After listening to Fang Huiping's words, Zhang Xiao's original hopes were shattered little by little. It was only at this moment that Zhang Xiao felt fear.

Because Zhang Xiao is very aware of the destructive power of cancer, this is a very cruel thing for Huang Jinglei, and what Zhang Xiao is most afraid of is that Huang Jinglei will give up treatment.

Zhang Xiao asked Fang Huiping a little unwillingly: "Director Fang, what is the best treatment plan for Huang Jinglei's current situation?"

After Fang Huiping pondered for a while, she said helplessly, "It depends on the results of Ms. Huang's next examination to formulate a treatment plan. However, hospitalization is the most important thing to do at the moment. We will adjust the treatment at any time according to Ms. Huang's situation." Program."

Zhang Xiao also knew at this moment that professional matters still need to be left to professional people. As the director of the breast department, Fang Huiping has extremely rich experience in breast cancer treatment, so he can only choose to trust her.

"Then please, we will fully cooperate with your treatment plan." Zhang Xiao said with certainty, at this time he could not let Huang Jinglei be willful.

"That's good. This is the further inspection plan I issued. It's still early today. You should go for the inspection as soon as possible." Fang Huiping handed the inspection plan just written to Zhang Xiao and said.

Since Fang Huiping has accepted Huang Jinglei as a patient, she will naturally try her best to help Huang Jinglei recover. After all, Huang Jinglei is only 24 years old, and she is officially the same age. If the test results are not too bad, as long as she actively accepts treatment, Huang Jinglei There is still the possibility of recovery.

"Okay, I'll take her for an examination now." Zhang Xiao quickly agreed.

After walking out of Fang Huiping's office, Huang Jinglei also came back with Guo Feng, but her face was a little pale, obviously she was very afraid of the illness.

Li Fuqing couldn't help sighing, Huang Jinglei was the same age as his daughter Li Jiaxuan, but she didn't want to suffer from cancer at a young age.

After Zhang Xiao and Li Fuqing bid farewell, they began to take Huang Jinglei for an examination. Huang Jinglei was very obedient at the moment, perhaps because Zhang Xiao was with her.

There are many examinations for breast cancer. Zhang Xiao accompanied Huang Jinglei to various checkpoints, from the blood test to the imaging examination. When all the examinations were completed, it was almost twelve o'clock.

At this time, Huang Jinglei's ward had already been arranged. It was a cadre ward with an independent bathroom. Although the daily ward fee was not cheap, Zhang Xiao didn't care about it.

When Zhang Xiao brought Huang Jinglei back to the ward, Guo Feng had already prepared the meals. Although Huang Jinglei had no appetite, she still ate a lot under Zhang Xiao's gaze.

After eating, Zhang Xiao said to Huang Jinglei: "The test results should come out soon. No matter what the test results are, you must actively receive treatment. Only in this way can you recover as soon as possible."

Huang Jinglei leaned her head on Zhang Xiao's shoulder at this moment, and said with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, with you by my side, I am not afraid of anything. In fact, I am not worried about my illness. After all, I live in the best place in the country now." In the hospital, I believe the treatment will be the best, I am afraid that as the treatment starts, I will gradually lose my proud face and make you feel bored and leave me."

"No, don't worry, I will always accompany you for treatment, don't think about it, and accept the doctor's treatment." Zhang Xiao stroked Huang Jinglei's hair and said with a smile.

Huang Jinglei nodded, perhaps due to lack of rest and being too tired, Huang Jinglei fell asleep quickly lying on the hospital bed.

In the afternoon, Fang Huiping came to the ward and gave Huang Jinglei a detailed physical examination. After all, the next thing to do was to prepare a treatment plan for Huang Jinglei. A detailed physical examination would help to better understand the condition.

Especially for breast cancer, physical examination can not only clarify the patient's physical condition, but also have a more accurate understanding of the lesion, so physical examination is something that all patients must go through.

After the physical examination, Fang Huiping said with a serious expression: "From the results of the examination, the situation is not very optimistic, but it is not without chance. From the image, it is more likely that the lesion is still in place. Next, I will A treatment plan will be arranged, and the treatment will start tomorrow, and you must be prepared."

"Don't worry, Director Fang, I will actively accept treatment." Although Huang Jinglei's face was a little pale, she still agreed.

"That's good. In fact, no matter what the disease is, the disease is not terrible. What is terrible is the fear of the disease. Only by overcoming the fear can the treatment effect be better." Fang Huiping said with a smile, "In fact, patients who are more serious than you I've seen many, many, and they all come out differently, and the ones who make a full recovery are the ones who are in a good state of mind and are actively receiving treatment."

Zhang Xiao knew that what Fang Huiping said was true, and this was the main reason why people began to pay attention to the psychological construction of patients. After all, the mentality of facing the disease determines the recovery of the disease.

Some people fear the disease, and the negative state of mind has caused countless cases of disease deterioration, while patients with a good attitude can treat the disease with optimism, their disease is higher, and many cancer patients can also be cured.

"Sister Lei, you still have to face it positively. After all, your mentality determines your recovery." Zhang Xiao also persuaded Huang Jinglei.

Huang Jinglei agreed with a smile, and began to be full of hope for the treatment.

After Fang Huiping left, Zhang Xiao said to Huang Jinglei, "I'll transfer Aunt Zhang here to take care of you. After all, treatment is a long-term process."

Huang Jinglei also knew what Zhang Xiao said was the truth. After all, Zhang Xiao couldn't be with her all the time, and she didn't dare to have such extravagant demands. She only hoped that Zhang Xiao could visit him every day, and she would be satisfied.

"Okay, but you have time to come and see me." Huang Jinglei said pitifully.

"Don't worry, I'll come to see you when I have time. You must treat yourself well, and call me if you need anything." Zhang Xiao said softly, wiping away the tears unconsciously left on Huang Jinglei's face.

Zhang Xiao knew that Huang Jinglei was the most vulnerable now, so he stayed with her in the hospital that night, and did not leave until Aunt Zhang arrived at the hospital the next morning.

On the way to school, Zhang Xiao felt sorry for Huang Jinglei inexplicably. In his memory, Huang Jinglei has always been optimistic. Even in the most difficult time, she faced it with a smile, but this time the illness was completely defeated. It broke her defenses.

In the next few days, although Zhang Xiao became more busy, she would go to the hospital to visit Huang Jinglei and talk to her every night before going home. After all, the operation was about to take place, and Zhang Xiao wanted to make her optimistic. Actively face the disease.

And Huang Jinglei naturally knew Zhang Xiao's thoughts, and when Zhang Xiao was around, she seemed more and more optimistic, but she was still a little pessimistic in her heart, but she was just pretending to be optimistic in front of Zhang Xiao.

This morning, Zhang Xiao came to the hospital early, because today is Huang Jinglei's operation day, and Zhang Xiao will accompany Huang Jinglei for the operation.

When Zhang Xiao came to the ward, Huang Jinglei had already gotten up and was washing up.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Nothing unusual, just a little scared." Huang Jinglei said while wiping the water on her face with a towel.

"Don't worry, Director Fang is responsible for everything." Zhang Xiao comforted Huang Jinglei with a smile, and said softly.

Huang Jinglei nodded and sat on the hospital bed, waiting for Fang Huiping to arrive, while Zhang Xiao and Huang Jinglei chatted.

Not long after, Fang Huiping walked in with a few doctors in a white coat. While checking Huang Jinglei's preoperative report, she smiled and said to Huang Jinglei, "How was your rest yesterday? Didn't you eat?"

"I had a good rest yesterday. I didn't eat in the morning. I'm just a little worried now." Huang Jinglei said to Fang Huiping.

"Don't worry too much, the operation is a very mature operation." Fang Huiping said, "Get ready, we will enter the operating room soon."

Although Fang Huiping asked Huang Jinglei to prepare, in fact Zhang Xiao had already prepared everything and was just waiting to enter the operating room.

Not long after, Fang Huiping re-examined Huang Jinglei before asking the nurse to push Huang Jinglei towards the operating room.

The operating room is located on the fourth floor of the inpatient department. Taking the medical elevator, the group quickly arrived outside the operating room. Fang Huiping didn't stay outside the operating room for long, so she took Huang Jinglei to enter the operating room.

"Xiaoxiao, you must wait for me outside." Huang Jinglei took Zhang Xiao's hand and said.

"Don't worry, I will always wait for you." Zhang Xiao patted Huang Jinglei's hand and said comfortingly.

After Huang Jinglei nodded vigorously, she took out a stacked letter paper from her arms, handed it to Zhang Xiao and said, "I'll go in first."

Seeing Huang Jinglei being pushed into the operating room by the nurses, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but have a sore nose and almost cried.

"Boss, take a break, Miss Huang will be out for two or three hours." Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but instead of going to the bench outside the operation, she came to the smoking place at the stairs, took out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, took out one and lit it, and then opened the stacked letter.

"Xiaoxiao, when you read the letter, I should have entered the operating room. I don't know if I can come out. If not, please help me take care of my grandma."

"Actually, we both know that the two of us are just wild mandarin ducks who got together by accident. We are destined not to be together, but I still want to tell you that I love you."

"Because of your appearance, I am full of hope and love for life. I feel that the only good thing God has done to me is that I met you. It is you who let me know how beautiful life can be."

"Unfortunately, this time is really too short. I haven't fully enjoyed it, and it's coming to an end."

"If God gives me another chance, I would trade the rest of my life for three months with you."

"If there is an afterlife, please let me meet you again."

Looking at the letter left by Huang Jinglei, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but burst into tears. He didn't have a deep feeling for Huang Jinglei, but at this moment he felt deeply guilty. If the illness could be discovered earlier, maybe the result would be It will be different, Zhang Xiao has never hated her carelessness so much.

After a long time, Zhang Xiao folded the letter, put it in her pocket, wiped away the tears on her face, and waited quietly for Huang Jinglei to come out.

As time passed by, patients kept pushing in at the door of the operating room, and people were pushed out from time to time, but unfortunately there was no news of Huang Jinglei.

Zhang Xiao felt extremely tormented, but now he could do nothing but wait.

I don't know how long it took, and more and more patients were pushed out, but what made Zhang Xiao anxious was that there was no news about Huang Jinglei.

"Is Huang Jinglei's family here?" A nurse suddenly appeared outside the operating room and shouted.

"Yes, I am." Zhang Xiao quickly ran to the nurse and said.

"This is the tumor from the patient's surgery. It needs to be sent to the pathology department for examination. Go there as soon as possible. We are still waiting for the results." The nurse pointed to the cut flesh in the stainless steel tray and said to Zhang Xiao.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Zhang Xiao took the tray and was about to send it to the pathology department.

"Boss, let me go. I am familiar with this place." Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao.

"Okay, send it over quickly." Zhang Xiao quickly agreed.

Guo Feng quickly left with the tray, and the nurse returned to the operating room, but Zhang Xiao couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. After all, pathological examinations are usually performed when the situation is not good. After doing it, Zhang Xiao couldn't help worrying about Huang Jinglei's situation.

In less than 5 minutes, Guo Feng rushed back, panting and said to Zhang Xiao: "It has already been sent, and the pathology department said that they will directly notify the operating room of the test results."

Zhang Xiao nodded. It seems that the situation in all hospitals is similar. After all, he had been sent to the pathology department in his previous life.

Another half an hour later, Fang Huiping walked out of the operating room with a tired face and waved to Zhang Xiao.

"Director Fang, how is Huang Jinglei doing?" Zhang Xiao took two steps, walked up to Fang Huiping, and asked.

"Her operation was successful. I have removed everything that can be removed, but one thing you have to be mentally prepared for is that Ms. Huang's tumor is malignant and has spread, which is not good for her. News." Fang Huiping explained to Zhang Xiao with a tired face.

"That means she has the possibility of relapse?" Zhang Xiao's face suddenly turned pale, because he knew what diffusion meant.

"Yes, but we will carry out the next step of treatment for her after surgery, and hope the effect will be better." Fang Huiping did not hide anything, and said the truth.

"Is it chemotherapy? How many courses do you need?" Zhang Xiao asked.

Fang Huiping was a little surprised that Zhang Xiao knew about chemotherapy, but she didn't ask any more questions at this time, but continued to say: "Yes, the next step is chemotherapy. As for the course of treatment, we should consider it comprehensively according to her condition."

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