Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 333 Change of Taste

After a night of nothing, Zhang Xiao woke up the next morning and began to practice Tai Chi. No matter how busy he was during this time, Zhang Xiao never forgot to practice Tai Chi. After all, he could clearly feel the changes in his body after each time he practiced Tai Chi. .

At 07:30, Zhang Xiao started to eat breakfast.

While having breakfast, Zhang Xiao told Lu Huaping: "Clean up the courtyard today, and then we will all return to live in the courtyard. Except for auntie, don't keep anyone here."

"Okay, boss." Lu Huaping agreed without hesitation. After all, the kitchen in the villa was too small, which made him very uncomfortable. It was far less comfortable than staying in the courtyard.

Zhang Xiao didn't intend to go to the hospital today. After all, the experts from Tianjing City Hospital had just determined the treatment plan the day before yesterday, and Liu Lianzi obviously wanted to renegotiate the treatment plan. This was obviously a distrust of the hospital experts.

Zhang Xiao could only show his attitude by not being there. Even if there was an argument between Liu Lianzi and the doctor in the hospital, there would be room for relaxation.

But if Zhang Xiao is present, he becomes a player in the game, and he is not qualified to mediate such disputes. Only outsiders who are familiar with both parties are eligible to mediate them.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao came to the company by car, ready to deal with a lot of affairs accumulated during this period. After all, since Zhang Xiao went to the field management center to participate in training, except for some really urgent matters, Zhang Xiao has dealt with them. , Many things were left in Zhang Xiao's office waiting to be dealt with. Although these things were not urgent, they were complicated and took Zhang Xiao a lot of time.

When Zhang Xiao came to the company's office, Ye Shijiang who got the news ran over immediately and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, you are here. If you don't come again, I should go to your house to find you."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"Greentown's electronics industry base project has reached the final stage of negotiation. The boss will definitely need to attend in person, and the final location of the electronics industry base project needs to be decided by the boss." Ye Shijiang said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but fell into deep thought. In his memory, Greentown's electronics industry would not start until at least ten years later. Now Zhang Xiao took advantage of time to find a more suitable land in Greentown to establish an electronics industry base. At that time, a staff residential area can be established to accommodate technical talents for the electronics industry base project, and some R&D personnel can even be moved to Greentown.

"I see. When you need me to attend, you can communicate with Secretary Hou. In addition, I will go to the site to check the location of the electronics industry base in the next two days, but it is best to connect the time between the two. After all, go to one It takes a lot of time to go to Green City." Zhang Xiao nodded and responded.

"Okay, the final negotiation on the electronics industry base project should be carried out within a week, and the location of the electronics industry base must be selected before then. I will arrange the process as soon as possible, and I will notify Secretary Hou after the arrangement." Ye Shijiang suddenly He breathed a sigh of relief. After all, for the electronics industry base project, Ye Shijiang had worked hard during this period and won several key preferential points for Hongyuan Group, but Zhang Xiao still needed to make the final decision on the project.

After Ye Shijiang finished speaking, he left in a hurry. After all, he also had a lot of things to deal with.

After Ye Shijiang left, Zhang Xiaogang sat down behind his desk and was about to deal with the backlog of documents. Who knew that Academician Ni walked in again.

"Academician Ni, what do you need from me?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts. After all, the microelectronics technology company didn't have much to do during this period, and Academician Ni could make decisions on many things by himself.

"That's right, I'm looking forward to the stars and the moon, and I finally met you, boss." Academician Ni said with a smile pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Academician Ni, don't be a fool, just tell me if you have anything to say." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

"Boss, many of the previously preset R&D projects in the company's R&D department have reached the expected goals. We should re-plan the follow-up R&D work. This requires you to participate in the demonstration, and someone needs to be in charge of transforming the R&D results into products. , before you were not here, we couldn't decide many things." Academician Ni said, his words were full of complaints against Zhang Xiao.

"Academician Ni, I know what you said. You organize the demonstration meeting first, and make a unified plan for the next R&D plan of each R&D team. We will discuss and discuss it later, but I have just returned to the company. Only after dealing with the company's affairs can I spare time." Zhang Xiao said helplessly that he really needs time to integrate the group's resources, so as to allocate resources reasonably and maximize benefits.

Not only that, in Zhang Xiao's vision, the management of Hongyuan Group also needs to make a new round of adjustments, so as to distribute some specific affairs. Only in this way can we free ourselves from these mundane matters to a greater extent , he only needs to provide directional guidance, but these things will consume a lot of his time, and he needs to find time.Fun Court

"Okay, I know you are busy, but you still need to pay attention to the R&D department. I will report to you after I arrange the demonstration meeting." Academician Ni looked at Zhang Xiao's young but tired face, feeling a little helpless Open your mouth and say.

Academician Ni didn't stay in Zhang Xiao's office for long after he finished talking about his affairs, and left soon.

And Zhang Xiao just started to deal with the recently accumulated group affairs, but seeing the mountains of documents on the table, Zhang Xiao still had a headache.

But when Zhang Xiao started to process the documents, no one came to disturb him, only Hou Shuyan kept telling him the specifics of the contents of the documents.

With Hou Shuyan's introduction, Zhang Xiao's speed of processing documents was greatly increased. Coupled with his memory and strong thinking ability, all documents were processed soon.

And every processed document, Hou Shuyan organized it into different categories, and asked the office staff to quickly distribute the processed documents and hand them over to the lower-level departments for implementation or filing.

However, the company has accumulated a lot of things recently. Zhang Xiao didn't finish processing until noon, and this was just the beginning. Planning and implementation is the most important thing.

Zhang Xiao stretched her waist, and said to Hou Shuyan who was sorting out the documents: "All the unqualified plans will be sent back for them to redo. I have written the specific requirements at the back of the document."

"Okay, boss, I will give orders." Hou Shuyan nodded and said, but she was a little surprised at Zhang Xiao's speed in handling the company's affairs. She originally thought that Zhang Xiao would take a longer time to finish it.

After Hou Shuyan left, Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking about it, moved her body a bit, and then walked towards the restaurant.

While eating the food in the restaurant, Zhang Xiao frowned slightly, because he felt that the taste of the food in the restaurant was not as good as before. Not only that, Zhang Xiao also found that the employees ate in a hurry, and many of the unfinished meals were gone. It fell down, but no one questioned it. Obviously, this situation did not happen in a short period of time, and it should have lasted for a long time.

Zhang Xiao didn't take a few mouthfuls of food before throwing it away. After all, the taste was not bad, and Zhang Xiao also ate worms in the rice, which was not tolerable.

Zhang Xiao returned to the office, immediately called Tian Xiaodan and asked her to come over, and said that the restaurant was placed in the General Department, which was under Tian Xiaodan's management.

Soon, Tian Xiaodan walked in, smiled at Zhang Xiao and said, "Boss, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I went to the restaurant for dinner today, and found that the food in the restaurant was not as good as before. Many employees couldn't eat it and threw it away. This is not only a waste of food, but also employees' dissatisfaction with the company's benefits, so you go Investigate to find out what is the reason? Is it a funding problem or a personnel problem? After you verify the situation, report to me directly." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression, after all, Zhang Xiao knows very well that the restaurant's monthly investment Not counting the salary of the restaurant staff, the salary is around 500 million, which is not a small amount. It was originally a benefit for the employees, but now the taste is not as good as before. This is not a small matter for the employees.

"Okay, boss, I will report to you after the investigation." Tian Xiaodan couldn't help trembling in her heart. In fact, as a person who often eats at the company, how could she not know the changes in the taste of the company's meals, but among them The reason, but she had to think carefully before giving Zhang Xiao an answer. After all, it was related to other senior executives of the company.

Zhang Xiao didn't think too much about it, after all, Zhang Xiao didn't pay much attention to the entanglement of interests in the company's restaurant. He never thought that someone would tamper with the employees' work meals.

But what Zhang Xiao doesn't know is that the profits he doesn't care about are already big enough for other people in some groups. Calculated according to the number of people in the group company who eat 8000 people, the meal expenses for each person every day At around 15 yuan, the daily revenue is nearly 12 yuan. In addition to the cost, at least a small half of it can be used as profit to fall into the restaurant's account, which has already attracted many people's hearts.

Although Hongyuan Group's restaurants are not outsourced, the catering operation is listed separately. After all, everyone's meals are provided by the group for free, so the profits will be turned into various expenses and fall to the restaurant managers. pocket.

In addition, Zhang Xiao seldom goes to the restaurant to eat, and every time he eats, the people in the restaurant make a small stove and send it to Zhang Xiao's office. Without Zhang Xiao's attention, the restaurant manager will naturally try to save costs. It is the fundamental reason why the taste of the food is not as good as before.

Today, Zhang Xiao went to the restaurant to eat only occasionally, which caused the chaos in the restaurant to fall into Zhang Xiao's eyes. It was Zhang Xiao's temporary intention to ask Tian Xiaodan to investigate, but it hit Tian Xiaodan Already sensitive nerves.

After Tian Xiaodan left, Zhang Xiao was going to take a rest. After all, Zhang Xiao was mentally tired after dealing with so many documents. At this moment, Zhang Xiao received a call from Fang Huiping.

"Xiaoxiao, do you have time? Take the time to come to the hospital. Miss Huang's treatment plan was completely overturned by Ms. Huang's grandmother this morning, and she also questioned the previous treatment plan. Now she and the doctors in our hospital There was a quarrel, I think it will be bad for Huang Xiaojie's condition to continue like this, I think it's better for you to come to the hospital." Fang Huiping said helplessly, originally she thought it was just a discussion this morning, and then re-established the treatment plan, But Liu Lianzi did not expect that Liu Lianzi's reaction would be so intense. Not only was she dissatisfied with the current treatment plan, but she also questioned the previous treatment plan. Not only that, she also criticized at the consultation meeting, which made Fang Huiping very upset. It is helpless.

"Okay, then I will go there later, but I don't think I can play a big role. After all, to Huang Jinglei, his grandma is his immediate family, and I am just one of her It’s just a friend, and she has no right to interfere with the treatment plan she chooses.” After hearing Fang Huiping’s words, Zhang Xiao also felt very helpless, because he knew that with Liu Lianzi’s character, he would never stop here, and there would be follow-up actions , As for its purpose, Zhang Xiao is actually not very clear, after all, no one knows what the other party thinks.

"Xiaoxiao, you just need to come here as soon as possible. After all, there is no one in the middle to communicate, and the conflict may be further aggravated, which will be even more detrimental to Miss Huang's condition." Fang Huiping said helplessly at this moment, as Huang Jinglei's As the attending doctor, her pressure is the greatest.

Zhang Xiao put on her shoes helplessly. After calling Guo Feng, she walked downstairs. When passing by Hou Shuyan's office, she said to Hou Shuyan, "Secretary Hou, I'm not at the company this afternoon. If anyone wants to see me?" Let them call me on my cell phone."

"Okay, boss, do you want me to go with you?" Hou Shuyan asked.

"No, some personal matters of mine." Zhang Xiao waved her hand and left Hou Shuyan's office.

When Zhang Xiao came downstairs, Guo Feng was already waiting in his car. The air in the car was fully turned on. Zhang Xiao leaned comfortably on the back seat, and said lazily to Guo Feng: " Go directly to Beijing Hospital."

"Okay." After Guo Feng agreed, the vehicle drove out smoothly and headed towards the Beijing Hospital.

But when the car was about to leave the group, Yuan Min waved his hand in front of the car, holding a folder in his hand.

After Guo Feng stopped the car, Yuan Min opened the door of the back seat, sat on it, handed the folder to Zhang Xiao, and said, "Boss, this is Miss Huang's information, including Liu Lianzi's information." .”

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