Huang Jinglei's grandma is not tall, but there are not many wrinkles on her face. Her clothes are clean and tidy. Although they are not of any brand, they also give people a very comfortable feeling. Zhang Xiao can't help being curious. You must know Huang Jinglei's Grandma is already 72, and now she looks only about 60 years old.

Huang Jinglei's grandma walked up to Zhang Xiao, stared at Zhang Xiao sharply and said, "I'm Jinglei's grandma Liu Lianzi, are you Jinglei's boyfriend?"

"Yes, Grandma Liu, let's get in the car first, let's talk while walking." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile, but he was a little nervous.

"Okay, let's hurry up and find this girl first." Liu Lianzi did not refuse Zhang Xiao's proposal, and got into the car under Zhang Xiao's guidance.

Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng directly after getting in the car: "Go directly to Jinmen, first go to the hotel where sister Lei stayed."

"Okay, boss." After Guo Feng agreed, the vehicle quickly left the spot and headed towards Jinmen.

"I heard Xiaolei tell me about you. Are you the boss? What kind of business do you do?" Liu Lianzi was sitting in a luxuriously decorated car, but she was not nervous at all, unlike an old lady from the countryside, on the contrary It was Zhang Xiao's career that was asked.

"Doing some small business is not worth mentioning." Zhang Xiao said helplessly. After all, in Zhang Xiao's view, business is not worth showing off.

Liu Lianzi chuckled, obviously didn't care much about what Zhang Xiao said, but she didn't go to the bottom of it, but asked, "What's going on with Xiaolei? Do you need me, an old woman, to come?"

Zhang Xiao was a little silent. After handing Huang Jinglei's medical record to Liu Lianzi, she said, "Grandma Liu, please take a look first. This is sister Lei's medical record. Originally we didn't intend to let you know, but now I think you It’s still better to know.”

Liu Lianzi frowned slightly, and after taking a look at the medical records, she couldn't help but her expression changed, and her originally calm expression became extremely serious, because she saw cancer and cancer cells in the medical records.

After a long time, with the help of the lights on the car, Liu Lianzi read Huang Jinglei's medical records from front to back, and couldn't help but sighed and said: "This girl's life is really hard. She died at a young age. I have cancer, but this is not a reason to give up treatment, you are coming to me now to persuade her to accept treatment."

"Yes, sister Lei left the hospital without saying goodbye this morning. I didn't hear about her until not long ago, so I hope you can persuade her to continue receiving treatment." Zhang Xiao nodded and said without hesitation.

Liu Lianzi nodded and said: "The treatment still needs to be continued, but it's unnecessary in the hospital. Since she wants to see the world, it's better to obey her. As for the treatment, I think it's in the hospital." It's the same everywhere."

Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect Liu Lianzi to say such a thing, so she couldn't help persuading her, "Grandma Liu, I think it's safer to stay in the hospital. After all, the conditions in the hospital are much better than outside, and it's more convenient for us." Take care of her."

"You may not know my profession. I was also a doctor before I retired. I know that mood has a greater effect on patients. Since Xiaolei wants to go outside to see, then we should obey her as much as possible. This is the only way to treat her." The effect will have the effect, otherwise no matter how good the medicine is, it will not have much effect." Liu Lianzi said with a serious and serious expression.

Zhang Xiao nodded helplessly and said, "Grandma Liu, as long as you can persuade her to continue receiving treatment, I will accept any plan."

After Liu Lianzi took a deep look at Zhang Xiao, she nodded and said, "It seems that your relationship is very good, and this may be the key to her recovery."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed and didn't speak. When it came to the relationship between the two, Zhang Xiao didn't know how deep the relationship was.

The car was driving fast, and it was indeed quiet inside the car, except for the sound of Liu Lianzi looking through the medical records.

More than an hour later, the car stopped in front of a hotel in Jinmen. Yuan Min, who had already arrived, opened the door for Zhang Xiao, but Liu Lianzi came out first.

Yuan Min was slightly taken aback, and then saw Zhang Xiao coming down from the other side of the car door, and immediately understood the identity of the old man.

After getting off the car, Liu Lianzi tidied up the wrinkles on her clothes, and headed towards the hotel first.

Zhang Xiao hurriedly followed, and Yuan Min walked quickly to Zhang Xiao's side, and said in a low voice, "Boss, Miss Huang is still in the room, she probably hasn't had dinner yet."

"Let the hotel make arrangements and come over as soon as possible to cook a delicious meal. If the hotel can't do it, go to the restaurant next door to make it. In addition, there is her medicine in the car. You and the nurse will cook a soup and medicine. Bring it up." Zhang Xiao ordered Yuan Min.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now." Yuan Min agreed without hesitation. Although the matter was complicated, he didn't dare to slack off when it involved Huang Jinglei.

At this time, Liu Lianzi had already pressed the door of the elevator, walked in, and Zhang Xiao hurriedly followed.

Liu Lianzi glanced at Zhang Xiao and didn't say anything, so Zhang Xiao naturally wouldn't look for boredom.

Zhang Xiao could tell that Liu Lianzi still had some resentment towards him, but Zhang Xiao didn't care much about it. After all, Huang Jinglei was seriously ill now. As Huang Jinglei's grandmother, it was not wrong for Liu Lianzi to have resentment towards him No reason.

Huang Jinglei lived on the twelfth floor of the hotel. After Zhang Xiao and Liu Lianzi came outside Huang Jinglei's room, Liu Lianzi knocked on the door without saying a word.

Huang Jinglei was resting on the bed at the moment, and when she heard someone knocking on the door, she got up listlessly, and saw grandma and Zhang Xiao standing outside the door through the cat's eyes, tears welled up in her eyes.

Huang Jinglei opened the door, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably, a thousand words turned into a cry: "Grandma!"

Liu Lianzi hugged Huang Jinglei into her arms, patted her on the back, and comforted her: "Leilei, don't cry, with grandma here, the sky won't fall."

"En." Huang Jinglei stopped her tears after a long time, and nodded shyly at Zhang Xiao, a little afraid to face Zhang Xiao. m. cascoo.

Seeing Huang Jinglei's expression, Liu Lianzi couldn't help but sighed, and dragged Huang Jinglei into the room, but didn't close the door.

Zhang Xiao walked in helplessly, and closed the door smoothly.

Huang Jinglei's room was a luxurious double bed room, and there were two sofas for meeting guests near the window.

Liu Lianzi pulled Huang Jinglei to sit on the couch, looked at Huang Jinglei's short hair, and said with some distress: "Silly girl, why didn't you tell grandma when you were sick? You know, Grandma is your only support in this world."

"Aren't I afraid that you will be worried? Besides, grandma, you have just had heart surgery, so you can't be emotional." Huang Jinglei said softly.

"Silly girl, did you forget that grandma is a doctor myself? You should have told me anyway when you were sick. If you had told me earlier, how could things have come to this point." Liu Lianzi touched her with some distress Looking at her back, his eyes were full of pity.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao could hear the meaning of Liu Lianzi's words, and couldn't help asking, "Grandma Liu, do you think sister Lei's diagnosis is wrong?"

Liu Lianzi glanced at Zhang Xiao, pondered for a while, and then said, "It's not that there is a mistake, but that Chinese medicine and Western medicine are different. Western medicine has a theory of cancer cells, and the results of Xiaolei's initial examination are obviously out of date." It is indeed a tumor, and there is nothing wrong with surgery from the perspective of Western medicine, but from the perspective of Chinese medicine, Xiaolei's condition should not require surgery at the beginning."

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Liu Lianzi to say such a thing at this moment, which made him feel very hurt, did he do something wrong in the first place?Zhang Xiao couldn't help falling into self-doubt.

Liu Lianzi sighed, shook her head and said: "Breast cancer is actually possible to be hereditary. Xiaolei's mother died of breast cancer back then. The medical conditions back then were not as good as they are now. Although she had surgery, she recovered after surgery. It was not good, and he passed away without holding on for long."

"So after I retired these years, I have been studying breast cancer from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, hoping to find a way to control breast cancer. Unfortunately, so far, there have not been many research results, but after surgery In terms of recovery, we have made some progress.”

Zhang Xiao looked at Liu Lianzi in surprise, and somewhat understood why Liu Lianzi said so much, that is, she hoped that Zhang Xiao could let her be in charge of Huang Jinglei's subsequent treatment.

"Grandma Liu, you also saw Sister Lei's medical records just now, do you think the prescription they prescribed is good, should you continue to use it or use your prescription?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"There is no problem with the prescription, but I do have some different opinions on the dosage, but today is not enough time, and I also need to communicate with Xiaolei's attending doctor." Liu Lianzi is also a little conflicted at the moment, after all, she is also Just looking at the medical records, and now just feeling Huang Jinglei's pulse, she needs more things to support some of her diagnoses.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao said: "I have already ordered someone to boil the medicine. After we have eaten in a while, let Lei Lei use the medicine for tonight first, and then we will rush back today, and we can talk to Lei Lei tomorrow. The attending physician discusses the treatment plan."

"That's fine, but now Lei Lei's condition is not very suitable for long-distance treks. It's still more than an hour away from the capital. I'm afraid she won't be able to make it." Liu Lianzi looked at Huang Jinglei worriedly, feeling very helpless Said.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "I've already considered this situation. A stretched car will come over in a while. After the seat is unfolded, it's no different from a bed. I don't think it will have any impact."

Liu Lianzi took a deep look at Zhang Xiao, nodded, and did not speak any more.

Huang Jinglei was a little ashamed at the moment. She thought she could leave without anyone noticing, but she didn't expect that Zhang Xiao couldn't help but come to find her in person and brought her grandma.

"Grandma, I don't want to go to the hospital anymore." Huang Jinglei said softly.

"Good boy, tomorrow we will go through the discharge procedures, but no matter how much you don't like the hospital, you still need to be treated, and when you recover, I will take you to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland." Liu Lianzi Looking at Huang Jinglei, whose face was as pale as paper, with some distress, she spoke softly.

"Okay." Huang Jinglei nodded and agreed helplessly.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, Zhang Xiao hurriedly walked over and opened the door, only to see two waiters from the hotel outside the door pushing a multi-storey dining car in.

The waiter pushed the dining trolley to the table, carefully placed the dishes on the table one by one, turned around and left after serving them all.

"Grandma Liu, Lei Lei, let's eat, you haven't had dinner yet." Zhang Xiao said to Liu Lianzi and Huang Jinglei after the waiter left.

"I won't eat, I really don't have an appetite." Huang Jinglei looked at the delicious food on the table, but she didn't have any appetite at all. Not only that, she also had a feeling of wanting to vomit.

"Girl, people are iron and rice is steel. No matter what, you have to eat. Otherwise, how can you recover." Liu Lianzi persuaded Huang Jinglei.

Huang Jinglei was very helpless at the moment, so she had to pick up the chopsticks, resisting the feeling of nausea and vomiting, and started to eat. Although the speed was not fast, it still made Zhang Xiao feel relieved.

At this moment, Liu Lianzi also picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and started to eat. After all, she only had a light meal on the plane, and she was really hungry at the moment.

But Zhang Xiao didn't sit down to eat, after all, he was a little embarrassed facing Liu Lianzi at the moment.

Soon, Huang Jinglei simply ate some and put down the bowl and chopsticks, and Liu Lianzi stopped eating after only eating a bowl of food.

Zhang Xiao was a little helpless, but he didn't say much. After all, now that Huang Jinglei had Liu Lianzi's care, he felt relieved a lot.

Just when Zhang Xiao was about to ask someone to clean up, Yuan Min knocked on the door, opened it and walked in with a lunch box in his hand.

"Boss, the medicine is ready." Yuan Min came to Zhang Xiao's side and whispered.

Zhang Xiao took the lunch box and asked, "Is the car ready?"

"Get ready, we've arrived at the parking lot downstairs." Yuan Min said.

Zhang Xiao glanced at his watch, and said to Yuan Min, "Let everyone eat, then rest for a while, and leave for the capital in an hour."

"Okay, boss, I'll arrange it right away." After Yuan Min agreed, he turned and left, closing the door by the way.

"Sister Lei, drink the medicine. The medicine is ready." Zhang Xiao put the lunch box on the table and said.

Huang Jinglei glanced at Zhang Xiao, wanted to say something, but was stared at by Liu Lianzi, she could only nod helplessly, opened the lunch box, looked at the dark soup inside, and suppressed the nausea And nauseated, he drank it all with his eyes closed.

Liu Lianzi's complexion improved slightly at this time, and she said to Huang Jinglei: "Good medicine tastes bitter and is good for the disease. I will watch you when eating and drinking medicine in the future. I hope you will not disappoint me."

Huang Jinglei nodded, although she felt wronged, she didn't dare to refute.

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