" is the fundamental purpose of institutionalized management, and institutionalized management is a concrete manifestation of the transition from the "low-text culture" to the "high-text culture" of the enterprise.

In Zhang Xiao's vision, Hongyuan Group can regulate the behavior of employees through various systems, and employees deal with various affairs based on their common contract, that is, the system, rather than the previous practice of observing the situation and acting according to the wind. Make the operation of the enterprise gradually become standardized and standardized.Such principles are more in line with international conventions and closer to the style of dealing with developed countries in Europe and America. In the process of Hongyuan Group's internationalization, it is conducive to promoting Hongyuan Group's integration with international standards and enabling Hongyuan Group to smoothly integrate into the international market.

Secondly, institutionalized management is conducive to the improvement of work efficiency of Hongyuan Group's employees.

Institutionalized management means procedure, standardization and transparency.Therefore, the implementation of institutionalized management facilitates employees to quickly master the work skills of their positions, and facilitates communication between departments, between employees and between superiors and subordinates, so that employees can minimize work mistakes.At the same time, the implementation of institutionalized management is more convenient for enterprises to monitor and assess the work of employees, so as to promote continuous improvement and increase work efficiency of employees, and achieve the ultimate survival of the fittest.

Thirdly, it is easier for Hongyuan Group to establish a sound and standardized system to attract outstanding talents, which is even more important for Hongyuan Group to enter the international market soon.

On the one hand, a standardized system itself means that good trust is needed as a support. When trust in today's society is gradually declining, it is easier for Hongyuan Group with good trust support to gain an advantage in talent competition.

In addition, the standardized system reflects the impartiality and fairness of enterprise management to the greatest extent. All outstanding talents are actually more willing to participate in competition and work in a fair and just environment. A standardized and attractive incentive system is a macro One of Yuan Group's most powerful weapons to win the battle for talent.

Fourth, institutionalized management is one of the most effective measures Hongyuan Group has taken to prevent corruption at this stage. After all, after last year’s vigorous anti-corruption efforts by the Ministry of Supervision, Zhang Xiao’s emphasis on corruption can be seen by imagining how to deal with violations of regulations and disciplines.

The root of corruption is the loss of monitoring and restraint of power, while institutionalized management can make Hongyuan Group's work procedures and transparency, and everyone's work is under the supervision of employees at any time, which strengthens the monitoring of power and constraints, the possibility of corruption will be greatly reduced, and severe sanctions against corruption in the group system will also increase the risk and cost of corruption. In this sense, institutionalized management starts from the source Corruption is prevented.

Fifth, institutionalized management can greatly reduce decision-making mistakes, which is the main reason why Zhang Xiao intends to introduce institutionalized management.

Institutionalized management makes Hongyuan Group's decision-making fundamentally repulsive and rejects decisions without scientific basis. The decision-making process of the enterprise must be programmed and transparent, the decision-making must have a scientific basis, and the decision-making results must stand the test of practice. Test and market test, the decision-maker must take responsibility for the decision-making results, to minimize decision-making mistakes.

This will help Zhang Xiao better control the direction of Hongyuan Group's development and restrain the management to a certain extent.

Finally, institutionalized management can strengthen the adaptability of Hongyuan Group and enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Institutionalized management has standardized and proceduralized the management work of Hongyuan Group, including market research, management and communication with suppliers and customers, and formed a rapid response mechanism within the group, enabling the group to grasp market changes in a timely manner and adjust them in a timely manner. Countermeasures.It also enhances the market adaptability of the entire supply chain, thereby improving the competitiveness of the supply chain and the enterprise itself.

This is also an aspect that Zhang Xiao pays more attention to. With the internationalization process of Hongyuan Group, suppliers and customers are bound to increase exponentially, and it becomes more important to enhance the adaptability of Hongyuan Group.

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