After Zhang Xiao took the folder, she said to Yuan Min: "Are you busy this afternoon? If you have nothing to do, come with me to the Beijing Hospital."

Yuan Min nodded, and after closing the car door, he said with a chuckle, "I'm fine, and even if I do, the most important thing is to be with you, the boss."

"Mice, you are still so glib, you must know that you are the boss." Guo Feng said to Yuan Min helplessly.

"Boss, let's not talk about the second child. Your majestic boss has been driving for the boss." Yuan Min said with a smile, but after being glanced at by Guo Feng, he suddenly stopped talking helplessly.

Zhang Xiao ignored the bickering between the two, but opened the folder to read it.

Liu Lianzi is indeed a doctor, and she is also a doctor at Yancheng People's Hospital, but her specialty is not modern medicine, but ancestral Chinese medicine. It is said that she has cured several cancer patients, which is considered very good in the local area. fame.

However, what is inversely proportional to Liu Lianzi's medical skills is her fate. Her husband Huang Xingxing is a soldier. Not long after she and her husband Huang Xingxing got married, Huang Xingxing died in a battle, leaving only Liu Lianzi. Lianzi and her unborn child, for the sake of the child, Liu Lianzi never remarried, but brought up her son, married and had a daughter, but the bad luck did not seem to let Liu Lianzi go, when his son went to the countryside again She died on the spot when she encountered a mudslide, and her daughter-in-law also fell ill because of her husband's death. The disease was breast cancer identified by modern medicine. As a result, she passed away in less than a year after receiving treatment. Before she died, she entrusted Huang Jinglei to Liu Lianzi.

Later, Liu Lianzi raised Huang Jinglei, the only granddaughter, to adulthood. Unfortunately, there was an unexpected situation. Years ago, Liu Lianzi suddenly became seriously ill and had a heart bypass operation in Beijing, but now Huang Jinglei also suffered from breast cancer. Cancer, how could Liu Lianzi trust others for treatment.

Moreover, it can be seen from the data that Liu Lianzi has been conducting research on breast cancer in recent years, using traditional Chinese medicine to treat breast cancer patients, which is also where Liu Lianzi's confidence lies.

After Zhang Xiao read the information, she immediately understood why Liu Lianzi had conflicts with the doctors in the Beijing Hospital. After all, Liu Lianzi is really experienced in the treatment of breast cancer. Although everyone's physique is different, but After all, she has cured breast cancer patients.

After arriving at the hospital, Zhang Xiao did not go to the ward first, but came to Fang Huiping's office. At this time, not only Fang Huiping was in Fang Huiping's office, but also several experts who made treatment plans were there.

"Xiaoxiao, you're here. What is the origin of Miss Huang's grandma? She speaks loudly." Seeing Zhang Xiao coming in, Fang Huiping couldn't help asking.

Zhang Xiao did not bring out the information about Liu Lianzi. After all, the source of the information is relatively secret, so it is not suitable for everyone to see, but he still said: "As far as I know, Huang Jinglei's grandma used to be a doctor in Yancheng People's Hospital. After retiring, he has been studying breast cancer treatment options, and I heard that several breast cancer patients have recovered. "

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Fang Huiping and several experts couldn't help being a little shocked. After all, there are not many doctors in the country who can treat cancer, and most of them are special cases. It is a coincidence. If Huang Jinglei's grandmother can really treat cancer Breast cancer is conquered, so this is of epoch-making significance.

"So, Ms. Huang's grandmother is sure about Ms. Huang's condition. It seems that we all misunderstood him." An expert said excitedly. In fact, it's no wonder. After all, the recovery of every cancer patient No, it means that we are one step closer to conquering cancer.

"Actually, I don't think this matter can be said in this way, because I am also a Chinese medicine practitioner, and I know that Chinese medicine is not right for people, and from the perspective of Chinese medicine, there is no such term as cancer cell cancer. Maybe it is a special case that can be cured well. Maybe." Another expert said, after all, he was born in Chinese medicine, although he has now specialized in modern medicine, but he has not given up on the study of Chinese medicine, so he is no stranger to Chinese medicine, on the contrary, he is quite familiar with it.

"I think we still need to exchange opinions with Huang Jinglei's grandmother. After all, as a family member of the patient, I definitely hope that the patient will recover as soon as possible. As for the so-called self-treatment after discharge from the hospital, I think it is necessary. We can treat breast cancer with her. research, and if she agrees, all the treatment expenses related to Ms. Huang can be raised as scientific research funds, I think they will consider it." The Chinese medicine expert who had been silent until now said.

"Mr. Li, you are right. It seems that we were narrow-minded before. In this way, I will notify the patient's family members in a while, and we will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the patient's situation. Whether it is the test results of Western medicine or the diagnosis of Chinese medicine, we will conduct a specific analysis. , and then formulate a treatment plan as soon as possible, which may be of great help to the patient's condition." Fang Huiping said with a smile, after all, Huang Jinglei is her patient, and she has the responsibility to provide patients with better treatment plans and to see the patient recover It's also something she loves to see.

Not only that, if Huang Jinglei really recovers completely, as her attending doctor, Fang Huiping will also have face, and what Fang Huiping values ​​most is that she can participate in the breast cancer project. No matter what the final result is, her credit will be will not be obliterated.

After coming out of Fang Huiping's office, Zhang Xiao came to Huang Jinglei's ward. Huang Jinglei was sleeping at the moment, but Liu Lianzi was packing up, which made Zhang Xiao a little helpless.

"Grandma Liu, I heard from the doctor in the hospital that you have different opinions?" Zhang Xiao whispered to Liu Lianzi, afraid of waking up the sleeping Huang Jinglei.

"There are some disagreements, and this is the Beijing Hospital after all. It is not convenient for me to treat Xiaolei with my own prescription here, so I want to take Xiaolei back to Yancheng. After all, it is more convenient for me to be there." Liu Lianzi did not hide anything from Zhang Xiao. After all, she still had to inform Zhang Xiao when she was discharged from the hospital. After all, all of Huang Jinglei's treatment expenses were paid by Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao had a different opinion on this, and he said to Liu Lianzi: "Grandma Liu, although your opinion will be the main treatment after returning to Yancheng, I am afraid that Xiaolei's body will not be able to support her after a long journey. , even if it is supported, it may seriously damage the vitality, which is not good for the subsequent treatment."

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Liu Lianzi couldn't help but pause, because she knew what Zhang Xiao said was true, and no one could ignore Huang Jinglei's physical condition.

Huang Jinglei's current physical condition is not good, especially the tossings of the past few days have made Huang Jinglei's physical condition weaker, which is like adding insult to injury. If she returns to Yancheng after a long journey, no matter what mode of transportation she uses , are extremely difficult.

Seeing that Liu Lianzi didn't speak, Zhang Xiao continued, "Grandma Liu, I think we still need to discuss it with the doctors in the hospital. Better care."

Liu Lianzi was finally persuaded by Zhang Xiao. After all, Huang Jinglei was her only family member. Of course, she hoped that Huang Jinglei would recover as soon as possible. Now that she thought about it, the so-called discharge treatment seemed a bit inappropriate.

Just when Liu Lianzi was moved by Zhang Xiao, Fang Huiping led two doctors into Huang Jinglei's ward. Fang Huiping said to Liu Lianzi: "Doctor Liu, now I know that you are a doctor from Yancheng Hospital, and you are more It's our senior, I'm really sorry, but after I negotiated with the hospital, we decided to analyze and study Miss Huang's condition with you, and formulate a treatment plan according to your wishes as soon as possible."

Seeing the fundamental change in Fang Huiping's posture, Liu Lianzi immediately understood that they had found out her identity, and that's why they did what they did now, which she was used to.

"I have no problem. I just hope that the hospital can start the condition analysis as soon as possible. After all, Xiaolei's condition cannot be neglected." Liu Lianzi's attitude is much better at the moment, after all, she also needs the cooperation of the hospital.

"Don't worry, Doctor Liu, we've already made arrangements. Come with me. In addition, we specially invited Li Jinyu, an old expert from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of our hospital, to come for consultation." Seeing Liu Lianzi's agreement, Fang Huiping couldn't help but relax. Take a breath.Fun Court

"Okay, let's go there then." Liu Lianzi said immediately, after all, Li Jinyu was famous, so she naturally knew the importance of it.

After Liu Lianzi left with Fang Huiping, Zhang Xiao looked at Huang Jinglei who had woken up, smiled and said, "How do you feel? Are you feeling better?"

"It's still the same as before, but my appetite has improved." Huang Jinglei sat up, leaned against the head of the bed, and said weakly.

"Sister Lei, you have to have confidence in the treatment. Now Grandma Liu and the doctors are going to redo the treatment plan. When the plan comes out, you still need to cooperate with the treatment." Zhang Xiao persuaded with a smile.

Huang Jinglei nodded and didn't say much. After all, she knew that this was her last hope, so she would naturally cooperate with all her strength.

"You have to take care of yourself. It's not convenient for me to come over because your grandma is here during this time, but if you need my help, you can tell me and I will do my best to help." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Huang Jinglei glanced at Zhang Xiao, and said gratefully: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I might not be able to persist."

Zhang Xiao talked with Huang Jinglei, waiting for Liu Lianzi's return.

It wasn't until after four o'clock in the afternoon that Liu Lianzi returned to the ward with a smile on her face, obviously very satisfied with the formulation of this treatment plan.

"Xiaoxiao, the hospital has said that all Xiaolei's treatment expenses will be borne by the hospital. The previous treatment expenses and the prepaid expenses will be refunded, and I will return them to you when the time comes." Liu Lianzi said to Zhang Xiao smiled and said, after all, for the past two days, the huge treatment cost has been on her mind. Now that the hospital will be responsible for Huang Jinglei's treatment cost, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I actually don't care. Although these treatments cost a lot, they are nothing to me, and now that Sister Lei officially needs to supplement nutrition, I think you should give Sister Lei some nutrition for the refunded fee. It's better." Zhang Xiao persuaded, after all, he knew that although Liu Lianzi had worked all her life, she didn't have much savings, otherwise she wouldn't need Huang Jinglei to raise her medical expenses.

Although Liu Lianzi is sometimes very persistent, she can actually listen to Zhang Xiao's words. After all, even if the hospital bears Huang Jinglei's treatment expenses, it will still require a lot of money to supplement Huang Jinglei's nutrition. Yuanqi's wild ginseng is extremely expensive, and there is no market for it. However, there is a way to come to the Beijing Hospital, but the cost of it cannot be included in the treatment cost.

"Okay, when Xiaolei's illness recovers, I will return the money I owe you as soon as possible." Although Liu Lianzi compromised, she still insisted on her principles.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and didn't say much, and didn't say anything about donations or help. After all, for people like Liu Lianzi, sometimes free funding is not an insult.

But now that Liu Lianzi came back, Zhang Xiao also bid farewell, and said to Huang Jinglei: "I won't come here for a while, I have several projects that are about to start, I have to go over and watch, if there are any Give me a call if you need my help."

"Okay, go get busy. You don't have to worry about me here. Grandma is here." Huang Jinglei nodded and said with a smile, but she knew in her heart that the distance between herself and Zhang Xiao would be getting farther and farther up.

After Zhang Xiao left Huang Jinglei's ward, she came to Fang Huiping's office. Fang Huiping said, "Aunt Fang, Xiaolei needs your care. I may not have time to come here."

"Don't worry, I'll call you if you have any questions." Fang Huiping said with a smile. Fang Huiping had a very good impression of Zhang Xiao, and Zhang Xiao was worth tens of thousands of dollars. She might need Zhang Xiao's help at any time. Naturally, Fang Huiping would not I will miss this opportunity to show favor.

After leaving Fang Huiping's office, Zhang Xiao headed towards the parking lot downstairs.

After getting in the car, Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, should we go back to the company or go home?"

"Go home, we'll talk about the company's affairs tomorrow." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, after all, it's almost five o'clock now, even going to the company is just a formality, it's better to go home and have an early rest.

The capital hospital was not too far from Zhang Xiao's courtyard house, and he returned home not long after.

After Zhang Xiao went back to the house and changed her clothes, she came to the reclining chair in the yard and lay down on the chair to watch the clouds and clouds in the sky.

During this period of time, Zhang Xiao was indeed a little tired, but life is like this, and there will always be accidents of one kind or another that catch people off guard.

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