Since the government officials at the groundbreaking ceremony of the electronics industry base project are all very high-ranking, and even high-ranking officials Xue, who has not participated in social activities very much, have to come to participate, so Zhang Xiao came to the groundbreaking ceremony very early and waited with Tang Zhenhao The arrival of the leaders.

Zhang Xiao and Tang Zhenhao were sitting in the project department drinking tea, watching through the window the staff of the project department setting up the scene under Hou Shuyan's command.

"Boss, I'm sorry, my affairs made you difficult." Tang Zhenhao took this opportunity to be alone and apologized to Zhang Xiao.

"Old Tang, don't be polite to me. We've wanted to get along for a long time, but I hope this is the last time. I don't want you to go down the road of breaking the law and committing crimes because of my connivance." Zhang Xiao waved his hand towards Tang Zhenhao, his tone Said deeply.

"Don't worry, boss, I swear to God, this is the last time, and I will never do it again." Tang Zhenhao knew Zhang Xiao's beating well, but even knowing that his forehead was still dripping with cold sweat.

Zhang Xiao didn't speak either, but just nodded. Zhang Xiao didn't take Tang Zhenhao's guarantee to heart. After all, he knew very well that there was no betrayal in life, it only depended on the level of the bargaining chip.

Along with the arrival of the media reporters, leaders at all levels also arrived one after another. Zhang Xiao and Tang Zhenhao also began to receive the leaders busyly.

Although busy, Zhang Xiao still met with leaders at all levels, said hello, and exchanged contact information. After all, they will inevitably trouble them in the future, and they are also very polite to Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao is worth tens of billions People above, they will need Zhang Xiao's help in many things in the future.

When it was almost nine o'clock, Gaoguan Xue, accompanied by Sun Guangping, arrived at the site of the foundation laying ceremony.

Zhang Xiao walked a few steps quickly, went up to greet him, and greeted with a smile: "Welcome Senior Officer Xue, and welcome the arrival of all leaders."

Xue Gaoguan looked at Zhang Xiao who was young but had a net worth of tens of billions, and couldn't help but smiled and said: "Sure enough, a hero is born as a boy, young and promising is nothing more than that."

"The leader praised him absurdly. It's just that he was lucky and caught up with the country's development dividends." Zhang Xiao said modestly. After all, it wasn't that he was really good, but that he had some poor information.

Another person, with his own insight, might develop much better than him. Zhang Xiao has always had a clear understanding of this.

"Humility and prudence, this is a good quality. I hope you can always maintain this quality." Gaoguan Xue saw Zhang Xiao's modesty, but he didn't really think that Zhang Xiao would always be like this. After all, everyone who can succeed has his own. Many people are humble at the beginning, but when they grow to a certain stage, they will always get lost in the ocean of praise and become arrogant.

"I will try my best to keep it." Zhang Xiao is very clear about her position now, and said with a smile.

"I heard that Hongyuan Group is currently being investigated by relevant departments, so it won't affect the implementation of the electronics industry base project." Gaoguan Xue asked directly. After all, if he participated in the foundation stone laying ceremony of the electronics industry base project and let the government A lot of resources have been invested, and once the electronics industry base project fails to land, it will be considered a failure for him. www.cascoo.

"Don't worry, it won't be affected. The joint investigation of relevant departments is just to fill in the gaps in Hongyuan Group's operation. Our Hongyuan Group welcomes such investigations." Zhang Xiao said with a smile. The reason for this promise is that Zhang Xiao knows that Hongyuan Group has no problems in the big aspects.

"That's good. Our province now lacks high-tech industries, and it lacks enterprises that can provide a large number of jobs. I am more optimistic about the electronics industry base project that takes care of both." After all, at his position, many things can be opened up for communication.

"Yu province is my hometown, and I am willing to make my hometown better. This time I came back to invest after comprehensive consideration. I think our province has great development potential, and the implementation of the electronic industry base project is just a matter of taking advantage of the trend. That's all." Zhang Xiao knew what Gaoguan Xue was worried about, but he didn't hide his reason for coming back to invest.

"It's a good one to follow the trend." Xue Gaoguan was very satisfied with Zhang Xiao's answer and couldn't help laughing.

The other staff members watched Zhang Xiao talking and laughing happily with Xue Gaoguan, and couldn't help but feel envious. You must know that Xue Gaoguan, as the leader, has few people who can talk in front of him, but Zhang Xiao didn't show any timidity. people admire.

"Leader, Mr. Zhang, the foundation laying ceremony has been arranged, and we should start." Seeing that the foundation laying ceremony has been prepared and the media reporters are also ready to shoot at any time, Sun Guangping had to remind him.

Senior officer Xue nodded with a smile, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Mr. Zhang, let's start then."

Zhang Xiao has nothing to do, and while handing the microphone to Xue Gaoguan, he said with a smile: "The leader can call me Xiao Zhang or Xiao Xiao, but you can call me Mr. Zhang. I'm under a lot of pressure."

"There is pressure to be motivated. As long as you do a good job, you can naturally stand up to praise." Xue Gaoguan took the microphone and walked towards the groundbreaking ceremony first.

The groundbreaking ceremony of the electronics industry base project was no different from other groundbreaking ceremonies. Zhang Xiao had participated in it twice before. The first was the leader's speech.

Under the auspices of the host of the Provincial TV Station, Senior Official Xue gave a speech without script. Although the speech was not long, it was full of ardent hopes for the electronics industry base project, and at the same time put forward requirements for the implementation of the electronics industry base project .

Then Zhang Xiao also came to the stage to give a speech on the electronics industry base project. As the boss of the company, Zhang Xiao focused on the future of the electronics industry base project, which can be regarded as drawing a big cake for everyone.

"The first phase of the electronic industry base project will be completed within one year. After the completion of the construction, Hongyuan Electronics will provide more than 3 jobs for the society, and the annual gross production value will reach three billion. I hope everyone You can pay full attention to the construction of our Hongyuan Electronics and provide positive opinions for the construction."

After Zhang Xiao's speech, the foundation stone laying ceremony entered the next item, and the host also announced that all leaders were invited to lay the foundation stone for the electronics industry base project.

Following the host's announcement, [-] beautiful hostesses held hard hats and white gloves in their hands and guided the leaders to the foundation laying site. Blow down, float down.

The cornerstone is a rectangular stone made of white marble, on which is a regular script written in regular script, which is pleasing to the eye.

Under the announcement of the host, the shovel laying officially began, and the media reporters also recorded this scene with their cameras.

After the foundation laying ceremony, Senior Official Xue was about to leave. After all, he had a full schedule, so he still had enough time to attend the foundation laying ceremony this time.

Senior officer Xue took Zhang Xiao's hand, patted it with a smile and said, "I will pay attention to the investigation, lest someone take the opportunity to cause trouble. That's all I can help you with, but I hope Hongyuan Group has not violated the regulations. situation exists.”

"Then I would like to thank the leaders for their concern. As for illegal operations, there must be no such thing. After all, we have invited taxation and other competent authorities to guide the work within the group all year round. If there is any non-compliance, they should be able to correct it at any time. " Zhang Xiao assured with a smile.

Hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Senior Official Xue's eyes lit up. After all, there are many cases like Zhang Xiao who invite people from the supervisory unit to give guidance in the enterprise, but there are not many people who are stationed in the enterprise all the year round. It is a stroke of genius that Zhang Xiao did this, which must have played an important role in the investigation of Hongyuan Group.

"You kid, you're really cunning, but this is good too, so that you won't be able to explain things clearly." Gao Guan Xue said pointedly.

After sending Senior Official Xue away, Zhang Xiao then turned around and invited the remaining leaders to the conference room of the project department to report on the project of the electronics industry base. After all, this was the last summary, and many people were very concerned about it.

This time the summary was still given by Tang Zhenhao, but Chen Jialu, who had just been promoted to the vice president of the project, also made a supplementary speech and got to know the leaders present. This was also Zhang Xiao's deliberate arrangement. For big projects, especially if he has a criminal record, Chen Jialu's existence is very necessary under such circumstances.

Tang Zhenhao knew this well, but he had no choice but to do it. After all, this was his own scandal, and he could only accept Zhang Xiao's arrangement.

After the report was over, Zhang Xiao accompanied everyone to the buffet in the five-star hotel, then left the provincial capital with Hou Shuyan and got on a plane to the capital.

"Boss, the news that our Hongyuan Group will be rectified is spreading in the corporate circle, and there are many versions." Hou Shuyan said to Zhang Xiao with a worried face, and she couldn't help being very worried about it.

"The wind and rain are coming and the building is full. It seems that I still underestimated their actions, but our Hongyuan Group is no longer a big tree, but a silently formed hill. If we want to deal with us, we must deal with them." The earth is attacking, I want to see how far they can go." Zhang Xiao has also heard about the rumors that are going viral in the corporate circle, but he doesn't care about it, after all, such rumors are very high in debt. It may be a devastating blow to the company, but it does not have much impact on Hongyuan Group, which has an extremely low debt ratio.

"Boss, we have to guard against it. Once the suppliers and distributors run out, it will be very difficult for us to restore our reputation." Hou Shuyan reminded Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded, although the matter may not develop to that point, but as the boss, he still needs to be clear about it.

"At present, how much is the payment we owe to the supplier, and how much is the deposit from the channel supplier? You ask the finance department to come up with the data as soon as possible, so that we can mobilize funds to deal with this crisis." Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan.

"I have already received the data. At present, we owe a total of 8000 million to our suppliers. The deposit of the channel dealer is not much, but there is still 4000 million. The current liquidity of the group is still more than 14 billion. Once there is a run on Although we can deal with the past, it will definitely have an impact on some projects under construction." Hou Shuyan obviously knew these data by heart, and said it without thinking.

"Relax, companies that can see the situation clearly won't move. Only those grassroots will dance against the wind. We can also take this opportunity to rectify suppliers and channel operators." After hearing the data, Zhang Xiao felt one. Wide, even if all partners run out, everything is still within an acceptable range.

But Hou Shuyan said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, are we delaying the construction of the electronics industry base project? You must know that according to the plan, we will spend [-] million yuan this month, which will have a great impact on the company's finances." pressure."

"The electronics industry base project must not be postponed. It is the cornerstone of our group's future. As for the funding issue, you don't have to worry too much. It's all up to me." Zhang Xiao doesn't care about the financial pressure. What he cares about now is the joint venture. Investigations, after all, in China, the results of investigations are often unexpected.

Although Zhang Xiao is now worth a lot of money, he is helpless in the face of the investigation of the relevant departments. After all, his foundation is relatively shallow, and he can only passively accept the investigation.

Hou Shuyan nodded, and stopped talking. After all, although she was a little worried, she also knew that Zhang Xiao must have plans for these.

And on Zhang Xiao's way back to the capital, countless news continued to spread in the business circle, and the news about Hongyuan Group's imminent suspension of business for rectification was rampant, making countless companies that had close cooperative relations with Hongyuan Group start to worry.

Even some radical business owners have started to demand payment for the goods, but the amount is not very large. Even so, the financial department of Hongyuan Group felt a lot of pressure.

"Has the boss been in contact?" Sun Ting, director of the financial department, asked her assistant at the moment.

"I haven't contacted the boss, but as far as I know, the boss should be on the plane back to the capital now." Assistant Xiao Liu replied in a low voice.

"Call all the business owners who ask for the payment to come to the group meeting at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible, and they cannot continue to spread rumors that are not good for the group." Sun Ting, as the director of the financial department, immediately made a decisive decision.

"Okay, Mr. Song, I'll arrange it right away." The assistant quickly agreed.

In fact, not only the finance department received the news, but also the purchasing department and sales department were greatly affected. After the news of this joint investigation spread, some companies that had cooperated in the past began to shirk and even postpone delivery.

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