The interpreter sitting beside him couldn't help but look at Zhang Xiao more. He didn't know much about the newly promoted world champion, but he could predict that Zhang Xiao would definitely win a very high honor in the future.

As the first person of yellow race to become the world's track and field, Zhang Xiao has become a well-deserved new generation of world trappers. His popularity must be no less than anyone else's, and he will definitely be sought after by countless media.

But Zhang Xiao didn't have much awareness of this. After all, to him, the men's 100-meter race was just a race. As for becoming famous all over the world, it was not within his consideration.

After eating at the restaurant, Zhang Xiao took Huang Yi back to the hotel. After all, the time out could not be too long.

The next morning, everyone assembled and took the bus back to Madrid, where they would fly back home.

The journey was smooth and smooth, but nothing unexpected happened, but when they got off the plane at Beijing Airport, they were immediately surrounded by countless media reporters on the way to the bus, and the flashing lights kept flashing, making all the athletes have to stop pace.

"Director Sun, are you satisfied that our track and field team has achieved five gold medals and one silver medal in the World Athletics Championships?" A reporter asked Sun Minghao with a microphone.

"Basically, I am satisfied. After all, this is what our athletes have achieved after hard training, and we have won five gold medals and one silver medal in this World Athletics Championships. But we will continue to work hard in the future , and strive to achieve better results." Sun Minghao said with a smile, and at the same time couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, Zhang Xiao's presence in the World Championships this time allowed him to complete the task.

After interviewing Sun Minghao, the media reporters pointed their guns at Zhang Xiao again, and Zhang Xiao was their primary target today.

"Mr. Zhang, are you satisfied with the results of this World Athletics Championships?"

"Mr. Zhang, besides the existing competitions, will you participate in other track and field events?"

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that you have graduated from Huaqing University. Do you plan to go to graduate school?"

The media reporters asked all kinds of questions, and there were all kinds of questions, and Zhang Xiao was very helpless in the face of such a situation, but now he couldn't avoid it, so he had no choice but to say loudly: "Don't panic, let's do it, Let me go to the field management center to accept your interview, this is a public place after all, it is inappropriate to stay for a long time."

With Zhang Xiao's promise, the media reporters calmed down and made way for all the athletes to escape.

Fortunately, the media reporters are not as crazy as the paparazzi of later generations, otherwise it would not be easy to get away.

After getting on the bus, Zhang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, but Zhang Xiao also needs to be careful in the next interview, after all, media reporters tend to interpret the words of celebrities, which can easily cause unnecessary trouble.

After returning to the field management center, most of the other athletes left, only Zhang Xiao and the two medal-winning athletes were interviewed by media reporters.

In the conference room of the field management center, the media reporters had already arrived, waiting for Zhang Xiao and others to arrive.

Not long after, Zhang Xiao and Wang Jinming walked in and sat in the center of the stage, together with the other two medal-winning athletes.

"Mr. Zhang Xiao, are you satisfied with the results of this World Athletics Championships?" A media reporter stood up and asked.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "I am satisfied with the results achieved in the World Athletics Championships this time. After all, I have already won the gold medals in all competitions. If I am still not satisfied, can I still go to heaven?"

After hearing Zhang Xiao's joke, everyone laughed.

"Mr. Zhang Xiao, the four events you participated in have already qualified for next year's Olympic Games. You must participate in the Olympic Games next year. What are your expectations for the results of next year's Olympic Games?" A media reporter asked.

"If there are no accidents in next year's Olympics, I will definitely participate. As for the speculation about the Olympic results, I can only say that I will train hard, live up to everyone's expectations of me, and strive to achieve good results. Thank you for your concern " Zhang Xiao said very officially, after all, he is also looking forward to next year's Olympic Games.

"Mr. Zhang Xiao, we all know that in addition to your status as a sports player, you are also the chairman of Hongyuan Group. Do you have anything to say about Hongyuan Group's future investment plan?" A media reporter asked Zhang Xiao asked.

Zhang Xiao was very helpless when asked by media reporters about the future development plan of Hongyuan Group. We're not going to talk about that today."

The media reporters saw that Zhang Xiao was unwilling to talk about Hongyuan Group and himself here, and then asked Zhang Xiao some things about sports before shifting their targets to the other two athletes.

However, the main target of the media reporters was Zhang Xiao, and the questions to the other two athletes were much simpler, but they asked a lot of questions.

Soon the press conference was over. After Zhang Xiao and Wang Jinming bid farewell, they packed up their belongings and left the Field Management Center, and returned to Fenglin Villa by car.

After returning to Fenglin Villa, Zhang Xiao saw Huang Jinglei who had gone home to take care of her body. It remained unchanged for more than half a month, and Huang Jinglei's body recovered a little, but Zhang Xiao knew that this was just an appearance.

"Xiaoxiao, you're back." Huang Jinglei was very happy to see Zhang Xiao coming back, after all, she missed Zhang Xiao very much after seeing her for half a month.

"I'm back, how is your recovery now?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I feel much better. Now I am drinking Director Liao's medicine every day. To be honest, I feel that my body is much better than before without chemotherapy." Huang Jinglei said happily with a smile.

"That's good. Listen to the doctor and take the medicine on time. When you recover, there are still many things waiting for you to do." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao hugged Huang Jinglei and returned to her room to sleep.

After a night of nothing, after waking up the next morning, Zhang Xiao looked at Huang Jinglei's still pale face, and felt very helpless, but Zhang Xiao also knew very well that although Huang Jinglei seemed to have recovered a little, it was just a superficial phenomenon Forget it, as time goes by, Huang Jinglei's body will become weaker and weaker.

When Huang Jinglei woke up, it was already past eight o'clock, Zhang Xiao had already gone to the company, and only her aunt and the nurse in charge of making medicine were left busy in the villa.

"Miss Huang, Mr. Zhang has already gone to the company, and the meal is ready, you can eat first." Auntie said to Huang Jinglei with a smile.

Huang Jinglei smiled and nodded, sat at the dining table and began to eat. During the meal, Huang Jinglei lost her appetite after only a few mouthfuls of porridge, and her mood suddenly became bad.

"Miss Huang, you still have to eat more. Even if you don't have an appetite, you have to force yourself to eat more, otherwise how can your body recover?" Auntie said to Huang Jinglei, her eyes were full of distress and have no choice.

In fact, my aunt knew very well that Huang Jinglei's condition was very serious.If it wasn't for the usual tonics and the continuous input of various nutrient solutions, Huang Jinglei would have been unable to persist.

"Auntie, I know, but I really don't have an appetite." Huang Jinglei said helplessly. In fact, Huang Jinglei knew her physical condition, but she didn't speak out because of Zhang Xiao's feelings.

When Huang Jinglei said this, she couldn't help but shed tears. She hated the injustice of fate. From birth to now, she has been working hard to live. It's a pity that God made a huge joke for her. Whenever she sees hope , Always welcome despair.

Huang Jinglei didn't know what happened to her today, she fainted when she returned to her room after drinking the medicine.

"Miss Huang? Miss Huang? Wake up! Come on, Miss Huang has passed out." The aunt who was cleaning up the dishes downstairs heard the noise from upstairs and hurried upstairs, and saw Huang Jinglei fainted ground, hastily shouted.

The nurse who was tidying up downstairs also ran up at this moment. Seeing that Huang Jinglei had fainted, she quickly called the emergency number.

Then the aunt called Zhang Xiao's cell phone again.

After the call was connected, the auntie said anxiously to Zhang Xiao: "Mr. Zhang, Ms. Huang has fainted. Come back quickly."

"Did you call the emergency call? I'll go back right away." Zhang Xiao had just gone upstairs when she received the call, and received a call from her aunt before entering the office.

Zhang Xiao turned around and walked towards the elevator, saying as she walked, "If the ambulance arrives, let them take it directly to the Beijing Hospital."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang." The aunt quickly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao felt that the elevator was moving too slowly. If this was not the 28th floor, Zhang Xiao really wanted to run down by herself.

While waiting for the elevator, Zhang Xiao not only called Guo Feng, but also called Fang Huiping.

When the elevator door opened, Zhang Xiao walked in immediately and pressed the door close button.

Hou Shuyan ran into the elevator at this moment, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, today is the day for the regular meeting of the group, are you going to attend?"

"No, I have some things to deal with now. Just let Mr. Ye or Mr. Ni preside over the meeting. After the meeting is over, just give me a copy of the meeting content." Zhang Xiao took a deep breath to make her tone not so irritable. Open your mouth and say.

"Okay, boss, I'll notify you right away." Hou Shuyan nodded in agreement.

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"Wait a minute, come up when you get to the first floor." Zhang Xiao stopped Hou Shuyan, who was about to press the elevator now, and said.

"Okay, boss." Hou Shuyan agreed without thinking, because she could see the abnormality from Zhang Xiao's face.

"Boss, did something happen?" Hou Shuyan asked cautiously, because Zhang Xiao's face was very heavy.

"You don't need to worry about some personal matters. If you have anything to do with the company, you can call me." Zhang Xiao looked at the stopped elevator and said to Hou Shuyan.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiao quickly walked out of the elevator and walked outside.

When he got to the door, Guo Feng was already waiting in his car.

After getting in the car, Guo Feng asked Zhang Xiao, "Boss, should we go to the villa first or go directly to the hospital?"

"Go to the hospital directly. It's the rush hour now, and the speed of the ambulance is much faster than ours." Zhang Xiao said after thinking for a while.

Guo Feng didn't speak, and drove away directly, because he knew Zhang Xiao's mood at the moment.

While in the car, Zhang Xiao couldn't help calling Liao Qingyun again.

"Director Liao, Ms. Huang has fainted. She should be on her way to the hospital. I'm coming too." Zhang Xiao said.

"I'm already waiting in the hospital lobby." Liao Qingyun was also a little anxious at the moment, after all, logically speaking, Huang Jinglei shouldn't have fainted.

Zhang Xiao asked, "Director Liao, do people like Huang Jinglei often faint?"

After thinking for a while, Liao Qingyun said, "It shouldn't have anything to do with her condition, but the specifics can only be known after a physical examination, but there shouldn't be any serious problems."

"It will take about 10 minutes for me to arrive at the hospital. If Huang Jinglei arrives first, I must hurry up for treatment, please." Zhang Xiao said.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Zhang, we will do our best." Liao Qingyun still felt the pressure from Zhang Xiao's identity at this moment.

When Zhang Xiao arrived at the hospital, it was already half an hour later. After all, it was the morning rush hour for work, there were a lot of vehicles on the road, and traffic jams appeared at many traffic lights.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that this is a normal phenomenon. With the rapid development of society and economy, the number of cars will continue to increase, and the traffic jam will only become more and more serious.

No matter how wide the road is, it is still difficult to meet people's needs, especially in the future when there will be more and more private cars, traffic jams will become more and more serious, and finally vehicles will have to be restricted.

"Director Liao, hasn't the ambulance arrived yet?" Zhang Xiao asked in disbelief.

"Accordingly, we should have arrived. The road should be blocked." Liao Qingyun said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao is also very helpless, the ambulance cannot be contacted now, so he can only wait.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, the ambulance finally arrived. Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning, but he didn't say much, after all, it wasn't about the ambulance.

"Miss Huang's condition is very bad now. The long period of unconsciousness has made her already weak body even more unbearable." Fang Huiping said to Zhang Xiao.

"Aunt Fang, you can do whatever you want to rescue, and I won't interfere with your treatment." Zhang Xiao promised with a serious expression.

With Zhang Xiao's permission, please hurry back to catch up with the galloping flat car, and start telling the doctors involved in the first aid about Huang Jinglei's condition.

And Zhang Xiao looked at the unconscious Huang Jinglei at the moment, and couldn't help but feel sad. After all, it was because he didn't care enough for Huang Jinglei that caused this situation.

Soon, Huang Jinglei was pushed to the emergency operating room, and Zhang Xiao had to stop outside the operating room.

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