Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 406 Xinyu Jewelry is going to be listed

In the next period of time, the merger of Hongyuan Real Estate and Xinyu Real Estate became a major event for Hongyuan Group. With the step-by-step development of asset appraisal and other matters, everything was going on intensely and orderly.

And Zhang Xiao also had to discuss the arrangement of shares with Xinyu Real Estate and other original shareholders of Hongyuan Real Estate many times. Because it involved the distribution of interests, the progress was not smooth.

However, Zhang Xiao is very clear that it is only a matter of time before reaching an agreement. He is very optimistic about it. After all, Mo Wenxin, as the major shareholder of Xinyu Real Estate, has already agreed, and the others are just trying to get more benefits.

So Zhang Xiao spent more time on the internationalization process of Hongyuan Group after Huang Minhui's team joined Hongyuan Group.

The internationalization of Hongyuan Group was actually planned by Zhang Xiao very early on. However, at that time, both the people’s supermarket and the microelectronics technology company’s domestic development were more stable and effective, so Zhang Xiao was only in Europe, America and other places at that time. An office-type external procurement department has been established.

Now with the increasingly fierce domestic competition, seeking new breakthroughs has become the current focus of Hongyuan Group, and the process of internationalization has once again been brought up by Zhang Xiao. After all, whether it is a retail enterprise like Minmin Supermarket or a microelectronics For technology companies such as technology companies, when they get the domestic market, going out has become their inevitable development direction.

The addition of Huang Minhui's team only promoted the pace of Hongyuan Group's internationalization process.

As Huang Minhui's team joined one after another, Zhang Xiao also began to let them participate in Hongyuan Group's pre-job training. is very important.

This morning, Zhang Xiao saw that the calendar on the table had turned to December No. 20, and it was only ten days before the start of the new year. As the end of the year was approaching, no matter whether it was the year-end summary or the new year's development plan, everything was on the table. In front of Zhang Xiao's eyes, Zhang Xiao had to spend more energy to deal with all this.

When Zhang Xiao was looking at the company's development plan for next year, Yuan Min knocked on the door and walked in, sat opposite Zhang Xiao, handed a document to Zhang Xiao and said: "Boss, after this period of time After investigation, I finally found the reason why Boss Mo retired early, this is the information."

Zhang Xiao took the information and looked at it. Most of Mo Wenxin's previous resumes were listed on it. From the above, Zhang Xiao saw many secrets that he didn't know before.

Mo Wenxin's life is quite legendary, and everything starts with his father.

Mo Wenxin's father, Mo Lin, is a master of Chinese studies of a generation, and was once a guest of many celebrities, but in the 60s, he encountered the Waterloo of life, and had to bring his only son, Mo Wenxin, back to his hometown in Xinglin County, even if he returned to his hometown, Mo Lin still endured multiple blows, and spent most of the time at home teaching Mo Wenxin.

Mo Wenxin is only 15 years old, and he is still in school. He also attended high school in Xinglin County for two years.

But Mo Wenxin, who was only in his teens, was young and vigorous. During school, he spent more time in the chaotic antique market at that time. With his extraordinary eyesight and profound knowledge, his reputation also started to grow up.

The antique market is a place where you can get rich overnight, and Mo Wenxin's first pot of gold was saved at this time. With a porcelain vase from the Ming Dynasty, Mo Wenxin won a huge sum of [-] yuan.

But in that chaotic era, the greater the fame, the more troubles naturally. After Mo Lin passed away, Mo Wenxin was completely left alone, so he began to travel around the country, and buying and selling antiques made Mo Wenxin His net worth gradually became richer.

However, some of these things point out the reason why Mo Wenxin retired so early. With the country's economic development in the past two years, more cultural relics and antiques have begun to be withdrawn from the world, among which Mo Wenxin sold them at the beginning. The antiques that went out, and this also made Mo Wenxin feel the crisis, so he retired early to avoid the limelight.

Looking at the first half of Mo Wenxin's life on the information, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little emotional. This is a proper protagonist in life. It is no wonder that Mo Wenxin is called "Master Xin", not only because of Mo Wenxin's achievements, It's more about his experience back then.

"According to your guess, is there any trouble with my master?" Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min together after collecting the documents. cascoo.

Yuan Min shook his head and said: "It's really hard to say, but not many people knew what happened back then, and there was no proof, so as long as foreign buyers don't spread the word, it shouldn't be a big deal. The information obtained from the investigation is incomplete, and Master Xin will be in trouble if he is involved in other matters."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little headache. After all, the antique market has been chaotic since ancient times, with all kinds of teachings and nine streams mixed in, and Mo Wenxin's ability to make such a big name in it is obviously not only his information can include.

"Follow my master's news at any time, I hope there is no major trouble." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

After Yuan Min nodded, he took out another document from the document bag and handed it to Zhang Xiao, and said: "This is the current situation of Xinyu Jewelry Company, I think you should pay more attention to your elder brother, he can It’s not as simple as it seems.”

Zhang Xiao didn't know why Yuan Min said that at first, but after he got the information and read it, he finally understood why Yuan Min said that.

From the information Yuan Min investigated, Zhang Xiao saw that Mo Boqi was actively planning the listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company, which Zhang Xiao never thought of. It is no wonder that Mo Boqi wanted to redeem it from him as soon as possible. Shares of Xinyu Jewelry Company.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking a lot. In the end, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head. Human nature is selfish. When facing interests, people will put their own interests first. This is beyond doubt, but Moboqi has never Notifying him still made Zhang Xiao feel uncomfortable.

However, Zhang Xiao doesn't intend to argue with Mo Boqi. After all, it was a coincidence that he bought shares in Xinyu Jewelry Company at the beginning. It is not a loss to withdraw now. At least four times the income is unstoppable. Although he will benefit more after the listing, but But Zhang Xiao also knew that it would only ruin the friendship between him and the Mo family, which Zhang Xiao didn't want to see.

"Let's stop this matter, I believe the senior brother will give me an explanation." Zhang Xiao put the information about Xinyu Jewelry Company in a drawer, and said to Yuan Min with a serious expression. Express your attitude.

Yuan Min didn't doubt Zhang Xiao's attitude, nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, I have reported everything that should be reported, and I will leave first."

"Don't worry, I still have something for you to do." Zhang Xiao stopped Yuan Min who got up and was about to leave.

After Zhang Xiao wrote the names and basic information of the two people on the paper, he handed it to Yuan Min and said, "Get the information of these two people as soon as possible. I think they are the talents our company needs most at present."

Yuan Min looked at the content on the paper, nodded and said, "I will do it as soon as possible."

After Yuan Min left, Zhang Xiao leaned on the boss's chair and fell silent. Mo Boqi's behavior still affected Zhang Xiao's mood. Although he didn't care about the loss of money, he cared about Mo Boqi's attitude. And he couldn't argue with Moboqi.

After a long time, Zhang Xiao sighed and continued the previous work. At the end of the year, the work is always complicated. Many documents need to be signed by Zhang Xiao before they can be finally implemented. This is also the most important reason for Zhang Xiao to control the development direction of the group. No matter how troublesome the method is, Zhang Xiao will not use it on others.

While Zhang Xiao was dealing with Hongyuan Group's daily affairs, Mo Boqi and Mo Wenxin were discussing the merger of the real estate company.

"Dad, are we really unable to continue with Xinyu Real Estate?" Mo Boqi asked Mo Wenxin.

"Yeah, I can't do it any longer. The one who should let go is still to let go." Mo Wenxin nodded helplessly and said, he also felt sorry for giving up Xinyu Real Estate, but he was very open-minded.

"That's good, it can speed up the pace of expansion of Xinyu Jewelry." Moboqi nodded and said.

"Boqi, don't you have anything to say to me?" Mo Wenxin couldn't help looking at Mo Boqi, feeling disappointed by what Mo Boqi had done recently.

"Dad, I don't know what you're talking about." Moboqi rubbed his ears and pretended to be confused. After all, facing such a huge temptation to go public, he couldn't restrain his inner greed.

"Boqi, you have never been able to speak since you were a child, and you would touch your ears every time you told a lie. I didn't want to ask, but I just want to remind you that it is not ordinary people that your little brother has achieved such a great achievement. Do you think that the things you do are seamless?" Mo Wenxin said with a bit of resentment.

Mo Wenxin was very angry at Mo Boqi's eagerness for quick success. Zhang Xiao was the escort of the Mo family that he finally found. Once Mo Boqi turned against Zhang Xiao, it would be the biggest loss for the Mo family, and Mo Boqi Mo Wenxin is even more disappointed that he still doesn't know his mistake.

"Dad, what you're talking about is the listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company. I don't think it's necessary to tell my younger brother. After all, I will talk about the redemption of the shares in his hand soon. Then the listing has nothing to do with him. It's gone." Seeing that he couldn't get away with being fooled, Mo Boqi simply admitted generously, and also expressed his thoughts.

"Your kid is officially shrewd and confused for a while, do you think Zhang Xiao doesn't know what you are doing now? Or can you keep it a secret and pretend to be smart!" Mo Wenxin couldn't help but sighed and said.

Mo Wenxin understands Mo Boqi's thinking. After all, once listed, all shares will have a premium of more than ten times. This is indeed an irresistible temptation, but Mo Wenxin is more aware of Zhang Xiao's strength. Mo Wenxin will never underestimate Zhang Xiao who has created such a large industry in a short period of time, even if it is because he has stepped on the pulse of the development of the times, it is also a skill.

In this world, there is never a shortage of geniuses who can create miracles, and in Mo Wenxin's view, Zhang Xiao is one of them.

Mo Boqi couldn't help being a little silent. After all, as the owner of Xinyu Jewelry Company, he has dealt with Minmin Supermarket, and he knows how deep the background of Minmin Supermarket is. He only relies on the front desk of Minmin Supermarket The opening of a jewelry store has already expanded the company's size several times.

As the owner of the Minmin Supermarket Holding Group, Zhang Xiao's wealth and status are already hard for him to catch up with, but it is because of this that he is not convinced, so he actively plans the listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company, and also conceals the truth from Zhang Xiao. This major shareholder.

But at this moment Mo Boqi is clear that what he did before was just deception, but now what Mo Wenxin said made him have to reconsider his relationship with Zhang Xiao.

After a long time, Mo Boqi made up his mind and said to his father Mo Wenxin: "Dad, I know what to do. I will explain to my junior brother about the listing of Xinyu Jewelry Company as soon as possible."

"Go early, your little junior brother won't care about these gains and losses with you at all. Sometimes honest communication is more important than anything else, and attitude is everything." Mo Wenxin said in a deep tone. He had no idea about Zhang Xiao's ability. no doubt.

Mo Boqi took a deep breath and nodded. He actually understood, but sometimes he was a little unwilling. After all, as Mo Wenxin's son, he had seen too many people who rose from the sky. Their skills were superb. Will seize favorable opportunities to make the company's development more rapid.

In Mo Boqi's view, Zhang Xiao is the best among them. Whether it is the large-scale expansion of the retail market or the sudden emergence of the computer industry, it shows that Zhang Xiao is good at seizing opportunities.

Thinking of this, Mo Boqi dialed Zhang Xiao's cell phone number.

"Brother, what do you want me to do?" Zhang Xiao quickly got through the phone, thinking about what Mo Boqi wanted him for.

"There is something about Xinyu Jewelry Company, I want to talk to you." Mo Boqi said with a smile, maybe because he was open-minded, and now facing Zhang Xiao is not as awkward as before.

"Okay, at noon right away, let's have dinner together and chat while eating." Zhang Xiao also readily agreed, after all, he will not have conflicts with Mo Boqi, and it is not difficult to pretend that he does not know many things .

"I ordered a meal at Tan's private kitchen, you can come over later, we two brothers have a good drink." Mo Boqi said with a smile, he decided to have a good chat with Zhang Xiao about the development of Xinyu Jewelry Company .

Moboqi felt that since some things cannot be avoided, it is better to talk openly and honestly, maybe there will be a different harvest.

"Okay, I'll be there in a while." Zhang Xiao agreed with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao was a little confused. He didn't know why Mo Boqi was looking for him to talk about the Xinyu Jewelry Company, but since Mo Boqi was willing to talk to him in detail, he naturally wouldn't. Refused, after all, he also wanted to see what Mo Boqi was thinking.

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