In the beginning, Zhang Xiao was only discussing the situation of the electronics industry base project with Ye Shijiang alone, but with the continuous analysis of the electronics industry base project, more and more people were called by Zhang Xiao to participate in the discussion.

After all, the electronics industry base project has become the top priority of Hongyuan Group's development this year. Zhang Xiao does not allow a single mistake in it. Such requirements are much higher, and there are naturally many more people participating in the discussion.

More importantly, Zhang Xiao's time is limited. Once he enters the field management center for training tomorrow, the time for dealing with company affairs will be greatly reduced, and the electronic industry base project will be difficult to finalize without Zhang Xiao's decision.

Time passed quickly during the discussion, and the discussion on the electronics industry base project had not been fully settled until noon.

After a simple lunch in the company's cafeteria, everyone continued to discuss without rest, and Tang Zhenhao, who had just returned to Beijing from Pengcheng, also participated, which made the discussion more detailed. The base project has a good foundation and is the person most familiar with the construction situation.

This time, the discussion on the electronics industry base project lasted until [-] pm, and the final plan was finalized. Although it was only a rough outline, it was still valuable. As for the filling of the content, Tang Zhenhao would lead people to complete it.

In the plan of the electronics industry base project, the total investment of the electronics industry base project is expected to reach 35 billion, and even the first phase investment is as much as 15 billion. Such a large-scale investment made many executives of the company unable to help but marvel. , although they all know the strength of the group, but this is the first time they have seen such a large-scale investment and construction.

Not only that, but Zhang Xiao also deployed personnel according to the situation of the electronics industry base project. As a result, the number of people participating in the electronics industry base project has also increased a lot. In addition to Tang Zhenhao as the general manager, Ye Shijiang and the Ministry of Supervision are in charge Follow up, and the finance department and the personnel department also need to send personnel to join.

Coupled with the need to dispatch technical personnel from the microelectronics technology company to participate in the design and construction of the project, the personnel department needs to be responsible for the recruitment of employees and the training of new employees. In addition, the real estate company also dispatched several project managers according to the situation To be responsible for the construction of the project.

This suddenly increased the staff of the electronics industry base project, but with Tang Zhenhao in charge of on-site construction and Ye Shijiang in charge of manpower deployment and supervision, Zhang Xiao was not worried about any problems in the project.

After all, compared to other companies, the employees of Hongyuan Group not only have high wages and good treatment, but also equity if they work hard. Although it is only the right to dividends, it is something they dream of. No one will give up on themselves because of some petty profits. future.

But even so, Zhang Xiao was going to emphasize it at the meeting.

After the plan of the electronics industry base project was finalized, Zhang Xiao did not go back, but held a short meeting with Academician Ni, Ye Shijiang and the senior management of the Hongyuan Group headquarters.

"Next, I will go to the Field Management Center to train in order to prepare for the World Athletics Championships next month, so everyone will work harder in the next month." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, boss, we will do well." Ye Shijiang took the lead in expressing his attitude with a smile.

"I won't say anything superfluous, but I still have to talk about the ugly things. Everyone now holds shares in the company. Although they are not many, it also represents a change in everyone's identity. I hope everyone will strictly abide by the financial system, so as not to cause unnecessary troubles. Something happened." Zhang Xiao still issued a warning to everyone. After all, it involves an investment of 35 billion, and it is easy for people to be greedy. Warning in advance can also make people afraid, so they dare not reach out.

The company's senior executives in the conference room all nodded in agreement. After all, it involves such a large investment, they will be extra careful. After all, there is supervision from the Supervision Department, and various deputies are eyeing their positions. They dare not relax in the slightest. .

After the meeting, Zhang Xiao left Sun Ting, the chief financial officer, to discuss with her about fundraising.

"What's the status of the profits of each subsidiary in the first half of the year?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It has basically been handed over in proportion, and perhaps because of the increase in the group's projects, some subsidiaries have not only handed in the profit share for the first half of this year, but also returned the previously borrowed funds." Sun Ting said with a smile.

"Oh, it seems that everyone has a high sense of responsibility. Let's talk about the specific situation." Zhang Xiao's spirit lifted. He didn't expect that the subsidiary company had already started to return the funds.

"In addition to paying 5000 million yuan in profit, Xingsheng Glass Factory will also return the 4000 million yuan it borrowed from the group last year." Sun Ting continued to report, "Microelectronics Technology Company turned over 3000 million yuan in profits in the first half of this year. In the first half of the year, the chip factory turned over 7000 million yuan in profit, and the people's supermarket turned over [-] million yuan in profit."

"How much money is still in the group's account at present?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little happy when listening to Sun Ting's report. At present, except for the express company, which has not yet made a profit, other subsidiaries have made a lot of profits, especially the People's Supermarket and The chip factory is indeed a cash cow, which can support the construction of other projects of the group.

"At present, the group's general ledger still has 23 billion, which is enough to support the construction of the first phase of the electronics industry base project." Sun Ting said with a smile.

"Very good, but the financial approval system still needs to be strengthened. In addition, the construction funds of the electronics industry base and other projects must be earmarked for special use, and the construction of the electronics industry base project must be guaranteed." Zhang Xiao is in a good mood at this time, because he knows that, With the launch of various projects, the implementation of the financial system is the key. After all, human nature is greedy, and few people can resist the temptation of money. It is also the protection of these people to eliminate the greed of the company's top management from the source.

"Don't worry about the boss, I will take care of it." Sun Ting, as the financial director of Hongyuan Group, is Zhang Xiao's absolute confidant, and she knows Zhang Xiao's plan very well.

After Sun Ting left, Zhang Xiao didn't stay in the company for long, but went directly back to Fenglin Villa by car.

The next morning, after practicing the daily routine of Tai Chi, Zhang Xiao went to the Field Management Center by car after having breakfast.

The National Athletic Management Center is located in the gymnasium in the capital city. This is also the place where track and field athletes train. Although there are some training bases, this is the most commonly used place for track and field athletes.

When Zhang Xiao came to the Athletics Management Center, all the athletes in the Athletic Management Center had been training for the World Championships for nearly a month. After all, the country attached great importance to this World Championships, not only because of the results of the World Championships, but also The important thing is that the results of the World Championships determine the quota for next year's Olympic Games.

However, over the years, the results of the World Athletics Championships have not been very good. In 1993, the national track and field team created the best record in the World Championships. In that competition, the national team won 4 golds, 2 silvers and 2 bronzes. Second place on the gold medal list.

The results of the next two World Athletics Championships were mediocre, and people couldn't help but miss the results in 1993.

This year, because of Zhang Xiao, the king of track and field, the country and the people are full of hope for the world championships of the track and field team, which also puts great pressure on the leaders of the track and field management center.

When Zhang Xiao came to the field management center, the athletes and coaches who had just eaten and were about to eat after training saw him.

"Zhang Xiao is here, my male god, I finally see myself." A tall but good-looking female athlete said shyly while holding her heart in her hands.

"Sister, don't be disgusting, okay, do you think you are worthy of Zhang Xiao?" A male athlete next to the woman couldn't help retorting.

"Don't talk, I want to take a good look at my male god." The female athlete slapped the male athlete angrily, and said with some disgust.

At this moment, Sun Minghao, the director of the field management center who got the news, went up with a group of staff. They are so full today because today is the day when Zhang Xiao came to the field management center to report, so they couldn't help but pay attention to it.

Zhang Xiao took two quick steps, shook hands with Sun Minghao, then said with a smile, "Director Sun, I'm here on time."

Sun Minghao couldn't help laughing and said, "It's good that you're here, we're just waiting to see through, a lot of training is waiting for you to come."

"Director Sun, you are welcome. My projects are all single-person projects. It seems that there is nothing that requires everyone's cooperation." Zhang Xiao said slightly surprised.

Sun Minghao looked at the athletes around him, but he didn't say anything more to Zhang Xiao, but shouted to all the athletes: "Hurry up and take a shower and eat, we will meet in the conference room in an hour!"

Immediately, all the athletes rushed away. After all, one hour was quite urgent for them. Not only did they have to take a bath, but they also had to eat breakfast. This made them have to leave first when they wanted to see who Zhang Xiao was. .

After all the athletes left, Sun Minghao said to Zhang Xiao: "You go to the dormitory with Instructor Wang to settle down, and then come to the conference room."

"Okay." After Zhang Xiao agreed, she followed Instructor Wang towards the athlete's residence.

In the national team, Zhang Xiao doesn't have any acquaintances. The only person he knows is Sun Minghao, the director of the field management center. Unfortunately, because of the previous endorsement sharing agreement, although the two did not break each other, it is a pity that the relationship is not very good. If it weren't for Zhang Xiao's amazing grades and the fact that he had caught the attention of some people, Zhang Xiao felt that he might be blacklisted by Sun Minghao.

Although this is the national team, the accommodation for the athletes is still a double room, but perhaps because of Zhang Xiao's identity, a single room was arranged for him. Not only that, the room was clean and tidy, and all the bedding and supplies They are all new, not only that, even Zhang Xiao's sportswear has been placed in the cabinet.

"Zhang Xiao, you're satisfied after looking at it. Director Sun specially arranged this for you." Instructor Wang said with a smile.

"Satisfied, not bad." Zhang Xiao is still very satisfied with this room of more than 20 square meters.

At this time, Guo Feng had already put Zhang Xiao's suitcase in the room, and there were not many things, except for some change of clothes, which was Zhang Xiao's laptop.

"Mr. Wang, can we use the network cable in our dormitory?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking after seeing the laptop.

"Network cable?" Instructor Wang asked with some doubts.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing a little. The Internet has been developing rapidly for several years now. The network cable-based Unicom method is replacing dial-up Internet access and has become the mainstream mode. Naturally, the field management center can use the network cable to access the Internet, but for Instructor Wang It's still a little strange.

Hongyuan Group, as a high-tech enterprise that owns a microelectronics technology company, has become a standard configuration for communicating via e-mail. Zhang Xiao often uses e-mail as the main means of communication. The reason for the tube center.

Seeing that Instructor Wang was unclear, Zhang Xiao didn't ask any more questions, but planned to propose to Sun Minghao after the meeting that it shouldn't be difficult to pull a network cable to his room.

After getting the room key, Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng to leave. It was a holiday for Guo Feng and the others. After all, in the field management center, there was no need to worry about safety.

Zhang Xiao then followed Instructor Wang to the meeting room.

The conference room of the Field Management Center is very large. After all, it is not only used by the Field Management Center, but also used as a meeting place to hold some meetings.

The meeting was not long. After all, what Sun Minghao meant was firstly to emphasize training discipline, and secondly, to let everyone know Zhang Xiao. The most important thing is that there are only 40 days left before the World Championships, and the next step is to conduct internal training. Elimination, because not everyone is eligible to participate in the World Championships.

After the meeting, Zhang Xiao started warming up under the leadership of the coach. After all, Zhang Xiao has just entered the field management center and has to conduct the first physical test to make plans for Zhang Xiao's next training.

This time the field management center attaches great importance to Zhang Xiao's training. After all, Zhang Xiao is the guarantee of their results in this World Championships.

Only professional coaches arranged three for Zhang Xiao, plus assistant coaches, a training group consisting of more than a dozen people was established for Zhang Xiao after Zhang Xiao entered the field management center, headed by a 40-year-old coach Wang Jinming.

After half an hour of warming up, Wang Jinming said to Zhang Xiao: "Zhang Xiao, the next thing you need to do is to evaluate your sports. Although your condition is good, you still need to carry out the necessary procedures."

"I understand, I'm ready." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

Since Zhang Xiao's past achievements are really eye-catching, many people gathered around Zhang Xiao's evaluation.

The first thing Zhang Xiao will test is the long jump event, followed by 100 meters, 400 meters and finally 500 meters.

Zhang Xiao is already familiar with these things. Although the venue is different, it does not affect Zhang Xiao's performance. Moreover, although Zhang Xiao has not undergone high-intensity training this year, he still maintains the basic daily training.

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