An hour later, Huang Jinglei and Liu Lianzi sat in the extended Mercedes-Benz car. The driver was also an employee of the security company. Naturally, the car had just come directly from the Mercedes-Benz manufacturer that they had been cooperating with, and the nurse was naturally accompanying them. Beside Huang Jinglei.

But Zhang Xiao didn't go with them, but stayed in his car and headed towards the capital together.

The reason why Zhang Xiao didn't ride in the same car with Liu Lianzi and Huang Jinglei was because she wanted to give them room to communicate. After all, so many things had happened. Suffering between two people.

In fact, as Zhang Xiao expected, at this moment, in the extended Mercedes-Benz, Huang Jinglei was quietly lying on the seat that was unfolded like a small bed, covered with a blanket, while Liu Lianzi was sitting on Huang Jing's seat. On the seat next to Lei, she asked in a low voice, "Xiao Lei, what is the relationship between you and Zhang Xiao, and why is he willing to spend time and energy to treat your illness? Is he your boyfriend?"

Huang Jinglei listened to Liu Lianzi's question, her heart was full of bitterness. Of course, Huang Jinglei would not say anything about her relationship with Zhang Xiao. After all, that would further irritate grandma and make things out of control.

However, Huang Jinglei still needs to clarify some things with her grandma. After all, Zhang Xiao has helped her enough. Zi's ​​temper is the kind of character that would rather bend than bend, and it must be extremely strong, otherwise it would not be able to survive such ups and downs.

"Grandma, in fact, I think you must have misunderstood. Strictly speaking, Zhang Xiao is not my boyfriend. The two of us just have a very good relationship. I think the reason why he helped me is because we are good friends." It’s not because of anything else. And grandma, you also know that I have just graduated two years ago. Although I have saved some money, whether it is the money I gave you for medical treatment or the cost of my hospitalization now, it is actually Zhang Xiao’s help. , and he didn't ask for anything in return." Huang Jinglei said bitterly, because she knew that if she didn't make these words clear, it would be impossible for Liu Lianzi's misunderstanding of Zhang Xiao to be resolved, and once the misunderstanding deepened, Zhang Xiao There is a high possibility of conflict with Liu Lianzi's personality.

Liu Lianzi was slightly taken aback, she never expected that Zhang Xiao was not Huang Jinglei's boyfriend, and she couldn't help but wonder why Zhang Xiao gave so much for Huang Jinglei, even if he was a good friend , It is impossible to pay for no reason.

Liu Lianzi asked Huang Jinglei in surprise, "Xiaolei, tell me who this Zhang Xiao is, and why he is willing to spend so much money on your treatment. You have been sick for such a long time, no matter what It must have cost Zhang Xiao a lot of money for the operation or follow-up treatment."

"Grandma, Zhang Xiao is the chairman of Hongyuan Group and has a net worth of tens of billions. The reason why he is willing to help me is because he and I are friends. Don't think too much." Huang Jinglei said so, she did not He didn't mention the real relationship between him and Zhang Xiao. After all, that would make it more difficult for grandma to accept. Huang Jinglei didn't care if grandma suspected the relationship between the two.

Liu Lianzi couldn't help but sighed. For her, she had never thought about having a net worth of tens of billions. Before, she just thought that Zhang Xiao was rich, but she never thought that Zhang Xiao would be so rich. It seems that she It's really watching the sky from the bottom of a well, but why does a man like Zhang Xiao show so much attention to Huang Jinglei? It's completely unnecessary. Is it just because he is friends with Huang Jinglei?

Liu Lianzi thought a lot, but unfortunately she couldn't think of a reasonable reason to explain Zhang Xiao's behavior, but at the moment she couldn't help but worry about Huang Jinglei's feelings for Zhang Xiao.

"Leilei, you don't like him, do you? I think it's hard to get along with a young man like him." Liu Lianzi didn't want Huang Jinglei to fall in love with Zhang Xiao at this time, because as someone who had been there, she knew Zhang Xiao's love for him. A young, wealthy and handsome young man like Xiao is so attractive to women, but it is very difficult for an outstanding person like Zhang Xiao to be restrained by a woman. For Huang Jinglei, Zhang Xiao is not a good match.

"Grandma, where did you go? Even if I like him, he won't like me." Huang Jinglei's face showed a hint of shyness, but she still said helplessly.

Liu Lianzi saw Huang Jinglei's expression and understood that Huang Jinglei was already deeply in love, so she sighed helplessly.

After a long time, Liu Lianzi said: "Take a good rest, when you wake up, we should have arrived in the capital."

Huang Jinglei nodded obediently, and said to Liu Lianzi, "Grandma, take a break too, I know you didn't rest today either."

Liu Lianzi nodded, but she didn't speak, but closed her eyes, thinking about how to solve the matter. After all, if what Huang Jinglei said was true, then both she and Huang Jinglei owed Zhang Xiao favors, not only How she will pay such a huge amount of medical expenses is even more of a problem.

The two cars were driving smoothly on the expressway, but Zhang Xiao didn't want to be so peaceful in his heart, because he knew that Huang Jinglei would never admit the intimate relationship between the two in front of Liu Lianzi. The only thing she can do is to turn the relationship between the two into a relationship of good friends, so as not to let Liu Lianzi misunderstand their relationship.

At 11:30 in the evening, the two cars drove into the inpatient department of Jingcheng Hospital and stopped downstairs.

Zhang Xiao took Huang Jinglei and Liu Lianzi back to the special needs ward. Looking at the luxurious ward, Liu Lianzi couldn't help but sigh, because she could feel that Zhang Xiao took Huang Jinglei's care in every possible way, but this was even more important. It made her feel heavy.

After Fang Huiping, who had been staying in the hospital, got the news, she rushed to the ward immediately. Seeing that Huang Jinglei hadn't changed much, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, Fang Huiping was still Huang Jinglei's attending doctor. She has a certain responsibility for the patient. At this moment, she said to Zhang Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, since Ms. Huang is back, I am relieved, but you still have to persuade her not to leave the hospital if she is fine. The body is not fit for long travel."

"I'm sorry, Aunt Fang, I made you worry. I'll treat you to dinner another day." Zhang Xiao said to Fang Huiping apologetically.

"It's okay, as long as the patient doesn't have any accidents, I can rest assured. Well, I'm going back, and I have to come to work tomorrow." Fang Huiping hung her white coat on the hanger, stepped on her backpack, and prepared to go back to work. Home.

While walking with Fang Huiping, Zhang Xiao said, "Aunt Fang, it's so late, I'll ask the driver to take you, just as he is going to drive back."

"No, it's not too far away. I can just ride back to work by myself, and I have to ride to work tomorrow." Fang Huiping refused without hesitation, "And the hospital is not far from my home, just behind here in the family courtyard."

Zhang Xiao nodded without forcing her, and continued to say: "Aunt Fang, I think it's better to tell you something. Huang Jinglei's grandma also came here today. From her tone, she used to be a doctor. And she seems to be still engaged in breast cancer research, so she may communicate with you about the treatment plan tomorrow, I think it's better to inform you in advance."

Fang Huiping's face couldn't help changing. After all, if the patient's family members are doctors, it is easy to cause two extremes. One is to treat the patient's condition objectively and communicate well, while the other extreme is that they are the patient's family members. She will do everything possible to find the doctor's fault, so that she may dictate the treatment plan, which is what Fang Huiping doesn't want to see.

Fang Huiping's pace slowed down, and she spoke after a long time: "Where is Huang Jinglei's situation? Our treatment is no problem, and if the patient's family is a doctor, as long as it is not unreasonable, I think it is still easy to communicate. By the way, why did her grandma come here now?"

"Her grandma had heart bypass surgery before, so she kept the disease from her grandma. This time she left without saying goodbye, so I had to invite her grandma here." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, after all this matter In fact, the most passive ones are the doctors in the hospital. Strictly speaking, without the signature of the patient's family members, it is actually a violation of the regulations to perform the operation.

Fang Huiping nodded, but asked with a heavy expression, "Is her grandma a Chinese medicine doctor or a Western medicine doctor?"

"It should be Chinese medicine, because I think she can understand the prescriptions of Chinese medicine." Zhang Xiao said with some uncertainty.

Fang Huiping's complexion suddenly became even more ugly. After all, for Western doctors like them, what they are most afraid of is that the family members of the patients are Chinese medicine practitioners, because they will always use some strange theories to prove that it is wrong for you to perform surgery. Or say that chemotherapy is wrong, and even argue it from beginning to end, or even overthrow the existing treatment plan, which will only increase the difficulty of treatment many times.

However, Fang Huiping, as Huang Jinglei's attending doctor, cannot refuse the patient's family to participate in the discussion of the treatment plan, let alone the patient's family is a doctor, they can't refuse, at this moment Fang Huiping can only hope that Huang Jinglei's grandma can be better For the patient's consideration, not for other considerations.

Zhang Xiao sent Fang Huiping to the entrance of the hospital before heading towards the ward. After all, he still needs to arrange the personnel in the ward.

After Zhang Xiao returned to the ward, seeing her aunt watching Liu Lianzi clean up the ward, she couldn't help but ask, "Auntie, what's going on, why is she working on her own?"

At this time, Liu Lianzi had already arranged the beds, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, since I am here, these nurses and aunts are no longer needed, and you can go back to rest, after all, you have been busy all day. Makes me feel bad."

Liu Lianzi's anti-customer is the main thing, which makes Zhang Xiao feel very uncomfortable. Before Liu Lianzi didn't come, Huang Jinglei always followed Zhang Xiao's opinion, but now Liu Lianzi took Huang Jinglei away as soon as she came. Taking the initiative, this is undoubtedly crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, but although Zhang Xiao is uncomfortable at the moment, he has nothing against it. After all, in terms of intimacy, Liu Lianzi is Huang Jinglei's immediate family member, and he is just a friend, and he is still shady friendship. m. cascoo.

Huang Jinglei naturally knew what Liu Lianzi meant by doing this, but she was too embarrassed to object, so she looked at Zhang Xiao apologetically.

Zhang Xiao saw Huang Jinglei's eyes, so she nodded helplessly, and said to Liu Lianzi, "That's fine, then you guys have a good rest, we'll go first, if you need help, you can call me anytime ,this is my name card."

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, she smiled at Huang Jinglei, put a business card on the coffee table, and left the ward with her aunt and nurse.

After walking downstairs, Zhang Xiao stopped and said to the two nurses: "Since Ms. Huang doesn't need nurses now, I'll have someone transfer your wages to your card tomorrow, because It's past twelve o'clock now, and I'll give you an extra day's wages."

"Thank you, boss." The two nurses thanked them happily. It was very easy for them to take care of Huang Jinglei during this time. After all, Huang Jinglei was not bedridden, and she had no problem taking care of herself, so they were working as nurses. It was the most relaxed time ever, and Zhang Xiao gave each of them a salary of [-] yuan a day, which was four times their usual salary.

"You're welcome, this is what you deserve." Zhang Xiao nodded with a smile and said, although the two nurses made some mistakes, Zhang Xiao didn't bother to care about them.

The two nurses left soon. As nurses, they actually have their own resting place in the hospital. Although the conditions are not good, it is nothing to them. After all, they usually live in the ward, and the rest room is nothing but It is an occasional stay, and there are not many people working as nurses, and they will find customers who suit them every day.

After the nurses left, Zhang Xiao took her aunt to the parking lot downstairs. After getting in the car, Zhang Xiao leaned back on the back seat tiredly, squinting her eyes, thinking about what to do next.

Guo Feng asked at this moment: "Boss, where are we going?"

"Let's go back to Fenglin Villa today. Let someone clean up the courtyard tomorrow. We will live in the courtyard in the future." Zhang Xiao said, Zhang Xiao who is used to living in the courtyard has no interest in the villa, if it is not because of Huang Jinglei , he will not go back to live.

"Okay, boss." Guo Feng readily agreed, after all, living in a courtyard is actually more convenient for them to wake up and practice in the morning.

When approaching the villa, the auntie asked Zhang Xiao, "Boss, do you want to deliver food to Miss Huang tomorrow morning?"

"No need, with her grandma here, she shouldn't suffer any grievances." Zhang Xiao said after a little thought. Although Huang Jinglei might not be used to it at first, she will naturally get used to it after a long time.

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