Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 407 Candid and Open

After Mo Boqi hung up the phone, he felt very at ease. After all, he had been hiding it for so long before, and he was always embarrassed to face Zhang Xiao, but now that he decided to have a frank and detailed talk with Zhang Xiao, he felt at ease. .

"You did the right thing. I'm relieved that you can do this." Mo Wenxin said with some relief. After all, for him, seeing Mo Boqi grow is the happiest thing.

"Dad, I was eager for quick success." Moboqi shook his head and said, calmly facing his past mistakes.

"People are selfish, but many times we must weigh the pros and cons. Whether it is in terms of interests or prestige, we have to make a balance. Moreover, we are now worth billions of dollars. We must do things that are suitable for the long-term, not Pursue the increase of wealth with quick success." Mo Wenxin said with a smile, and at the same time told Mo Boqi his feelings.

Moboqi accepted it humbly. If he didn't listen to it before, but now that his mentality has undergone a huge change, he understands his father's good intentions.

"Go early, don't keep your little brother waiting." Mo Wenxin didn't say too much, as long as Mo Boqi's mentality changed, then he would be relieved.

Mo Boqi said goodbye to Mo Wenxin with a smile, got in his car and left.

And Mo Wenxin looked at the direction of Mo Boqi's departure, and was inexplicably relieved. After all, it was the happiest thing for him to have successors in the Mo family.

And Zhang Xiao also drove to Tan's private kitchen at the moment. Zhang Xiao didn't know the reason why Mo Boqi invited him over, but he was very calm. No matter what decision Mo Boqi made, he would support it. Instead of continuing to have a deep friendship, it depends on Mo Boqi's attitude.

Zhang Xiao, the Tan family's private dish, came here a few times, but not many came, not only because of the price, but also because of the trouble.

When Zhang Xiao came to Tan's private room to cook, he saw Mo Boqi standing at the door waiting for him.

Zhang Xiao got out of the car quickly, walked a few steps quickly and said to Mo Boqi: "Brother, it's so cold, why aren't you inside."

"I just came here not long ago." Mo Boqi said with a smile. In any case, he was very grateful to Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao had always spared no effort in helping him.

"Let's go in, it's very cold outside." Zhang Xiao tightened his coat and said with a smile.

After coming to the private room and sitting down, the waiter served the food and wine, obviously Moboqi had already ordered the food and wine.

After all, the serving of the Tan family's private kitchen dishes is not fast. After all, the Tan family's private kitchen dishes are prepared slowly and carefully, unlike ordinary restaurants that always use high-fire stir-fry for profit.

During the meal, Mo Boqi and Zhang Xiao didn't talk too much about Xinyu Jewelry Company, but talked with Zhang Xiao about the current status of the jewelry industry and the current competition in the domestic jewelry industry.

Zhang Xiao doesn't know much about this, but Zhang Xiao is very clear about the continued popularity of the jade industry.

In fact, thanks to the continuous improvement of people's income, people's consumption in the jewelry industry has greatly increased, which is a great thing for the jewelry industry.

After drinking and eating, the food and drink were removed and tea was served. Mo Boqi and Zhang Xiao sat down on the sofa beside them.

Mobo Wizard said to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "Little brother, I invited you here today mainly to discuss with you the listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company. I have already consulted on the listing conditions of Xinyu Jewelry Company. At present, there should be no problem with Xinyu Jewelry's business status. What do you think about it?"

Zhang Xiao glanced at Mo Boqi in a little surprise. He didn't expect that Mo Boqi asked him out today to discuss the listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company. Everything he did before was hidden from him, so the practice of recovering the shares and enjoying the exclusive benefits of listing is already obvious.

But Zhang Xiao had seen big scenes before, and asked in surprise, "Brother, you said that Xinyu Jewelry Company is going to go public?"

"Yes, I think that if Xinyu Jewelry Company wants to develop faster, going public is the only way, and judging from the current situation, the development of the jewelry industry will be faster and faster. If Xinyu Jewelry Company wants to complete Going beyond, going public is the fastest way." Moboqi said with a smile.

In fact, the jewelry industry is an asset-heavy industry, and funds are the biggest obstacle to the development of Xinyu Jewelry Company. If Xinyu Jewelry Company can be listed, it will naturally raise more funds for the company's development.

Zhang Xiao has no objection to the listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company, so he pondered for a while and then said: "Master, I think we should consider the future development of Xinyu Jewelry Company from the pros and cons of a listed company. What are the benefits of going public? Whatever the drawbacks, we need to take them into consideration.”

Mo Boqi took Zhang Xiao's words seriously, and he had also considered the pros and cons of Xinyu Jewelry's listing, so he nodded and said: "I have actually considered the pros and cons of the company's listing before. On the one hand, going public can make the company's Financing becomes easier and enhances the company's competitiveness and cohesion. On the other hand, going public can also improve the company's popularity and reputation."

"Although Xinyu Jewelry Company ranks high in the jewelry industry in the country, its competitiveness is not strong. Although we rely on the people's supermarket to gain a reputation in the jewelry industry across the country, if we want to turn our reputation into the competitiveness of the company, we It needs to build a large number of core stores, and this requires a lot of funds, so I think it is imperative to go public.”

What Mo Boqi considers most is the benefits of going public. After all, this has obvious benefits for him. After all, as the largest shareholder of Xinyu Jewelry Company, Mo Boqi can multiply his assets several times after Xinyu Jewelry goes public. , This is a huge temptation for Mo Boqi.

But in Zhang Xiao's view, listing is a double-edged sword. If the listing is successful, if it is managed well, everyone will be happy. If it is not managed well, it is likely that Moboqi will lose control of the listed company.

After all, the listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company is essentially to obtain capital investment from investors by selling the company's equity. The listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company will reduce the proportion of Moboqi's shareholding in the company. Such a result will lead to Moboqi's Qi's weakening of control over the company.

This is also the main reason why Mo Boqi hopes to exchange the shares of Xinyu Jewelry Company held by Zhang Xiao with the shares of Xinyu Real Estate Company.

"Brother, going public is not only beneficial, but also has its unknown disadvantages. Once the company goes public, your equity in my hands will inevitably be weakened. On the other hand, the process of a company going public is not just a process of financing. It is also a process of constantly paying costs, and the listing costs here are real costs.”

"Listing costs include not only the cost of asset and debt restructuring, but also financial advisory fees for investment banks, sponsorship fees for sponsors and lead underwriters, legal advisory fees for legal affairs, audit fees for accounting affairs, and asset evaluation. Expenses, public relations fees of financial public relations companies, audit fees paid by the securities supervision department, listing fees paid to exchanges, printing fees of printing companies, media announcement fees, etc. Most of these expenses are carried out before the company obtains successful financing paid."

Zhang Xiao has also conducted research on the listing of the company. After all, whether it is a people's supermarket or a microelectronics technology company, they are actually eligible for listing, but Zhang Xiao gave up after learning about the listing situation.

Mo Boqi couldn't help but fell silent when he heard Zhang Xiao's words, because he knew that the funds needed for this series of expenses would definitely not be small, otherwise Zhang Xiao would not say it, and he still had a worry in his heart, that is, Xin Whether the jade jewelry company can really go public.

After all, there are not many listing quotas, and most of them are given to state-owned enterprises. Although Xinyu Jewelry Company fully meets the conditions for listing, Mo Boqi has no idea whether it can pass the approval and go public.

Once these costs are all consumed, it will not be listed on the market in the end. This is an unbearable blow to Xinyu Jewelry Company. Now, Moboqi has to face up to this problem.

"Junior Brother, what do you think we should do now?" Mo Boqi looked at Zhang Xiao with some hope. He hoped to get some help from Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao is now different from the past. surpassed him.

"Where is the headquarters of Xinyu Jewelry Company?" Zhang Xiao asked suddenly, because he felt that he still ignored this question.

"In Greentown, which is our provincial capital." Moboqi replied, he didn't know the reason for Zhang Xiao's question.

Zhang Xiao nodded. If it was in the capital, Zhang Xiao might not be able to help, but if it was in Greentown, Zhang Xiao could inquire about the review conditions of listed companies and the allocation of quotas.

"Brother, let me ask for you first, and I will notify you as soon as I have any news." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"Okay, little brother, then I'll just wait for the good news." Mo Boqi couldn't help but sigh at the moment. Before, he only saw the benefits of the company's listing, but he forgot that it is not so easy for the company to go public. If He really left Zhang Xiao alone to run the listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company, and it is very likely that he will touch a bag, which made him feel a little scared.

At the same time, Mo Boqi also clearly understood at this moment that the reason why he wanted to go public was because he was bewitched by others. Fortunately, it is just the beginning, and many reforms of the company system that should be carried out have not yet started, and the cost is not much. , Thinking of this, he couldn't help the cold sweat oozing from his body.

In fact, this is not surprising. Since the stock market opened, a kind of character called a broker has emerged in due course. They will induce some well-run companies to go public, making them fall into the dream of going public, and thus spend a lot of money to get listed. Paving the way, among them, there is no one in a hundred companies that have successfully listed, but most of them have fallen on the road to listing.

However, the large amount of money spent by these companies was completely divided up by the broker and the company behind him, making a lot of money, but it was an unbearable harm to these companies that wanted to go public.

Although Zhang Xiao knew that Mo Boqi should have fallen into this trap, Zhang Xiao didn't say much. After all, although there are pros and cons to going public, it is something that many company bosses are keen on. The opportunity to obtain a large amount of wealth by going public is something that many people only dream of.

"Brother, let me introduce you to the person who has been in contact with you some other day. I also want to see if he is really capable or just pretending." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, how about I call him over now?" Although Mo Boqi felt that he was bewitched at the moment, he was still lucky.

"Okay, you can try to make a call." Zhang Xiao didn't care, it didn't really matter to him whether he went to the company or not in the afternoon, but if he could figure out the affairs of Xinyu Jewelry Company, it would be worth it.

Mo Boqi didn't hesitate, took out his mobile phone and dialed Qian Lin directly.

Qian Lin is the person who has been in contact with Mo Boqi all the time, and he introduced Mo Boqi to contact many listed counseling companies.

After making the phone call, Mo Boqi smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "Qian Lin will be here in a while, and then you can help me talk about his background. After all, I still don't know what he does."

Zhang Xiao nodded. At the same time, he also knew that Mo Boqi had some doubts about Qian Lin, but this was not important. Once the desire to go public was born, it would be difficult to dispel this thought. This is why many company bosses are attracted by others. After the road to listing, the reason for constant pursuit.

"Eldest brother, I will contact him as a shareholder of the company in a while, and there may be unexpected gains." Zhang Xiao said to Mo Boqi with a smile.

"You are a shareholder of Xinyu Jewelry Company, there is no doubt about it." Mo Boqi shook his head and said, feeling ridiculous at the idea of ​​kicking Zhang Xiao out.

At this moment, Mo Boqi couldn't help but feel a little rejoicing. If it wasn't for Zhang Xiao, then he might have been cheated to the end and sold to others for money.

Not long after, Qian Lin, who was wearing a suit and a black woolen overcoat, walked in. Judging from his appearance, Qian Lin looked dignified, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses made him look gentle and elegant.

"Mr. Qian, hello, have you had lunch today? Do you want to eat something?" Moboqi said with a smile.

Qian Lin glanced at Zhang Xiao first, and then said to Mo Boqi: "I just had dinner at home, so there's no need, who is this?"

"This is Zhang Xiao, who is also a shareholder of Xinyu Jewelry Company. I called you here this time to let him understand the listing process." Moboqi said with a smile.

Qian Lin was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized, he quickly took two steps forward and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "So it's Mr. Zhang from Hongyuan Group, no wonder I feel familiar, I really don't know Taishan with my eyes."

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