While Zhang Xiao was lying on the recliner and thinking about life, Academician Ni came in with a briefcase, sat down on the chair next to Zhang Xiao, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, you are not authentic, you ran away again in the afternoon I'm gone, I can only come to find you after get off work."

Zhang Xiao sat up slowly from the reclining chair, poured a cup of tea for Academician Ni in a leisurely manner, and said with a smile, "I'll talk about anything later, let's have a sip of tea first."

Academician Ni was not polite either. After taking a sip from his teacup, he couldn't help but praise, "Boss, the tea is pretty good."

"Like it? Then I'll wrap half of it for you when I leave." Zhang Xiao said indifferently. After all, drinking tea is just a pastime for him. If Academician Ni likes it, it's no big deal to give him some.

"Okay, then I'll be disrespectful." Academician Ni laughed.Fun Court

Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate, and immediately asked Guo Feng to make tea for Academician Ni, so that Academician Ni would not forget it when he left.

After drinking a cup of tea, Academician Ni handed a document to Zhang Xiao and said, "Boss, this is the current project progress of the R&D department. Take a look and see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted."

Zhang Xiao took the document, browsed through it, picked up a pen and made checkmarks on several items, and after crossing several items, handed them to Academician Ni and said: "The checkmarked items This project focuses on research and development, and the crossed projects have stopped. I think the future direction is still on digital signals. Although analog signals are still in use, I think there should be no future at all.”

Academician Ni looked at Zhang Xiao's sketch, couldn't help but nodded, and said with a smile: "Okay, then I will make arrangements when I go back."

Zhang Xiao watched Academician Ni pack up his things and was about to leave, so he quickly stopped him and said, "Don't go back in a hurry, I have something to discuss with you."

Academician Ni sat back again and asked Zhang Xiao, "What else is there?"

"It's like this. Our electronics factory in Xinglin County is about to be completed. I think the R&D department should transfer some R&D personnel to be responsible for the debugging of production equipment and trial production of products. The R&D department needs to make a list. I can do it here. Let's make arrangements." Zhang Xiao said.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Academician Ni couldn't help but nodded, and said with a smile: "I actually planned this matter a long time ago. The R&D department expanded too fast before, and the recruited personnel are mixed. Some of them are indeed excellent. But some people are actually not suitable for R&D work, but they have unique insights in transforming R&D results into products, so I plan to arrange them to the electronics factory and the electronics industry base for the next step of production guidance .”

Zhang Xiao nodded. Zhang Xiao agrees with this matter very much. After all, there are advantages and disadvantages. Everyone is good at different things. Talents can play a greater role only when they are placed in the right position. .

"Okay, you need to arrange this matter yourself. After all, the people in the R&D department are all talents we poached from various companies. Now that they are asked to work in the electronics factory, it is inevitable that some people will have resistance. I hope to avoid this as much as possible. This kind of situation happens." Zhang Xiao asked with a serious expression, after all, for these heavenly favored people, staying in the capital is of great significance, and not many people are willing to go to work in a small county.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Academician Ni couldn't help but nodded and said, "I will try my best to pay attention, but there will definitely be people who are dissatisfied and resign. This is beyond my control."

"If it's an individual who doesn't care, we can't take care of everyone's emotions in an iron-clad camp, and if a person doesn't recognize his position and refuses to obey the company's management, what's the use of it." Zhang Xiao said It doesn't matter, even now, although there are not many people who leave their jobs, there are still a few people every month.

Academician Ni also nodded, but he didn't feel relieved when he thought of the next dispatch. After all, no matter who was dispatched, he would have various questions.

Afterwards, Academician Ni did not stay in the courtyard for long, and left after discussing the recent situation of Microelectronics Technology Company with Zhang Xiao.

After Academician Ni left, Zhang Xiao also came to the study and began to plan the next itinerary.

Zhang Xiao felt that she still needed to go home. After all, after graduating from university, although she didn't need to find a job, it was also a good idea to go home and see her parents and relatives.

In addition, the location of Greentown's electronics industry base needs to be determined after he goes on-site. This does not conflict with Zhang Xiao's return home. In addition to the final negotiation of the project, it will take a long time for this series of matters to be completed.

The next morning, not long after Zhang Xiao came to the company, Tian Xiaodan came to his office.

"Director Tian, ​​what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao looked at Tian Xiaodan who came in through the door, and asked with some doubts.

"Boss, the investigation of the restaurant is clear, and this is the result of the investigation." Tian Xiaodan put a document on Zhang Xiao's desk nervously, and said cautiously.

Zhang Xiao nodded, picked up the document and looked at it, the more he looked at it, the more ugly his face became, because the restaurant exposed many problems, which made Zhang Xiao a little hard to accept, and couldn't help but get angry.

The investigation results show that since Wang Guangping, the person in charge of the restaurant, took over 1000 million yuan of funds from the company in just three months by various means such as exchanging dishes and substituting inferior ones for good ones. Attention Xiao, I don't know how long this kind of thing will last!

"Who recommended Wang Guangping, the person in charge of the restaurant?" Zhang Xiao asked Tian Xiaodan with a serious expression.

"It was directly appointed by the Personnel Department, but Mr. Ye should be clear about the specific situation." Tian Xiaodan said cautiously, with some evasive words between his words.

"What to say, you don't need to cover for anyone. After all, the restaurant's affairs are not trivial. It involves the health of employees, and no one is allowed to shirk and argue." Zhang Xiao saw Tian Xiaodan's insincere words, and couldn't help but coldly reprimanded.

"Boss, as far as I know, Wang Guangping is the uncle of Wang Xiaoen, the person in charge of the HR department. I don't know any more information, but his appointment letter has the seal of the HR department and the signature of Mr. Ye." At this time , Tian Xiaodan didn't care about covering up for anyone, after all, Zhang Xiao had already intervened in this matter, so it would be unwise to conceal it.

Zhang Xiao picked up the phone on the table and called the personnel department.

"Director Li? I'm Zhang Xiao, please come to my office with Director Wang Xiaoen." Zhang Xiao said on the phone.

"Okay, boss, I'll be there right away." Li Xuejiao immediately agreed after receiving Zhang Xiao's call without doubting him.

Then Zhang Xiao called Ye Shijiang again and asked him to come to his office.

When Li Xuejiao and Wang Xiaoen came to Zhang Xiao's office, they saw Zhang Xiao's gloomy expression, and couldn't help trembling in their hearts, but they didn't know what happened.

Zhang Xiao didn't open his mouth to speak, and they didn't dare to ask, they could only look at Tian Xiaodan, wanting to get some information from Tian Xiaodan, but Tian Xiaodan was feeling uneasy now, so he didn't care about other people.

It wasn't until Ye Shijiang walked into Zhang Xiao's office that Hou Shuyan quietly closed the office door.

Zhang Xiao threw the investigation report Tian Xiaodan gave him on the table, and said to everyone in the office: "Everyone take a look, this is something I never thought of."

Seeing Zhang Xiao getting angry, Ye Shijiang couldn't help but feel a little surprised. After all, since he came to the company till now, Zhang Xiao has almost never been angry like this, and usually looks very peaceful.

After Ye Shijiang picked up the investigation report and read it, he couldn't help looking at Li Xuejiao and Wang Xiaoen. He remembered this incident. When the person in charge of the restaurant fell ill, he specifically asked about Wang Guangping's situation in the appointment report brought by the personnel department. , I didn't expect something to happen now.

"Boss, I was negligent. Please punish me, boss." Ye Shijiang was in a very complicated mood at the moment, but he immediately admitted his mistake to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao didn't speak, but looked at Li Xuejiao and Wang Xiaoen who were reading the investigation report. After all, whether this matter was personally done by Wang Guangping, or whether someone was covering him up, the nature is completely different. He needs Li Xuejiao and Wang Xiaoen explanation of.

"Boss, I'm sorry, Wang Guangping is my uncle. He used to be the person in charge of a restaurant in a state-owned enterprise. When he applied for the job, the person in charge of our restaurant was sick and hospitalized, so I hired him to be the person in charge of the restaurant. I recommended someone If you make a mistake, you are willing to accept the company's punishment." Wang Xiaoen's face was pale at the moment, and he said with sincerity.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's heart was sinking slowly. From Wang Xiaoen's words, Zhang Xiao not only heard the meaning of evasion, but also heard the process of cronyism, which made Zhang Xiao feel very uncomfortable.

"Director Li, what do you think of this matter?" Zhang Xiao asked Li Xuejiao who had been silent all this time.

"Boss, I think there is a problem with our company's personnel system. I will make a plan as soon as possible after I go back to improve the company's personnel system." Li Xuejiao said expressionlessly, but she hated Wang Xiaoen to death in her heart, because she knew very well , This matter has ripped off the fig leaf of the recruitment of the personnel department. If Zhang Xiao investigates the historical personnel affairs, she doesn't know how many similar things will be investigated. This makes her feel uneasy and terrified.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed. Zhang Xiao was very disappointed with Li Xuejiao's evasion of the important and Wang Xiaoen's prevarication. After all, it was a sign of their unwillingness to take responsibility to attribute their mistakes to the system and ignorance of people. Willing to take responsibility, no matter how good the conditions are, the bankruptcy of the company will only happen sooner or later.

Zhang Xiao said to Hou Shuyan: "Secretary Hou, call the police, and ask the company's security personnel to closely monitor Wang Guangping's every move to prevent him from acting aggressively."

"Okay, boss." After Hou Shuyan agreed, she left Zhang Xiao's office.

After Hou Shuyan left, Zhang Xiao put the teacup heavily on the table, and said very sadly: "The matter of Wang Guangping is not a trivial matter. In three months, we can use various means to steal more than 1000 million yuan from the company." With the funds, are all the people in the company blind and deaf?"

Ye Shijiang, Li Xuejiao and the others didn't speak, because everything they said at the moment was pale.

"Boss Ye, didn't the Supervision Department notice it before? Didn't any employees respond to the company's restaurant incident in the past three months?" Seeing their silence, Zhang Xiao became even more angry!

"Boss, no one has reported it, and we have a small cafeteria for high-level meals, but we haven't noticed anything abnormal." Ye Shijiang had to say at this moment, because this matter has little to do with him, and he doesn't need to to hide something.

Zhang Xiao waved his hands weakly and said, "I'm going to hand over Wang Guangping's matter to the law enforcement department. No matter who or which department is involved, I will treat everyone equally and will not tolerate it. I hope you can take care of yourself."

Ye Shijiang, Li Xuejiao and the others looked at each other, and they all understood that Zhang Xiao was disappointed in them, and behind Zhang Xiao's disappointment would be a storm. After all, the problem of the restaurant may be just the tip of the iceberg of corruption within the group.

"Wang Xiaoen, as the head of the personnel department, did not know who he was, and caused huge losses to the company. He was reduced to an ordinary employee. Before the restaurant incident is investigated, all bonuses and benefits will be suspended. If there is any violation, it will be handed over to the law enforcement department." Zhang Xiao continued to speak.

Wang Xiaoen couldn't help but his heart was shocked, and at the same time, he was full of hatred for Wang Guangping. After all, as the head of the personnel department, he belonged to the middle and high-level leaders in the group. It is undoubtedly his punishment to be reduced to an ordinary employee. After this incident, his future in Hongyuan Group is completely gone. No one dares to promote a person who has made a major mistake.

"Boss, I just don't know people well. I didn't expect such serious consequences. Please, forgive me this time." Wang Xiaoen said to Zhang Xiao in tears at this moment.

Zhang Xiao looked at Wang Xiaoen, whose face was full of tears, and cursed with some resentment: "Man is doing it, and the sky is watching. The restaurant is a major event that involves the food safety of all employees. The position of the person in charge is so important. How can you allow me?" It was taught privately, and now something has happened, and you still have to shirk responsibility! It really disappoints me."

Wang Xiaoen was so scolded by Zhang Xiao that he couldn't lift his head up, and Li Xuejiao and Tian Xiaodan were also shameless at the moment. After all, Li Xuejiao was Wang Xiaoen's direct leader, but Tian Xiaodan was the restaurant's direct leader, and both were stakeholders in the restaurant incident.

Seeing that no one spoke, Zhang Xiao shook her head and said, "How is Master Li recently? Has he recovered?"

"I've recovered, and I've returned to work in the company. I'm currently working in the logistics department." Tian Xiaodan said immediately, after all, Master Li Li Caiming was the former head of the restaurant. Now Zhang Xiao mentioned that he obviously wanted Li Caiming to be the head of the restaurant again.

"Let Li Caiming continue to manage the restaurant. If he is exhausted, he can arrange a deputy, but the restaurant has a heavy responsibility, and there must be no mistakes." Zhang Xiao said to Tian Xiaodan.

"Okay, boss, I'll make arrangements now." Tian Xiaodan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Zhang Xiao started to arrange the aftermath.

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