Shen Biyu nodded. She was aware of Zhang Xiao's contradictions. In fact, it was quite normal. After all, Zhang Xiao's current achievements were already high enough. As long as he developed step by step, he would naturally reach another level.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiao must treat marriage with caution. After all, a good woman may bring Zhang Xiao help, but once a woman with ulterior motives appears, it will be the biggest damage to Zhang Xiao's career.

Of course, Shen Biyu would not tell Zhang Xiao these words, nor did she have the qualifications, she just wanted to walk with Zhang Xiao, and didn't care about gains or losses.

On the way back to the courtyard, both Zhang Xiao and Shen Biyu couldn't help falling into silence, they both had their own concerns.

What Shen Biyu was thinking about was how long she could stay with Zhang Xiao, which depended on how much Zhang Xiao cared about her.

But Zhang Xiao is thinking about her future life partner. After all, Tong Yao is about to graduate from high school and enter university in half a year. Zhang Xiao must make up her mind before then, otherwise things will easily become more uncontrollable.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao temporarily suppressed the irritability in her heart, and after Shen Biyu changed her clothes, she dragged her to the living room for a drink.

I have to say that Shen Biyu has a good capacity for alcohol. Although she drinks red wine, she can drink with Zhang Xiao for a long time. This also makes Zhang Xiao like drinking and chatting with Shen Biyu very much.

"What do you think Guo Yaxin means? Is it interesting for her to do this after breaking up for so long?" Zhang Xiao was very puzzled by Guo Yaxin's actions. .

"Isn't it obvious? I just don't want to be separated from you like this. The better you are, the more she regrets it." Shen Biyu said with a smile. As a woman, she knew very well what Guo Yaxin was thinking.

You must know that Zhang Xiao was just a country boy with good academic performance. From Guo Yaxin's point of view, she had an advantage in dating Zhang Xiao. Because of the hazy feeling in her heart, but as Zhang Xiao's achievements are getting higher and higher, and she has grown to be almost equal to his father, the so-called sense of superiority in her heart will gradually lose, and instead she regrets that she had a relationship with Zhang Xiao at the beginning. separate.

This is what Shen Biyu has considered, and it is also her own true thoughts.

"So that's the case." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook her head speechlessly, and also understood why many people kept regretting between gaining and losing.

Because what is not available is the best.

"What about you, are you really willing to stay by my side without knowing why?" Zhang Xiao said to Shen Biyu with a serious expression, because he really didn't want to be with Shen Biyu in a daze like this, which made him feel twice as often. feeling stressed.

"After going through the past, I finally realized that people have to live for themselves after all. I originally only wanted to live this life by myself, but I didn't know until I met you again that I have always had you in my heart. Shadow, in that case, of course I am willing to be with you, even if there will be no status." Shen Biyu replied very seriously, which was also her true inner thoughts.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little silent. Although he didn't know whether Shen Biyu's statement was true or not, he really couldn't refuse a woman like Shen Biyu at this moment. Besides, every man longed for three wives and four concubines in his heart. not excluded.

Seeing Zhang Xiao's silence, Shen Biyu felt a little uneasy in her heart. After all, she was afraid that Zhang Xiao would let her go, so what would happen to her future?

Zhang Xiao patted Shen Biyu's hand, smiled and said, "Don't think about it, everything will be fine."

Shen Biyu nodded, rejoicing at Zhang Xiao's comfort.

When Zhang Xiao woke up the next day, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning, and the beauties around her had already left.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking her head helplessly, and couldn't help rubbing her lower back after getting up, feeling helpless for Shen Biyu's madness last night.

But after breakfast, Zhang Xiao still went to the company to start a new work arrangement.

After New Year's Day, there will only be more and more things in the coming days. After all, the plan for the year lies in spring, and Zhang Xiao also needs to organize this year's work within this month.

And Zhang Xiao also decided to conduct research on various departments and subsidiaries before the Spring Festival, so as to listen to the opinions of the heads of various departments and lower-level supervisors, and listen to the voices of employees. This will not only help Zhang Xiao understand the situation of the group, but also It can be regarded as going deep into the grassroots. Only in this way can Zhang Xiao understand the pulse of the group's development more accurately and respond accordingly.

For a whole day, Zhang Xiao, Ye Shijiang and several other vice presidents of Hongyuan Group discussed the order of the investigation and the candidates for each department to participate in the meeting.

Zhang Xiao not only asked all the middle-level leaders of each department and subsidiary to participate in the meeting, but also asked each department and subsidiary to select ten outstanding employee representatives to participate in the meeting. This kind of research activity was Zhang Xiao's first attempt.

After all, Zhang Xiao feels that the current problems of Hongyuan Group are not outside the group, but within the group. Only by solving the problems within the group can Hongyuan Group be helped to go into battle lightly, thus laying the foundation for the development of the new year.

Of course, Zhang Xiao doesn't think that many problems can be found with just one survey. The vice president should also take corresponding practical actions. cascoo.

As for the first stop of the research, Zhang Xiao placed it in the R&D center of the group headquarters. After all, this is the department with the largest number of people and the most convenient department for research.

In addition, the R&D center has always held a very important position in Zhang Xiao's heart. Last year's R&D investment of billions represents his determination, and this year's R&D investment will only increase.

This morning, Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni came to the R&D center together to conduct research on the current R&D center. He not only went to the project R&D sites of each group to watch the work situation, but also randomly checked their one-year work projects and work effect.

In Zhang Xiao's view, the progress of the R&D center is the prerequisite for all technological improvements, and Zhang Xiao is very clear that only with advanced science and technology can Hongyuan Group remain invincible.

The whole morning was spent in the laboratories of various R&D teams. Relying on her professional knowledge and the insights of later generations, Zhang Xiao gave some R&D suggestions to the R&D teams from time to time, which made all the R&D personnel extremely excited. This is also because Zhang Xiao can always guide the direction straight to the point, which greatly promotes their research and development.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao asked Academician Ni to convene the heads of various R&D groups in the R&D center, and also summoned ten outstanding researchers, and they wanted to have in-depth exchanges in the conference room.

In the conference room of the R&D center, on both sides of the oval conference table, the heads of various R&D groups are sitting aside, and opposite them are Academician Ni and the staff in his office.

But Zhang Xiao was sitting at one end of the conference table, disabled the symposium with a detached identity. Besides, Hou Shuyan, who was in charge of recording the content of the meeting, was sitting behind Zhang Xiao, ready to record the important content of the meeting at any time.

"Everyone, the tasks of each team in the R&D center have been issued this year. I believe everyone has seen it. Now is the time for you to ask questions. The boss and I will try our best to help you solve the problems." Academician Ni said after the meeting started , spoke first, and set the tone for this symposium.

As the general manager of the R&D center, Academician Ni has the right and obligation to say so, and what Academician Ni does is also a subtle warning to all employees.

"Boss, Mr. Ni, I am Luo Yuheng, the person in charge of the computer hardware research and development team. According to the task list issued by the group, our team's tasks this year are nearly twice as much as last year's, so I hope our team members can perform personnel Expansion." Luo Yuheng was the first to put forward the request. As the person in charge of computer hardware, he knew very well that the task Zhang Xiao gave their team this year was not light. The reverse research and development of computer cpu, which put him under a lot of pressure.

Especially the reverse research and development of computer cpu, which is a huge test for their research and development level, after all, all computer cpu are packaged, and what Luo Yuheng and the others have to do now is to conduct reverse research on the new generation of cpu, This is a heavy test for their research and development level.

"I agree with the expansion of your team, but I hope that the R&D personnel coming in this year will be high-end talents. This requires you to recruit high-end talents at home and abroad in the field of computer hardware." Academician Ni agreed to Luo Yuheng's request immediately. After all, this was within the scope of his power and responsibility, and with Zhang Xiao sitting beside him, Academician Ni was more confident.

After thinking for a while, Luo Yuheng nodded and said, "Mr. Ni, I understand that I will contact high-end talents in the domestic computer field to join the R&D center as soon as possible, so as to contribute more to the technological development of the group."

After Luo Yuheng's conditions were agreed by Academician Ni, the heads of the other R&D teams were also gearing up. After all, they did encounter difficulties in the R&D process and had many requests to make. Not only were there personnel issues, but there were also funding issues. .

The reason why Academician Ni followed Zhang Xiao to the investigation is actually very simple, that is, to report to Zhang Xiao for the task of this year's R&D center, and also let Zhang Xiao objectively understand the difficulties of the R&D department, so that Zhang Xiao increased his research and development. Investment in R&D.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao would not demolish Academician Ni at this moment. He sat quietly in the conference room and listened to the requests made by all the heads of the research and development team. He also wanted to see how Academician Ni handled so many requests. After all, some requests were reasonable. Yes, but there are always some weird requirements.

The meeting went on quickly, and it came to the end of the research meeting without Zhang Xiao's interference.

"Mr. Ni, boss, I think our company should hold a special blind date for the R&D personnel in our R&D center. After all, there are too few women in our R&D center, and we are too busy to find a girlfriend at all." "Guo Yuchen, who is in charge of Shenhua's computer operating system, said with a smile when the meeting was going on until now.

Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni couldn't help but look at each other. Only Guo Yuchen, who is usually open-minded, would make such a weird request, but this is also the actual situation. There are indeed not many female researchers in the R&D center, and most of them are famous Lord.

After thinking for a while, Academician Ni said: "This is indeed a problem, but what I want to know now is, do you want to find it within the group or outside?"

"Outside the group, after all, if you look up and down inside the group, it's easy to lose the freshness, which is not conducive to the long-term marriage." Guo Yuchen said nonsense in a serious manner, as if he thought so himself.

Guo Yuchen's big mouth blah blah blah blah, and it was quite interesting, which made everyone laugh.

"Xiaochen, the boss and I know your request. Once we find a suitable unit, the blind date will be held." Academician Ni said with a smile, thinking about Guo Yuchen's words.

Academician Ni's words also made the heads of these research and development teams applaud. Zhang Xiao was dumbfounded, and finally understood why Academician Ni was able to mix with these young research and development personnel, because he had a young heart.

Zhang Xiao ignored academician Ni and the person in charge of the research and development team bragging and farting, but looked at the meeting minutes recorded by Hou Shuyan, which contained all the requirements of the various teams of the entire research and development department, and some academician Ni had already made the decision. However, some Academician Ni has delayed, and many of them are related to the cost issue.

After reading it, Zhang Xiao combined the project plan submitted by the R&D department and the R&D tasks issued according to the plan, Zhang Xiao found some obvious signs, that is, the R&D budget of each R&D team is increasing. This made Zhang Xiao have to treat it with caution.

Zhang Xiao coughed twice, and after everyone quieted down, she said: "I have written down all your requirements, but I hope you all resubmit your project proposals as soon as possible, and I will review them Send it later."

"No problem." Although Guo Yuchen was still laughing just now, he was very serious when he responded to what Zhang Xiao said, because it was a formal work issue.

With Guo Yuchen taking the lead, everyone agreed quickly. After all, this was what they had thought about.

However, Zhang Xiao also has his own plans. He wants to meet with the heads of the various groups of these R&D centers one by one, and provide feasible R&D solutions for the content they are developing. content, but there is no problem in guiding research and development.

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