Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 415 Capital Utilization Rate

In Zhang Xiao's vision, the internationalization of Hongyuan Group should focus on establishing overseas R&D centers and marketing centers.

The establishment of the R&D center is not only beneficial to product R&D and product upgrades, but also can attract a large number of R&D talents to improve the technological level of Hongyuan Group.

The establishment of the marketing center can make the products of Hongyuan Group go to the world, so that the sales of products are no longer limited to the domestic market, which is of epoch-making significance for Hongyuan Group.

Not only that, the establishment of the marketing center is helpful to the branding of Hongyuan Group's various products, and also lays the foundation for future product export.

In particular, R&D centers must establish overseas bases. After all, this is a powerful supplement to domestic R&D, and there are indeed more foreign talents than domestic ones, and it is easier to be recruited.

However, Zhang Xiao also knew that this was still based on Huang Minhui's team's plan, which was the main reason why Zhang Xiao asked Huang Minhui to submit the internationalization process plan as soon as possible.

The afternoon meeting focused on the investment amount of each project of the group next year. As it involves the division of investment amount, each subsidiary has made a lot of preparations for next year's development plan before the meeting started.

Various project proposals were passed on between various departments very early on, and Zhang Xiao naturally received a lot of them, but in the face of so many projects, Zhang Xiao must make a choice, and he must also be careful about the prospects of the projects. for analysis.

After all, Hongyuan Group's funds are limited. There are many opinions on how to use limited funds to obtain more benefits. After all, Hongyuan Group needs to care not only about capital interests, but also technology brands. and other pursuits.

In this regard, Zhang Xiao did not respond to the rest of the projects except for expressing his position on several key projects.

At the beginning of the afternoon meeting, Academician Ni took the lead in proposing the completion schedule of the electronic industry base project and the mobile phone project. After all, this is also the focus of Hongyuan Group's development next year.

"The electronic industry base project and the mobile phone project are expected to be initially completed in August next year, so I hope that the group will take the lead in allocating the investment amount in place, so that it can be earmarked for special use, and prepare for the trial production after August." Ni The academician was the first to speak, and handed over the progress schedule of the two projects to all the high-level people present to give them a more intuitive understanding.

After reading the schedule of the two projects, Zhang Xiao said, "Whether it is the electronic industry base project or the mobile phone project, it will be the top priority of the group's development next year. I think the finance department should pay more attention to the amount of investment." Take the lead in ensuring supply to meet the progress of the project. What's your opinion?"

Zhang Xiao endorsed the two projects, and everyone knew the energy Zhang Xiao put into these two projects, so no one raised any opinions. Only Sun Ting, the director of the financial department, had a different opinion on this.

"The two projects are the key projects of the group next year. I fully support them, but I don't think the amount of investment should be strictly limited, which is not conducive to the utilization of funds." Sun Ting said.

"As we all know, the higher the utilization rate of funds, the higher the efficiency. Although the two projects are key projects, if special funds are set for special use, this is a waste of the group's funds. We should consider the operating conditions of each subsidiary next year Carry out budget estimates, and increase the utilization rate of funds on the premise of ensuring the normal operation of the project, so that the utilization rate of funds will be higher, which will not only increase the group's working capital, but also obtain considerable benefits." Sun Ting as the financial The director of the department also explained the necessity of capital utilization from another aspect.

Zhang Xiao is quite moved by this. After all, how to improve the utilization rate of the group's funds has always been a difficult problem. Sun Ting's words undoubtedly opened the door, but how to implement it is still open to discussion. Safety should also be given top priority. cascoo.

Sun Ting's words made the top management of Hongyuan Group talk a lot. After all, although the utilization rate of funds is beneficial to the development of the group, for them, it is more of a restriction.

After all, according to the previous rules, the profit handed over to the group this year is 70.00% of the profits of each subsidiary, which will be allocated according to the projects of each subsidiary in the second year, and will be allocated in one go after confirmation.

However, according to Sun Ting's words, if the capital profit rate is increased, the payment will be made according to the progress of the project, which greatly limits the autonomy of the subsidiaries, which makes the heads of all subsidiaries feel guilty.

They didn't know whether Sun Ting's proposal today was Zhang Xiao's idea or Sun Ting's own decision. After discussing, everyone couldn't help falling into silence.

If this is Zhang Xiao's intention, then there is nothing to discuss about this matter, just execute it, but if this is Sun Ting's own idea, then there is still room for delay in this matter.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao understood what Sun Ting meant. Increasing the utilization rate of funds was just an excuse. Although there was room for maneuver, the fundamental meaning was to strengthen the control of Hongyuan Group headquarters over each subsidiary.

Of course, Sun Ting's proposal was not authorized by Zhang Xiao, but Sun Ting felt the strength of the subsidiary in the past two years. After all, Hongyuan Group's own business has no profitability, and it only expands by investing in various projects.

Although under the control of Zhang Xiao, all subsidiaries dare not blatantly violate the orders of the Hongyuan Group headquarters, but there are always excuses and wrangling. Although it is not too much trouble, it also makes Sun Ting feel dangerous. This is also the main reason she proposes to enhance the utilization of funds.

In Sun Ting's view, doing so will help Zhang Xiao to control the various subsidiaries, and Zhang Xiao will not object if she thinks about it, and she can use this to increase her own power invisibly, and as long as Zhang Xiao agrees, then Everyone else will have no strength to resist.

Zhang Xiao agreed to Sun Ting's proposal after a little thought. After all, it was beneficial and harmless to him, allowing him to further recover his property rights.

After all, in the Hongyuan Group, the personnel and financial rights will ultimately be in his own hands. Zhang Xiao has already planned for this. Now that Sun Ting's proposal is beneficial to him, he will not object.

So Zhang Xiao said smoothly: "The higher the utilization rate of funds, the greater the benefits to the group. I think how to improve the utilization rate of funds should be put on the group's agenda as soon as possible. In addition, starting next year, the projects of each subsidiary The amount will be allocated in batches according to the progress of the project, which will greatly improve the financial situation of the group, and will also help to concentrate on major tasks. What's your opinion on this?"

As soon as Zhang Xiao said this, no one objected. Although the heads of the various subsidiaries had a lot to say, they did not dare to compete with Zhang Xiao for financial rights. After all, this involved Zhang Xiao's power.

"I have no objection. I support everything that is beneficial to the development of the group, but I hope that the funding can be allocated in a timely manner, otherwise it will affect the progress of the project." Academician Ni said first.

After all, for Academician Ni, he cares about rights. He only wants to promote the development of domestic computer and Internet technology in his lifetime. As for rights and money, he doesn't care about them.

"I have no objection, and I think all subsidiaries should hand in their profits as soon as possible every quarter, which is conducive to the faster development of the group." Li Mingxuan said, he is now grateful for Zhang Xiao's gift of his villa, He doesn't value the rights in his hands. In his opinion, as long as it is beneficial to the group, there is no reason to stop it.

Li Mingxuan not only agreed to allocate the project funds according to the progress of the project, but also proposed to hand over the profits of all subsidiaries on a quarterly basis. This made many people's expressions change again and again, but no one objected.

"We'll discuss the matter of turning over profits on a quarterly basis. Now let's discuss the appropriation of project funds. Does anyone have any objections?" Zhang Xiao waved his hand at Li Mingxuan and said.

When other people saw Academician Ni and Mingxuan Li express their views, they all agreed. After all, the company that Academician Ni and Mingxuan Li are in charge of is the main source of profit for the group. , it’s better to go with the flow, hello and me.

"Since there is no objection, then this matter is settled." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

Everyone kept silent, but Zhang Xiao didn't care about it at all. Instead, she said to Sun Ting: "Come out with the project progress and project fund allocation plan as soon as possible. After all, it will be a new year soon. Finish before the start of the year."

"Okay, boss." Sun Ting said excitedly.

Sun Ting did not expect that her proposal would be so easy to achieve. After all, in her opinion, this is an issue involving the interests of the person in charge of the subsidiary, and someone should oppose it.

After Sun Ting thought about it carefully, she felt that it should be taken for granted. After all, increasing the utilization rate of funds would not only allow the group to obtain more benefits, but also help Zhang Xiao withhold funds, thereby recovering the financial rights that were not in the name. Xiao has no reason not to support it.

But within the Hongyuan Group, as long as Zhang Xiao decides something, there are few people who will object to it. This is because Zhang Xiao is the owner and the biggest boss of Hongyuan Group. Even if someone has an opinion, they dare not blatantly oppose it. .

Zhang Xiao is also very excited to be able to take back the financial rights into his own hands. Compared with personnel rights, Zhang Xiao actually cares more about financial rights. After all, as the creator of the company, no one dares to hide anything from him on personnel issues. .

But before the financial rights were recovered, many people's violations of regulations and disciplines were due to financial problems. Zhang Xiao knew this well, but he was powerless. Sun Ting's proposal moved Zhang Xiao immediately and put it into practice.

The next part of the meeting is the report of each subsidiary on the project to be launched next year and the demand for funds. After all, for them, [-]% of the profit left by the group is for them to expand production. If there is a project, they will get funds from the group headquarters. support.

Therefore, in order to gain more control over funds, the heads of various subsidiaries applied for new projects as their first choice, but after Zhang Xiao took back the financial rights, they couldn't help but mutter, but at this moment Zhang Xiao has already After getting their project plan, they can only apply for the project according to the project plan.

"The electronics industry base project and the mobile phone project that I am in charge of have been going on for some time now. The electronics industry base project has already set an investment of 15 billion before it starts, and the funds have been in place, so there is no need to allocate funds for the time being. But the mobile phone The project does need funds, and this is my project plan." Academician Ni said first, the reason why he didn't mention the R&D center project is because the R&D center has already belonged to the headquarters of Hongyuan Group, so it is not necessary to apply for project funds for the time being. .

Since Zhang Xiao had read the project plan a long time ago, he said directly at this time: "The mobile phone project only needs to complete the design and packaging of the mobile phone, and its production will be in charge of the Xinglin County Electronics Factory first. After completion, it will be transferred to the electronics industry base, so the budget should be reduced accordingly, so I hope to redo the project proposal for mobile phones.”

"Okay, I will ask the various departments of the project to revise this." Academician Ni was not surprised by this. After all, even he felt that the project proposal was a bit outrageous, but this did not prevent Academician Ni from using it to apply.

When the heads of other subsidiaries saw that Academician Ni's project proposals were all requested to be redone, they couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. After all, the group is currently at a critical moment of rectification, and they are all afraid that their projects will be cut off.

But then Zhang Xiao passed several projects in a row before they were relieved, and the announced amount of the project was not small.

At this time, Li Mingxuan said: "Boss, the renovation project of the People's Supermarket does not need financial support from the group headquarters at present. We will complete the project on time according to the project plan, but we will draw from the future profits."

As soon as Li Mingxuan's words came out, many people couldn't help but look at each other. After all, as the group's major profit maker, Li Mingxuan was responsible for a lot of projects, but he actually gave up the group's financial support, which put a lot of pressure on many people.

Zhang Xiao took a deep look at Li Mingxuan, and couldn't help saving up secretly in his heart. After all, the lack of project funds for the Minmin Supermarket was a great joy for Hongyuan Group and Zhang Xiao, and he saw some success in it.

However, in order not to dampen the enthusiasm of the heads of other subsidiaries, Zhang Xiao said: "Since the people's supermarket does not need funds, our group's funds will be relatively abundant next year, and I will consider passing more new projects that are conducive to the development of the group." , and hope that everyone will actively apply for new projects that are beneficial to the development of the group."

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