Zhang Xiao reflected on the process of the 100-meter race just now, and suddenly recalled that when he started, he was a little slower than other athletes, which affected his performance. Fortunately, this is not the final, but just the preliminaries. The first score goes to the final.

Zhang Xiao himself also analyzed the reason why Zhang Xiao started slowly. Zhang Xiao's attention caused Zhang Xiao's starting speed to slow down after the sound of the starting gun.

After the urine test, Zhang Xiao came to the venue of the men's long jump competition.

The men's long jump competition is different from the men's 100-meter competition. The men's long jump competition starts with a qualifying round, and after the qualifying round is the final. That is to say, Zhang Xiao only needs to beat two long jumps to be considered finished.

In the men's 100m competition, Zhang Xiao needs to go through the preliminaries, semi-finals, and finals. The other 400 meters and 500 meters are the same as the men's 100 meters competition, which requires three competitions.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiao was resting on the long jump field, after all, it was not his turn yet.

Looking at the long jump results of other athletes, Zhang Xiao immediately had an idea. After all, the other athletes' long jump results were only [-] meters, which was far from Zhang Xiao's test results.

Soon, it was Zhang Xiao's turn to compete, but all the players in the long jump competition were compared with themselves. After all, this is an individual event. Whether you can do it has nothing to do with other things, but with your own state.

Zhang Xiao stretched her body at the run-up line, ran forward without any hesitation, stepped on the take-off board, and immediately flew into the air, then landed heavily in the sandpit.

Zhang Xiao stood very steadily, without retreating a bit, then Zhang Xiao walked forward out of the bunker, waiting for the staff to measure.

Soon, the measurement result came out, 8 meters 94, although not Zhang Xiao's best result, but this result is still very good, so Zhang Xiao has no plans to re-jump.

After the referee's confirmation, Zhang Xiao's results were immediately announced. Although it was only a qualifying round, such a result was enough to qualify for the final.

Today is the first day of the World Athletics Championships. Zhang Xiao only needs to participate in these two competitions. After the competition, Zhang Xiao left the field and headed for the rest room.

"Zhang Xiao, the results of the 100-meter race today are not good." Wang Jinming said to Zhang Xiao at this moment.

"Yes, the start was a bit slow today." Zhang Xiao explained solemnly. After all, this is a world-class race, and no mistakes can be tolerated. Zhang Xiao also knows that the results of today's [-]-meter preliminaries were screwed up. of.

"What's the reason?" Wang Jinming asked nervously at the moment.

"It should be related to the fact that we call preparation in Chinese during training, but with today's lesson, I won't be careless tomorrow." Zhang Xiao solemnly promised.

"It's good that you know the reason. Speaking of it, it's because you have participated in fewer international competitions." Wang Jinming also breathed a sigh of relief at the moment. What he fears most is that Zhang Xiao's performance will drop due to injury. If so, the future of the World Championships will be uncertain.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and went to the bathroom in the lounge to wash off the dust on her body.

Zhang Xiao changed her clothes after taking a shower, and then drove towards the hotel with Wang Jinming in the car.

On the way back, Wang Jinming said to Zhang Xiao: "After we go back, we will practice more on your starting. Our coaching staff thinks that the biggest problem with your starting now is your slow response to English."

"I'm fine." Zhang Xiao immediately agreed. Even if Wang Jinming didn't say anything, Zhang Xiao would do extra training on her own. After all, no matter if it's the [-]-meter race or other track and field competitions, if the start is a little slower, the final result will have a big impact This is what Zhang Xiao doesn't want to see.

After returning to the hotel, Wang Jinming took Zhang Xiao to the hotel's training room and began to give Zhang Xiao extra training.

However, it didn't take long. After Zhang Xiao's training, the control of the start has become the same as in China, which makes Wang Jinming very gratified.

While eating dinner, Zhang Xiao watched the report on today's World Championships on TV. Zhang Xiao was very surprised to see that his [-]-meter race result ranked first in today's preliminaries, which surprised him.

"Mr. Wang, my result in the 1-meter race today is No. [-]?" Zhang Xiao asked Wang Jinming.

"Yes, I'm surprised. Actually, I was also surprised. It seems that all the players in today's competition did not perform at their best, but the result of 9 seconds is already very good, but the semifinals and finals will be next, athletes. Your state may return to the peak, you still have to show your best state, only in this way can you become the champion." Wang Jinming nodded and said, in fact, Wang Jinming knew this result a long time ago, but he did not tell Zhang Xiao That's all, he was afraid that Zhang Xiao wouldn't pay attention to training.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood Wang Jinming's painstaking efforts, nodded with a smile and said, "Teacher Wang, don't worry, I will try my best to adjust my state to the best."

Wang Jinming nodded, but he still asked: "You will participate in the 10-meter preliminaries at 30:400 tomorrow morning, the semi-finals of the men's [-]-meter race at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, and the long jump finals at [-] o'clock. Not only that, tomorrow It will be the final of the [-]-meter race at [-] o'clock in the evening. The schedule of the World Championships is very intensive, so you must have a good rest tonight and adjust your state."

Zhang Xiao is actually a little depressed and helpless in his heart. The schedule of this World Athletics Championships is very intensive, which is not friendly to people like Zhang Xiao who have registered for multiple competitions. But the schedule has been set, and Zhang Xiao can only adapt to it. .

After dinner, Zhang Xiao returned to the room, practiced Tai Chi several times, and then went to bed to sleep. After all, only by resting well can he adjust his state to the best.

At six o'clock the next morning, Zhang Xiao woke up on time, and the jet lag was completely reversed.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao started to do some warm-up exercises in the room. After all, he was in a different place and didn't have many conditions to do sports, and Zhang Xiao didn't want to go to the competition venue and wait.

It was not until 09:30 that Zhang Xiaocai, Wang Jinming and others went to the competition venue together.

After arriving at the competition venue, Zhang Xiao first went for a routine urine test before heading towards the 400-meter competition venue.

The 400-meter competition venue is no different from domestic stadiums, but the players who participated in the 400-meter preliminaries with Zhang Xiao are from all over the world. They are all players who have participated in many world-class competitions. a newcomer.

But they all know Zhang Xiao's current strength clearly, and no one will underestimate Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao's 100-meter result really made them feel incredible. After all, there are not many people of yellow race appearing in world track and field competitions. And fewer people can run within 10 seconds.

The 400-meter race has a fixed track, and Zhang Xiao’s preliminaries are on the fifth track. Zhang Xiao still observes the direction and situation of the track according to his own habits. Although this is a venue for world competitions, Zhang Xiao still dare not have it A little carelessness.

What happened yesterday was a wake-up call for Zhang Xiao. Accidents are everywhere. Zhang Xiao doesn't want to be eliminated because of accidents.


With the sound of the starting gun, all the participating athletes rushed forward quickly. Zhang Xiao learned the lesson from yesterday and started very fast.

Zhang Xiao rushed to the front at the beginning of the game, leaving the other players far behind, and soon led No.2 by three or four meters. www.cascoo.

"come on!"

"Zhang Xiao, come on!"

Earth-shattering shouts came from the auditorium, and the sound of cheering made people excited. Even Zhang Xiao felt a little excited at the moment, and couldn't help but walk a little faster. After all, in a foreign country, he could hear pure Chinese. Refueling is very rare.

Soon, Zhang Xiao crossed the finish line, much faster than No.2.

After the results were shown on the big screen, all the people who cheered for Zhang Xiao couldn't help cheering.

41 seconds 57.

Looking at the results on the big screen, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but waved his fist vigorously. After all, such a result was 0.5 seconds faster than his best result.

Don't underestimate this half a second. The results of world track and field competitions are often far behind by 0.1 seconds. Except for Zhang Xiao, everyone's results are improved by 0.1 seconds.

The time of 41 seconds made the other players in Zhang Xiao's group feel depressed. After all, Zhang Xiao left them all behind by a large margin, which made them extremely aggrieved.

It's a pity that in this world, the winner is king after all. Wherever Zhang Xiao went, he was surrounded by countless flashing lights, while the other contestants could only be reduced to foils.

However, after the game, Zhang Xiao did a routine urine test and returned directly to the hotel without staying on the field. After all, there was still some time before the afternoon game.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Xiao took a shower and practiced Taijiquan according to his usual habits. After all, Zhang Xiao’s greatest wish now is to practice Taijiquan to a high level, so Zhang Xiao will spend more time on it. Practice boxing.

At 100:[-] p.m. local time, it was the semi-final of the men's [-]-meter race. Zhang Xiao was warming up on the third runway, and he was surrounded by black and white people, and Zhang Xiao was the only person of yellow race.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional. For a long time, in the track and field, it was extremely rare for people of yellow race to win the championship. Zhang Xiao obviously became the hope in many people's hearts.

Time passed by every minute, and with the referees in place, the race was about to start. The [-]-meter race was the crown of track and field, and the semi-finals naturally attracted a lot of media attention.


With the sound of the starting gun, the eight athletes rushed forward quickly, and Zhang Xiao, who did not stop at the start today, surpassed many previous champions and made everyone crazy.

"Zhang Xiao, come on!"

"come on!"

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling excited as the cheers were cheered in Chinese, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Zhang Xiao took the lead to cross the key point, and Zhang Xiao's results were displayed on the big screen immediately.

9 second 76!

Immediately there was intense cheering in the stands, and the southwest corner of the competition venue suddenly became a sea of ​​red. The audience from all over the country sang and danced to celebrate Zhang Xiao's entry into the men's one-meter final.

Looking at his results, Zhang Xiao nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time did not forget to wave to the people in the stands.

After the semi-finals, Zhang Xiao still needs to participate in the men's long jump final at 100 o'clock and the men's [-]-meter final at [-] o'clock. After all, there are so many events to be completed within ten days, and the schedule is very tight.

After Zhang Xiao came out of the inspection center, he didn't go back to the hotel, but went directly to the lounge of the national team to rest.

An hour later, Zhang Xiao, who had a short rest, began to go to the venue of the men's long jump competition under the leadership of Wang Jinming. After all, the final was about to begin.

"Zhang Xiao, the best result of all the players in the men's long jump competition is 8 meters, which is 57 centimeters away from your result, but you still have to be careful on the field, after all, accidents are everywhere." Wang Jinming Talking to Zhang Xiao about the results of the men's long jump contestants, he told Zhang Xiao.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I'll take care of it." Zhang Xiao took a deep breath and looked at the bunker not far away.

At this moment, the men's long jump final is about to start, and Zhang Xiao's entry order is ranked fifth, which is considered a relatively favorable position.

Zhang Xiao started the warm-up exercise, but for Zhang Xiao, such an intensive game consumes a lot of energy, not because of the consumption of the game itself, but also the consumption of the warm-up before the game.

The continuous entry of long jump contestants did not affect Zhang Xiao, because their results did not pose a threat to Zhang Xiao.

Soon it was Zhang Xiao's turn to enter the field. Zhang Xiao wiped the sweat off his body with a towel and came to the run-up area. After the referee confirmed his identity, Zhang Xiao rushed forward without hesitation.

It has to be said that Zhang Xiao's run-up is a big advantage. After all, Zhang Xiao's speed is very fast. He can increase his speed to the peak by almost 20 meters, and the run-up track of the long jump competition just allows Zhang Xiao to increase his speed to the fastest. .

As Zhang Xiao fell into the bunker, the staff immediately stepped forward to measure!

9 meters 05!

Zhang Xiao's competition result broke the record again. When Zhang Xiao's result was displayed on the big screen in the competition venue, everyone immediately cheered.

This is the first time in human history that the long jump breaks through the 9-meter barrier. It has been difficult for people to break through for decades. Even if previous athletes have jumped 9 meters, there is still a long way to go from 8 meters.

And Zhang Xiao's final score of 9 meters in the World Athletics Championships is enough to go down in history.

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