Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 411 Year-end Summary

Yang Lei left Zhang Xiao's office very quickly, because he knew that many people would have the same idea as him at noon of the meeting, that is to inquire about Zhang Xiao's mood. Famous group executives were involved in breaking the law, and Zhang Xiao's emotions needed their attention.

Sure enough, not long after Yang Lei left, Academician Ni walked in.

After making tea again and serving it to Academician Ni, Zhang Xiao said, "Academician Ni, why don't you take a break at noon?"

"Alas!" Academician Ni couldn't help but sighed heavily, looking at Zhang Xiao with complicated eyes.

But Academician Ni also knows that Tang Zhenhao is purely self-inflicted. The last incident was covered up by Zhang Xiao. Unexpectedly, after he arrived at the company's headquarters, instead of restraining himself, he increased his profits. A series of power and money transactions are countless. In just over three months, he received more than 400 million gift money, which is why Academician Ni sighed.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but think of the scene when he went to a microelectronics technology company for the first time to investigate. The sweaty, greasy figure was full of enthusiasm for work.

Now, where did that Tang Zhenhao who is not afraid of being dirty or tired go? Where did that Tang Zhenhao go who can work without sleep for days.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but ask himself secretly in his heart, but in fact Zhang Xiao could also understand Tang Zhenhao's psychological changes. Many people can always grit their teeth and persevere in difficult times. Just one of them.

"Boss, you said that Old Tang and Xiao Li, what happened to them, what happened to our group, so many violations of regulations and disciplines occurred in just three years, and most of them happened this year?" Academician Ni didn't understand. After all, Zhang Xiao's benefits for all employees were not low. Even the lowest-level employees had a salary of more than 2000. This level was far higher than the current salary of ordinary people even in Beijing.

As executives of Hongyuan Group, their salaries and benefits are more than 50 yuan, especially Tang Zhenhao, as the company's veteran, is at the same level as Academician Ni. Shares, the annual salary and bonus are more than 100 million, and the dividends are even more, which will be distributed proportionally according to the company's profits. Academician Ni still can't figure out what they think.

"People's hearts are not enough, and desires cannot be completely satisfied. Moreover, this era is the best of times, and it is also the worst of times. In the past, many concepts such as official standards have influenced them, and they have been overwhelmed by foreign hedonism. After the impact of thoughts, coupled with the fact that people's mentality of worshiping foreigners and foreign countries is becoming more and more serious, their thoughts are being attacked almost every moment, and their behavior will naturally become difficult to understand." Zhang Xiao said after a little thought, After all, this is an incomprehensible topic, even for him it is difficult to understand Tang Zhenhao's mentality.

"Then how do they deal with it? Are they really going to hand it all over to the law enforcement agencies?" Academician Ni said with a hint of unbearable resentment. After all, it is a partner who has cooperated for so long, and the emotions in his heart can be imagined.

"Academician Ni, you and I know how difficult the group is now, and corruption is the biggest cancer of the group. If we can't warn everyone in the group, I'm afraid we will never have the opportunity to deal with this problem in the future." Zhang Xiao said in a serious tone, after all, he also knew what handing over to the law enforcement agency meant to Tang Zhenhao and the three of them, but he couldn't back down, even if he was infamous.

Besides, everyone is an adult, and if they do something wrong, they have to pay the price and be responsible for their own actions. No one can make an exception. Zhang Xiao doesn't have much sympathy for Tang Zhenhao and the others, but just feels pity. After all, the three of them If a person can reach the top level of the group step by step, his talent is still recognized by Zhang Xiao.

Academician Ni couldn't help sighing and remained silent.

The afternoon meeting officially started at two o'clock. After Zhang Xiao took a quick look at the proposals that everyone had put forward, he said, "I've seen all of your proposals, and they are all new in terms of content and framework, but You must truly realize that the reason for violations of regulations and disciplines does not lie in the thinking of employees, but in the implementation of the system, after all, the fundamental way is to bring power back into the cage of the system.”

Absolute power has long been corrupted, and the meaning of the system is to restrain power. This is Zhang Xiao's core idea. Zhang Xiao must make everyone aware of the importance of the system, otherwise corruption cannot be eradicated.

After briefly summarizing the content of the morning meeting on positive wind and discipline, the meeting entered the second item, the year-end summary of this year.

Zhang Xiao is also full of hope for the year-end summary. Although he often looks at the balance sheets of various subsidiaries, it is not as intuitive as the year-end summary after all. After all, it is often difficult to add some structural gains and losses into the balance sheets of each quarter.

And the data summarized at the end of the year will allow you to see this year’s income more intuitively. This is like planting crops. Only after the income and costs are listed at the end of the year can you know whether you are making a profit or a loss, whether it is a profit or a loss.

The first person to report is Li Mingxuan. As the person in charge of Minmin Supermarket, although he is also responsible for the storage work, there is now a specific person in charge of the warehousing work, Sun Guofu, so he is mainly responsible for reporting the year-end summary of the Minmin Supermarket.

"Minmin Supermarket has added 130 new large and medium-sized supermarkets this year, and the number of large and medium-sized supermarkets has reached 450 nine. In addition, it has established six newly established membership boutique supermarkets this year, and added 370 small supermarkets in the chain community. , this year, the total sales volume of Minmin Supermarket reached 450 billion, with a net profit of 89 billion."

"The rental fee income of the supermarket's internal stores is 120 billion, and the net profit is 93 billion, which is basically the same as the sales revenue. It is a new profit growth point for the people's supermarket this year."


Li Mingxuan's report is very long. After all, the business of Minmin Supermarket is increasing, especially after adding many new elements, all kinds of profits are increasing, and expenditures are also increasing, but it can be seen from its data alone, Although the net profit of Minmin Supermarket has increased significantly this year, it only accounts for [-]% of sales, which is not high.

On the contrary, this year's stores in the supermarket have a gratifying income, thanks to the traffic flow of the people's supermarket, so many vendors are willing to enter the supermarket to rent stores.It has become the main source of income of the people's supermarket this year.

Following Li Mingxuan's report, everyone in the conference room was overjoyed, because they all knew what it meant to have more profits in the People's Supermarket, which meant that the group's revenue would increase significantly, and that the funds for various projects next year would not be so large. Nervous, but Zhang Xiao was not too surprised by this.

After Li Mingxuan's report was over, Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Everyone has heard Mr. Li's report. The total profit of the People's Supermarket this year has reached nearly 200 billion. This is a very proud thing, so I am very proud of Mr. Li. Thank you for your dedication and hard work.”

Li Mingxuan was also in a good mood at the moment, but for Zhang Xiao's thanks, Li Mingxuan still smiled and said: "Boss, this is what I should do."

Zhang Xiao laughed and said, "Mr. Li is always so humble, okay, next."

After Li Mingxuan's report, it was Academician Ni's report. As the person in charge of the chip factory, microelectronics technology company, and R&D center, Academician Ni's report attracted everyone's attention.

"This year, the first production line of the chip factory has a revenue of 140 billion, a net profit of 37 billion, and a profit margin of 25.5%. Although it cannot be compared with the world's most advanced fabs, it also exceeds all domestic fabs. , thanks to our advanced technology."

"However, since the new second production line of the chip factory has not yet been put into production, the cost has reached 86 billion. At present, the chip factory is still in a state of loss in general."

Academician Ni first reported the operating status of the chip factory, which made everyone look sideways. After all, although the profit is large, the investment is larger. This is actually the normal state of the chip factory. After all, the investment is large, the cycle is long, and the threshold It is recognized that it is high, but it is still difficult to make a profit.

After reporting on the work of the chip factory, Academician Ni began to report on the business of the microelectronics technology company.

"Microelectronics Technology's revenue this year is 460 billion, with a net profit of 43 billion, and a profit margin of less than [-]%. This is mainly due to the sharp drop in the price of complete computers this year."

In fact, Academician Ni couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly when he said this. After all, the reason for the sharp decline in computer machines this year was provoked by the microelectronics technology company itself. In order to occupy more of the market and pursue the ultimate price-performance ratio, In the complete computer market, the company is basically making a profit at a loss, and the source of profit does not lie in the complete computer, but in the sales of memory such as music players and USB flash drives.

Especially in the sales of music players, the profit rate is as high as 50.00%, which is also the source of profit for microelectronics technology companies.

On the contrary, in the complete computer market, although the market share has increased significantly, the profit is only [-]%, far exceeding Academician Ni's expectations.

And Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning slightly. After all, the profit margin of the microelectronics technology company was beyond his imagination. This was something he hadn't expected before, and the culprit was himself. Stop thinking about how to improve profit margins next.

Then Academician Ni reported the situation of the R&D center. The R&D investment of the R&D center this year reached 42 billion, but the income was only 36 million, and the loss reached [-] billion. The main reason is that many of the R&D results of the R&D center are still on paper. In fact, it has not been utilized at all, which has also caused the R&D investment to greatly exceed the income, which makes everyone feel distressed.

In fact, this is also the main reason why many companies are unwilling to invest in research and development. After all, investment is not directly proportional to income, and sometimes even if a large amount of money is invested, it may not be able to see results.

But Zhang Xiao is clear that the investment in the R&D center must continue, and it must continue to expand. After all, technology is the greatest productivity. If you don't want to be controlled by others, R&D investment is essential.

Academician Ni's report made everyone unable to help being silent. Judging from the contents of Academician Ni's report, all the companies and projects that Academician Ni was in charge of this year not only failed to make profits, but also lost 42 billion. For the electronics industry base project and mobile phone project, it can be said that the net profit of Hongyuan Group will be greatly reduced this year.

This makes everyone feel a little bit emotional. The speed of making money will never catch up with the speed of project construction. Although the scale of the group is getting bigger and bigger, the corresponding profit has not increased much. This makes everyone feel that all future projects will be put into production Then came the anticipation.

Then came Yang Lei's report. He not only had to report the situation of Hongyuan Real Estate and other three companies, but also the situation of Xingsheng Glass Factory. After all, with Huang Yulong taken away, Yang Lei had to temporarily act as the person in charge of Xingsheng Glass Factory .

"Xingsheng Glass Factory has an annual revenue of 130 billion this year, a profit of 17 billion, and a profit margin of 12.8%, which is relatively good in the industry." Yang Lei briefly reported the situation of Xingsheng Glass Factory. For more than a month, he didn't know much more about the situation, so he could only report according to the guarantee report provided by Xingsheng Glass Factory.

However, Yang Lei made a preliminary report on the situation of the three companies in Hongyuan Real Estate.

"Hongyuan Real Estate has eleven projects under construction this year, with pre-sales revenue of 52 billion and cost expenditure of 22 billion. However, since the projects have not yet been completed, it is impossible to calculate accurate profits and expenses."

"Hongyuan Construction has a revenue of 19 billion this year, an expenditure of [-] billion, and a net profit of [-] million. This is the income of projects that have been settled so far, and unfinished projects are not included."

"Hongyuan Property has taken over 140 seven new properties this year, with a revenue of 50.00 million yuan, an expenditure of [-] million yuan, a net profit of [-] million yuan, and a profit margin of [-]%."

Following Yang Lei's report, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Hongyuan Real Estate, which seems to be large in scale, actually has a smaller share than Xingsheng Glass Factory in Hongyuan Group. This is also the commonality of real estate companies at this stage. After all, The real estate industry is still in its infancy, far from the time of growth.

Zhang Xiao also knows that it will take eight years for real real estate to develop on a large scale, and then real estate will develop at a jaw-dropping speed.

But at this stage, it is time for real estate companies to lay the foundation. If they want to gain an advantage in future development, they must first occupy the future centers of major cities, but they must do it just right.

After Yang Lei's report was over, he went to Hongyuan Storage Company, which Sun Guofu was in charge of, but his words made everyone dumbfounded, and even Zhang Xiao had a little doubt about his data.

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