Zhang Xiao, who was already standing on the run-up track, started running. With a [-]-meter sprint speed at the ten-second level, Zhang Xiao quickly ran across the run-up track for the long jump, stepped firmly on the springboard at the take-off point, and jumped into the air in an instant. Then, draw a beautiful parabola.

In the next second, Zhang Xiao landed steadily in the bunker, with his feet sunk deeply, and then Zhang Xiao stepped forward and left the bunker, waiting for the staff to measure.

A group of assistant coaches and staff ran forward one after another to measure Zhang Xiao's long jump performance, and the results came out soon.

8 meters 92.

"It's really amazing. We can't even keep up with just such a random jump." An athlete who also specializes in long jump sighed bitterly.

"Yes, I heard that he has three other events that are at the top level in the world, and he has broken the world record." A sprinter also said helplessly.

The athletes watching Zhang Xiao's test talked a lot, and Wang Jinming, the team leader who was in charge of Zhang Xiao's training, couldn't help but waved his fists, feeling grateful for the team leader he had won.

After all, almost every member of the team responsible for Zhang Xiao's training won their position after fierce competition. After all, in their eyes, Zhang Xiao is the guarantee of the results of the World Championships, and they, as Zhang Xiao's coaches, will naturally A rising tide lifts all boats.

And Wang Jinming, the team leader of the training team, used a lot of favors and paid a huge price to become the team leader of Zhang Xiao, the training team.

Zhang Xiao is not very satisfied with the results this time, but she has no idea of ​​doing the second round of long jump. After all, this is only the preliminary test results, and the pre-competition evaluation after more than a month is the most important.

"Zhang Xiao, the sports condition is good. Although the results are not as good as in the National Games, they are still very good." Wang Jinming praised with a smile. After all, once many athletes neglect training, their performance will drop quickly. Even trying to get back to peak form is impossible at times.

"It's still a bit worse." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said a little dissatisfied with his grades.

Others were speechless about Zhang Xiao's dissatisfaction. After all, in their opinion, Zhang Xiao's result was enough to win the world championship in long jump, and compared with Zhang Xiao's previous best result, it was only a few centimeters behind. That's all.

"Looking at Zhang Xiao's results, I feel that I have trained dogs all these years. It's really worth comparing goods and people." A man who has been focusing on long jump events said with a depressed face.

"Who says no? He hasn't run yet. I think I'm going to die." A man who has been running 400 meters said helplessly at this moment.

"Forget it, after this World Championships, if my performance still doesn't improve significantly, I may have to retire." A 27-year-old man couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly.

After hearing his words, the expressions of the few athletes around him couldn't help but dimmed.

As athletes, they are the most clear about the cruelty of the sports world. People will only remember the champion, No.1. As for No.2 and No.3, people will always ignore and forget them habitually.

After Zhang Xiao's long jump test, he still needs to test 100 meters, 400 meters, and finally 500 meters.

The men's 100m event is a popular event in track and field, because that short 10 seconds represents the speed limit of human beings, which is of great significance in all sports, and Zhang Xiao, as a person who once broke the world record, even The evaluation also attracted the attention of countless people, and almost all the people in the field management center came to the track.

However, in order to make the results of this test more realistic, Wang Jinming also asked several athletes practicing sprinting to run 100 meters with Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao stood on the fifth runway, moving her body, trying to adjust her condition to the best, and several athletes who accompanied her were also warming up on their respective tracks.

Although they knew that running with the prince was just to study with the prince, these athletes still took it seriously. After all, they also wanted to see their own strength. If they could surpass Zhang Xiao, then they would have the capital to brag about.


With the sound of the starting gun, Zhang Xiao rushed out like an arrow, galloping like lightning, and the other runners who accompanied him also rushed out the moment Zhang Xiao got up.

At this moment, the entire stadium fell into a deathly silence, and everyone held their breath, waiting for the announcement of the final result.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao can feel the sound of his heart beating violently. This feeling is very wonderful. It makes Zhang Xiao feel that with every beat of the heart, a large amount of blood is blown out, flowing through the whole body and then being pumped by the heart. Take it back.

Zhang Xiao is enjoying this feeling very much at the moment, but the time is very short, and the 100 meters have passed.

Zhang Xiao stopped rushing forward and looked at the electronic timer next to him.

9 seconds 71.

Such a result made everyone dumbfounded. After all, Zhang Xiao's 100-meter time was very good, surpassing his original best time of 9 seconds.

"Not bad, you're doing well, you are indeed the track and field king." Wang Jinming said with a smile at this moment, he could no longer care about reserve, and his big teeth were about to show in his smile.

"It's okay this time." Zhang Xiao is also satisfied with her 100-meter test results. After all, she hasn't had any formal training for such a long time. Even if she can maintain her condition, it's good, let alone a breakthrough.

The athletes who accompanied the runners didn't want to talk anymore. In Zhang Xiao's eyes, the unattainable results in their eyes became not bad. This made them, who have worked hard for more than ten years, how could they accept it.

Everyone couldn't help but sat down on the lawn beside the runway, watching Zhang Xiao start preparing for the 400-meter test.

This time, the coaches didn't ask anyone to run with them. After all, for Zhang Xiao, who is as outstanding as a runner, having someone to run with him has almost no effect, and it is also a blow to the people who run with him.

At this moment, all the muscles in Zhang Xiao's body have been fully activated, and he is in a state of excitement. Standing alone on the track, he feels the changes in his body. He was full of strength.

With the sound of the starting gun, Zhang Xiao rushed forward like an arrow.

In the eyes of others, Zhang Xiao is no longer running, but flying, and the short sleeves and shorts clinging to Zhang Xiao's body flutter backwards like a flag under the action of the air.

In this way, seeing Zhang Xiao's figure perfectly set off, many female athletes couldn't help but look sideways at him.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiao could feel the changes in his body. With the unfolding of the exercise, his body seemed to have recovered. It was running at a high speed, and his speed soared with every step he took.

Throughout the 400 meters, Zhang Xiao hardly slowed down, and almost rushed to the finish line in one breath.

And when Zhang Xiao reached the finish line, everyone looked at the electronic timer beside the track, and were stunned.

41 seconds 52.

This result once again broke Zhang Xiao's previous best result. Although it was only less than a second faster, for this kind of sprint, the usual results are calculated in milliseconds. Breakthroughs can be said to be changing the ceiling of this project.

At the moment, no one noticed that in the observation room on the second floor of the stadium, Sun Minghao, director of the field management center, and several staff members were accompanying two blond foreigners, watching Zhang Xiao's evaluation in the stadium.

Seeing Zhang Xiao perform so well, Sun Minghao couldn't help but smiled and said: "Mr. Du Debang, you have all seen Zhang Xiao's test results, such a high score is unprecedented, and if there are no accidents, Zhang Xiao will become a new generation of track and field king!"

The translator immediately translated Sun Minghao's words to Mr. Du Bond.

"Mr. Sun, you are right. Mr. Zhang Xiao is currently the fastest runner in the world. For such a talented player, he is the best partner for our Adillas Group. If the situation was not too complicated last year, we would I just signed the contract." Du Debang raised his eyebrows and said solemnly, at the same time regretting the original decision, after all, the life of Adidas in the past two years has not been easy, and the days of being under the pressure of Nike and other sports brands made them Painful and helpless.

"We are continuing our relationship. Although it is a bit late, the result is good." Sun Minghao also said with a smile, but he still has some heartache. After all, in terms of Zhang Xiao's achievements, the annual endorsement fee It was an astronomical figure, but as a result, two years of endorsement fees were lost for no reason. Even if the money couldn't be put into his pocket, Sun Minghao felt sorry.

"There won't be any problems this time. Have you negotiated with Mr. Zhang Xiao?" Du Debang, as the president of Adidas Asia, has not had a good life in the past two years. After all, the sales in Asia are not satisfactory. There are many people in the world who are eyeing his position. If it weren't for his past achievements, he would have been pulled down a long time ago.

Now Du Debang just wants to take advantage of Zhang Xiao's contract before the World Championships, and then take advantage of Zhang Xiao's brave advances in the World Championships, they can just launch publicity and gain more market share. With the rapid development of Huaguo, everyone is aware of the huge potential of Huaguo in the consumer market, which is an existence that none of them can ignore.

As a new generation of track and field king, Zhang Xiao's significance in China even exceeds his significance in the history of track and field, breaking the theory of race and physique, which is a powerful rebuttal to many people.

"It's completely settled. We have already signed the contract. We can hold the signing ceremony only after you agree." Sun Minghao said with a smile. As the director of the field management center, he naturally knows what happened to Du Debang. And now besides Adidas, there are many world-renowned sports brands that are interested in Zhang Xiao, and Sun Minghao can be regarded as confident now.

Du Debang is clear now that since Sun Minghao dared to increase Zhang Xiao's endorsement fee to 5000 million US dollars in three years, he must be fully aware of Adidas' situation, and he doesn't even have the courage to counter the price now. , because he got the news that Sun Minghao was in contact with sports brands such as Nike, which made him feel like a thorn in his back, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Mr. Sun, I agree. Let's sign the contract first, and then hold the signing ceremony." Du Debang took a deep breath and made up his mind, because he knew that with the approach of the World Championships, more and more Sports brands have all seen Zhang Xiao, the future track and field king. As long as there are no accidents and Zhang Xiao's sports status does not decline, then with Zhang Xiao just turning 19 years old, he will gallop in the world track and field for at least ten years.

And this is also an opportunity for Adidas. If Zhang Xiao's status as the king in the future is not shaken, then Adidas will be able to surpass Nike and other sports brands in one fell swoop and become the biggest king in the Asia-Pacific market.

Seeing that Du Debang agreed, Sun Minghao was overjoyed. Although the signing of the contract was two years late, Zhang Xiao's endorsement fee has risen to 5000 million US dollars a year. In this way, his contribution will definitely be known to the leaders .

Then Sun Minghao brought Du Debang to the meeting room and took out the contract that had been prepared.

Although Du Debang was in a hurry, he still asked the company's legal department to review the contract as soon as possible. After all, it was related to his status. If there was a problem with the contract, then his position as the president of the Asia-Pacific region would inevitably be untenable. yes.

There was no problem in the contract review, Du Debang immediately signed the contract, and Sun Minghao also signed the contract on behalf of the Field Management Center.

After the contract was signed, both Sun Minghao and Du Debang couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief to soothe their inner excitement.

Du Debang was a little anxious at the moment, and said to Sun Minghao: "Mr. Sun, can the signing ceremony be held tomorrow morning?"

"Of course, I know Mr. Du Debang's mood. In this regard, we will cooperate with your arrangement and hold the signing ceremony as soon as possible. However, you need to worry more about the payment of the endorsement fee." Sun Minghao said with a smile .

Although the endorsement contract of 5000 million U.S. dollars was signed, the payment is paid on an annual basis, which is also a request made by Adidas before.

In this regard, Sun Minghao has no objection, because he understands the benefits of a long flow of water, so at least during his tenure, Adidas will pay the endorsement fee every year, which is more meaningful than a one-time payment.

"I hope that the signing ceremony will be held in three days. In addition, Zhang Xiao will also cooperate with our company's advertising department to complete the shooting of the advertisement within three days." Du Debang said with a serious smile.

"It shouldn't be a problem, but I still need to communicate with Zhang Xiao before I can give you an answer." Sun Minghao said after pondering for a while.

"Sure, then I'll wait for the good news from Mr. Sun." Du Debang said with a smile, because he had seen Zhang Xiao's difficulties before, subconsciously he didn't want to meet Zhang Xiao.

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