Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 365 The run on the storm

But Zhang Xiao, who was on the way to the capital, didn't know that the company had already started asking for payment from suppliers, and as time went by, more and more suppliers called and sent people to the company to ask for payment. .

Not only did such a situation happen to Hongyuan Group, but even Minmin Supermarket was also faced with the situation that suppliers demanded payment for goods.

Of course, there are people headed by Liu Dong who are contributing to the flames, as well as the Lin family's secret contribution, and even some other forces that have long been coveted by Hongyuan Group. The chain is broken, and the entry gets a share.

As for Hongyuan Group's financial situation, they don't know, and they don't know about the billions of dollars in cash lying on the account. After all, Hongyuan Group doesn't need to explain its business situation to anyone.

Academician Ni, who had been staying at the microelectronics technology company to meet with the investigation team, had already received the news, and hurried back to Hongyuan Group to preside over the intensifying run-on storm.

In fact, it is no wonder that these suppliers are anxious. After all, in this era, after the productivity of all walks of life in the country has been greatly improved, it often happens that the goods cannot be sold. It is a leading electronics company with microelectronics technology company that is invincible in the electronics industry.

The daily purchase volume is an astronomical figure, which originally allowed Hongyuan Group to have an advantage in obtaining a longer billing period in various purchases, thus allowing Hongyuan Group to have considerable cash flow.

The suppliers gave Hongyuan Group an account period of up to three months. In this way, if there is any trouble, these suppliers are afraid that they will not get the money back, and a collective run is inevitable.

When Academician Ni rushed to Hongyuan Building, he saw many business owners who were waiting in line for Hongyuan Group to purchase goods. It's not a vegetable market, you can come to the meeting room upstairs to discuss any requirements!"

Academician Ni's loud scolding made everyone quiet. After all, some of their companies are suppliers of microelectronics technology companies. Now that Academician Ni is showing off his power, they are still very frightened and can't help but quiet down.

"We are here to ask for payment. If you don't pay the payment today, we won't leave." An owner of a non-ferrous metal factory shouted loudly.

If someone takes the lead, someone will naturally agree. After all, since you came to ask for the payment, you have prepared for the worst, that is, you will not hesitate to tear your face. As long as you can get the payment back, at most you will not cooperate with Hongyuan Group in the future. .

The scene suddenly got a little out of control, and some people even rushed towards Academician Ni aggressively, trying to contact Academician Ni. At this moment, Yuan Min, who had been standing aside for a long time, was dizzy and confused, but he saw the abnormality at a glance. , not only remembered the person who took the lead, but also led the staff of Hongyuan Security to immediately isolate Academician Ni from the supplier.

And the spies hiding in the crowd saw that Academician Ni was protected, and suddenly felt depressed. After all, this is a good opportunity to further deteriorate the relationship between Hongyuan Group and suppliers, thereby creating public opinion for Hongyuan Group pressure on.

Academician Ni looked at the turbulent crowd at this moment, and he already knew that it would be impossible to control the situation if he didn't take the lead in the first place. These suppliers said: "Those who ask for payment can follow me to the conference room to discuss the payment method, and those who have stayed in the hall all the time, I will not accompany you."

After speaking, Academician Ni didn't bother to talk nonsense with these people, and went directly to the meeting room upstairs under the escort of the security personnel.

When the suppliers in the hall saw Academician Ni leave, they immediately became more and more confused. However, under the control of Hongyuan security personnel, they could not do anything illegal if they wanted to sabotage. However, other people without identification were invited out of the lobby of Hongyuan Building by the security personnel.

At this time, the local police station that received the alarm call also sent a large number of police forces to Hongyuan Building to maintain order. After all, no one dared to take it lightly in the face of such a mass incident.

When Zhang Xiao got off the plane, as soon as he turned on his phone, he received a call from the company.

"Boss, I'm Xiao Liu from the Finance Department. Mr. Sun asked me to contact you." Xiao Liu said quickly, relieved the moment the phone was connected.

"Then you ask Mr. Sun to answer the phone." Although Zhang Xiao didn't know what happened, but if Xiao Liu could keep calling him, something big must have happened.

"Boss, I'm Sun Ting." Sun Ting talked to Zhang Xiao at the first time, but she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although Zhang Xiao's phone was turned off for less than four hours, she still felt that Incomparably tormented.

"What happened?" Zhang Xiao asked after getting into the car sent by Yuan Min.

"Boss, many suppliers have come to the group to ask for payment. Although Academician Ni has returned, the situation is still not under control. How should we deal with the payment?" Sun Ting asked.

"You can pay these people immediately, so that they can disperse in the shortest time." Zhang Xiao ordered, and the run on the payment for the goods happened now, which was beyond Zhang Xiao's expectation. He was watching him, this matter There are other forces behind it. The best way to deal with it is to pay the goods in full. Although it will strain the company's cash flow, this is already the best way to deal with it.

"Boss, the company's current cash is not enough to pay so many suppliers." Sun Ting said, of course she knows that paying in full is the best way to face a run on, but the company doesn't have that much cash, which makes her very upset Difficult.

"You deal with it first. Don't you need to calculate the amount when paying? This will take a lot of time. In addition, let the company's personnel immediately go to the bank to withdraw money under the protection of security personnel, or even contact the bank and ask them to send money as much as possible Come here." Zhang Xiao has nothing to do about the lack of cash, and it is even more unrealistic to transfer money at this time, after all, there will be a time delay for the transfer at this time, and the supplier will not leave without confirming receipt of the money.

"Okay, boss, I'll do it now." After receiving Zhang Xiao's verbal authorization, Sun Ting immediately started to deal with it. After all, the longer the delay, the greater the impact on Hongyuan Group's reputation.

At this time, Zhang Xiao had no choice but to call Sun Zhixiang from the bank: "President Sun, I am Zhang Xiao."

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?" Sun Zhixiang asked knowingly. He had heard about the run on the Hongyuan Group, and he knew what Zhang Xiao called. , he followed the trend and agreed to let Zhang Xiao accept his love, and Zhang Xiao's affection may not be important to him, but it is very useful to his son Sun Chang.

"President Sun, I'm here to ask for help. Now there are suppliers in the group who don't know what is right and wrong, and they have to pay for the goods, and the company doesn't have much cash, so I can only ask President Sun to allocate some more." Zhang Xiao felt helpless. He said, but he had to make this call, otherwise, the money would definitely not come so quickly.

"How much money do you need?" Sun Zhixiang asked without any hesitation.

"Around [-] million, is it difficult?" Zhang Xiao said, according to his estimation, the money should be enough.

"[-] million is very difficult. We know that our branch will not use so much cash in a day." Sun Zhixiang felt a little headache when he heard Zhang Xiao's amount. After all, [-] million in cash weighed more than a ton. Even with a special deposit box, it takes ten boxes to hold it.

"President Sun, please help me. I'll treat you to dinner another day." Zhang Xiao said with a smile. He also knew the difficulty of this matter, otherwise he would not have called Sun Zhixiang.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to raise money and give you an answer as much as possible." Sun Zhixiang said with a smile, Zhang Xiao's favor is in hand, and the next thing is to do things.

As the president, Sun Zhixiang naturally has his own channels and methods to raise cash, and it didn't take long under his instructions to raise cash.

Sun Zhixiang didn't delay either. He directly dialed Zhang Xiao's phone and said, "I've already asked someone to raise the money. It should arrive at the bank in half an hour. Should I send someone to deliver it to you, or should I ask someone to pick it up?" .”

"You have someone send it to Hongyuan Building for me, and I will sign for it myself when the time comes." Zhang Xiao calculated the time and said.

"Okay, I'll go over then, let's meet." Sun Zhixiang said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come." Zhang Xiao knew the reason for Sun Zhixiang's coming, and he wanted to give Zhang Xiao a platform so that Zhang Xiao could see his sincerity.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan in the co-pilot seat: "Secretary Hou, please contact Yuan Min and ask how is the situation at the scene?"

Hou Shuyan immediately dialed Yuan Min's number. After the call was connected, after a few words, Hou Shuyan handed the phone to Zhang Xiao and said, "Boss, Mr. Yuan wants to talk to you." www.cascoo.

After Zhang Xiao answered the phone, he said, "Mice, how is the situation at the scene?"

"Boss, with the help of the police comrades, the situation has basically been brought under control, but I found out that there are a few people here who are neither suppliers nor distributors, but are purely here to make trouble. How should we deal with it?" Yuan Min asked road.

"Who is leading the police here?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Director Director came here in person. After all, this is a mass incident." Yuan Min sighed slightly.

"Then you call Director Dong, and I'll have a few words with him." Zhang Xiao said after thinking for a while.

Not long after, Dong Changqing's words came from the microphone: "Mr. Zhang, where are you? Such a big event happened in your company. If you are not present, it is easy to be misunderstood."

"Director Director, I'm on my way back to the company, and I'll be there in ten minutes." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"That's good, what do you want from me?" Of course Dong Changqing knew that something must be wrong with Zhang Xiao asking him to answer the phone. Besides, although the two of them are a little apart in age, he has often come to Hongyuan Group for alms in the past two years. very familiar.

"I heard from Mr. Yuan that some of the people asking for the payment made trouble on purpose. Would it be convenient for you to deal with it?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile without making a fuss.

"Should they be driven away or detained for review?" Dong Changqing asked.

"It's better to check it out. After all, those who make trouble on purpose are generally not serious people." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, I know how to deal with it." After Dong Changqing finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and when he handed the phone to Yuan Min, the two looked at each other quietly, and walked to the bathroom beside him to smoke.

After Yuan Min handed some photos to Dong Changqing, he said with a smile, "Director Dong, just these few people, they have nothing to do with Hongyuan Group, but they showed up at the scene. I suspect they are deliberately causing trouble."

After Dong Changqing took the photos, he couldn't help being surprised at Yuan Min's efficiency after a brief look. After all, it only took a few hours from the beginning to the present, and Yuan Min not only recognized all the identities of these people, but also learned from them. How efficient it is to find out people who have nothing to do with Hongyuan Group.

If such a system can be used in the investigation of illegal crimes, the efficiency of the police station in solving cases will be greatly improved, which makes Director Dong couldn't help but be moved, and the way he looked at Yuan Min also changed.

"What's the matter? Have you found a suspect?" Sensing the change in Director Dong's eyes, Yuan Minmin couldn't help asking.

"That's not true, but I want to know how you found these people." Director Dong, as a person who has dealt with Yuan Min a lot, naturally knows the content of Yuan Min's work in Hongyuan Group, so he did not hesitate. asked.

"It's just data comparison. It's really nothing. These software are still under testing, and there is still a lot of room for improvement." Although Yuan Min is very keen on information, he doesn't know at all that Zhang Xiao asked the R&D department to develop the data comparison. How powerful is the current era, it is very common to say.

Director Dong took a deep look at Yuan Min and knew that Yuan Min was not the designer of the so-called data comparison, otherwise he would not be so careless. Right extraordinary.

"Didn't it cost a lot to develop this data comparison?" Director Director cautiously probed the news, after all, he couldn't make his wishes too obvious, so as to prevent Yuan Min from raising the price on the ground.

"I don't know. I'm not in the R&D department. But it should cost a lot. After all, the R&D department now has more than 8000 people, and it costs a lot to eat and drink every day." Yuan Min really doesn't know the data comparison R&D Expenses can only be inferred from the daily routine of the R&D department.

"8000 people?" Board Director was even more surprised. He didn't know the size of Hongyuan Group before. He only learned some things about Hongyuan Group from his subordinates. After hearing the number of people in the R&D department, he was shocked inexplicably. .

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