"I understand. In fact, I have received many invitations to participate in various gatherings, but I declined them all. After all, I know the real reason why they invited me." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

"It's good that you understand." Sun Guangping looked at Zhang Xiao with appreciation. If he had a daughter, Zhang Xiao would be the best son-in-law anyway, but unfortunately he only has one son.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao sent Sun Guangping and his party downstairs. Before parting, Zhang Xiao said to Li Chunlai: "Uncle Li, contact me when you have time."

Li Chunlai nodded with a smile, did not say anything, but followed Sun Guangping into the car and left Hongyuan Building.

Zhang Xiao greeted Academician Ni and Ye Shijiang, and led them to the small conference room.

Zhang Xiao went straight to the point and said, "Leader Sun and I reached a verbal agreement just now. I plan to put the group's electronics industry base in Greentown. After all, we didn't get any response in Pengcheng. Obviously, building a factory in Pengcheng must be very difficult."

After Academician Ni and Ye Shijiang looked at each other, they were full of surprises. You must know that Zhang Xiao was advocating to build the electronics industry base in Pengcheng before. Why did Zhang Xiao change his mind so quickly? Could it be that he got some news.

"Boss, what made you change your mind?" Ye Shijiang asked, after all, he was more suitable to ask this matter than Academician Ni.

Zhang Xiao sighed, did not answer Ye Shijiang's question, but said, "What do you think of our Hongyuan Group's treatment in the capital?"

After thinking about it, Ye Shijiang said honestly: "From the perspective of the size of the group, the treatment must be greatly discounted."

"There are too many large enterprises in Beijing, and most of them are state-owned enterprises. After all, our Hongyuan Group is still a private enterprise. Whether it is preferential policies or other things, we have no advantages. The same is true for Pengcheng. Even if we successfully built factories in the past, There are very few preferential policies that can be obtained.”

"But Greentown is different. As a city in the Central Plains, its development is currently restricted by various aspects, and this is exactly our opportunity. After all, Henan Province has abundant labor resources. As a labor-intensive enterprise, the electronics industry accounts for a large part of the labor cost. A large part of the production cost, so we want to take the lead in the past, not only can get preferential policies but also have a good relationship with the local government."

"In addition, I am from Yu Province after all, so returning to my hometown to invest and build a factory can be regarded as contributing to the construction of my hometown."

Zhang Xiao explained his thoughts in detail, and there was nothing to hide. After all, both Ye Shijiang and Academician Ni are trustworthy.

Ye Shijiang nodded, and said with a smile: "Boss, Greentown is actually more suitable, and our previous plan included a plan to establish an electronics industry base in Greentown, but now it's just a rehash of old things. How to explain?"

"Tell me, what is there to explain? If they don't reply to me, why are we just waiting? I'll call Tang Zhenhao and bring his team back after a while, and the plan to build a factory in Pengcheng will be cancelled." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, He didn't care that this might offend Pengcheng's leadership.

After all, for Zhang Xiao, what happened in Pengcheng was a failed plan, and since it had already failed, he didn't want to waste his efforts.

"Boss, after all, Pengcheng exists as the leader of the national electronics industry base. Once the relationship becomes stagnant, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble." Academician Ni said at this moment.

"Don't stop being disturbed by it, and the world will be settled when the heart is fixed. As long as we do well, the rest of the troubles are nothing, and our own strength is the root." Naturally, Zhang Xiao knew the troubles, but he Now I see many things very clearly. When you are strong, there will naturally be countless people coming to cheer you up, even those who have a feud.

If weakness is the greatest original sin, then in business, poverty is the greatest original sin.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao thinks very clearly that these three years have experienced more than all the things he experienced in his previous life, and he has naturally grown up, looking at things no longer limited to one corner of the place, but can look at the problem from the overall perspective.

Just like the mobile phone project, the reason why Zhang Xiao applied for a production license was not just for that license, but to express his idea and determination to enter the mobile phone field, and to use the information department to obtain information about Hongyuan Group. Technology reveals some news, which attracts companies with production licenses to cooperate.

The same is true for the electronics industry base. Submitting the application to Pengcheng was just a trial, but he didn't expect Sun Guangping to come so soon.

Zhang Xiao's decision is the Hongyuan Group's decision. Ye Shijiang and Academician Ni saw that Zhang Xiao had made the decision, and the rest was the implementation issue, and Ye Shijiang was undoubtedly the best at the implementation issue.

Ye Shijiang pondered for a while and then said: "Then when Mr. Tang comes back, I will go to Greentown with him to see the sincerity of the local leaders in Greentown?"

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you and Old Tang, and I may not have much time to pay attention at that time." Seeing that Ye Shijiang agreed, Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

The next thing became much easier. After all, the direction has been set, and the rest is the negotiation of specific details. How to obtain more preferential policies, Ye Shijiang and Tang Zhenhao are better than Zhang Xiao.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao called Tang Zhenhao and told him about the plans to build the electronics industry base in Greentown.

"Boss, this is really great. I don't want to stay in Pengcheng for a long time. We're getting moldy these days." Tang Zhenhao said happily after hearing Zhang Xiao's words.

"Why are you so excited?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"Boss, to tell you the truth, I've been there several times in the past two days, but unfortunately they didn't reply at all on the grounds that they needed a meeting for research, which really pissed me off. And I've proposed to build the electronics industry base in Greentown before. Such an inland city can not only enjoy better preferential policies, but also save a lot of labor costs." Tang Zhenhao said a little bit aggrieved.

"Okay, stop complaining, come back quickly, and Mr. Ye will go to Greentown to negotiate together after you come back." Zhang Xiao said angrily, at this time Tang Zhenhao caught the reason and complained, making Zhang Xiao very speechless.

Immediately, Zhang Xiao hung up the phone without waiting for Tang Zhenhao to speak. After all, Tang Zhenhao's long-winded words made Zhang Xiao very helpless.

That night, after Zhang Xiao received a call from Li Chunlai, Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng to take Li Chunlai to Fenglin Villa.

"Uncle Li, why did you follow Gaoguan Sun to the capital?" Zhang Xiao asked Li Chunlai with some doubts after asking Li Chunlai to sit down.

Li Chunlai couldn't help but smiled and said, "Thanks to your investment in Xinglin County, I have now been transferred to work in the province, and I am currently working with Sun Gaoguan to attract investment."

"Congratulations to Uncle Li." Zhang Xiao said sincerely. After all, Li Chunlai helped him a lot in his previous life, but Li Chunlai in his previous life worked in the county until he retired.

"Actually, I should thank you. Without your investment, how could I work in the province now." Li Chunlai said with a smile, full of gratitude to Zhang Xiao in words.

"Then Gaoguan Sun came to our company this time at your suggestion?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Not exactly. After all, Hongyuan Group's current achievements are very eye-catching, and the province has already made plans. After I went to work in the province this time, Senior Official Sun asked me for my opinion, and I recommended it." After Li Chunlai took a sip of tea, he spoke.

Zhang Xiao nodded. It seems that Li Chunlai also played a big role, but fundamentally because Zhang Xiao is from Yu Province, the province will naturally give priority to Hongyuan Group's investment promotion work.

"Xiaoxiao, actually, I think you should return to the provincial capital to invest. You must know that the regional gap is getting bigger and bigger, and you also need a stable investment environment, and the provincial capital is undoubtedly the most suitable. People, wandering outside is not a long-term solution." Li Chunlai said in a deep tone.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said: "I didn't realize this before, but after I graduated and fully participated in the management of the enterprise, I discovered the constraints faced by Hongyuan Group. I am also looking for a way to break the situation."

Li Chunlai sighed and didn't say much. After all, it's not easy for him to reveal too much about the government to Zhang Xiao, but he believes that Zhang Xiao can feel it.

Li Chunlai didn't stay in Fenglin Villa for long, after having a sumptuous dinner, Zhang Xiao sent a driver to take him back.

After Li Chunlai left, Zhang Xiao fell into deep thought. What happened today made Zhang Xiao understand that it is very valuable to have a stable investment environment, and the arrival of Sun Guangping undoubtedly guided Zhang Xiao in the direction.

In Zhang Xiao's memory, the development of the provincial capital did not begin to develop vigorously until after 2010. As a city in the Central Plains, Greentown does not have the same advantages as coastal cities, but Greentown also has its own advantages, and Zhang Xiao has entered Greentown ahead of schedule. More favorable policies are available.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that Greentown also has its own shortcomings. The lack of colleges and universities makes it difficult for Greentown to become a gathering place for high-tech talents. Even after the R&D center is established, Zhang Xiao still needs to spend a lot of effort to deploy and recruit scientific and technological talents. .

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao went to the hospital first. Seeing Huang Jinglei's pale face, Zhang Xiao was very distressed, but Zhang Xiao had nothing to do.

"Tomorrow I will go to the field management center for training. You must be obedient in the hospital and strive to recover and be discharged as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao said to Huang Jinglei.

"Don't worry, I will listen to the doctor's words." Huang Jinglei looked very obedient at the moment, because she knew that Zhang Xiao went to the field management center to train this time for the upcoming World Championships, and she didn't want Zhang Xiao to worry about him.

After Zhang Xiao had breakfast with Huang Jinglei, she went to Fang Huiping's office.

"Aunt Fang, how is Huang Jinglei's situation? Is it working?" Zhang Xiao asked.

Fang Huiping nodded with a wry smile, and said with some helplessness: "The effect of chemotherapy is still there, and this is the first chemotherapy. It takes three chemotherapy treatments to know the preliminary results, but her condition is not very good. Optimistic, the expansion of cancer cells in her body is a bit fast."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little silent. Originally, in his opinion, Huang Jinglei was young after all. If she was actively treated, even if she couldn't fully recover, it would not be a problem to prolong her life.

But Fang Huiping's words made Zhang Xiao clearly understand that Huang Jinglei's condition was developing in the worst direction, which was the last thing Zhang Xiao wanted to see.

"You don't have to worry too much, no one will know the result until the last moment." Fang Huiping comforted Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao heard Fang Huiping's consolation, nodded and said: "Aunt Fang, you still have to control the treatment. After all, the current situation is a bit serious, and it is difficult for us laymen to help."

Fang Huiping nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will do my best. Next, I will invite doctors from other departments of the hospital to have another consultation on Ms. Huang's condition. Maybe there will be other better ways .”

"Then I'll leave everything to you." Zhang Xiao entrusted Zhengzhou.

Fang Huiping nodded and agreed.

On the way from the hospital to the company, Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, chemotherapy may not be the best way for Ms. Huang, why not try traditional Chinese medicine. You must know that traditional Chinese medicine has a precedent for curing cancer patients. "

Zhang Xiao sighed and said: "Of course I know the magic of Chinese medicine. I have invited experts to come for consultations before, but no one is willing to participate. After all, sister Lei's current situation is really serious, and few doctors are willing to take over. .”

Guo Feng couldn't help falling into silence, because he knew the truth of Zhang Xiao's words. After all, for these experts in Chinese medicine, they would never act recklessly when they were not sure. Only when the person is cured can they feel at ease. If the person cannot be saved, they will not dare to take the money, and it will also affect their reputation.

Not only that, although doctors can't be rich, they can live comfortably, and they value reputation more, which is why many doctors are unwilling to participate in Huang Jinglei's treatment plan.

After returning to the company, Zhang Xiao began to communicate with Ye Shijiang about the requirements of the electronics industry base. After all, Pengcheng’s plan did not apply to Greentown. The main reason was that the land in Greentown was easier to obtain, while the land in Pengcheng was much more difficult. , so there is a big difference in the construction area.

Coupled with the changes in investment funds, Zhang Xiao plans to follow the third phase of the project. After all, it is unrealistic to build a park all at once, and with the continuous development of social economy, production equipment is also constantly being updated. Phased construction is not only conducive to saving costs, but also can maintain the advanced nature of the equipment of the newly built electronics industry base.

Even if the production equipment of the electronics industry base is outdated and backward in the future, the normal operation of the factory area can be guaranteed through continuous rotation and updating.

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