But when Zhang Xiao and Shen Biyu were chatting and laughing, Shen Biyu saw Guo Yaxin who was gnashing her teeth not far away, and couldn't help but smile.

Shen Biyu now knew very well that Zhang Xiao and Guo Yaxin hadn't been in contact very much, at least he hadn't seen Zhang Xiao and Guo Yaxin in contact during this period of time, and he was still very surprised to see Guo Yaxin at this moment.

At this moment, Guo Yaxin hated Shen Biyu, and she called Zhang Xiao many times in the past six months. Zhang Xiao either didn't answer the phone, or did it in a perfunctory way. Now seeing Shen Biyu snuggled up beside Zhang Xiao, My heart was filled with grievance and anger.

Guo Yaxin couldn't figure out why Zhang Xiao was with Shen Biyu. If she hadn't seen her with her own eyes, she would never have believed it. After all, in her opinion, Shen Biyu was no match for herself.

But at this moment Zhang Xiao was still chatting with Shen Biyu in a low voice, not aware of Shen Biyu's and Guo Yaxin's gaze.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go back." Shen Biyu suddenly said to Zhang Xiao.

"Go back now? Don't watch the dance anymore?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise, after all, that's not what Shen Biyu said just now.

"No, let's go back early, I feel a little cold." Shen Biyu put her arms around Zhang Xiao's arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay, let's go then." Zhang Xiao got up while talking, and took off her suit jacket and put it on Shen Biyu.

Shen Biyu felt warmth from Zhang Xiao's natural movements, because he felt that Zhang Xiao was really considerate, and mist appeared in his eyes when he looked at Zhang Xiao.

"Zhang Xiao, this is your new girlfriend, she looks really good-looking." Just as Zhang Xiao and Shen Biyu were about to leave, Deng Jie said teasingly.

"Yes, this is Shen Biyu, my current girlfriend." Zhang Xiao didn't expect to meet Deng Jie here, but it's normal after thinking about it, after all, Deng Jie is still studying at Peking University.

At this moment, Guo Yaxin also came over, looked at Zhang Xiao with resentment on his face, but said to Shen Biyu with a smile on his mouth: "Biyu, long time no see, I didn't expect you to go to school in the capital now. "

"Yaxin, long time no see." Seeing Deng Jie and Guo Yaxin, two beautiful beauties coming, Shen Biyu felt much more at ease at the moment.

"You were admitted to Capital University this year?" Guo Yaxin couldn't help asking Shen Biyu.

"Well, I happened to pass the exam this year." Shen Biyu said, she didn't know where Guo Yaxin was going to school now.

"Jasu, your grades just happened to pass the exam. You clearly came in as the number one student in liberal arts." At this moment, Mo Fangfei, who had been by the side, came over and said with a smile.

In fact, Mo Fangfei didn't know why she came here, and even praised Shen Biyu, but even though she did this, she didn't appear to be obtrusive.

"Mr. Mo, you are also coming to the dance." Seeing Mo Fangfei coming, Shen Biyu couldn't help but greeted with a smile.

"Come and see, is this your boyfriend?" Mo Fangfei looked at Zhang Xiao with a smile all over her face, but said to Shen Biyu.

"Well, let's go to the dance together." Shen Biyu was a little nervous at the moment. After all, she knew Mo Fangfei's strictness. Although she was only an assistant lecturer, many courses were arranged by Mo Fangfei.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little headache at the moment, he didn't expect to meet so many acquaintances at a ball, and they were all women, which made him a little helpless.

In fact, Shen Biyu is not feeling well at the moment. After all, she is Zhang Xiao's girlfriend now, and both Guo Yaxin and Deng Jie had a relationship with Zhang Xiao. Biyu is still a little uncomfortable.

But Shen Biyu also knew that she must not lose her momentum at this moment, after all, she represented not only herself, but also Zhang Xiao's face.

"I feel a bit cold, so Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao are going back now, do you want to go together?" Shen Biyu stretched out her hands and tightened Zhang Xiao's coat. This was not only because of the cold, but also a different kind of demonstration. At the same time He said with a smile.

"I'm going too, Xiaoxiao, remember to send me home." Mo Fangfei said with a smile, her words were full of ambiguity, and she didn't know why she said such words.

"Little Martial Nephew, don't need to say more about the drop-in." Zhang Xiao said helplessly to Mo Fangfei, but he also knew that it was difficult to explain, but he didn't bother to explain anything.

There was a cold light in Mo Fangfei's eyes, but she was a little speechless towards Zhang Xiao's attitude. No matter from which point of view, Zhang Xiao had the absolute upper hand, which made her feel sad.

Deng Jie looked at Zhang Xiao's hazy face under the light at this moment, and felt regretful in her heart, but unfortunately, the water was hard to undo, and what she did back then caused Zhang Xiao to be hurt.

At this moment, even though he knew that his original choice was wrong, he could only suppress the irritability in his heart, and said bitterly, "Xiaoxiao, I'm leaving first."

Zhang Xiao nodded without saying a word, and watched Deng Jie leave. After all, the path she chose had to be walked on her knees. Zhang Xiao was not surprised by this.

As an adult, you must be responsible for your own actions. In this society, no one will accommodate you. If you do something wrong, you must bear the corresponding consequences.

But at this moment, Shen Biyu and Guo Yaxin were holding each other's hands, talking insincerely, and chatting about the past three years.

Guo Yaxin was actually incredulous that Shen Biyu was able to win the province's first prize in liberal arts. After all, Shen Biyu's study level was about the same as hers back then. Relatively unpopular major.

Shen Biyu is the one who has put in so much effort for this. Ever since she transferred from high school, she knew that her life had come to a time of decision. In order not to sink herself, she could only devote all her energy to her studies to cover up The sadness in my heart.

Shen Biyu is not too happy even after becoming the number one student in the province's liberal arts. The reason why she chose to major in archaeology is because she wants to calm down her heart.

It wasn't until she met Zhang Xiao again that Shen Biyu made her own choice. Even if she couldn't go on together, she still wanted to face the feelings deep in her heart and throw herself into Zhang Xiao's arms without hesitation.

"Which school are you in now?" Shen Biyu brushed the broken hair by her ears, and asked Guo Yaxin with a smile.

"Beijing Normal University, I can't compare to you." Guo Yaxin's heart was full of bitterness at the moment, after all, her feelings for Zhang Xiao became even hotter after the separation, but it was a pity that Zhang Xiao and her had been strangers since then.

"That's good, after all, we are all students of Yu Province." Shen Biyu said in a matter-of-fact manner, but did not intend to take the opportunity to suppress.

But in Guo Yaxin's ears, it was full of malice. People are like this, and they have different opinions on the same issue because of their different identities.

"That's right, our students in Yu Province suffered a bit in the college entrance examination. There are many reasons for this." Mo Fangfei couldn't help but said with emotion.

Seeing that the three of them were chatting more and more passionately, Zhang Xiao was full of vigilance. After all, there were three women in one drama, especially the seemingly normal words of these three women had different interpretations.

This made Zhang Xiao stay away from the battlefield intentionally or unintentionally, took out his mobile phone and called Guo Feng, asking him to come to the auditorium to pick them up.

After all, it is winter now, and Shen Biyu, who is wearing a dress, can't make it to the school gate even with a coat on. Zhang Xiao knows this well, this is a woman, if they choose between demeanor and temperature, they will definitely choose demeanor.

And as Mo Fangfei joined the chatting ranks, the conversation between the three became more and more weird. From education to employment to life planning, the conversation became more in-depth, and all kinds of whimsical ideas emerged endlessly.

What Zhang Xiao was listening to was breaking out in cold sweat. He really didn't know how the previous emperors dealt with the intrigues of the women in the harem, and enjoyed the blessings of being equal to everyone.

At the same time, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little rejoicing that the times were different. Monogamy was not only the protection of women, but also the extra care of men.

The three talked endlessly, completely excluding Zhang Xiao, until Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang, and the three looked at Zhang Xiao at the same time.

Zhang Xiao connected the phone until Guo Feng came outside the auditorium, and then said to the three of them: "The car is outside the auditorium, do you want to go together?"

"Let's go, I don't want to walk in the cold wind." Mo Fangfei spoke first.

And Shen Biyu naturally came to stand beside Zhang Xiao, and hugged Zhang Xiao's arm to show her attitude.

Even though Guo Yaxin felt sore in her heart at the moment, she still said with a smile: "Send me downstairs to the dormitory too, the temperature is a bit low today."

"Then let's go." Zhang Xiao took Shen Biyu and walked first, Mo Fangfei followed with a giggle, and Guo Yaxin followed.

As the four of them left, everyone who had been paying attention to the four of them suddenly became noisy. Although they didn't know Zhang Xiao, they were very familiar with Shen Biyu. Shen Biyu's popularity is still very high.

In the episode, although Mo Fangfei and Guo Yaxin were not as beautiful as Shen Biyu, they were also rare beauties. Now that the three beauties left with Zhang Xiao, it was no wonder that the students were talking about it.

"That man is from that department. I haven't heard of it."

"Whoever knows about him, tell me."


Zhang Xiao didn't know that the students in the auditorium started to question him, but after getting into the car, Zhang Xiao became even more speechless, because in a relatively quiet environment, the words of the three women became a little more explicit. cascoo.

"Yaxin, you still need to do more yoga. Look at your figure, it's not perfect at all, it's as hard as a wooden stake." Shen Biyu said to Guo Yaxin without hesitation at this moment, her words were full of I mean it for your own good.

But hearing it in Guo Yaxin's ears made her teeth itch with hatred, but it was not easy to attack, so she could only fight back with a smile: "Xiaoyu, I know my body is hard, but there is nothing I can do about it, my body is too good Sometimes it is an annoyance, but you have to pay attention to your body, although hypoglycemia is not a serious illness, if you don't pay more attention, it will easily make you faint."

Shen Biyu's face suddenly turned pale. After all, the fainting in class was the last thing she wanted to be mentioned. Although it was declared to be hypoglycemia, only a few people knew what was going on. Zhang Xiao was undoubtedly one of them, which made her feel a little uneasy, she was afraid that Zhang Xiao would mind her past.

Zhang Xiao naturally also noticed the change in Shen Biyu's face, and comforted her with a smile: "After treatment, Xiaoyu's body is much better, and there is no serious problem now."

Shen Biyu couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, she was very grateful for Zhang Xiao's maintenance, and said to Guo Yaxin not to be outdone: "My body is completely recovered, but your temper still needs to be changed. I can't bear my temper."

Guo Yaxin thought of the reason why she broke up with Zhang Xiao, and now Shen Biyu brought it up, but her heart was full of bitterness.

Mo Fangfei at the side understood that neither of these two women was easy-going, but it was a little strange for her to get involved today.

Fortunately, Beijing University was not far from her house, and they had already arrived when they were chatting.

"Xiaoxiao, come with me to find Professor Li another day, and we have made a new discovery." Before getting out of the car and leaving, Mo Fangfei said to Zhang Xiao.

"Okay, call me when you have time." Zhang Xiao actually didn't have much interest in the parchment scrolls. After all, he didn't get much information after researching and researching for a long time, but he couldn't refuse at the moment.

The next itinerary was much simpler. Although Guo Yaxin and Shen Biyu were still fighting tit for tat, Zhang Xiao had slowly gotten used to it.

After sending Guo Yaxin to the downstairs of the dormitory, Guo Yaxin said to Zhang Xiao before getting off the car: "My father said that you are going to start a university, and it is currently under approval. I have some friends here, do you meet them?"

"No need, leave these matters to Uncle Guo. You don't have to pretend to others." Zhang Xiao shook his head and refused. Although he knew it was Guo Yaxin's good intentions, he didn't want to give Guo Yaxin any hope, after all, he couldn't give it to Guo Yaxin. want life.

"Okay, I'm leaving, goodbye." Guo Yaxin couldn't hear Zhang Xiao's refusal, but he waved goodbye to Zhang Xiao with a forced smile.

After leaving Beijing Normal University, Shen Biyu said to Zhang Xiao: "Actually, Guo Yaxin is a suitable partner both in terms of family background and personality. Don't you really think about it?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, "We're not suitable, besides, I haven't thought about the future, after all, it's too far away."

In fact, this is also Zhang Xiao's heart. Now Zhang Xiao has not made up his mind whether to renew the marriage with Tong Yao in the previous life or find someone else to marry. As Zhang Xiao said, he has not made up his mind yet.

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