"Actually, these people in the R&D department are not too many. It is said that our group's new electronics industry base project will absorb more than 5 employees." Since the board of directors is interested in the scale of Hongyuan Group, Yuan Min does not mind adding Some information about Hongyuan Group was disclosed to the Board of Directors, thus gaining the support of the Board of Directors.

"Awesome! Your boss is really amazing. It's unbelievable to have achieved such a level at such a young age." Director Dong was a little numb at the moment. In his heart, the status of Hongyuan Group and Zhang Xiao was constantly improving.

At this time, Zhang Xiao got off the car at the entrance of the lobby of the building. Seeing the figures of suppliers inside and outside the hall, she couldn't help but frowned. After all, such a noisy situation made Zhang Xiao extremely uncomfortable. If it wasn't for him Seeing the sign of Hongyuan Building very clearly, I thought I was in the wrong place.

Yuan Min saw Zhang Xiao getting off the car from a distance, and hurried over to Zhang Xiao and said, "Boss, the situation is stable now, shall we go up first?"

"Don't worry, since they've all come to your door, things have to be resolved, and our Hongyuan Group doesn't have the habit of bullying customers, let the finance department send someone over, and we will check their payment on the spot, what should be paid Pay, and those who take the opportunity to cause trouble without account transactions should be held accountable.” Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression, being approached by the supplier made Zhang Xiao extremely upset, and Zhang Xiao knew that if these people were not appeased today Live, it is easy to cause a wider run on the next day.

Once such a situation happens, it will also suffer heavy losses for Hongyuan Group.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao had made a decision, Yuan Min immediately sent someone to inform the people in the finance department. At the same time, he and Guo Feng began to arrange the security situation at the scene to prevent further disturbances.

At this time, Zhang Xiao had already picked up the trumpet, and walked to the round platform in the center of the hall. This place used to visit the piano. At this moment, the piano has obviously been carried away, leaving only a chair alone.

Standing on the chair, Zhang Xiao picked up the loudspeaker and said loudly: "Everyone, you are all suppliers of Hongyuan Group. Everyone has been cooperating with Hongyuan Group for a long time. I, Zhang Xiao, have never owed you any money." The payment for the goods, and now the payment for the goods you are asking for is still within the due date, and you will be laughed at if you make trouble like this now."

"But since everyone is here, I will immediately arrange for someone to pay for the goods. I hope that everyone will get the formalities and line up, and our financial staff will immediately solve the problems in order."

As soon as Zhang Xiao finished speaking, all the suppliers immediately started queuing up. Among them, some suppliers who had retreated were at the end of the line. They wanted to check the situation before making a decision.

At this time, the few people identified by Yuan Min had been quietly taken away by the board of directors, but few people found anything unusual. After all, these people did not have much contact with the suppliers. No one cares about them when queuing.

At this time, with the arrival of the financial personnel, and some people who went to the conference room had already come down from the upstairs with cash, this made the originally restless suppliers quiet down, and the order in the hall was restored. .

After all, at this time now, the suppliers are also very clear that no matter how the Hongyuan Group develops in the future, it has nothing to do with them. As long as they get the money smoothly this time, they have already completed their merits and virtues. Cooperation is basically impossible.

With the gradual cashing of the financial staff, some suppliers also want to retreat. After all, the cooperation with Hongyuan Group has been smooth before. Whether it is shipping or receiving payment, as long as the quality is not problematic, the payment has never been a problem. .

And once the cooperation with Hongyuan Group is terminated, for them, the future loss is also obvious. Some of them are not in a hurry to cash the payment at the moment when they have an intersection with Zhang Xiao, but they are all around Zhang Xiao Want to continue working together.

In this regard, Zhang Xiao is also happy and relaxed. After all, the foundation of Hongyuan Group is not stable now, and it is facing a huge impact. These suppliers who have had trouble once may become supporters in the future.

Especially when Sun Zhixiang came to the lobby of Hongyuan Building with the deposit car, and when the [-] million cash was divided into ten deposit boxes and placed behind the financial staff, more and more suppliers began to regret it. Confused by rumors.

More and more suppliers have repented. They no longer want to pay for the goods, but want to continue to cooperate with Hongyuan Group.

Zhang Xiao was really relieved at this moment, and asked the company's office staff to take the suppliers who wanted to continue cooperation to the meeting room to sign a new contract, but he took Sun Zhixiang to the office upstairs.

"President Sun, I would like to thank you this time. If you hadn't brought the money, today's matter would not be so easy to solve." After Zhang Xiao and Sun Zhixiang sat down on the sofa in the office, Zhang Xiao thanked with a smile .

"Serving the enterprise is what we should do. What's more, the money was originally deposited in our bank by you, and we just transported it for you if we don't have enough." Sun Zhixiang has already received Zhang Xiao's deep favor, and he doesn't take credit for it at the moment. He waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Thank you anyway." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"I heard that a lot of things have happened to your group recently. It was a joint investigation and it was reported. Now there is a run on. Is this offending someone or something?" Sun Zhixiang asked, he also wanted to I don't know whether Hongyuan Group really has a problem or someone is jealous and causing trouble.

"I'm also investigating now. It would be a lie to say that there is no problem, but there is no big problem. As for such a big thing happening together this time, there must be someone behind it, but it is unclear who it is " Zhang Xiao shook his head and said.

"Then you'd better be careful, sometimes unwarranted things will become turbulent, alas, people's hearts are not old." Sun Zhixiang is now also worried about Zhang Xiao's situation. It can be regarded as a prosperity for all, and a loss for all.

"I will pay attention." Zhang Xiao is also aware of the seriousness of the matter, so she rushed back to the group to sit in charge, hoping to get through this crisis as soon as possible.

Sun Zhixiang did not stay in Hongyuan Group for a long time, because he knew that Hongyuan Group was in a sensitive stage, and he took a risk by depositing money this time.

After sending Sun Zhixiang away, Zhang Xiaocai came to the big conference room. Seeing many suppliers sitting below, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Although these people are weak-willed people, they are willing to re-sign the contract with Hongyuan Group. It can also be regarded as knowing the time.

Zhang Xiao sat on the rostrum in the conference room and said, "I don't know whether you were deceived by someone or heard rumors when you came here this time. , and there was a breach of contract, in order to avoid going to court in the future, we will put our ugly words up front."

"All those who are willing to develop together with Hongyuan Group can stay and continue to sign new contracts, but those who still have speculative purposes can leave now, and your payment can be settled in the lobby downstairs. Wide.” www.cascoo.

When Zhang Xiao said this, he looked at the suppliers below with deep eyes, and his mood was stable. He was not angry because of the top and bottom ends of these people. After all, it was useless to be angry with them, and it was not worth it.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, we came here because we were bewitched by others this time, and this kind of thing will never happen in the future." A supplier who has been providing packing boxes for Hongyuan Group assured loudly, he Knowing that the sooner you express your opinion, the more you can get Zhang Xiao's understanding.

With his leadership, more and more suppliers offered promises, and the atmosphere suddenly became heated.

Seeing that no one left, Zhang Xiao began to distribute the contracts prepared by the legal department to all suppliers.

In fact, this new contract is not much different from the previous one. Not only has the billing period not changed, but even the payment method is the same as before. The only thing that has changed is the deposit.

The security deposit is not much, it is only charged at [-]% of the account, and will be paid in full after the end of each year, but if the contract is breached, the security deposit is non-refundable.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter with the security deposit? We didn't charge a security deposit before." A more attentive supplier asked.

"The security deposit is mainly to make our cooperation more stable, so as to prevent this incident from happening again." Zhang Xiao didn't explain too much. After all, [-]% doesn't seem like much, but it can be given to these suppliers certain constraints,

Now that the suppliers who know they are in the wrong have regretted coming over to demand the payment, but since they are sitting in the meeting room, if they don’t sign a new contract, there will be no future cooperation, even with the addition of a deposit. item, they all had to pinch their noses to admit it.

As one after another supplier signed a contract and left, Zhang Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. The run on this time is considered to be over. As long as there is no unexpected situation in the next few days, the risk of a run on will be greatly reduced. reduced, and Zhang Xiao also has more time to deal with other things.

After the last supplier signed the contract and left, Zhang Xiao went to his office, and Hou Shuyan, who was behind Zhang Xiao, reported: "There are still some suppliers downstairs calling for the payment, should we get off work first? Continue tomorrow."

"It can't be stopped, let the people in the finance department work overtime today, and the overtime wages are paid according to the regulations. Tonight, all the people who came to urge the payment must be settled, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Zhang Xiao frowned and said, for Hou Shuyan's The proposal felt incredible, "Who asked you when you got off work?"

"President Sun from the Finance Department asked me to ask. After all, it's already past the off-duty time." Seeing Zhang Xiao's slightly frowning brows, Hou Shuyan secretly felt bad, but at this time she could only tell the truth.

Zhang Xiao nodded and didn't say anything more, but she was somewhat dissatisfied with Sun Ting's actions in her heart.

After all, in Zhang Xiao's view, so many things have happened in the group, as the director of the financial department, he actually asked if he was going to get off work. Such an approach made Zhang Xiao feel speechless. This is still the director of the financial department of the group!

Zhang Xiao made up his mind. After this crisis is over, there will be an adjustment to the company's leadership. After all, there is no rot, and only changes can keep the company full of vitality.

As for those who can't keep up with the development of the group, they will only be left farther and farther behind.

Not long after returning to the office, Yuan Min knocked on the door and walked in, and said to Zhang Xiao: "The identities of those suspicious people have been confirmed this afternoon. They are all gangsters from the neighborhood. They were ordered to come to the company to cause trouble. Yes, but they all take money to do things, and they don’t know who is behind it.”

Zhang Xiao also knew that it was useless to worry about this matter. He could only investigate slowly and find out the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes from all the clues, and it would take time.

"Don't worry, the enemy is in the dark, and we are in the open. It is indeed difficult to find them, but as things develop, they will always show their feet." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

Yuan Min also nodded and said: "The things that happened in the group this time have the shadow of many forces, but it is not easy to fully grasp their handles."

"Give me a list of the forces you found. Let's confirm and see if there is any connection among them, and we don't need any evidence. As long as we have doubts, we can prepare to fight back. As for whether they are involved or not, we don't have to I care. On the battlefield, accidental injury is always inevitable." Zhang Xiao said after thinking for a while.

The reason why Yuan Min said this was to wait for Zhang Xiao's words. After all, he couldn't take the initiative to give Zhang Xiao uncertain information. After all, it would easily cause misjudgment and cause losses.

"This is the list of those companies and the forces they belong to. Of course, this is only the result of data comparison based on various situations, and the accuracy has yet to be verified." Yuan Min handed a piece of A4 paper to Zhang Xiao and said. Said that this was prepared before he came.

Looking at the densely packed company names on the A4 paper and the forces they belong to, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little tingly. After all, these companies are not small companies. Although they are not comparable to Hongyuan Group individually, the forces behind them are is not to be underestimated.

"Boss, these are companies that are closely related to Lianxiang Group. I found that many of them are our suppliers. I think they planned this run on." Yuan Min pointed to some companies on the list and used his pen to After circling a bit, he spoke.

"It's not wrong, their bosses are all in the same alliance as Liu Dong, that is to say, basically everyone in this alliance has participated, and they really think highly of me." Zhang Xiao looked at the company name drawn by Yuan Min , said with some helplessness.

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