Faced with the data and list released by Zhang Xiao, everyone realized how serious the internal problems of Hongyuan Group were. 340 people violated regulations and disciplines, although it seems not many for Hongyuan Group, which now has 10,000+ employees, It is a bit scary to know that most of these people are leaders above the middle level.

Not only that, they frequently looked at Tang Zhenhao, vice president of the group, Li Xuejiao, director of personnel department, and Huang Yulong from Xingsheng Glass Factory.

Because the three of them were the three top executives of the group that were listed on the announced list, and the amount involved was not small. Among them, Huang Yulong had the largest amount, reaching more than 600 million, which made everyone tremble with fear.

You must know that Huang Yulong has only been the general manager of Xingsheng Glass Factory for three months, and he has already stretched out his hand and raked in more than 600 million yuan.

The conference room was silent, and no one dared to make a sound except to make eye contact, because they knew that under such circumstances, Zhang Xiao would be absolutely angry. Now that the list was announced, things would never be so easy to let go.

Seeing that no one spoke, Zhang Xiao remained silent, and her heart became heavier.

The pen in the right hand fell heavily and hit the table made of solid wood, making a loud noise, which made everyone's hearts tremble.

"I have always thought that the company's system is perfect, the employees' treatment is high enough, and the policy of high salary and honesty is worth advocating, so although I know that the group has problems of one kind or another, I am still optimistic. I think this Everything is harmless, after all, the development of the group is unprecedented, and I should be satisfied." After everyone's eyes focused on him, Zhang Xiao said with a self-mockery.

"But I found that I was still wrong. The group's current problems are much more serious than I expected. In just over a year, the number of people who violated regulations and disciplines in the group has reached 340, although the amount varies. , but the nature is equally bad, especially Huang Yulong, in just three months, you pocketed more than 600 million, what do you want to do?"

Speaking of the latter, Zhang Xiao became more emotional, pointing at Huang Yulong and yelling loudly, the voice echoed in the entire conference room.

This was the first time that Zhang Xiao got angry at the group's high-level meeting, but Zhang Xiao's explosion still made everyone bow their heads, not daring to look at Zhang Xiao.

In fact, Zhang Xiao is very clear in his heart that this is not just a problem of Hongyuan Group, but a common problem facing the country. After all, with the rapid development of social economy, people's income has not increased much, and the era of materialistic desires But it came quietly.Fun Court

Under the domination of desire, many people rely on their own power to fill their pockets and get what they want. Even some guards and security guards made Zhang Xiao dumbfounded. Feel deeply helpless.

The idea of ​​officialism is not only popular in political circles, but also gradually spread in enterprises. Hongyuan Group, a behemoth in private enterprises, is not immune to it, and the problem is even more serious.

After all, although Hongyuan Group has a supervision department, the power of the supervision department is limited to supervision and has no law enforcement power, which creates a power vacuum. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to curb violations of regulations and disciplines.

Although Zhang Xiao was helpless, he also thought of a countermeasure. He wanted to take back the absolute power in everyone's hands, form a system and then decentralize it, so that the power in everyone's hands would be restricted by the system.

Of course, the first thing Zhang Xiao has to do now is to deal with the employees on the list of violators. For this meeting, Zhang Xiao has made sufficient preparations. He has already contacted the law enforcement department and is going to hand over those who violated the law to law enforcement. Department to deal with, must be fair and just.

"Among the people who violated the rules and regulations, most of them are the veterans of the group. They have reached their current position step by step with the development of the group. I think we still have to take their emotions into consideration." Academician Ni said at this moment Zhang Xiao persuaded.

In Academician Ni's opinion, this is an internal problem of the group and should be resolved internally. After all, family ugliness should not be publicized.

Zhang Xiao took a deep look at Academician Ni. He knew that Academician Ni was also kind, but Zhang Xiao, who had already made up his mind, would not compromise no matter what. He would stick to it to the end, so that everyone could see the severity of the group's imaginary punishment for violations of regulations and disciplines .

"The significance of the existence of the law is to limit the bottom line of everyone's behavior. If you cross the bottom line stipulated by the law, you have to pay the price for your own behavior. If everyone respects humanity and apologizes when they make mistakes, then the law will have no meaning. So This time, we will classify those who make mistakes according to laws and regulations, company rules and regulations, and factory rules and disciplines, and deal with them according to that line if they cross that line." Zhang Xiao said mercilessly, even in During this process, Zhang Xiao's mood was very calm.

After saying this, Zhang Xiao sat back on his chair dejectedly, and gestured to Tian Xiaodan.

After receiving Zhang Xiao's hint, Tian Xiaodan stood up, opened the door of the conference room, and led the law enforcement officers who had been waiting outside into the conference room.

Faced with the arrival of law enforcement officers, whether it was Tang Zhenhao, Li Xuejiao, or Huang Yulong, the faces of the three changed drastically, because their actions did violate the law, but they did not expect that Zhang Xiao would be so decisive and hand them over to law enforcement directly. department to handle.

"Boss, I was wrong, please give me a chance." Tang Zhenhao stood up first, and said sincerely to Zhang Xiao's application, his eyes were full of pleading.

"If an apology is useful, what else is there to do with the law! Old Tang, I gave you a chance, but not only did you not want to repent, you even made it worse. You let me down so much." Zhang Xiao said to Tang Zhenhao, shaking his head.

Then Zhang Xiao nodded to Dai Ju, who led the team, and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's nothing, this is what we should do." Dai Ju nodded to Zhang Xiao, and said with a serious expression.

At the same time, Dai Ju waved his hand, and the law enforcement officers immediately stepped forward, restrained Tang Zhenhao and the three of them, and took them away.

After Zhang Xiao sent Dai Ju to the elevator, he returned to the conference room.

Everyone in the conference room was talking a lot at the moment. They were all surprised by Zhang Xiao's cruelty, but they felt it was natural. After all, there were precedents for such a treatment before.

As soon as Zhang Xiao returned to the conference room, the conference room suddenly became quiet.

"Next, let's continue the meeting and carry out the first item of the meeting: upholding wind and discipline!" Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression.

Following Zhang Xiao's opening, the meeting continued, and everyone became more serious. They all knew that Zhang Xiao had made up his mind to trace the source of the group's style of work and corruption. As the heads of various departments, they It is clear that this is a battle without a winner, but it is related to the life and death of Hongyuan Group.

"Righteous wind and discipline are not only a slogan, but also a huge problem we face in the new era. Everyone here must realize the seriousness of the matter. We are fighting against old ideas and fighting against unhealthy trends. The struggle against people's long-standing official-based thinking is bound to be difficult, but I believe we will win the final victory."


Zhang Xiao first explained the necessity of rectifying wind and eliminating discipline, and then arranged the task.

"The Ministry of Supervision must cooperate with all departments and subsidiaries to wipe out the company's imagination of violations of regulations and disciplines, and deal with them together, and never tolerate them. Based on our rules and regulations, we will deal with violations of rules and disciplines and even violations of the law seriously!" Zhang Xiao said at the end of the meeting.

The process of the meeting was depressing, but everyone knew that the matter of Tang Zhenhao and the others was just the beginning. They must not stay out of the matter, they can only support Zhang Xiao's decision.

The morning meeting ended on time at eleven o'clock, and everyone left in a hurry. They had to come up with a rectification plan before the afternoon meeting started. Time was tight and the task was heavy, but they had to complete it.

After watching everyone leave, Zhang Xiao sat down on the chair, as if all his strength had been exhausted in the morning.

In fact, Zhang Xiao was mainly tired. After all, even though he had made up his mind, he still felt helpless.

With the development of Hongyuan Group to the present, it is not only an enterprise group, but also a complex of various intertwined interests. Even Zhang Xiao has to spend a lot of effort to deal with the intertwined interests.

Even if Zhang Xiao is the boss of Hongyuan Group, he still has to consider the appeals of the group's top management, because the top management of these groups is not as pure as everyone imagined, they all represent the interests of the group's employees, which is why they are in the midst of it. Even the most detached Academician Ni is no exception to the problems that must be faced.

With the rapid development of Hongyuan Group in these years, every senior executive of the group represents different interests, which is determined by their positions.

For example, Academician Ni, although he is detached, behind him are the scientific researchers of the R&D center, as well as the microelectronics technology company and chip factory, and even the project team of the mobile phone project. Academician Ni must naturally consider the interests of these people, otherwise he will Will not be able to convince the public, unable to lead their way forward.

Another example is Yang Lei, even though he has always put the interests of the group as the most important thing, and Zhang Xiao is the leader, but behind him is still Xingsheng Glass Factory and Hongyuan Real Estate, and Yang Lei must consider their interests.

This is the reason for the formation of interest groups. Because of the common demands, they come together and form a coalition of interests. This is something that no one can escape.

Although Zhang Xiao was a little tired, he quickly cheered up and prepared the content of the afternoon meeting.

After having a light meal in the cafeteria at noon, Zhang Xiao, who was just about to take a break, saw Yang Lei knock on the door and walk in.

"Xiaoxiao, are you busy?" After Yang Lei came in, he closed the door casually and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"It's okay, have you eaten yet?" Zhang Xiao helped Yang Lei make a pot of tea. From Yang Lei's address, Zhang Xiao knew that uncle came for a private matter.

"I've eaten." Yang Lei nodded, and then said apologetically, "I misunderstood Huang Yulong's matter. I didn't expect him to be so courageous!"

"It's none of your business. Some people are like this. They usually look honest and honest, but once they have power, they will become slaves to power, and their desires will expand accordingly." Zhang Xiaohao He said nonchalantly that Zhang Xiao also had expectations about the group's internal problems, but he didn't expect them to be so serious.

Yang Lei took this very seriously. After all, when he was the person in charge of Xingsheng Glass Factory, Huang Yulong's performance was impeccable. After Yulong took over the position of general manager, with the increase of power, desire also increased.

"You still have to pay attention to your body. I think you are too tired these days. Even if you are young, you have to combine work and rest." Yang Lei said to Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao's time in the office has increased greatly during this period. It will be all night long.

"No way, as the end of the year is approaching, all kinds of work is pouring in, and I need to deal with it, and the company's rules and regulations also need to be further improved. I don't have so much time to pay attention." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, this is his I am in good health. Although I rest for two or three hours a day, I can still recover. It is difficult for another person to persevere.

Yang Lei also knew Zhang Xiao's pressure, so he didn't say much, but shifted the topic to the merger of Hongyuan Real Estate and Credit Real Estate. After all, this is the focus of Yang Lei's current work.

"At present, Hongyuan Real Estate and Xinyu Real Estate have completed the integration of organizational structures, but the division of shares is still under negotiation, but there is a general intention." Yang Lei reported to Zhang Xiao.

"Talk about the division of shares specifically. I also want to know how it is divided." Zhang Xiao really didn't care about Hongyuan Real Estate during this time, but handed it over to Yang Lei.

"Hongyuan Group occupies 60.00% of the shares of Hongyuan Real Estate, and 30.00% of the company's shares are divided among them. However, our Hongyuan Group has to pay Mr. Mo 12 billion in cash." Yang Lei said simply, in fact This is also the framework that was negotiated before, but now it has only been implemented.

Even so, Zhang Xiao was very pleased with this, which showed that Yang Lei did have the ability to stand alone, and this was what made Zhang Xiao happiest, after all, talents were rare.

And Zhang Xiao feels relieved that his relatives have such talents. Although there are such hidden dangers in life, Zhang Xiao doesn't care about it. After all, at this stage, Yang Lei and Zhang Guoqiang are helping him. Zhang Xiao stared at these key projects, and Zhang Xiao's pressure was greatly reduced.

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