Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 302 After the Surgery

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being worried about Huang Jinglei's condition, after all it involved chemotherapy, which made Zhang Xiao a little undecided.

Chemotherapy is chemotherapy, which refers to the method of treating diseases with chemically synthesized drugs.

Chemotherapy is currently one of the main means of treating cancer, and during chemotherapy, patients may experience side effects such as nausea and vomiting.

Chemotherapy drugs are administered in a variety of ways.Some chemotherapy drugs are given as tablets. Others are injected into a muscle or under the skin, into the spinal cord (intrathecal), and into a vein.

The method of chemotherapy depends mainly on the patient's condition, but Zhang Xiao is very clear at this moment that once chemotherapy is started, it will be a nightmare, a journey of racing against cancer cells.

If a person's recovery rate is faster than the expansion rate of cancer cells, then the patient may still be cured successfully, and once the body's recovery rate cannot match the spread of cancer cells, it will eventually be a battle that is difficult to win.

Zhang Xiao seemed a little silent, but Fang Huiping didn't urge him, but patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry too much, maybe the treatment effect will be better."

Zhang Xiao nodded, he only hoped for a miracle, because he knew the consequences of the spread of cancer cells, so he remained silent.

At this time, Huang Jinglei was pushed out while lying on the hospital bed. After Zhang Xiao hurriedly greeted Fang Huiping, she came to Huang Jinglei's side, smiled and said to her who was still in a daze: "The operation is very successful, I believe you will be very successful." It will get better soon."

Huang Jinglei looked at Zhang Xiao blankly, without saying a word, as if she hadn't woken up yet.

"Mr. Zhang, go back to the ward first, Ms. Huang's anesthesia hasn't completely passed yet." Fang Huiping whispered to Zhang Xiao.

"Okay, let's go back to the ward first." After Zhang Xiao agreed, she and the nurse pushed the bed and walked towards the ward.

After returning to the ward, Zhang Xiao carefully transferred her to the bed in the ward. Seeing that Huang Jinglei was still confused, she asked worriedly, "Director Fang, is there any problem?"

"No problem. The main reason is that the operation took too long, so the effect of the anesthesia has not passed. She was almost fully awake after waiting for two hours." Fang Huiping said.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but his heart was still hanging in the air, because he knew that there were exceptions to everything, and he could only feel at ease when Huang Jinglei woke up completely.

"Mr. Zhang, come with me, and I'll tell you about Miss Huang's condition." Fang Huiping said to Zhang Xiao again.

Zhang Xiao glanced at Huang Jinglei and saw that she hadn't woken up yet, so she got up and followed Fang Huiping towards the office.

After arriving at Fang Huiping's office, Fang Huiping drank a large cup of cool water first, then sat down behind the desk, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Mr. Zhang, you were introduced by Lao Li, so I won't tell you. What are you talking about, I will tell you about Ms. Huang's condition and the follow-up treatment plan in a matter-of-fact manner. As for your choice, I respect your decision."

"Director Fang, please tell me, don't worry, what you say now will not be spread." Zhang Xiao knew the scruples of doctors, and only spoke three points, but it is rare to hear the truth from Fang Huiping, an expert at this moment.

Fang Huiping nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, I actually knew you before. My old man is full of praise for you, and now he regrets confiscating you as a student."

"Director Fang, who is your husband?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"You also know my old man. He is Li Wenyuan from Beijing University. You are familiar with it." Fang Huiping couldn't help but said with a smile.

"It turns out that you are Professor Li's wife. Professor Li is really lucky. It is his honor to marry such a young and beautiful wife as you." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said, this is not a lie, because Fang Huiping looks younger than Li Wenyuan At least ten years old.

"You really know how to talk, no wonder you have coaxed such a beautiful woman as Huang Jinglei into your hands. It's a pity that beauty has been so unlucky since ancient times." Fang Huiping joked first, and couldn't help but sigh afterward.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the office. After Fang Huiping regained her serious expression, she said, "Please come in!"

The office door was pushed open, and Guo Feng and Lu Huaping walked in with lunch boxes.

"Boss, Director Fang, you haven't eaten for several hours. This has just been prepared and delivered, so hurry up and eat some." Guo Feng said with a smile.

But Lu Huaping skillfully put the food in the lunch box on the table, six dishes and two soups, plus rice, it was enough for Zhang Xiao and Fang Huiping to eat.

"How embarrassing, I'll just go to the cafeteria to eat later." Fang Huiping said a little embarrassedly at this time.

"Aunt Fang, don't be polite to me. If you let Professor Li know that I've exhausted you, you don't have to call me." Zhang Xiao said quickly.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Fang Huiping sat down again, and said to Guo Feng and Lu Huaping: "Have you two eaten, let's eat together."

"We have already eaten, you eat first, Miss Huang has Aunt Zhang and nurses looking after her." After Guo Feng said with a smile, he led Lu Huaping out of the office and closed the door by the way.

"It's good to have money, unlike poor people like us, it's good to be able to eat, how can we afford the six dishes and two soups." Fang Huiping couldn't help shaking her head and said.

"Aunt Fang, don't be sour on me, can you? Let's eat first, and then talk about the illness after eating." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Fang Huiping smiled, and began to bury her head in eating.

As soon as Zhang Xiao ate the food, he knew that it was Lu Huaping's handicraft, and his appetite whetted immediately, and he started to gobble it up.

Not long after, Fang Huiping, who was full, sipped the soup and said, "Your appetite is really big, so many meals have to be made by you."

After Zhang Xiao drank the soup in the bowl in one gulp, he wiped his mouth and said, "Aunt Fang, I'm young, and I'm growing up, so it's normal to eat more, but you eat so much, can you digest it?"

Fang Huiping rolled her eyes, and said to Zhang Xiao angrily: "Doctors eat a lot, don't you know, otherwise it would be difficult to survive a single operation."

Zhang Xiao suddenly understood. Thinking of the doctor's hard work, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "Aunt Fang, you should talk about Huang Jinglei's condition."

"You boy, she is your girlfriend, no wonder you are so busy, but why haven't you seen her family?" Fang Huiping said after finishing the soup.

"There is only one grandma in her family. She just had heart bypass surgery, but I dare not let her know. If something bad happens, I can't afford it." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said.

"He is really a poor child. God is really short-sighted. Bad things only greet one person." Fang Huiping said a little indignantly, "Although Huang Jinglei's operation is successful, the test results passed by the pathology department have already It has spread to the lymphoid tissue, and it doesn't matter whether it is infected in the blood, so her current situation is very dangerous, if the spread of cancer cells cannot be stopped, then once the cancer cells spread to other organs, we will completely lose the opportunity."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but become serious at the moment, because he knew very well that the so-called lymphatic metastasis was already in the middle and advanced stages, and once cancer cells were found in the blood, there would be no cure, and the only way to get rid of them was through Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and traditional Chinese medicine nutrition can stabilize the condition and prolong life.However, this time is generally not too long, ranging from a few years to a few months.

"Aunt Fang, what's your suggestion?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"My suggestion is actually very simple. We only do the first three phases of chemotherapy. If the effect is good, we will continue to do it. If the effect is not good, I suggest stopping the treatment and focusing on maintaining the body to reduce her pain as much as possible. , let her suffer less pain while she is alive." Fang Huiping said with a sigh.

Zhang Xiao's heart was suddenly pulled up at this moment, and she was in pain and uncomfortable, with a feeling of suffocation, where is the hope?

"Okay, just do as you said, after all, you are an expert in this area." Zhang Xiao agreed with some helplessness, but Fang Huiping thanked: "This is my heart, and it was originally intended to be sent to you. I went home, since you are Professor Li's wife, I will not go out, let Professor Li open his eyes when I get home."

"You boy, why do you give me this thing? I am a doctor, and I can't wear it a few times a year. It's not useful." Fang Huiping opened the small gift box Zhang Xiao put on the table, and there was a Jade Buddha inside. Green, obviously made of emerald, said to Zhang Xiao angrily.

"Auntie Fang, I heard from my master that this top-quality jadeite and jade can prolong life by wearing it often. This material was specially selected by my master." Zhang Xiao said in a hurry, for fear that Fang Huiping would return it to him. A piece of jade Buddha is actually very precious, but the most precious thing is that this piece of jade Buddha contains rich energy, far surpassing other jade Buddhas of the same material.

"Master Xin personally picked it out, it seems really unusual, okay, I'll accept it, but if it's too expensive, Lao Li will settle the score with you when you get home." Fang Huiping couldn't put it down when she heard about longevity. Get up, "Come on, Xiaoxiao, you put it on."

"No, you'd better go back and ask Professor Li to wear it for you, or Professor Li will tear me apart." Zhang Xiao repeatedly refused, but he had heard of Professor Li's name of protecting his wife and would not allow any man Talked too much with his wife.

"He's just a child with a temper, and he's very protective of food, but that's fine, let him see it when we go back." Fang Huiping reluctantly put it in a box and said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"Aunt Fang, you don't know how lucky you are. I don't know how many people envy you, but there should be more people who envy Professor Li. In this way, you are really a match made in heaven." Zhang Xiao complimented with a smile. To say this is just to let Fang Huiping do her best to help Huang Jinglei recover.

"You kid, you are a sweet talker. I don't know how many girls you want to hurt. Oh, forget it, anyway, I don't have any girls in my family." Fang Huiping joked to Zhang Xiao helplessly.

Afterwards, the two drank another cup of tea before returning to the ward. At this time, Huang Jinglei hadn't woken up yet, but after Fang Huiping checked her, she nodded and said to Zhang Xiao: "Wake up soon, it doesn't take half an hour." You will wake up in an hour, and you can call me when you wake up, and I will go to see other patients."

"Okay, Aunt Fang, you can go to work first, I will call you when I wake up." Zhang Xiao stood up and sent Fang Huiping away.

After Fang Huiping left, besides Zhang Xiao, Aunt Zhang and two nurses from the hospital were invited to be nurses in the ward.

In less than half an hour, Huang Jinglei finally woke up, saw Zhang Xiao at a glance, opened her mouth and said, "How is my operation going?"

"The operation was very successful. As long as we treat according to the doctor's instructions, we should be able to recover soon." Zhang Xiao said cautiously. Although it was comforting words, Zhang Xiao had to say so.

Huang Jinglei shook her head and said with a wry smile: "Actually, you don't have to lie to me. I know my situation is not very good, but I am very happy to see you again."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel helpless, maybe the patients are very aware of their situation in many cases, but they just pretended not to know in order not to make their relatives worry about them.

"Take good care of yourself. I just finished the operation. Does it hurt?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Fortunately, it's numb and numb, and I don't feel any pain." Huang Jinglei couldn't move her arm, but she felt very clearly in her body.

Just when Zhang Xiao was about to call Fang Huiping, Fang Huiping walked in with two doctors. Seeing that Huang Jinglei had woken up, she smiled and said, "Miss Huang, the operation was successful. I will also discuss the specific situation with Zhang Xiao." We've talked about it, we'll start the follow-up treatment after your surgical wound heals, it may take a little longer, but don't worry, I will definitely adopt the best and most suitable plan."

Huang Jinglei nodded and said, "Director Fang, I'm sorry, but I want to ask how much I spent on medical expenses?"

"I'm really not sure about this, but you still have money in your medical account, I'll let you know after I check." Fang Huiping shook her head and said, it's not that she doesn't know, but she knows that even if Huang Jinglei knows, she can How about it, but it's nothing to worry about, and in her opinion, Zhang Xiao should pay for Huang Jinglei.

Huang Jinglei nodded and looked at Zhang Xiao, as if she wanted to get an answer from Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed and said: "Actually, I don't know, but I paid 20, which should be enough. You don't have to worry about money. The most important thing now is to take good care of your body."

"I can't use your money for no reason. If that's the case, I won't feel at ease even if I die." Huang Jinglei was very stubborn, determined to know the answer.

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