When Zhang Xiao won the men's long jump championship at the World Championships, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night in China, but Du Debon, the president of Adidas Asia Pacific, was not sleepy. When Zhang Xiao won the men's long jump championship on TV, he couldn't bear I couldn't help jumping up from the chair, shouting loudly: "Good! Very good!"

Although Du Debang was full of confidence in Zhang Xiao before the game, he was excited when the dust finally settled. After all, in his mind, as long as Zhang Xiao can win a gold medal, then the investment would not be considered a loss. And if Zhang Xiao can win the men's 100-meter race, then this investment will be rewarded hugely.

Before the start of the World Championships, with the promotion of advertisements, the sales of Adidas sports brand series continued to rise, and now it has far exceeded expectations. It is foreseeable that once Zhang Xiao wins the men's 100-meter championship in the World Championships, as Zhang Xiao's only An agent of a sports brand, Adidas will be rewarded handsomely.

Du Debang didn't feel sleepy at the moment, because he knew that the competition two hours later was the top priority, the men's 100-meter final.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao was already standing on the awarding platform. With the playing of the national anthem and the rising of the national flag, Zhang Xiao was full of excitement. After all, this was not just his personal honor.

After the awards ceremony, Zhang Xiao returned to the lounge and began to prepare for the next men's 100-meter race. For this event, Zhang Xiao valued it the most. After all, the men's 100-meter race was hailed as the crown of track and field competitions. How can not lose.

Wang Jinming looked at Zhang Xiao who was preparing for the competition wholeheartedly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. After all, for a talented player like Zhang Xiao, their coaching staff can only do so much, but no matter how much they do, as long as Zhang Xiao can win the championship, the results Of course they have a share.

Before the competition, Wang Jinming paid a lot in order to get the position of leader of Zhang Xiao's training team, but Zhang Xiao has already rewarded him at this moment. Although it is only a gold medal, he has already completed half of his task. Being able to win the men's 100-meter race is considered a successful mission.

At eight o'clock, Zhang Xiao was already standing on the runway of the [-]-meter final. Zhang Xiao, who was on the second runway, had already finished warming up and was waiting for the start of the race.

"Everyone take your place! Get ready!"


The sound of the starting gun symbolized the official start of the men's 100-meter race final. Everyone subconsciously stopped breathing, for fear that their own breathing would make them miss this wonderful ten seconds.

Zhang Xiao's speed was very fast, but the people following him were only one body apart, such a distance was extremely unsafe.

Zhang Xiao subconsciously accelerated the frequency of her steps, and immediately surpassed the other players around her by a large margin, and reached the finish line first.

Zhang Xiao's results were immediately displayed on the electronic timer.

9 second 68!

And No.2's result is 9 seconds 82, although it is already very good, but it is only the runner-up.

At this moment, thunderous applause broke out in the stands, and countless people stood up to sing and dance. What they saw now was that Zhang Xiao's performance had broken a new record, which was a big step forward for people's pursuit of sports speed.

Zhang Xiao was in a very excited mood at the moment. After receiving the national flag from Wang Jinming, he immediately started running again, running around the field, letting the flags of the audience flutter.

At this moment, Wang Jinming embraced the coaching staff, weeping with joy. After all, Zhang Xiao has already won two championships so far, and he has already achieved his goal ahead of schedule.

On the way back to the hotel, Wang Jinming smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "Tomorrow you only need to participate in the 400-meter semi-final, and the time is at 07:30 in the evening. You can take a good rest."

Zhang Xiao nodded, smiled and said, "Actually, I don't feel tired. I didn't do much exercise this day."

"That's true, but it's better to take a break and adjust your state. The intensity of the next few games will not be small. Although the time is staggered, you still have to be careful." Wang Jinming is in a very good mood at the moment, after all Zhang Xiao's results The better, the more capital he has as the leader of the training group.

Zhang Xiao nodded. In fact, Zhang Xiao should be more calm in the next race. After all, this is not like the men's 100-meter race. If you make a mistake, you may lose your name.

In the 400 meters and 500 meters, Zhang Xiao can make up for all mistakes with his strong physique, and Zhang Xiao does have an advantage.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Xiao ate a delicious and nutritious meal, watched the replay of the game on TV, and felt very emotional. This time, Zhang Xiao’s purpose for coming to the World Championships is very simple, that is, to collect all the medals he can get. get it.

Among the four races that Zhang Xiao signed up for, Zhang Xiao is actually most worried about the men's 100-meter race. After all, there are too many variables. Whether it is the start or the rhythm, it is very important. If you make a mistake, you may lose it.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao has already won the championship in the men's 100m race, so there is not much worry about the rest.

But when Zhang Xiao was resting after eating, there was a wave of publicity for Zhang Xiao in China. After all, with the rapid development of the domestic economy at this time, people became more confident and proud, and Zhang Xiao won the men's 100-meter championship Just in time.

With the overwhelming publicity in domestic newspapers, as the only brand represented by Zhang Xiao, the sales of Adidas ushered in a blowout period, and various orders were continuously sent to Adidas.

In the following time, Zhang Xiao's competition was relatively easy. On August 23, Zhang Xiao participated in the semi-finals of the men's 400 meters. On the 24th, Zhang Xiao won the championship in the men's 400 meters final.

This is Zhang Xiao's third championship in this World Championship.

On August 25th, Zhang Xiao participated in the men's 500-1-meter competition and entered the semi-finals with the No.[-] result in the group.

On August 26, Zhang Xiao broke the current world record in the men's 500-meter semi-final with a time of 3:24.

On August 28, Zhang Xiao won the men's 500m championship and broke the world record he had set the day before, shortening his time to 3:23.

After Zhang Xiao's competitions are all over, the competitions of all participating members of the track and field team are all over. In this World Championships, the national track and field team's immersion is not good. If it weren't for Zhang Xiao's four gold medals, the national team's There is only one gold medal, and it is in the women's [-]-kilometer race walk, and another silver medal is also won in the women's [-]-kilometer race walk.

And Zhang Xiao's four gold medals not only broke the number of gold medals in 1993, but also restored the decline of the national track and field team in recent years, which can be said to be of great significance.

"Tomorrow we will return to China after the closing ceremony. Everyone can take a rest. Those who need to go out should report in advance, and we will arrange staff to accompany them." Sun Minghao, as the team leader of this World Championship, said happily at the moment .

Being abroad, many people actually want to go out and buy some gifts, but before the competition, everyone consciously stayed in the hotel, but now that all the competitions have ended, Sun Minghao is still happy to give Everyone is on vacation.

"Zhang Xiao, let's go out for a stroll together, I'm almost suffocated to death if I stay in the hotel every day." Huang Yi said to Zhang Xiao.

Huang Yi is the person who is most familiar with Zhang Xiao in the track and field team. After all, Zhang Xiao and Huang Yi were teammates when Zhang Xiao was in the provincial team. This World Track and Field Championship is the last international competition that Huang Yi participated in. Huang Yi is about to retire. Although he has not achieved any results, as the No.1 in domestic track and field, Huang Yi is not too frustrated. After all, he knows that this day will come sooner or later, but he did not expect it to be so soon.

"Okay, wait for me to change my clothes." Zhang Xiao didn't have any resistance to going shopping, after all, when he came to a foreign country, it would be nice to buy some local specialties.

Zhang Xiao and Huang Yi were walking on the streets of Seville, visiting small shops from time to time to look at local specialties, and the accompanying staff were responsible for translation.

"What are your plans after you retire?" Zhang Xiao asked Huang Yi.

"I should be a physical education teacher in college. Although some people suggested that I join the government department before, I think it is better for me to be a teacher and it is easier to adapt." Huang Yi said with a smile. As an athlete, Huang Yi is actually a Not only that, at the age of 28, he has already obtained a master's degree in kinesiology, so it is good to be a teacher in a university. www.cascoo.

"That's good too." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"Oh, I really envy you. After returning to China this time, you who won four gold medals will definitely be sought after by many people." Huang Yi said enviously. Her grades are much better, but she is still not good enough in front of Zhang Xiao.

"I don't pay much attention to these." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said softly.

Huang Yi suddenly felt that he had suffered a critical blow of [-] points. It is ironic that a person who has won four gold medals told him that he did not value the championship.

Huang Yi felt that he shouldn't go out shopping with Zhang Xiao, and couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

But Zhang Xiao was talking about the price with the owner of the small shop with great interest at the moment. After all, Zhang Xiao immediately fell in love with those pieces of Toledo gold and silver inlaid ornaments, which is rarely seen in China.

Soon, Zhang Xiao took these Toledo gold and silver inlaid ornaments into his pocket, which made Huang Yi a little envious.

"Let's try Iberian ham. I heard that you must taste Iberian ham when you come to Spain, just like you must eat roast duck when you come to Beijing." Zhang Xiao saw Huang Yi's embarrassment, and pointed The restaurant not far away said with a smile.

"Okay, but you want a treat." Huang Yi said with a smile.

"No problem." Zhang Xiao readily agreed. Zhang Xiao still admired Huang Yi very much. After all, Zhang Xiao took Huang Yi's hard work into his heart. Although he didn't get any results, it was because of his poor talent.

After entering this store and looking at the not-so-big restaurant, Zhang Xiao found out that there is something strange inside. There are many customers under the yellow light, and the soft music is thinking in the restaurant, giving people a feeling of soothing.

After Zhang Xiao, Huang Yi and the translator in the team sat down at a table under the guidance of the waiter, Zhang Xiao looked at the menu that he didn’t understand a word, and said to the translator with some helplessness: “We each have a steak, Then ask for an Iberian ham, and for soup, Andalusian cold soup, and for wine, I heard that the fruit wine here is good, and we can try it too."

After hearing what Zhang Xiao said, the interpreter nodded immediately, and looked at Zhang Xiao with admiration. After all, he knew Spanish food because of learning Spanish, but Zhang Xiao was very familiar with several Spanish delicacies. clicked out.

But the translator didn't ask too much, but explained to the waiter, and the waiter left after taking notes.

"Zhang Xiao, I didn't expect you to know so much about Spanish food. It's incredible." Huang Yi said with a cheerful smile.

"Food is my hobby, so every time I go to a city or place, I will learn about the local food. This time I came to Seville to compete, but I have done enough homework." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Huang Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Then I have to eat my fill today, after all, I will retire soon, so I won't have to eat the team's nutritious meals all the time."

Looking at Huang Yi's appearance, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded, because he knew Huang Yi's bitterness in his heart. Retirement is an indescribable pain for every athlete. Although Huang Yi's retirement life basically has no major problems, But what Huang Yi is best at is still running, and becoming a teacher is just a helpless move.

"Don't think so much, life always has to go on, if you are not going well in school, you can call me." Zhang Xiao comforted with a smile. For Zhang Xiao, it is much easier to solve some people's employment , and Huang Yi's tenacity and fighting spirit are also what Hongyuan Group needs.

"I'm fine, but I hope you can stay on the field for a few more years, which can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of our track and field athletes." Huang Yi said after taking a sip of the fruit wine brought by the waiter.

Zhang Xiao nodded with a wry smile and said, "Brother Huang, I will try to run for as many years as possible."

The food came out soon, Zhang Xiao took a bite of Iberian ham, couldn't help but her eyes lit up and said in praise: "It's delicious, really good."

The taste of Iberian ham is salty and fresh, and it tastes delicious after the mouth. It is worthy of being a special delicacy in Spain. It is well-deserved to be famous all over the world.

Huang Yi also tasted a couple of mouthfuls, then smiled and said, "It's really delicious, but I heard it's very expensive."

"Then I don't know, but no matter how expensive it is, how expensive it can be." Zhang Xiao said indifferently, after all, to him, consumption like food and drink is nothing at all.

Huang Yi immediately kept silent, and even the Iberian ham in his mouth didn't smell very good. For a big dog like Zhang Xiao, eating and drinking is really not a luxury.

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