After Zhang Xiao and Yang Lei communicated, the appointment of Sun Yuming was confirmed.

As Yang Lei said, the current person in charge of Xingsheng Glass Factory focuses on stability. After all, after Huang Yulong's accident, Xingsheng Glass Factory is in a state of restlessness. Appointing Sun Yuming as the general manager is bound to stabilize people's hearts.

Zhang Xiao asked the personnel department to start preparing the appointment letters for Sui Wenhua and Sun Yuming. The one week after the personnel appointments were issued, it was a publicity period. During this period, if there were any problems between the two of them, the appointments would be withdrawn at any time. Xiao's reform of personnel appointments.

After dealing with these matters, Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard by car.

As soon as Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard, a woman in her thirties who had been accompanying Shen Biyu to try on clothes walked up to Zhang Xiao quickly, and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, please come and give Miss Shen a reference. I can't make up my mind about my dress."

This woman is He Xueping, the domestic distributor of the world-renowned brand Ji Lanxue, who has cooperated with Hongyuan Group before. Zhang Xiao invited her to choose suitable dresses and accessories for Shen Biyu this time.

Besides He Xueping, she only brought one assistant with her, and she knew very well that people like Zhang Xiao didn't like too many strangers coming home to disturb them.

Since Shen Biyu is going to the ball, Zhang Xiao naturally wants to give her the best outfit to satisfy Shen Biyu's fantasies about beautiful things.

"Did you see those pieces?" Zhang Xiao first said hello to He Xueping, and then said to Shen Biyu.

"I think this purple dress is pretty good, but that cheongsam is also pretty, I'm not sure." Seeing Zhang Xiao coming back, Shen Biyu put her arms around Zhang Xiao's arm and said affectionately.

"That's all, you can wear whatever you like, and I'll ask them to make accessories for you after you change it." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation, since Shen Biyu likes it, I'll buy it all for her .

Shen Biyu nodded happily immediately, and then took the purple dress and He Xueping's assistant to change clothes.

"Miss Shen is so happy." He Xueping said enviously, she knew the price of these two clothes very well, each one was worth a lot.

Zhang Xiao was willing to buy it for Shen Biyu, which made He Xueping full of envy.

"I hope she can be happy forever." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

For Shen Biyu, Zhang Xiao has always been very sympathetic, because he knows that he can't give her too much, and can only satisfy her material needs as much as possible.

Not long after, Shen Biyu, who had changed her clothes, came out of the room, which made Zhang Xiao's eyes light up.

I saw Shen Biyu wearing a purple evening gown, the slightly long skirt spread out on the carpet, the waistline was very thin, and silver and white patterns were outlined on the waist, with the charm of the European court in the middle ages, giving Zhang Xiao a feeling A strong visual impact.

Shen Biyu turned around and flung the hem of the skirt away, revealing her fair and slender legs. Her hair brushed Zhang Xiao's cheek intentionally or unintentionally, leaving behind a faint fragrance, which gave Zhang Xiao a special feeling. Such a temptation.

"It's so pretty, so beautiful." Zhang Xiao couldn't help swallowing, and said with tongue-tied words. At this moment, he felt that any vocabulary was superfluous, and only the word "beauty" was left.

"As long as you like it." Seeing Zhang Xiao's appearance, Shen Biyu couldn't help but said softly.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and was very pleased with Shen Biyu's attitude. A woman's appearance is a way to satisfy a man's vanity, but Shen Biyu seemed very natural in doing it.

The next thing was much simpler. After putting on a pair of white diamond-encrusted high heels, it happened that Shen Biyu's height matched Zhang Xiao's.

Coupled with the decoration of diamond necklaces and other accessories, Shen Biyu looks even more charming.

Even He Xueping had to admit that Shen Biyu, who was already very beautiful, was even more beautiful after being groomed.

Not only that, but from Shen Biyu, He Xueping also discovered her unusual style, with every frown and smile, graceful demeanor, the charming charm of a young girl, and the elegant charm of a mature woman, all of which are natural in her body.

"What a charming little fairy." While He Xueping thought so in her heart, looking at Shen Biyu who was having an intimate conversation with Zhang Xiao, she couldn't help feeling a little depressed in her heart.

"Mr. Zhang, Ms. Shen, I'll take my leave first." He Xueping still took his assistants to bid farewell to Zhang Xiao politely.

"Okay, I'll contact you when I have time. Lao Guo, send Mr. He off for me." Zhang Xiao first exchanged greetings with He Xueping, and then said to Guo Feng.

When Guo Feng went to send He Xueping off, Zhang Xiao embraced Shen Biyu's slender waist, said with a smile, "I'm going to change clothes and we'll go."

"Okay." Shen Biyu happily kissed Zhang Xiao on the cheek, printed a red lip mark, and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao didn't doubt that he was there, and went back to the house and changed into a decent morning gown, shirt, trousers, matching vest, and bow tie. After getting dressed, Zhang Xiao saw the red lips on his face, and couldn't help it. Shaking his head, he was a little helpless at Shen Biyu's prank.

After wiping it clean from the handkerchief, Zhang Xiao walked into the living room and said to Shen Biyu with a smile: "Let's go to eat first, which is at the western restaurant opposite the Beijing University. After dinner, we will go to the dance venue together."

Zhang Xiao made very thoughtful arrangements. He hoped to give Shen Biyu a sense of ritual, because he knew that Shen Biyu cared most about his attitude towards her. As a vine on a tree, he hoped to give Shen Biyu more support.

"Okay, your arrangements are really thoughtful." Shen Biyu was very satisfied with Zhang Xiao's arrangement, and it made her happy from the bottom of her heart, after all, she felt Zhang Xiao's concern for her.

Zhang Xiao's courtyard house in Beijing University is not far away, but since Shen Biyu was wearing a formal dress, the two asked Guo Feng to drive them there.

After getting off the car at the entrance of the western restaurant, Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng: "You go back first, I will contact you after the dance."

Guo Feng nodded in agreement, and then drove away.

The western restaurant here is relatively simple, but it still has a sense of ceremony. After all, the location is opposite to Peking University. The usual guests are mainly Peking University students who like petty bourgeoisie, and it is also the favorite place for many couples.

The quiet environment and elegant style have a special flavor.

Maybe because tonight is the New Year's Day dance, there are quite a few people in the western restaurant, mainly couples, including Shen Biyu's classmates.

Shen Biyu hugged Zhang Xiao's arm and greeted her classmates very naturally.

Zhang Xiao smiled the whole time, giving Shen Biyu a sense of happiness.

A fruit salad, two steaks, and a vegetable salad, simple and delicate, made Zhang Xiao feel quite comfortable after a busy day.

Since the dance was about to take place, Shen Biyu didn't eat much, most of them were eaten lightly, but Zhang Xiao was [-]% full after eating.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao and Shen Biyu checked out and left, walking towards the campus of Beijing University.

The New Year's Day ball was held in the auditorium. When Zhang Xiao and Shen Biyu arrived, there were already a lot of students inside. They looked at Shen Biyu frequently. After all, Shen Biyu was really glamorous and charming after being dressed up at the moment, becoming the whole The most beautiful being at the ball.

As Shen Biyu's companion, Zhang Xiao would inevitably be pointed at by others, but Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, he was already mentally prepared for it.

After all, a beautiful student like Shen Biyu was originally the focus of the school, and with her usual icy appearance, at this moment she suddenly came to the ball with her male companion, so it was inevitable that people would stare at her.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry to trouble you." Shen Biyu said regretfully, she was afraid that Zhang Xiao would get angry because of this.

"What are you talking about, as long as you are happy, and their envy, jealousy and hatred will not cause any harm to me." Zhang Xiao comforted with a smile. He only hoped that Shen Biyu could live happily. As for other people's emotions, Zhang Xiao didn't care at all.

Shen Biyu couldn't help laughing, she suddenly became more glamorous and charming, which made many boys who were already envious of Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel even more depressed.

But for the handsome Zhang Xiao, many girls also looked carefully at it. They didn't know who Zhang Xiao was, but they were able to attend the New Year's Day Ball with Shen Biyu, and they must be very close. www.cascoo.

And in a corner, Mo Fangfei looked at Shen Biyu holding Zhang Xiao's arm with a happy face, and couldn't help feeling bitter in her heart. She didn't expect that Shen Biyu, the most talented in her class, would get into trouble with Zhang Xiao again. At the same time, this made her feel very uncomfortable, and she cursed at Zhang Xiao in her heart. If it wasn't for this being a public place, she would have rushed forward to question her.

Even Mo Fangfei didn't know where her emotions came from, whether it was because of Shen Biyu or Zhang Xiao.

Apart from Mo Fangfei, Li Wenyuan was the first to see Zhang Xiao at the leadership gathering place, pushed Fang Huiping and said, "That brat Zhang Xiao has a new woman. This is what you said about being passionate."

Fang Huiping followed Li Wenyuan's gaze, and saw Zhang Xiao and Shen Biyu standing together like a pair of lovers at a glance. Facing the pointing and pointing of the people around them, they chatted without distraction.

"What's the matter, Xiaoxiao is so young, she can't have another girlfriend. I always thought he was not good enough for that Huang Jinglei. Huang Jinglei is several years older than Zhang Xiao." Fang Huiping had a good impression of Zhang Xiao , even if Zhang Xiao changed his girlfriend, it was only natural in her opinion.

"You are really unreasonable." Li Wenyuan said to Fang Huiping, who was not in a good mood.

"Old Li, your skin is itchy, right? I'm unreasonable, why can't I be unreasonable." Fang Huiping grabbed the soft flesh of Li Wenyuan's waist, twisted it around, and said viciously.

"I was wrong. Zhang Xiao did the right thing. Changing girlfriends is the right thing to do." Although Li Wenyuan was in pain at the moment, he still hurriedly admitted his mistake. After all, he knew how powerful Fang Huiping was.

"Hmph, you're smart, I'll let you off for now, and I'll settle the score with you when I get home." Fang Huiping let Li Wenyuan go, and snorted coldly.

Li Wenyuan's feelings towards Zhang Xiao suddenly became worse. After all, in his opinion, he had suffered an innocent disaster.

As time goes by, the dance will start soon, and before the dance begins, there will naturally be leaders who will speak.

Zhang Xiao is very clear about this, such a large-scale dance is still rare, without the consent and organization of the school leaders, it is difficult for the students to organize it themselves.

As soon as the leader's speech was over, the music sounded. As the dance on the stage began to perform, the students off the stage also gathered together and danced to the rhythm of the music.

Shen Biyu hugged Zhang Xiao's waist and said with a smile: "Today's dance is actually not only attended by people from our school, but also students from universities such as Beijing Normal University and Beijing University of Science and Technology participated."

Zhang Xiao also smiled slightly and said, "No wonder so many people participated, I thought they were all students from Beijing University."

When the two of them were talking about each other, they didn't notice that Guo Yaxin was staring at them not far away, gnashing their teeth at their intimacy.

"Yaxin, what's the matter?" The man who was temporarily acting as Guo Yaxin's dance partner felt Guo Yaxin's abnormality and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing." Guo Yaxin restrained her emotions and said as if nothing had happened.

However, Guo Yaxin took her steps absent-mindedly, every step was not in the beat of the music at all.

As Guo Yaxin's male companion, it's so difficult, he has already been stepped on by high heels several times, he grinned his teeth in pain but dared not make a sound.

There were still a lot of people dancing at the beginning, but it didn't take long for the crowd to gradually thin out. Zhang Xiao also took Shen Biyu to the side seat to rest and watch the performance on the stage.

"I'm so tired." Shen Biyu leaned on Zhang Xiao's shoulder and muttered softly.

"Would you like to go back earlier?" Zhang Xiao actually didn't care about the dance at all, and the reason why she came was to make Shen Biyu happy.

"Let's watch for a while, I heard that many of today's performances are professional." Shen Biyu said reluctantly, beating her calf.

"Do you want me to press it for you?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said to Shen Biyu, watching Shen Biyu's movement of beating her leg.

"No need, I'll just rest for a while." Shen Biyu's skin is really thin, after all, there are people around, including her classmates.

Zhang Xiao didn't insist either, she put her arms around Shen Biyu's waist and watched the performance on the stage.

I have to say that the dance organized by Peking University was very good. There were not only dancers who had already debuted, but also many students from majors, all of whom were shining on the stage. Zhang Xiao watched it with great interest.

"Does it look good?" Seeing Zhang Xiao staring at the female classmate, Shen Biyu asked with some taste.

"It looks good. I have to say that these people's dances are professional, much better than ours." Zhang Xiao didn't understand the meaning of Shen Biyu's words, and smiled and opened the ropeway.

"People are also pretty, right?" Shen Biyu teased with a smile.

"No matter how good-looking she is, she's not as beautiful as you." Zhang Xiao would not be easily fooled, but what he said was the truth. After all, Shen Biyu's beauty was obvious to all, and she was called the school beauty by many people.

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