Zhang Xiao was in great pain at the moment, he didn't know why such a thing happened, why Huang Jinglei, who seemed to have recovered a little, suddenly fainted.

"Old Guo, sister Lei, what's going on? Why did you suddenly faint? Do you know the reason?" Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng. After all, during the World Track and Field Championships, due to the inconvenient call, Zhang Xiao and Huang Jinglei contacted each other. Not many times.

But in China, the security team still stayed at Fenglin Villa. The reason why Zhang Xiao asked this question was because she wanted to know more about Huang Jinglei's recent situation.

And Zhang Xiao saw Huang Jinglei's complexion recovered a lot last night, so she didn't ask any more questions. Who knew that she would suddenly faint today, which made Zhang Xiao feel nervous and surprised at the same time. After all, a sudden faint can easily cause other trauma. This was a huge blow to Huang Jinglei.

"Boss, although Ms. Huang has been recuperating these days, she has no appetite. According to Lao Lu, Ms. Huang has eaten very little recently. I think her fainting this time may be due to lack of nutrition." Guo Feng said helplessly. .

Zhang Xiao was stunned for a moment, lack of nutrition, this is very ironic to him, the nutrition in Fenglin villa is not to mention everything, but it is enough to guarantee Huang Jinglei's nutrition, he never thought that Huang Jinglei would faint It turned out that it might be a lack of nutrition, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help falling into silence, and couldn't help but blame himself. He felt that it was because he didn't care enough for Huang Jinglei, which caused the current situation.

Zhang Xiao didn't speak, and Guo Feng also fell into silence, but there were other family members of patients outside the emergency operating room, and the noisy environment made Zhang Xiao feel a little annoyed.

Zhang Xiao waited outside the operating room for more than half an hour before Fang Huiping came out of the operating room, and Zhang Xiao rushed forward to meet her.

Fang Huiping took off her mask and said to Zhang Xiao: "Miss Huang is already awake. There is nothing serious about her fainting this time. It should be caused by hypoglycemia. However, the results of the examination show that she is in a very bad condition. The results are all low, so you have to be mentally prepared.”

Zhang Xia nodded, and asked helplessly, "Aunt Fang, what should I do now, when can she come out?"

"I'll come out in a while, but then I think it's better for her to stay in the hospital. She is very weak now and needs special care. And she still needs to be checked every day. After all, it is more convenient in the hospital, and in order to prevent Her condition has deteriorated further and she needs further treatment, and this examination found that her white blood cell count is extremely low, which is a very dangerous signal." Fang Huiping said helplessly.

Fang Huiping knows more about Huang Jinglei's situation. She also knows that Huang Jinglei doesn't want to recover. , Not to mention recovery, it is very difficult to maintain the current state.

Zhang Xiao nodded helplessly. He knew that hospitalization was necessary, but now Huang Jinglei was very opposed to the hospital. How to persuade Huang Jinglei to be hospitalized became the top priority.

At this moment, Huang Jinglei was pushed out of the operating room. Zhang Xiao quickly stepped forward, grabbed Huang Jinglei's hand, and asked with a forced smile, "How do you feel now? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, maybe it's because I ate less recently, and my blood sugar was low, which caused me to faint." Huang Jinglei's face was pale, without a trace of blood, but she still forced a smile and said to Zhang Xiao.

Looking at Huang Jinglei's face, Zhang Xiao tried not to let her tears flow down, and said to Huang Jinglei with a forced smile: "That's good, take good care of your illness. It will be fine one day."

Huang Jinglei nodded, did not speak, and closed her eyes, but tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

Zhang Xiao opened her mouth, but she was speechless and fell into silence. She just silently pushed the flat cart towards the ward.

Not long after, a group of people came to the ward, which was the special needs ward before. Huang Jinglei's belongings were still in the room, which saved a lot of trouble.

After Fang Huiping, Liao Qingyun and other doctors discussed together, Fang Huiping said to Zhang Xiao: "We have invited some experts to the conference room to organize consultations. If you have time, you can go and listen."

"Okay, I'll be there in a while." Zhang Xiao nodded in response.

After Fang Huiping left with the doctors, Huang Jinglei suddenly opened her eyes, waved to Zhang Xiao, and signaled Zhang Xiao to come over.

"What's the matter, what's wrong?" Zhang Xiao came to Huang Jinglei's side, saw that Huang Jinglei was about to get up, and couldn't help asking.

"Xiaoxiao, I have something to tell you." Huang Jinglei said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded and waved to Guo Feng and others. Guo Feng nodded and left the ward with his aunt and nurses.

"Okay, it's just the two of us now. If you have anything to say, you can say it." After everyone left, Zhang Xiao helped Huang Jinglei to sit up against the pillow and said.

"Xiaoxiao, I know that my disease cannot be cured, and I don't want to spend the rest of my time in this hospital bed. I want to go outside to see the world and the great rivers and mountains of my motherland. I want to Before you die, you can take a look at the most beautiful scenery in the world." Tears flowed from the corners of Huang Jinglei's eyes, but her voice was very steady, obviously this was a decision she made after a long time of thinking.

"Sister Lei, don't be too pessimistic. I think as long as you cooperate with the doctor's treatment, recovery is still possible. And we must face all this with the most positive attitude and be full of hope for the future, otherwise no matter how good the treatment plan is It will also be greatly discounted." Zhang Xiao disagrees with Huang Jinglei's self-abandonment, and traveling outside at this time is undoubtedly giving up treatment, which is unacceptable to Zhang Xiao.

Because Zhang Xiao knew very well that once she left the hospital, Huang Jinglei's life could only be counted in days, which Zhang Xiao could not accept no matter what.

"Xiaoxiao, you don't need to lie to me anymore. Actually, I know my own physical condition. Now every night, every part of my body is in pain. I dare not say it, let alone think about it, because I know the result , The hardest hit is you and my grandma, I only hope that after I die, you can help me take care of my grandma." Huang Jinglei said silently with tears in her eyes.

Because Huang Jinglei knows very well that in this world, Zhang Xiao may be the only person he can rely on, and her grandma is now in her 70s.

She was afraid that after she passed away, grandma would not be able to bear such a blow and would go with her. That would be a real tragedy in the world.

Zhang Xiao looked at Huang Jinglei's firm gaze, but fell silent. Huang Jinglei had obviously reached the final stage of her life. The reason why she wanted to give up treatment was not for other reasons, but to live with more dignity, while lying in bed. She could not accept lingering on the hospital bed.

But Zhang Xiao couldn't bear Huang Jinglei to leave like this, so he said: "I will go to the expert consultation in a while and listen to what they say. If there is really no hope at all, then I will accompany you to see it." Look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland."

Seeing that Zhang Xiao's tone had softened, Huang Jinglei nodded and said, "I'll go with you, I also want to know my actual situation."

Zhang Xiao shook his head, and said firmly, "Hey, wait for me here, I'll go and listen to what they have to say."

How could Zhang Xiao ask Huang Jinglei to attend the expert consultation? He was really afraid that Huang Jinglei would collapse after hearing the real situation. If that was the case, all efforts might be in vain.

Huang Jinglei nodded, and lay obediently on the hospital bed, seeming to be persuaded by Zhang Xiao.

Seeing Huang Jinglei's cute appearance, Zhang Xiao covered her with a thin blanket, then got up and left the ward, heading towards the meeting room not far away.

When Zhang Xiao came to the meeting room, he found that many doctors had gathered in the meeting room, and Huang Jinglei's medical records were placed in front of everyone, obviously they had already read the medical records.

When the doctors saw Zhang Xiao coming in through the door, Fang Huiping stood up from her seat and introduced: "This is Mr. Zhang Xiao, the chairman of Hongyuan Group, and the family member of patient Huang Jinglei. These are experts from various departments." , all came here because of Ms. Huang's illness, and are currently discussing a treatment plan."

Zhang Xiao saluted everyone and said, "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this consultation. On behalf of Ms. Huang, thank you all. I hope you can come up with a reasonable treatment plan as soon as possible, please."

Zhang Xiao's identity and seriousness made many doctors feel pressure. After all, they didn't know Huang Jinglei's identity at first, but now that they knew it, they became more cautious.

"Mr. Zhang, you don't have to be so polite. It is our duty to treat patients. However, we all read the medical records and found that Ms. Huang's condition is much more serious than we imagined before. We want to treat the patients thoroughly. Recovery is basically an impossible thing, even if you want to maintain the current state, it is very difficult, so our treatment plan is mainly conservative treatment, with the purpose of prolonging the patient's life as much as possible." A doctor in his 50s said to Zhang Xiao, his words were very serious, and what he said was what all doctors meant.

Zhang Xiao nodded helplessly and said: "I know that Miss Huang's condition is very serious, and it is very difficult for you to come over now as a doctor, so I promise here that no matter what the final result is, I will not go Hold anyone accountable. But now that the patient is very weak, I hope everyone can make a plan as soon as possible."

With Zhang Xiao's guarantee, all the doctors couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, after all Zhang Xiao put a lot of pressure on them before.

The doctors began to discuss based on Huang Jinglei's condition.

Zhang Xiao couldn't understand a lot of medical terminology, but Zhang Xiao knew very well that so many experts couldn't come up with a safe treatment plan, which on the other hand showed that Huang Jinglei's condition was already very serious. The doctor dared to guarantee that his plan would be effective.

Zhang Xiao is very helpless at the moment, in the face of the turbulent illness, life is so fragile.

When all the doctors were discussing, they didn't find the door of the conference room. Huang Jinglei had heard everything they said. As the saying goes, a long illness makes a doctor. Huang Jinglei read a lot of books about cancer during this time. After hearing some words from the doctors, she knew that the cancer cells had spread to her whole body, which she never thought of.

Hearing this, Huang Jinglei had no intention of listening anymore, and she collapsed on the ground as if her bones had been removed.

The sound of the door made everyone stop talking, Zhang Xiao hurriedly ran out, but saw Huang Jinglei who was slumped on the ground, his face changed suddenly, because he knew that Huang Jinglei might have known about his illness.

All the doctors in the meeting room couldn't help but looked at each other, not knowing how to deal with the situation.

Huang Jinglei stood up with Zhang Xiao's support, and asked with a relieved expression: "Doctor, please tell me how long I can live."

All the doctors were silent. After all, they were dealing with patients, and even the slightest mistake could be criticized by others.

"Sister Lei, why are you here? Aren't you resting in the ward?" Zhang Xiao knew the embarrassment of the doctors, and said to Huang Jinglei helplessly, "Let's go back, the doctor will tell us when he has a treatment plan."

Huang Jinglei looked firmly at all the doctors in the conference room, but seeing that no one answered her words, she couldn't help but walked towards the ward with Zhang Xiao's support in a sad mood.

After Zhang Xiao helped Huang Jinglei to lie down on the hospital bed, she said, "Sister Lei, since you already know, I won't hide it from you. Your condition is very serious now. Even so, we can't do nothing. Do it, just wait for death to come, so we still have to face all this positively and strive to live for a while longer."

"Xiaoxiao, what's the point of my life now, just lying on the hospital bed like this? I don't want to do this. I want to see the world in the next time. Why can't you agree?" Huang Jinglei suddenly Sitting up, he shouted loudly to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiaona was speechless, but how could he agree with Huang Jinglei to leave like this, so he could only comfort him: "Maybe a miracle will happen during the treatment, we can't give up any hope now."

Huang Jinglei lay down on the hospital bed angrily, wrapped herself in a blanket, not wanting to listen to Zhang Xiao's persuasion.

Zhang Xiao was also very helpless about this. After all, Zhang Xiao was negligent and forgot to let her aunt and nurses take care of Huang Jinglei before leaving. Now that Huang Jinglei knew about her condition, things became more troublesome. www.cascoo.

"I'm sorry, boss, we were negligent." Guo Feng said standing behind Zhang Xiao at the moment.

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