Gu Feng and Li Xuejiao soon left Zhang Xiao's office to discuss the recruitment of personnel from the network security company. After all, Zhang Xiao would not interfere in such matters.

And not long after Zhang Xiao returned to his desk, Long Zhiyun, the director of the investment department, knocked on the door and walked in.

"Boss, the stock has risen a lot these days, should we sell it?" Long Zhiyun asked as soon as he entered the door.

"How much has it risen?" Zhang Xiao didn't pay attention to the stock market recently, so she couldn't help asking curiously.

"Most stocks have roughly doubled. As for the stocks that were opened at the end of last year, the price was more than three times that of when they were opened. If we close the positions now, we can at least reap a profit of more than 7 million yuan." Long Zhiyun was a little excited Open your mouth and say.

Zhang Xiao also opened the stock software on the computer at the moment, looked at the shape of the company's stock holdings, shook his head and said: "Don't worry, let's wait and see, because I don't see the main force moving, I think there is still a high probability that it will continue to rise .”

Long Zhiyun licked his chapped lips, nodded, and said unwillingly, "Then what should we do now? We can't just watch."

Looking at Long Zhiyun's appearance, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that he still had a high opinion of Long Zhiyun. He thought that he could grow up in two years, but he didn't expect that now after the stock price went up. This made Zhang Xiao a little dissatisfied with Long Zhiyun, but now it was time to employ people, Zhang Xiao still smiled and said: "How did you do it before, what do you still do now, sell high and sell low Buy, I don’t need to teach you such a simple operation, but you still have to be careful, I will always pay attention to the stock situation, and I will contact you if there is any problem.”

Long Zhiyun nodded immediately. Knowing that Zhang Xiao didn't mean to sell the stock, he left in a hurry. After all, the stock market is soaring now. As an investment director, he naturally needs to keep an eye on it all the time.

Looking at Long Zhiyun's back, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed, Long Zhiyun was useless, and he was blind to the training he had given him for more than two years.

Zhang Xiao is very clear that the two-year bull market has already started, and now is the last time to get in the car. Once he misses it, it will be very difficult to make money in the next stock market.

However, Zhang Xiao has no plans to continue to increase funds. After all, the market this time is still a policy market. He can't have too much funds to affect other people's financial opportunities. Besides, the current stock market system is not perfect, and he doesn't want to be a bully. object.

In Zhang Xiao's memory, there were quite a few investment companies that were punished for illegal operations after this bull market, so Zhang Xiao was extremely careful about this, and he didn't plan to leave the market until the end, he just wanted to make a fortune Just leave.

Since the stock market was just beginning, Zhang Xiao turned off the software and computer after reading the stock market, and continued to process some files that had just been sent.

That afternoon, Zhang Xiao, who was discussing network security with Academician Ni in the office, received a call from Huang Jinglei unexpectedly.

This made Zhang Xiao a little curious. After all, the two of them seldom contacted each other by phone except when they met in Fenglin Villa, and it was rare for Huang Jinglei to take the initiative to call.

"Sister Lei, what's the matter with you calling?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm in trouble, can you come over here?" Huang Jinglei said with a crying sound, as if she was aggrieved.

"Where are you? What happened?" Zhang Xiao asked, worried about Huang Jinglei's situation.

"I'm in Fenglin Villa." Huang Jinglei said, but she didn't say what happened.

After Zhang Xiao hung up the phone, he said to Academician Ni apologetically: "Academician Ni, I have something to deal with. It seems that we will discuss matters related to network security later, but I think it is necessary to establish the company's information security system as soon as possible." conduct."

"Then go get busy first. I will ask them to sort out a plan for the establishment of the network security and information security system, and we will discuss it later." Academician Ni put away the documents helplessly and said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao said to Academician Ni while putting on his coat: "It's been a while for you. After I graduate, I may have more time. Then I can handle some things myself."

"I don't have any problems, but I think you should pay more attention to the establishment of the group. After all, they only know how to eat in their own bowls." Academician Ni said to Zhang Xiao, because he recently felt the impact of the establishment of the group. Some chaos came, which made Academician Ni feel worried for Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "I have a sense of proportion, and I will take good care of the risks."

After Zhang Xiao came downstairs, Guo Feng was already waiting downstairs after receiving the notification.

When Zhang Xiao came to Fenglin Villa, she found Aunt Zhang waiting anxiously at the door.

"Mr. Zhang, Ms. Huang has been crying in the room since she came back today, and she didn't eat lunch." Aunt Zhang walked two steps quickly when she saw Zhang Xiao came back, and said in front of Zhang Xiao.

"Do you know what happened?" Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled, and asked as he walked.

"I asked, but Ms. Huang didn't say anything, she just kept crying." Aunt Zhang said anxiously.

"You go and make some food, I'll go and have a look." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, please ask me carefully." After Aunt Zhang said, she went to the kitchen.

Zhang Xiao took two quick steps and came to the lobby on the first floor, but she didn't see Huang Jinglei, so she went up to the second floor.

Once upstairs, Zhang Xiao found that Huang Jinglei was wearing loose pajamas with tears all over her face. She was usually well-dressed, but now she was curled up on the sofa without any image.

When Huang Jinglei saw Zhang Xiao, she couldn't help crying again.

Zhang Xiao sat beside her, wiped away the tears from her face, and asked softly, "Sister Lei, what's wrong, her face is crying."

It was fine if Zhang Xiao didn't say anything, but when she spoke, Huang Jinglei threw herself into his arms and burst into tears.

Zhang Xiao was a little anxious, but at the moment facing Huang Jinglei who was crying bitterly, he could only pat her on the back and comforted her in a low voice: "If there is anything, you can tell me, don't worry, I will help you solve it. Could it be that grandma is sick again?"

Zhang Xiao knows that Huang Jinglei's family is only her grandma. Her parents left when she was very young. Her grandma brought her up. The reason why she went to the club last time was because her grandma was sick and needed medical treatment urgently. fee's sake.

After a long time, Huang Jinglei calmed down, wiped the tears from her face with her hands, and said sadly: "Xiaoxiao, my life is so hard, I finally met you now, and grandma's body has also recovered. I thought I could live a happy life for a few days, but today the company organized a physical examination and it was found that I have cancer."

Zhang Xiao's heart skipped a beat, because he was well aware of the seriousness of cancer, no matter what kind of cancer it was, it was a heavy blow to people.

"Could it be that I made a mistake during the physical examination? How could you have cancer at such a young age?" Zhang Xiao asked in a low voice with hope in her heart.

"I didn't believe it at first, so I went to take another film, and then I asked a doctor to help me look at it. He said it was a tumor and suggested that I undergo surgery." Huang Jinglei said with a pale face and weakly.

Zhang Xiao was silent for a while, because he knew that if the doctors in the hospital were not [-]% sure, they would not draw conclusions. Since the doctor said so, the fact that Huang Jinglei had a tumor should not be false.

"Where is the tumor? Even a tumor is not necessarily a cancer. Don't worry. It's too late today. I'll accompany you to the hospital for another checkup tomorrow." Zhang Xiao comforted.

At this moment, Huang Jinglei shook her head sadly and said: "The tumor is on the breast, I can feel it myself."

Without any hesitation, Zhang Xiao directly reached in and touched it with his hand. He did feel a hard lump, but Zhang Xiao comforted him: "Maybe it's a swollen nodule, and it might disappear after a few days of hanging on the water."

Huang Jinglei was taken aback for a moment, Zhang Xiao's words made her feel hopeful and refreshed, just at this time Auntie Zhang also prepared the meal, Zhang Xiao coaxed her to eat, and took her Take a walk in the neighborhood.

But after returning to the villa, Zhang Xiao still called Tian Xiaodan while Huang Jinglei was taking a bath.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Tian Xiaodan asked.

"Do you know the doctor in the breast department of Jingda Hospital?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I don't know the doctor at Peking University Hospital, but Li Jiaxuan's father in the office is a doctor at Peking University Hospital. Shall I contact you for you?" Tian Xiaodan asked.

"Then help me contact Li Jiaxuan, and reply to me if you have any news." Zhang Xiao said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao was worried about Huang Jinglei's condition. After all, it was a tumor. If it was benign, it would be fine, but if it was malignant, it would be a nightmare for Huang Jinglei.

Not long after, Tian Xiaodan called and said, "Boss, I have already contacted Li Jiaxuan's father. He will be waiting for you at the hospital tomorrow morning. Please write down his phone number."

"Okay, I'll write it down, you go to bed early." After Zhang Xiao wrote down Li Jiaxuan's father's phone number, she urged her again.

"Okay, boss." Tian Xiaodan didn't ask who was sick, after all, Zhang Xiao didn't say anything.

That night, Zhang Xiao stayed in Fenglin Villa with Huang Jinglei.

After getting up early the next morning, Zhang Xiao practiced Liangyiquan for a while, and woke up Huang Jinglei after breakfast, because Huang Jinglei still had to undergo an examination today, and breakfast was not allowed.

Huang Jinglei recovered a little today, and put on light makeup to cover the tiredness on her face.

Zhang Xiao took Huang Jinglei directly to Beijing University Hospital by car.

Jingda Hospital is a large-scale comprehensive third-class first-class hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, and prevention. It is a central health care base hospital.

Founded in 1915, Peking University Hospital is the earliest national hospital in China and one of the first clinical medical schools in China.

After more than 80 years of development, Jingda Hospital has a number of domestic pioneering professional disciplines and pioneering diagnosis and treatment technologies in China.

After Zhang Xiao came to the hospital, he contacted Li Jiaxuan's father immediately.

"Hello, Doctor Li, I have come to the hospital, and I am in the lobby on the first floor of the outpatient building." Zhang Xiao said on the phone.

"Hi, Mr. Zhang, I saw you, you look behind." Li Jiaxuan's father, Li Fuqing, said very politely.

As soon as Zhang Xiao turned around, he saw Li Fuqing waving at him, and hurried forward.

After shaking hands with Zhang Xiao, Li Fuqing smiled and said, "Have you brought the film yet?"

"Here, do you want to see it?" Zhang Xiao took the film from Guo Feng and said to Li Fuqing.

"I won't watch it. Let's go to the director's office of the breast department first. Director Fang is already waiting." Li Fuqing said as he walked.

The breast department's office is in the inpatient department, which is quite a distance from the outpatient building. After walking for about ten minutes, Li Fuqing brought Zhang Xiao and others into Fang Huiping's office.

"Old Li, here you are. Who is the patient?" Fang Huiping asked straight to the point.

"Sister Ping, this is the patient, Ms. Huang. She has taken the film in our hospital yesterday. Please help her to see it." Li Fuqing respected Huiping, pointing at Huang Jinglei and whispering.

Huang Jinglei hurried forward two steps to facilitate Fang Huiping's inspection.

Fang Huiping's expression was serious at the moment, with a straight face. Even when facing Li Fuqing, she was still as serious as ever.

"Where's the movie?" Fang Huiping asked Huang Jinglei.

"Here it is." Zhang Xiao hurriedly handed the bag containing the film to Fang Huiping, and said cautiously.

Fang Huiping took the film, inserted it into the film viewer in the office, and began to observe it carefully.

After a long time, Fang Huiping took off the glasses on the bridge of her nose, kneaded her eyebrows and said, "From the film, it is very likely that it is a tumor. As for whether it is benign or malignant, it is difficult to judge, but hospitalization is inevitable. So I think you should arrange hospitalization as soon as possible."

"Director Fang, it's okay to be hospitalized, please open a hospitalization order." Zhang Xiao hurriedly made a decision for Huang Jinglei, because Huang Jinglei's face was a little ugly at the moment, and it would be difficult for her to make up her mind.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Fang Huiping reluctantly agreed. Originally, in her capacity, she generally stopped accepting patients, but now Li Fuqing came here in person. Although she didn't know their relationship, she still gave her face.

Soon, Fang Huiping's hospitalization order was issued. Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng to take Huang Jinglei to go through the hospitalization procedures, but Zhang Xiao stayed in Fang Huiping's office and asked about Huang Jinglei's condition.

"Director Fang, is it possible that Ms. Huang has a malignant tumor?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Basically, it is certain, but there are exceptions, but the hope is very small, and I see the situation shown in the film, it is not in the initial stage, but whether it will spread and to what extent, it is still uncertain, and further research is needed. Check." Fang Huiping shook her head and said helplessly.

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