Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 414 Development Direction

While Zhang Xiao was thinking, Ye Shijiang said: "Although the internationalization of the group is an inevitable trend, the first thing we need to do now is to stabilize the domestic business first, only in this way can we carry out internationalization without any worries. .”

Huang Minhui was very concerned about what Ye Shijiang said, because as the general manager of Hongyuan Group, Ye Shijiang's authority was second only to Zhang Xiao, the boss, so she took out a trump card that had been hidden all along.

"This is a report on the future development of the electronic technology industry. It was researched by foreign electronics industry associations. You can take a look at it." Huang Minhui casually distributed the report to everyone present. Obviously, she had expected it a long time ago. I realized that my own internationalization proposal would not be passed so smoothly, and Ye Shijiang's questioning was an example.

Although Zhang Xiao was very supportive of Huang Minhui, Huang Minhui knew that if she couldn't convince most people in the group to support her, then even with Zhang Xiao's strong support, it would be difficult for her to go further.

Zhang Xiao looked at this future development report very carefully, because this report introduced the past and future of the electronics industry in detail, which gave Zhang Xiao a general framework for the development of the entire electronics industry.

Not only that, this report analyzed the future development direction of the electronics industry in detail, and Zhang Xiao had to pay attention to many directional issues, because this report is obviously a hit with a arrow, and has unique implications for the future development of the electronics industry. perspective.

After reading the report, Zhang Xiao asked all the senior management of the group: "If you have any objections after reading it, you can raise them. After all, finding problems and solving them is the fundamental way."

"I have no opinion. I think the internationalization process of the group should be accelerated. After all, in the electronics industry, there is still a big gap between China and the most advanced countries in the world. Internationalization must be carried out. This is very important for our group in the electronics industry. It will greatly improve the status of the company." Academician Ni took the lead and said that he was overjoyed after reading the report, because Huang Minhui's investigation report gave him a lot of hints and made him understand that if he wants to have a good reputation in the electronics industry To develop, it is essential to establish R&D centers overseas.

After Academician Ni spoke, Ye Shijiang did not object. After all, in Hongyuan Group, Academician Ni is responsible for everything in the electronics industry. In addition, Zhang Xiao obviously supports him. Even if he wants to internationalize Hongyuan Group now He had some doubts, but he didn't say much.

And the other high-level executives had no objections. After all, from Huang Minhui's investigation report, it could be seen that Huang Minhui was well prepared.

"Since everyone has no opinion, the development direction of our Hongyuan Group next year will be determined, mainly divided into three aspects."

"The first aspect is that the electronics field led by Hongyuan Group's microelectronics technology company should continue to increase investment, and strive to make the microelectronics technology company a leader in the country."

"The second aspect is the retail industry headed by Minmin Supermarket. We need to achieve hierarchical operations. Whether it is member boutique supermarkets, large and medium-sized supermarkets, or community chain supermarkets, we must set a benchmark for the retail industry, so as to establish The industry-leading position of Minmin Supermarket has become a real domestic retail giant."

"The third aspect is the international operation of Hongyuan Group. We not only need to establish our own R&D centers abroad, but also establish overseas sales channels for our group products. Whether it is electronic products or glass products, as long as they are For the products and businesses owned by the group, we must actively seek overseas operations, which is the main development direction of the group in the future.”

Seeing that no one objected, Zhang Xiao immediately summed up the development direction. Except that Hongyuan Real Estate was no longer a key investment, the other three aspects will increase investment.

Of course, Zhang Xiao is not prepared to give up the development of the real estate industry. He will discuss the specific development ideas with Yang Lei after the meeting. In the initial stage, there is no time requirement for the development of many land plots, and this is also the best period for hoarding land.

After the meeting in the morning, just as Zhang Xiao returned to the office, Yang Lei walked in and complained to Zhang Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, what does Mr. Huang mean? Why is he only targeting me?"

"Don't worry, let's talk slowly over a cup of tea." Zhang Xiao said with a smile after making a cup of tea for Yang Lei.

Yang Lei took the tea that Zhang Xiao handed over, but he didn't care to drink it. After all, he cut off the investment amount of Hongyuan Real Estate, which will definitely have a great impact on the development of Hongyuan Real Estate next year.

"Uncle, in fact, from the pre-sales of real estate this year, it can be seen that the development of real estate is not useless. Although the current profit does not seem high, it can also be seen from the other hand that the current cost of real estate is not high. What we need to do now is to add more projects, but slow down the speed of project development. We can divide the real estate projects into phases one, two, or even three, four, and five phases. In this way, we can meet the pre-sale customers’ delivery requirements. Save more development funds." Zhang Xiao began to advise Yang Lei, after all, he has the insights of later generations and has a solution on how to avoid project breaches.

As soon as Yang Lei heard Zhang Xiao's words, he immediately understood what Zhang Xiao meant, that is to hoard land as much as possible. On the contrary, the speed of development does not need to be too anxious, and the focus is on recovering costs. This makes Yang Lei a little uncertain about what Zhang Xiao will do purpose.

"Xiaoxiao, do you mean that the land price will rise?" Yang Lei asked tentatively. After all, he hadn't heard any rumors about it, which made him a little suspicious.

"Scarcity is the most precious thing, and land is the most scarce resource no matter what time it is, so what we have to do now is to hoard as many land plots as possible as the land reserve of Hongyuan Real Estate, and lay a solid foundation for the rapid development of Hongyuan Real Estate in the future." Basic." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"What about the development funds for next year?" Although Yang Lei agreed with Zhang Xiao, he was still worried about the funds.

"Don't worry about the problem of funds. I will help you find a solution. Even if the funds in the group cannot be used, we can still use bank loans or financing." Zhang Xiao said confidently.

In fact, in the past few years, there has been no shortage of funds in the market, but instead, there is a lack of investment channels for funds. Zhang Xiao believes that as long as the operation is reasonable, it will not be a problem to obtain funds with lower interest rates than bank loans.

"Okay, then I'm relieved." Yang Lei was relieved until now, he was really afraid that Zhang Xiao would put the real estate project at the end, it would be more harm than good for him.

After Yang Lei left, Huang Minhui walked in.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little amused, these people didn't say anything at the group meeting, they all hid it, but after the meeting, they came to the door one by one to discuss the investment of the project with Zhang Xiao.

"Sit down, I'll make you a cup of tea." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Boss, don't bother, this is my international operation project plan, please read it." Huang Minhui didn't even sit down, took out a copy of Wenjia from her handbag and handed it to Zhang Xiao, and said .

After Zhang Xiao took over the document, he couldn't help asking after only flipping through the first page: "You mean to set up a company specializing in international operations and separate it from Hongyuan Group. Please tell me your reason." ?”

"Judging from the current development of Hongyuan Group in the field of electronics, it has entered the deep water area of ​​the electronics industry. If we want to continue research and development, we must compete with foreign companies. The risks will be great, so we established an independent The operating limited company can effectively avoid introducing risks to Hongyuan Group.” Huang Minhui was prepared for this and talked eloquently.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded. This is a way, but for Zhang Xiao, this reason is not enough. After all, it is not necessarily a good thing for Zhang Xiao to set up a new company and separate from Hongyuan Group. Xiao's grip on the new company is tested.

Coupled with the lessons learned by Zong Rui, Zhang Xiao still has doubts about handing over a large amount of funds to Huang Minhui for operation. After all, after the funds have entered overseas, once an accident occurs, it will be even more difficult to recover them.

"Is there any other reason?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"There is also the issue of the identity of the group. Overseas, domestic groups are bound to be stared at. This will inevitably hinder Hongyuan Group from entering the high-tech field, so it is imperative to establish an independent overseas company. Seeing that Zhang Xiao was unmoved, Huang Minhui continued to speak.

Huang Minhui's words and Zhang Xiao have also thought about them, but he is clear that no matter how the overseas companies dissociate themselves from Hongyuan Group, the fact that the funds come from Hongyuan Group will not change, it is just deception. .

Moreover, once the relationship is severed, the scientific and technological achievements developed by overseas companies will inevitably cause a lot of trouble when they are introduced into the country. Zhang Xiao is not optimistic about this operation.

Moreover, Zhang Xiao was worried about handing over a large amount of funds to Huang Minhui to operate independently. He never used money and wealth to test human nature.

"Mr. Huang, I won't agree. There's no need to cheat like this. We still follow the normal investment procedures. Although there are certain risks in this way, it's safe." Zhang Xiao shook his head and rejected Huang Minhui's proposal. proposal.

In Zhang Xiao's view, there is no need to intentionally split, it will only cause more trouble, it is better to be honest, even if he faces other constraints in the future, it will be more convenient for him to deal with, otherwise once split, it will be Like an enclave, it is very likely that the gains outweigh the losses.

Huang Minhui was taken aback for a moment, after all, she did not expect to be rejected so cleanly by Zhang Xiao, and she would continue to persuade Zhang Xiao, but Zhang Xiao interrupted her with a wave, and said with a smile: "Mr. , you must be clear about my concerns, so don’t say too much, but what you should do now is to establish a plan as an overseas branch of Hongyuan Group.”

Huang Minhui nodded. She had no selfish intentions. Since Zhang Xiao said so, she didn't object, because he had already sensed the reason from Zhang Xiao's words.Fun Court

"Okay, then I will start to create a new project plan now, and I will hand it over to you for review after it is done." Huang Minhui agreed without hesitation, because she knew that it is not good to argue at this time, and it may cause tension. Xiao became even more vigilant.

After Huang Minhui left, Zhang Xiao's office returned to tranquility, and he began to think about the development of the company next year.

In Zhang Xiao's plan, the continuous development of the electronics field is essential, and further investment is necessary, especially for the R&D center. As the new round of R&D projects are gradually established, the investment will be even greater.

Of course, the R&D center has also produced a lot of results. Whether it is the localization of computer hardware or the development of computer software, the R&D center has made great contributions. Under the guidance of Zhang Xiao, the R&D center has made more achievements. Pertinence, which greatly promotes the development progress of the R&D center.

The second is the development of Minmin Supermarket. In Zhang Xiao’s plan, Minmin Supermarket will develop into a giant in the domestic retail industry. Both cost control and sales models need to be upgraded, and the investment in related hardware and software is inevitable. .

In addition, although the number of stores in Minmin Supermarket has increased, the quality of employees needs to be improved, and this requires a lot of capital investment.

As for Xingsheng Glass Factory, what it can do now is to expand its scale and brand operations, which requires the least investment. After all, customers are relatively fixed, and it will take time to develop new markets.

In the end, Zhang Xiao still thought of Hongyuan Group's international operation road, which is also Zhang Xiao's high hope.

But Zhang Xiao also has doubts about this. After all, in the previous life, the internationalization road of many companies was not smooth, and it could even be said to be blood-stained. Zhang Xiao did not have much confidence in whether Hongyuan Group could succeed. But this is the road that must be passed.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao can only hope that Huang Minhui can come up with a feasible solution. After all, he himself does not have much knowledge in this area. In his previous life, he was just a little guy struggling at the bottom. It has already made him feel powerless.

In fact, Zhang Xiao also knows that his talent is no longer enough to control a company as large as Hongyuan Group, and he must make changes, otherwise, if his morals are not matched, there will be disasters; if people are not worthy of money, there will be losses.

But how to change Zhang Xiao has a rough idea, that is to continue to start the road of learning, which is indispensable, and on the other hand, to actively participate in the management of the enterprise.

Of course, this is not to say that Zhang Xiao wants to randomly interfere with the development of the company, but to read more and talk less, let alone draw conclusions blindly.

In addition, the establishment of the Strategic Development Department was also on Zhang Xiao's agenda. After all, this is also a department that many group companies will be equipped with, which is more meaningful for Zhang Xiao.

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