Mo Wenxin is pleased with Zhang Xiao's attitude. After all, Zhang Xiao's level of antique appreciation can be said to be no weaker than him. This is also the main reason why he put Zhang Xiao in the position of chief connoisseur. After all, only Zhang Xiao's level Mo Wenxin can retire with peace of mind only when people with more people sit in Xinglinzhai.

Although Mo Wenxin is still the boss of Xinglinzhai, as time goes by, he will gradually transfer the power in his hands to Mo Boqi, and in this process, Zhang Xiao's role is very important.

"Master, why did you retire so early? I think you are still very young. At least it won't be a problem if you work for more than ten years." Zhang Xiao still asked what he thought in his heart. In his opinion, Mo Wenxin retired so early The reason is intriguing.

Mo Wenxin sighed, and said with melancholy eyes, "I know it's a little early for me to retire, but this is the result of my careful consideration."

"Your elder brother's ability cannot be said to be insufficient, but he still lacks experience in business management. I retired early to let him take over the banner of the Mo family as soon as possible, and then support him for a while. Only in this way can I feel at ease. "

"Besides, since ancient times, whether it is a family or a business, the alternation of old and new powers is the most prone to problems. I don't want them to have disputes over the rights of the family after a hundred years. Therefore, it is also beneficial for Boqi to take power as soon as possible if I retire as soon as possible. "

When talking with Zhang Xiao, Mo Wenxin said it with an equal attitude. Some of these words are not convenient for him to say to others, but for Zhang Xiao, he trusts him very much. He believes that Zhang Xiao can understand his approach.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and was surprised by Mo Wenxin's wisdom. After all, the older people are, the more they care about the power in their hands, and Mo Wenxin can arrange the handover of the company so early. In Zhang Xiao's opinion, Isn't it a manifestation of wisdom.

"Master, you did the right thing, but there are not many people in this world who can do it." Zhang Xiao praised with a smile. He admired Mo Wenxin from the bottom of his heart.

"Using the past as a mirror, we can know the ups and downs." Mo Wenxin said with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

"But there are not many people who can achieve such a state, even Tang Zong who said this sentence did not achieve it." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Mo Wenxin said with a chuckle: "This is different. Besides, what is the history? Our descendants only know it from historical materials. Who knows the real history."

Zhang Xiao takes this very seriously. After all, history is written by the victors. In many cases, history is sunk in the long river of time and is unknown.

"Okay, you go back too, I should rest too." Mo Wenxin looked at the time and said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao also knew that it was getting late, so she said goodbye and left.

After Zhang Xiao left, Mo Wenxin said to Xing Yulan: "Finally the burden has been relieved, I just hope there will be no more trouble."

Xing Yulan asked worriedly: "Will someone really find out what you said in the past?"

"Who knows, I'm just planning for a rainy day, and even if the past is really revealed, there is nothing we can do. It's better to leave the wealth and the company to the children. As for how far they can go, it depends on them." ability." Mo Wenxin said indifferently, after completing today's property distribution, he became even more indifferent.

On the way back to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao was thinking about the intention of his master Mo Wenxin. In Zhang Xiao's view, there must be a deep-seated reason for Mo Wenxin's sudden retirement, not just for the transfer of power. If this is the case It is impossible for Mo Wenxin to let the real estate company take on new projects during this period.

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiao immediately called Yuan Min.

After the call was connected, a noisy voice came from the microphone, which made Zhang Xiao frowned, he knew it was Yuan Min fooling around outside again.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" Yuan Min went to a secluded place when he received Zhang Xiao's call, and asked.

"Are you busy? If you're not busy, come to the courtyard." Zhang Xiao said.

"I'm not busy, I'll be there in a while." Yuan Min immediately agreed.

"Then I'll wait for you to come over." Zhang Xiao hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

The reason why Zhang Xiao is looking for Yuan Min now is because he wants Yuan Min to investigate the real reason for Mo Wenxin's retirement as soon as possible, and what Mo Boqi's jewelry company is doing. He always feels that something is a little strange.

But at this time, Zhang Xiao still felt more helpless about Yuan Min fooling around every night, and couldn't help asking Guo Feng: "What's the matter with the mouse, fooling around outside every day, not talking about getting married, and you don't care he."

"Boss, everyone has their own way of life. People like us who crawled out of the dead have their own difficulties. None of us cares about how others live." Guo Feng said helplessly , he knew that Zhang Xiao was dissatisfied with Yuan Min's private life, but he still tried his best to cover it up for Yuan Min.

"No matter what happened in the past, people always have to look forward. Now that you have returned to society, you should integrate into it as soon as possible, and I think those comrades who retired with you have all returned to normal life. " Zhang Xiao said involuntarily.

Guo Feng chuckled, and didn't say much. After all, it's better not to persuade others to be kind. In Guo Feng's view, Zhang Xiao cared too much.

Zhang Xiao shook her head, and didn't bother to care about Yuan Min's private life, after all, no matter how much Yuan Min fooled around, it never affected his work.

Not long after returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao saw Yuan Min walk into the living room.

When Yuan Min came here, he was not polite. He drank the tea on the coffee table in one gulp, and then drank two more cups. Guo Feng, who was watching, frowned.

Zhang Xiao didn't say anything, but took out a napkin and handed it to Yuan Min, and said: "Wipe the lipstick marks on your face, sometimes I envy you, you live a chic life."

Yuan Min chuckled, took the napkin, cleaned up the filth on his face in the changing mirror, and then said: "Boss, you should talk about it, I know you can't understand my foolish way of life, but No way, I feel very comfortable like this."

"Okay, I came here to ask you if you have any news about my master Mo Wenxin and Xinyu Jewelry Company." Zhang Xiao asked directly, what did Zhang Xiao say to Yuan Min . cascoo.

"There's no special news, why don't I ask someone to check it?" Yuan Min asked, for people who are close to Zhang Xiao, Yuan Min is always taboo not to investigate deeply, after all, he often knows The more, the more trouble.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "Let's check and see what happened. My master is going to retire early. I always feel that something is unusual."

"Okay, I'll arrange someone to investigate right away, and I'll let you know as soon as I have news." Yuan Min was not dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao calling him over in the middle of the night to arrange work. After all, fooling around is important to him, but he prefers to spy The thrill of privacy.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but she still persuaded Yuan Min: "You are not young anymore, you still have to arrange your life as soon as possible. Getting married and having children is a big deal for anyone. Still fooling around in entertainment venues."

"Boss, I like this kind of life. This is the most relaxing way of life. Maybe I will consider getting married in a few years." Yuan Min said perfunctorily.

"Get lost." Zhang Xiao waved her hand helplessly and said to Yuan Min's perfunctory.

Yuan Min chuckled, didn't care about Zhang Xiao's joke, turned and left.

Soon, the roar of locomotives was heard outside the door, and it gradually faded away.

Early the next morning, after Zhang Xiao came to the company, he called Yang Lei, the person in charge of Hongyuan Real Estate, and Sun Ting, the director of the financial department, to his office, and began to take stock of the current situation of Hongyuan Real Estate.

After the establishment of Hongyuan Real Estate, Zhang Xiao didn't pay much attention to Hongyuan Real Estate, but he also knew that Hongyuan Real Estate had received a lot of projects for development this year, most of which were on the verge of unfinished projects. The main reason for the rapid expansion of source real estate.

"Boss, Hongyuan Real Estate currently has [-] projects under construction, including six in Beijing, three in Shanghai, and four in Pengcheng. In addition, we have obtained four plots this year and are applying for project approval. Maybe There will be news soon." Although Yang Lei went to Hongyuan Real Estate not long ago, with Zhang Xiao's support, he quickly gained a foothold, learned a lot about the situation of Hongyuan Real Estate, and even more clearly The operation mode of Hongyuan Real Estate was established.

Zhang Xiao is also looking at the information of Hongyuan Real Estate. From the information, it can be seen that since the current real estate projects are under construction, thanks to the implementation of the pre-sale system, the current debt ratio of Hongyuan Real Estate is not high. It is the acquisition of obsolete liabilities on some real estate projects, and there are not many new liabilities.

The reason is that many projects under construction in Hongyuan Real Estate are handed over to Hongyuan Construction, which saves a lot of unnecessary costs, which greatly promotes the development of Hongyuan Real Estate.

In addition, there are many construction companies in Xinglin County itself. They trust Zhang Xiao, and many construction companies are willing to advance funds for construction. This reduces the debt ratio of Hongyuan Real Estate on the other hand.

"Tell me about the situation of Hongyuan Real Estate." Zhang Xiao then said to Sun Ting.

"In Hongyuan Real Estate, our Hongyuan Group holds 70.00% of the shares. The current asset assessment is about 50 billion, of which 12 billion is working capital and 6000 million in debt. It is relatively healthy." Sun Ting said Hongyuan The general situation of the real estate, but she didn't know why Zhang Xiao suddenly asked about the situation of Hongyuan real estate, which made her very unprepared.

Zhang Xiao simply lost interest after listening to a few words. After all, there are all these information materials, so he directly ordered Sun Ting: "Xinyu Real Estate Company will be merged into Hongyuan Real Estate, you must organize personnel as soon as possible." Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the situation of Xinyu Real Estate, determine its value and the status of the projects under construction, and conduct research on the projects that have been developed in the past as soon as possible.”

Sun Ting was taken aback for a moment, and understood the reason why Zhang Xiao knew about Hongyuan Real Estate. She nodded immediately and said, "I will send someone to organize an evaluation agency to enter the site as soon as possible, but who should we contact?"

"Du Debiao, that is my brother, you have his phone number." Zhang Xiao said to Sun Ting.

"Yes, Mr. Du stayed in the company for a while after all." Sun Ting nodded and said.

"Then contact as soon as possible. If you have anything to report in time." After Zhang Xiao handed over the work to Sun Ting, she let Sun Ting leave.

Yang Lei was left behind by Zhang Xiao.

"Uncle, how do you understand the situation of the real estate company?" Zhang Xiao asked Yang Lei. Zhang Xiao also had his own plans for arranging Yang Lei as the person in charge of the real estate company. After all, the real estate company is a heavy asset , and it is also the hardest-hit area for violations of regulations and disciplines, Zhang Xiao needs a trustworthy person to help him keep an eye on it.

"It's almost there, but after all, I have just established my footing, and I still don't understand many specific operations very clearly." Yang Lei shook his head and said.

"I, Senior Brother Du, will serve as the chief financial officer after Xinyu Real Estate is merged into Hongyuan Real Estate. At that time, you must work together to completely control Hongyuan Real Estate." Zhang Xiao said solemnly, after all, Zhang Xiao knows very well Well, Hongyuan Real Estate must be firmly in hand, otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will be a big deal for Hongyuan Group.

"I understand." Yang Lei also felt powerless, even with Zhang Xiao's support, but in terms of specific project operations, he still felt a little out of control.

"You don't have to worry too much. As long as we have the personnel and financial rights, everything will be fine." Zhang Xiao said to Yang Lei with a smile, and Zhang Xiao has already started to ask the hair care center to develop a real estate company according to the situation of the real estate company. This software is suitable for the operation of real estate companies, which is convenient for overall monitoring of various projects.

For Zhang Xiao, as long as he can use technological means to solve the problem, he will let the research and development center develop it as soon as possible. After all, this is the accumulation of technology, which may come in handy in the future.

Yang Lei still feels a lot of pressure. After all, Hongyuan Real Estate Company and Xingsheng Glass Factory are not in the same industry at all. The transfer of hundreds of millions of funds also put a lot of pressure on Yang Lei.

"I will do my best." Yang Lei nodded and promised, he did not want to disappoint Zhang Xiao's trust.

When Zhang Xiao talked about the business, he talked about the resettlement situation of his uncle's family. After all, Yang Lei worked in the capital all year round, so it was his intention to take over his family. Zhang Xiao also gave Yang Lei a big villa. Say nothing.

"It's already settled, so you don't have to worry about it. They all go to school nearby, but the problem of household registration is still a bit difficult to solve." Yang Lei said helplessly.

"Take your time, and I'll ask you for you in a while." Zhang Xiao said, after all, the relationship between Hongyuan Group and the local police station is still very harmonious.

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