Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 409 The Meeting Begins

Moreover, these current problems are only hidden dangers. Once left unattended, they may develop into major events that affect the foundation of Hongyuan Group.

The achievement of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest, and Zhang Xiao knew the seriousness of the problem.

As the boss of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao is not as relaxed as others imagined. Even though he has a lot of advanced insight, how to turn it into the productivity of Hongyuan Group and the competitive advantage of Hongyuan Group is a huge problem. test.

Zhang Xiao's previous life didn't help Zhang Xiao much except for knowledge, and this also put forward higher requirements for Zhang Xiao.

Therefore, Zhang Xiao tried his best to be conservative in the management of Hongyuan Group, ruled out all possible risks, and adopted the safest way of operation.

In order to ensure the stable development of Hongyuan Group, Zhang Xiao never takes the initiative to borrow money, even if the loan will make Hongyuan Group's financial situation more abundant, Zhang Xiao is not prepared to do so.

Using self-owned funds as much as possible to maintain Hongyuan Group's operations was given top priority by Zhang Xiao. Even if the finances were tight, Zhang Xiao never started the loan process. Although this was complained by the finance department, Zhang Xiao's determination never changed.

In Zhang Xiao's view, all companies that borrow on a large scale may not end well. After all, the current bank loan interest rate is above 20.00%, and the current net profit margin of the company is at most [-]%. Once large-scale borrowing, It is easy to cause a serious drop in net profit, which is inconsistent with Zhang Xiao's business philosophy.

While Zhang Xiao was planning the group's development plan for next year, he was also thinking about the problems and hidden dangers encountered by the group. How to solve the hidden dangers also gave Zhang Xiao a headache.

After all, the biggest problem of Hongyuan Group now is the imperfection of the system, and many loopholes have been taken advantage of, and this is also a problem that Zhang Xiao must face.

Giving and accepting bribes, accepting benefits in a disguised form, eating and receiving cards, Hongyuan Group has encountered almost all the problems of the times, but how to deal with them makes Zhang Xiao feel helpless.

After all, these employees who made mistakes are all the leaders of Hongyuan Group. Whether they are middle or high-level members, they are the framework figures of Hongyuan Group and have certain powers. Otherwise, they would have no chance to make mistakes.

However, Zhang Xiao was shocked by the list of problems submitted by the Supervision Department not long ago. He did not expect that there would be so many moths in the group. They wantonly waved their power in exchange for personal benefits. Xiao felt heartbroken.

Maintaining integrity with a high salary is Zhang Xiao’s strategy at the beginning of the establishment of the group, but Zhang Xiao ignored the complexity of human nature. After all, greed is the biggest original sin. After these employees gain a certain amount of power, they will try their best to eliminate it. Pocket it for personal gain.

For Hongyuan Group, this is a repeated injury, not only hurting the operating efficiency of Hongyuan Group, but also hurting the hearts of partners. This made Zhang Xiao make up his mind while being angry.

When getting off work, Zhang Xiao asked his secretary, Hou Shuyan, to inform all the senior executives of the group to hold a meeting next Monday. The meeting time is tentatively scheduled for two days, and no one is allowed to take leave. If there are special circumstances, he must obtain his consent.

Although Hou Shuyan was a little surprised why Zhang Xiao was having a meeting now, even the theme of the meeting had not been decided, but Hou Shuyan looked at Zhang Xiao's face and subconsciously swallowed the words in her mouth.

The reason why Zhang Xiao held the meeting this time was not only for the questions provided by the Supervision Department, but also to summarize the operation of Hongyuan Group this year, and to make a draft plan for the development of Hongyuan Group next year.

Following Hou Shuyan's notice, almost all the heads of departments and subsidiaries clearly understand that this year's summary meeting is about to begin, and they all have brought out the work results of the past year. After all, this is their year of the year The achievement is also for next year's group support.

After all, all subsidiaries are now facing a situation, that is, Hongyuan Group will let them turn over 70.00% of the profits of the year, and then redistribute funds through the development of each subsidiary.

The reason why Zhang Xiao did this was to enhance the control of Hongyuan Group headquarters, otherwise Zhang Xiao would have to devote more energy to control so many subsidiaries.

Facts have proved that Zhang Xiao's approach has a significant effect. So far, all subsidiaries are under Zhang Xiao's control, and the heads of the subsidiaries have obeyed the announcement issued by Hongyuan Group, even if they have opinions. They will also give feedback after implementation.

This also allows the Hongyuan Group's government orders to flow unimpeded in the subsidiaries below, thereby improving the execution of the entire group.

While everyone else was preparing materials, Huang Minhui came to Zhang Xiao's office with a project proposal.

"You sit down first, I'll finish processing these documents." Zhang Xiao glanced at Huang Minhui, and then said something.

Huang Minhui had already gotten used to Zhang Xiao's way of working, sitting on the sofa by herself, drinking the tea made by Hou Shuyan, while looking at the situation in Zhang Xiao's office.

Since joining Hongyuan Group, Huang Minhui has come to Zhang Xiao's office quite a few times, but seeing Zhang Xiao bowing his head at work at this moment is still inconceivable.

After all, Zhang Xiao is too young, the youngest in the whole group. Compared with Zhang Xiao's achievements, Huang Minhui dare not be complacent in the slightest. This is also the main reason why she is willing to join Hongyuan Group.

Learning from the strong is the philosophy that Huang Minhui has always implemented, because she knows very well that if she wants to achieve success in this world, learning the way of the strong is the most convenient way.

In Huang Minhui's eyes, Zhang Xiao is undoubtedly a strong man.

Zhang Xiao also felt Huang Minhui's scrutiny, but he didn't care, he was used to being scrutinized by people and provinces and cities, and age was both an advantage and a limitation for him, but with the success of Hongyuan Group, such scrutiny has become rare up.

Soon, Zhang Xiao cleaned up the documents on the table, and then said to Hou Shuyan: "Distribute the documents and let them come up with a solution as soon as possible."

Hou Shuyan nodded and began to sort out the documents that Zhang Xiao had processed, but Zhang Xiao sat down opposite Huang Minhui.

"How do you feel? Did you adapt after coming to the group?" Zhang Xiao said to Huang Minhui with a smile.

"It feels good, but I can't say whether I'm used to it or not. After all, my team is working on the international business department. As for the other staff, they can't help much at the moment." Huang Minhui shook her head and said. , She also told the truth about the feelings of Hongyuan Group, she felt that she didn't need to flaunt anything.

"I will hand over the international business department to your team. You can ask me for anything you need, whether it is personnel or other things, but I want to see the international expansion of the group's business as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao said after a little pondering. He also wanted to arrange members of Huang Minhui's team to take up positions in various departments, but Huang Minhui's opposition failed. www.cascoo.

After Huang Minhui handed the document in her hand to Zhang Xiao, she said with a serious expression: "This is the current investigation by the International Business Department. Take a look. I think we still need to start the internationalization process as soon as possible."

Zhang Xiao nodded, opened the document sent by Huang Minhui and read it carefully.

It can be seen that Huang Minhui must have prepared this document for a long time, and the data in it are very detailed, especially for the retail and computer industries, which are supported by a large amount of data.

Relatively speaking, the data of the glass industry and the transportation industry are less. Obviously, Huang Minhui's focus is still on the retail industry and the computer industry, which are currently the most competitive systems of Hongyuan Group.

However, in Zhang Xiao's view, the reliability of the data in this document is a problem. After all, the source of the data is still questionable. Although Western countries claim to be transparent, it is not uncommon for the core data to be concealed.

"Very good, very detailed investigation." Zhang Xiao first affirmed Huang Minhui's work, after all, this is a fact that must be admitted.

Huang Minhui's expression remained unchanged, quietly waiting for Zhang Xiao to narrate the following.

"The internationalization process of Hongyuan Group will not change, and next year will be the year of Hongyuan Group's comprehensive internationalization, and before that, I hope to see your development plan." Zhang Xiao continued to speak, in the internationalization His attitude will not change during the process, but in the process of implementation, Zhang Xiao is going to be steady and steady.

"I will come up with the development plan as soon as possible." Huang Minhui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Zhang Xiao would go back on his word and delay the pace of internationalization. After all, so far, she has not seen any signs of Hongyuan Group's internationalization .

After getting Zhang Xiao's promise, Huang Minhui left soon, but Zhang Xiao felt helpless for Huang Minhui's temptation.

After all, after joining Huang Minhui's team, for nearly a month, Zhang Xiao seldom mentioned the idea of ​​internationalization in group meetings, even if she mentioned it, she only mentioned it in a few words, which made Huang Minhui feel helpless and depressed.

The reason why Zhang Xiao didn't mention it was not because he gave up, but because he also needed time to prepare. After all, Hongyuan Group's current business focus is in China, which involved a lot of his energy.

There are still five days until next Monday, and Zhang Xiao has also started to prepare for the development outline of Hongyuan Group next year. This is what Zhang Xiao must come up with. Only in this way can the group's senior management understand the focus of the group's development next year.

Five days passed quickly, and the heads of all subsidiaries and various projects returned to Hongyuan Building one after another. Even Academician Ni and Ye Shijiang rushed back.

Zhang Xiao also had a one-on-one conversation with them, which is also a necessary communication, otherwise, if a consensus cannot be reached after the meeting starts, it will not be a good thing for Zhang Xiao.

At nine o'clock in the morning on Monday, when Zhang Xiao came to the large conference room, the conference room was already full of people.

Familiar people are exchanging their own ideas, hoping that the department plan they are in charge of can get more support from more people. After all, this meeting will determine the development focus of the group next year.

Zhang Xiao sat in the first place that belonged to him, while Academician Ni and Ye Shijiang sat next to him, followed by Li Mingxuan, Yang Lei, Tang Zhenhao and others.

Further down is the person in charge of each subsidiary and the person in charge of the department, but it is the first time for some of them to participate in such a group high-level meeting. No such meeting was held.

After Zhang Xiao sat down, Hou Shuyan consciously sat on the chair behind Tian Xiaodan, preparing to record the content of the meeting.

After Zhang Xiao nodded to Tian Xiaodan, Tian Xiaodan patted the topic in front of him naturally, and said, "The meeting is about to start. Please turn off your mobile phones and keep quiet. If you have any questions, you can raise your hand."

Tian Xiaodan, as the assistant to the chairman of the group, presided over the meeting as she should, but her seriousness still made everyone serious.

Because everyone knew that Tian Xiaodan's emphasis on meeting discipline must have been instructed by Zhang Xiao, which also explained the importance of this meeting from another perspective.

Soon, the meeting room returned to silence. Zhang Xiao nodded with satisfaction and said, "The meeting that started today is the most important meeting of Hongyuan Group in the past three years. There are many contents in the meeting. I hope everyone can listen carefully. , after all, I don’t want someone to ask about the content of the meeting after the meeting.”

Zhang Xiao once again emphasized the importance of the meeting, which also made everyone feel the pressure. After all, this meeting did not issue a meeting plan, which means that many things will only be announced, and will not be used in the form of documents issued.

"Before the meeting starts, let's look at a set of data from the Ministry of Supervision. I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation after reading it." Zhang Xiao nodded to Tian Xiaodan after finishing speaking.

Tian Xiaodan nodded, and quickly projected the data of the investigation results of the Ministry of Supervision to the screen behind Zhang Xiao through the projector.

Looking at the data from the Ministry of Supervision, everyone couldn't help exclaiming, because there are too many violations of regulations and disciplines displayed on it, which makes them a little unbelievable. Most importantly, it also shows three senior executives of the group name, which made everyone's face change drastically.

Zhang Xiao really did not cover for anyone this time. After all, the data reported by the Ministry of Supervision made his heart ache like a knife. He felt that his practice of maintaining integrity with a high salary was a complete failure, and it also made him feel a little bit of regret.

According to the report of the Ministry of Supervision, in the past year, all the violations of Hongyuan Group have reached 340 seven people, and the number of times has reached 320 five times, involving all aspects of Hongyuan Group, and almost all departments have violations of regulations and disciplines Among them, there are even more employees who have violated regulations and disciplines for many times, which has caused great losses and negative impacts on Hongyuan Group.

Not only that, but also the heads of departments and subsidiaries of the group appeared on the list, which is why Zhang Xiao made up his mind to rectify the group's unhealthy practices.

Although rectifying unhealthy trends will affect the stability and development of the group to a certain extent, this is not an opportunity.

So after the meeting started, Zhang Xiao announced the investigation results of the Ministry of Supervision.

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