"Slippery." Zhang Xiao couldn't help teasing Hou Shuyan.

Hou Shuyan gave Zhang Xiao a blank look. After all, Zhang Xiao's tone sounded like her elders, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But Hou Shuyan still reported: "Boss, Mr. Yuan came just now, and left first when Wenhua was in the office."

"Call him and let him come over if he has something to do. You can wait for a while when you see Sun Yuming." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, I'll call Mr. Yuan right now." Hou Shuyan nodded and went to the side to make a call.

But Zhang Xiao picked up Sun Yuming's information and looked at it.

Sun Yuming, 42 years old this year, is currently the vice president of production of Xingsheng Glass Factory, in charge of the production of each factory area of ​​Xingsheng Glass Factory.

Although Sun Yuming's education is only a junior college, but you must know that it was a junior college more than 20 years ago, and it was still very popular at that time.

Sun Yuming's resume is also very simple. After graduating from college, he has been working in Xingsheng Glass Factory, from technician to technical supervisor, and then to production supervisor. After Zhang Xiao bought Xingsheng Glass Factory, he stayed and was hired by Yang Tired promoted to deputy general manager in charge of production.

Zhang Xiao admires people like Sun Yuming who work hard, because they are very loyal to the company, and this kind of loyalty is rarely seen in later generations.

"Boss, Mr. Yuan said that he has something to report, and he will be here soon." Hou Shuyan said to Zhang Xiao at this moment.

"Okay, I see, you tell Sun Yuming to wait for a while, and let him come over after Yuan Min leaves." Zhang Xiao instructed Hou Shuyan.

"Okay." After Hou Shuyan finished speaking, she left Zhang Xiao's office.

Not long after, Yuan Min knocked on the door and walked in. After sitting down opposite Zhang Xiao, he poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and said, "Boss, we found Lin Jian."

"Where is he now?" Zhang Xiao asked. For this Lin Jian, Zhang Xiao paid so much attention to him because he knew very well that an important technology and discovery in the lithography machine of later generations came from Lin Jian.

"In the United States, a company is the general manager." Yuan Min didn't know why Zhang Xiao asked him to find Lin Jian. After all, in his impression, Zhang Xiao and the other party had never met.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, but she didn't speak any more, but fell into silence.

After all, even if Lin Jian is found, Zhang Xiao is not sure how to persuade Lin Jian to join Hongyuan Group. After all, the current Hongyuan Group is not making fast progress in the research and development of lithography machine technology, and Zhang Xiao is not too sure that he will be able to work in Hongyuan Group. Success in the field of lithography machines.

After all, the technology required for lithography machines is too much and too complicated. With the current research and development of Hongyuan Group, it is still a long way to go to develop and produce lithography machines. Zhang Xiao didn't have much confidence in the cooperation with engraving machine manufacturers.

But Zhang Xiao knows better that the research and development of the new generation of lithography machines has encountered a bottleneck. There is a three-year time window from now to the new generation of lithography machines. If the development and production of the new generation of lithography machines cannot be completed within these three years, Then if you want to make achievements in the field of lithography machines in the future, you will have to work harder for a longer period of time.

Even so, Zhang Xiao still didn't make up his mind. After all, Zhang Xiao knew very well that if Hongyuan Group alone wanted to develop a lithography machine, it would be difficult to succeed, and it was necessary to cooperate in many aspects. But before that, inviting Lin Jian's joining the company was the first thing Zhang Xiao had to do.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min again: "Where is Zhang Rujin, have you found him?"

"I found it. He and others are planning to start a company in the Shanghai stock market. I got news that they are planning to engage in the chip production industry." Yuan Min said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing. Although he knew that Zhang Rujin would return to China to build a factory this year, he didn't expect it to be a step too late. Zhang Rujin is a fab builder, and Zhang Xiao knows his value very well.

The value of Zhang Rujin lies in his debugging of fab equipment and process technology, and this is also the biggest difficulty of a fab. After all, it involves the chip yield, and the level of chip yield directly affects the fab's production rate. production and profits.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that whether it is a lithography machine or a fab, it requires a lot of capital investment, and in many cases it is not possible to do it with money.

But at this time, foreign lithography machine factories do not have too many restrictions on the country. The lithography machine for the second production line is purchased from Nikon in Japan.

But Zhang Xiao is more aware that as the most critical equipment for the entire integrated circuit manufacturing, the performance of the lithography machine directly affects the development of the entire microelectronics industry, especially with the continuous development of mobile phones, especially after the emergence of smart phones, The demand for chips will only increase, and the performance requirements will become higher and higher.

However, the research and development of domestic lithography machines is in an embarrassing situation. In the final analysis, there is only one reason, and that is the lack of capital investment. After all, when foreign advanced lithography machines are purchased casually, independent research and development is too stupid for many people. .

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that the only correct way is to take the road of independent research and development, and any shortcuts taken too much will become obstacles to social development. www.cascoo.

There is no bend in the research and development of lithography machine technology, or in other words, there is no bend in the research and development of any high-end technology. Behind a high-end technology is a complete high-end industrial chain, and behind a complete high-end industrial chain is a perfect Basic industrial facilities and education system have brought talent accumulation.

In Zhang Xiao’s view, the country has completed the construction of basic industrial facilities, the establishment of the education system, and the accumulation of talents, but there are still many aspects that still need to be improved in terms of the complete high-end industrial chain, let alone through the high-end industrial chain. High-end technology research and development.

In the field of high-end industries, it is also necessary to learn advanced foreign technologies. This is the main reason why Zhang Xiao hopes to establish a research and development center abroad. It will not only help Hongyuan Group recruit scientific research talents, but also learn and understand foreign advanced technologies through the research and development center. .

"Okay, I see. You send their information to my mailbox, and I will make a decision after reading it." Zhang Xiao pondered for a while before speaking to Yuan Min.

"Boss, why are you looking for them? Lin Jian is a well-known person in the microfilm industry, while Zhang Rujin has worked in Texas Instruments for many years and is good at the construction of fabs. What kind of connection?" Yuan Min was puzzled by Zhang Xiao's intention to ask him to find these two people, so he couldn't help asking at this moment.

"I want to invite them to join Hongyuan Group. After all, they are rare talents. Hongyuan Group needs talents like them to join." Zhang Xiao said with a smile. Zhang Xiao didn't say much about the deep-seated reasons. After all, he couldn't explain many things clearly.

"I can understand the invitation of Zhang Rujin. After all, the second production line of our chip factory is about to be completed, and talents like him are needed to debug equipment and establish process standards. But Lin Jian, we will not involve the research and development of optical instruments. Go." Yuan Min said tentatively.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, but didn't say much. After all, this was just his wishful thinking. As for whether he could invite them over, Zhang Xiao was not sure.

Yuan Min saw that Zhang Xiao didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more. In his opinion, Zhang Xiao's behavior sometimes was very mysterious.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang, Zhang Xiao picked it up and saw that it was Shen Biyu calling, and suddenly remembered what he had promised Shen Biyu, and couldn't help but patted his head.

There are too many things going on in the group these days, Zhang Xiao even forgot to promise Shen Biyu to attend the ball.

After answering the phone, Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, why are you calling now?"

"I'll be waiting for you in the courtyard, when will you come back?" Shen Biyu said on the phone.

"I'll be done in another hour. I'll be back by then. It shouldn't be too late." Zhang Xiao glanced at the time. It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still three hours before the dance.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you at home, you have to be on time." Shen Biyu reminded with a smile.

"I see." Zhang Xiao hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Boss, the beauty has an appointment, why don't you go early?" Yuan Min said to Zhang Xiao winkingly.

"It's still early, and besides, I have to talk to Sun Yuming about the Xingsheng Glass Factory. If you have nothing to do, go first." Zhang Xiao didn't care about Yuan Min's teasing, after all, he and Shen Biyu were not together. It's no secret.

"Then I'll go first." Yuan Min laughed, and then left Zhang Xiao's office.

After Yuan Min left, Zhang Xiao asked Hou Shuyan to call Sun Yuming in.

Perhaps Sun Yuming came here in a hurry, and he was still wearing the Xingsheng Glass Factory uniform, which surprised Zhang Xiao, but Zhang Xiao also knew that he was a more pragmatic person, a person who focused on production.

"Sit down, don't be restrained." Zhang Xiao said to Sun Yuming.

Sun Yuming nodded, and sat down opposite Zhang Xiao, but his movements were still a little cautious.

"Mr. Sun, how do you think our Xingsheng Glass Factory should develop next?" Zhang Xiao asked casually while making tea for Sun Yuming.

"Boss, I think the most important thing for Xingsheng Glass Factory is to improve the production quality, transform our research and development into production capacity, improve product upgrading, and establish the brand of our glass products. This is the most important thing. "Sun Yuming said that he is not satisfied with the current production of Xingsheng Glass Factory. After all, with the improvement of research and development, the corresponding production technology has not been improved, which is obviously a waste of resources for Xingsheng Glass Factory.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Sun Yuming to say that. He pushed the brewed tea in front of Sun Yuming and said, "That is to say, many glass products have been developed, but they are still under production. In the process, we need to improve the production process, right?"

"Yes, the R&D center of the group has completed the research and development of a new generation of glass products, but the current production process and equipment in the factory are not up to standard. I think the production process and equipment of the glass factory should be upgraded to produce high-performance products. Glass products with better indicators." Speaking of these, Sun Yuming immediately relaxed a lot, after all, he is an expert in production.

"I understand. I will let the people in the R&D center cooperate with you to complete the upgrade of the Xingsheng Glass Factory. I hope you can complete it as soon as possible. However, in the process, I hope that the delivery of the order will not be delayed." Zhang Xiao nodded in agreement immediately. down.

"Okay, then I'll leave first, there are still a lot of things to do in the factory." Seeing that Zhang Xiao agreed, Sun Yuming was about to leave immediately.

"Wait a minute, have a sip of tea first, I have something to discuss with you." Zhang Xiao was a little helpless for a vice president like Sun Yuming who was so focused on production, so he had to stop calling him.

"Boss, if you have anything to do, just tell me, and I promise to complete the task." Sun Yuming said.

"It's like this. Huang Yulong is now under investigation for violating regulations and disciplines, you know." Zhang Xiao said to Sun Yuming.

"I know, we have inspected the materials and equipment he approved before, and found no quality problems. The factory has returned to normal. Boss, please rest assured that the delivery of product orders will not be affected." Sun Yuming nodded He nodded and said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little depressed. For someone like Sun Yuming, Zhang Xiao was really worried about handing over the entire Xingsheng Glass Factory to him, but he still wanted to ask Sun Yuming's opinion.

"If you are asked to be the general manager of Xingsheng Glass Factory, do you think you are competent?" Zhang Xiao asked directly. It is better to communicate directly with Sun Yuming.

"I think I am still competent. I am clear about both glass production and demand. I think there is no problem. If the boss believes in me, I can work for a while. If there is no result, you can withdraw me. "Sun Yuming said seriously, he also knew that this was his opportunity and he had to seize it, although he was straightforward, he was not stupid.

After all, once he becomes the general manager of Xingsheng Glass Factory, he will become one of the top executives of Hongyuan Group and step into another level. This is a rare opportunity for him.

"Okay, I see, you go back first." Zhang Xiao immediately understood Sun Yuming's thoughts, but Zhang Xiao has not yet made up his mind whether to hand over the Xingsheng Glass Factory to Sun Yuming.

"Boss, then I'll leave first." Although he didn't get Zhang Xiao's face-to-face promise, Sun Yuming bid farewell to Zhang Xiao and left without too much entanglement.

After Sun Yuming left, Zhang Xiao called Yang Lei and asked his opinion on Sun Yuming.

"Xiaoxiao, Lao Sun is a reliable person. I don't think we need to worry too much about handing over the Xingsheng Glass Factory to him. Besides, we can replace him at any time. I think we can let him try." Yang Lei talked to Zhang on the phone. Xiao spoke a lot more casually.

"I see. I'll think about it again. If there are no other problems, then it's him." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

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