The reason for this is that Sun Guofu's report exceeded everyone's expectations.

"This year, Hongyuan Storage Company has a total revenue of 33 billion, a net profit of 26 billion, and a profit margin of 78.7%." Sun Guofu's report was very simple, just reporting this year's revenue.

However, Sun Guofu's words fell on the venue like a boulder, and everyone couldn't help but look at each other. After all, such an impressive result made them a little unbelievable, especially the profit margin was nearly 80.00%, which is unimaginable .

Zhang Xiao naturally noticed the shock of the others, and said to Sun Guofu with a smile: "Tell everyone about the specific operation, and let them know the strength and profit model of our Hongyuan Storage Company."

Sun Guofu also knew that this was an opportunity given to him by Zhang Xiao. After all, in Hongyuan Group, competition is everywhere. After all, Hongyuan Group is developing at a high speed, and talents are emerging in endlessly. chance of being discovered.

"Hongyuan Storage currently has 170 six warehouses in first-tier cities across the country, many of which are leased or purchased factories and warehouses, so the cost is very low, but the cost of storage is calculated according to the quantity of goods, although the storage price of the unit price It’s not high, but it can’t support the large quantity, so the profit is naturally high.” Sun Guofu first introduced the scale of Hongyuan Warehousing, after all, scale is the core competitiveness of Hongyuan Warehousing.

"In addition, the operating cost of Hongyuan Warehouse is very low. Thanks to the warehouse logistics system developed by the R&D Center, all warehouses can be fully operated with only a dozen people. The operating cost is not high. Therefore, the profit is high. It is inevitable." Sun Guofu then introduced the business model of Hongyuan Storage.

Not only that, Sun Guofu also displayed on the projection screen the distribution map of each warehouse operated by Hongyuan Warehouse across the country. Obviously, he has also done a lot of preparatory work.

Following Sun Guofu's introduction, everyone immediately understood the reason for the high profit margin of Hongyuan Storage.

After everyone learned about the operation mode of Hongyuan Warehousing, Zhang Xiao said excitedly: "This is a great era, and it is also a crazy era. In an era when tea eggs can earn three times the profit, the warehouse industry It seems inconspicuous, but it bears the transit point of national freight and logistics, and is an indispensable intermediate link in the circulation of goods, and it is inevitable to make a lot of profits."

"But everyone must be clear that the reason for high profits comes from large-scale operations and a scientific storage system. The role of the R&D center is immeasurable. This is why even if our R&D center suffers large-scale losses, we will not The main reason for not being able to relax."

At the end of Zhang Xiao's speech, it was inevitable that he would mention the role of the R&D center. After all, the loss of the R&D center would inevitably make people question the necessity of his existence, but Zhang Xiao still had to endorse it to highlight the importance of the R&D center.

Everyone will not doubt Zhang Xiao's words. After all, as the boss of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao is the biggest beneficiary of profits. Zhang Xiao can bear the losses of the R&D center, and they will not stop them. It's not without reason.

In the past year, although the R&D center has been losing money, the various results it has researched have been continuously playing a role in Hongyuan Group, whether it is in the corporate communication module or in reducing the operating costs of various companies, it has played an indispensable role. The effect of ignoring.

The deepest feeling is the chip factory represented by Academician Ni and the microelectronics technology company. They have obtained a lot of benefits from the results launched by the R&D center, so that almost all products of the microelectronics technology company can become industry leaders. By.

Not only that, the various achievements of the R&D center are rapidly transforming into the productivity of Hongyuan Group. Although many achievements are still in the adaptation period because the electronics industry base project and mobile phone project are still under construction, it is conceivable that in the electronics industry base After the project and the mobile phone project are completed, what benefits will be generated.

After Sun Guofu introduced everything about Hongyuan Warehousing, the next step was the report from the express company Sun Chang.

At present, Hongyuan Group, the express company, still holds 50.00% of the shares, which belongs to the holding company, but the express company is controlled by Sun Chang, but Zhang Xiao also arranged financial personnel to supervise its operation, and Sun Chang They didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it, and they all readily agreed to it.

The reason why Sun Chang was at the end of the report was also because the business of the express company was too complicated, and there was no profit so far, so he did not rush forward, but only Zhang Xiao knew that this was all the revenue that Sun Chang saw. are invested in new investments.

The current operating costs of the express company only account for 40.00% of the revenue, but the investment costs have used up all the profits, so Sun Chang's report is very simple, but it also highlights the growing plans of the express company.

"Express Company's revenue this year is 120 billion, operating cost is 58 billion, investment cost is 67 billion, and net profit is [-] million." Sun Chang reported very simply, but also displayed the current situation of Express Company on the big screen.

Everyone couldn't help but be curious about the content of Sun Chang's report. After all, the substantial increase in investment costs meant that the scale of the express company continued to increase. This made everyone very curious, but no one asked.

After all, although the express company is still under the Hongyuan Group, there are not many opportunities to deal with it. Only Li Mingxuan is the person who has the most contacts. After all, all the freight for the people's supermarket is undertaken by the express company.

However, Zhang Xiao still smiled at Sun Chang and said, "Mr. Sun, tell everyone about the scale of the express company, and let everyone understand the current freight capacity of the express company. In the future, we can also send more freight to the express company."

Sun Chang was also prepared for this, and said with a smile: "Boss, everyone, the express company currently has 840 trucks over 24 tons and [-] ships of all sizes. It is currently the largest private transportation company in China. Undertake all the logistics and transportation under the current group, but our transportation capacity will continue to expand in the future, and strive to double the cargo volume next year."

"So I hope that everyone can assign more freight tasks to the express company in their spare time. We are very grateful to the express company."

Sun Chang didn't introduce much, but combined with the content on the projection screen, it made everyone understand the achievements of the express company this year, which made everyone have to admit that Sun Chang's operational ability is indeed very strong , this year's operating results are particularly eye-catching.

With the end of the express company's report, the annual summary has come to an end, but the operating results of the various subsidiaries involved in it are very gratifying. Whether it is the large profit of the people's supermarket or the loss of the R & D center, it is very intuitive for everyone. The impression also makes everyone clear that Hongyuan Group is in a period of rapid development, and its scale effect is taking effect.

At the end of the meeting in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao smiled and concluded: "Everyone has seen the achievements of Hongyuan Group this year, and the problems are serious, but this is also the direction of our efforts, so I hope See your detailed development plan in tomorrow's annual development plan."

"Tonight, I have already found a good place to have dinner. Let's go there together after get off work."

After Zhang Xiao made a final summary, the afternoon meeting was over, and the heads of each department left separately, waiting for Zhang Xiao's dinner in the evening.

In fact, in today's report, Yuan Min did not report the situation of Hongyuan Security. After all, although Hongyuan Security currently has a lot of business, most of them are spent on intelligence collection, which cannot be announced to the public. Xiao didn't ask him to report.

In fact, only Zhang Xiao and Yuan Min know that this year's Hongyuan Security Company has made a lot of profits. Thanks to the expansion of the escort system, the results are very gratifying, but there are also a lot of expenses. After all, intelligence collection requires a lot of money. The expenditure of manpower and material resources is astonishing.

Zhang Xiao wasn't too surprised by this. He knew very well how much energy Yuan Min had put into it. Without Yuan Min's timely report in the newspaper, the development of Hongyuan Group would never have been so smooth.

Zhang Xiao was the last one to leave the conference room. After returning to the office, Zhang Xiao leaned on the sofa, thinking about everything today, and couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

Although the development of Hongyuan Group in the past year has been gratifying, the problems that have arisen in it are all unexpected by Zhang Xiao, which is also the reason for Zhang Xiao's melancholy.

In particular, Tang Zhenhao's continuous violations of regulations and disciplines have dealt a great blow to Zhang Xiao. He has to consider whether the salary system of Hongyuan Group is reasonable and whether it should be changed. However, this involves the top and bottom of the group, which is not an easy task. matter.

And Li Xuejiao's violation of rules and regulations made Zhang Xiao feel even more depressed. After all, Li Xuejiao recruited a lot of people, and he had no way of finding out how many people came in as gifts. Isn't this a hidden danger.

And Huang Yulong from Xingsheng Glass Factory made Zhang Xiao's teeth itch even more, because Huang Yulong had to stop the production of Xingsheng Glass Factory for a comprehensive inspection because of Huang Yulong's gift money of more than 600 million. After all, the incoming raw materials and equipment needed to be checked. An all-round inspection has to be carried out, otherwise, once a safety accident occurs, it will be even more unbearable for Hongyuan Group.

But Zhang Xiao also knows that everything that happens is inevitable, and he can only make up for and save it as much as possible. Even if he has the knowledge of later generations, he has no ability to cure corruption.

Zhang Xiao arranged the evening dinner in a manor on the outskirts of the capital. This place was originally a village collective enterprise. After bankruptcy, it was bought by Zhang Xiao and turned into a leisure place. is enough.

When Zhang Xiao brought all the senior management of the group to this manor, Lu Huaping had already prepared roasted whole lamb and various delicacies, as well as various aged wines, and everyone attended the table one after another.

In addition, for the sake of atmosphere, Lu Huaping and the others specially invited an eight-member song and dance troupe to the banquet, which also made the atmosphere in the manor even more intense.

Although the weather was cold, it was another pleasure for a group of people to eat roasted whole lamb around the fire, drink fine wine, listen to singing and watch dancing.

The group executives have been busy for a year, and Zhang Xiao is also rewarding them. After all, Zhang Xiao knows that he still has to rely on these people to help him manage the company's business, so he doesn't care about the expenses at all.

With the wine in their arms, everyone's interest was also mobilized.

Especially the on-site singing and dancing equipment is even more complete, all kinds of musical instruments are also available, coupled with modern equipment such as projectors, many people can't wait to show their singing voice.

In the warm atmosphere, Academician Ni was first pushed to the center by everyone. Academician Ni was not polite. He sang the song "Spring in the North Country", and everyone couldn't help applauding with his vicissitudes of voice.

With the singing of Academician Ni, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more enthusiastic.

And then, all the high-level officials let go, and began to sing and dance in the yard, letting go.

But Zhang Xiao watched all this with a smile, and at the same time she was happy, but also quietly ordered Yuan Min to take a picture of this scene.

But what Zhang Xiao didn't expect was that as the atmosphere became more and more heated, he was also dragged inside. Everyone asked him to perform, and he couldn't refuse even if he wanted to, so Zhang Xiao had no choice but to agree.

But since he wanted to perform, Zhang Xiao would not be perfunctory. He picked up the guitar beside him and plucked the strings a few times. After familiarizing himself with the guitar, Zhang Xiao sang the song that meant he was too silly.

The slightly melancholic voice is particularly beautiful in the accompaniment of the guitar, which made everyone's hearts twitch.

Everyone was shocked by Zhang Xiao's performance. After all, Zhang Xiao had never sung with them before, and it was even less clear that Zhang Xiao would know how to sing this song. Everyone couldn't help applauding.

Only Ye Shijiang and Academician Ni looked at each other, looking at Zhang Xiao who was in a melancholy mood, they couldn't help shaking their heads helplessly.

Because they knew that although Zhang Xiao sang a love song, his meaning couldn't be more clear, that is, he hoped that everyone would be well, and he didn't want to see someone give up like Tang Zhenhao and others. The agreement to fight together before.

Zhang Xiao's performance completely brought the atmosphere in the manor to a climax, especially with the accompanying singing and dancing of beauties from the song and dance troupe, it also made many people who had not performed before let go of their restraint and performed their own special programs.

In this warm atmosphere, everyone forgets what they are doing, and with the help of alcohol, even Zhang Xiao interacts enthusiastically. Yuan Min, who is filming in secret, is amused, but don't delay him in the film. Secretly appreciate everyone's unrestrained behavior.

"Is it really okay for me to take pictures like this? What if the boss beats me up tomorrow?" Although Yuan Min was preoccupied, he kept shooting in his hands.

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