Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 299 Network Security

Seeing that Gu Feng agreed, Yuan Min couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, but seeing that Gu Feng was all dirty, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Are you going to meet my boss like this?"

"Then what do you want, this is my last piece of clothing." Looking at the dirty clothes on his body, Gu Feng couldn't help blushing, but he still said with a straight mouth.

"You bastard, I owe you, let's go, take a shower first, change your clothes before we go." Yuan Min angrily pulled Gu Feng out of the house.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the afternoon that Yuan Min cleaned up Gufeng. Looking at Gufeng who had changed into a casual suit, Yuan Min felt that Gufeng was much more pleasing to the eye at this time.

Gu Feng, who had changed into a suit, felt extremely uncomfortable all over, but he couldn't resist Yuan Min, so he had to follow Yuan Min to Hongyuan Building.

After Yuan Min brought Gu Feng to the small reception room, he first went to Zhang Xiao's office to report the situation.

"Boss, I brought you a top hacker, his name is Gu Feng, and he is the leader of the domestic hacker alliance." Yuan Min said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"Really, the efficiency is very high. Is anyone here?" Zhang Xiao said excitedly. Zhang Xiao was very curious about these hackers, after all, they were once praised in the Internet war.

"I brought him here in the small reception room." Yuan Min replied.

"Let's go, let's meet this great internet god." Zhang Xiao stood up and said impatiently.

When Zhang Xiao saw Gu Feng, it was difficult to connect him with the Internet god, because Gu Feng was wearing a decent suit at the moment, and there was a trace of tension on his thin face, but his pale face had the characteristics of an otaku.

"Mr. Gu Feng, hello, I'm Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand to Gu Feng, and said with a smile on his face.

Gu Feng stood up nervously, stretched out his hand and held Zhang Xiao together, and said in his mouth: "Mr. Zhang, I have admired your name for a long time."

"To each other, I yearn for you hackers." Zhang Xiao laughed and said, "Especially your behavior recently, I am amazed that you can plant countless websites under our banner. victory."

Gu Feng was touched by Zhang Xiao, and couldn't help but said excitedly: "This is just the beginning, and we will have bigger moves in the future. I think it will definitely shock the world."

Zhang Xiao nodded. He has no doubts about the destructive power of these hackers. After all, destruction is easier than construction. However, Zhang Xiao knows that with the discovery of Internet technology, these hacker organizations that exist in loose alliances will all be destroyed. The smoke disappeared, but some hackers who established their own network security companies ended up living happily.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao decided to talk straight to the point with Gu Feng. His expression became serious, but he still said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Gu, what are your plans after this incident?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but I may continue to do something for the country's network security." At this moment, Gu Feng became a little nervous, and he didn't know what Zhang Xiao meant.

"Mr. Gu, I think you should have your own ideals. Concentrating on the construction of network security should be what people like you should do. After this network war, I think our company lacks top talents like you. , I wonder if you would like to join our Hongyuan Group?" Zhang Xiao directly expressed his thoughts.

Gu Feng also understood what Zhang Xiao meant, and he still wanted to recruit him after all, but he didn't reject it. After all, it was an honor in itself to be recruited by someone like Zhang Xiao himself.

"I want to know how I will be treated." Gu Feng was not polite, and asked directly.

"I am going to set up a company in Hongyuan Group that focuses on network security research. If you are willing to come over, you can serve as the chief scientist and be responsible for the network security technology of the entire company." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation. As far as he was concerned, he would not arrange Gu Feng to work in the microelectronics technology company, because Academician Ni was already there, and if there was an argument between the two, it would be difficult for Zhang Xiao to deal with it.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Gu Feng couldn't help being a little surprised, because he knew that this so-called network security company was specially established for him, and the chief scientist made him feel Zhang Xiao's importance to him.

Gu Feng didn't ponder for a long time, and agreed. After all, the opportunity is rare. If I miss this time, I don't know if there will be such an opportunity in the future: "Mr. Zhang, thank you for your attention to me. I am willing to join the network security company."

"Okay, I hope we have a happy cooperation!" Zhang Xiao was very happy for Gu Feng's joining, and said with a smile while holding his hand tightly.

"When will I start working?" Gu Feng asked.

"I'm going to work today. I'll ask Yuan Min to take you to the finance department to collect the resettlement fee first. In addition, I will give you a week's vacation to finish dealing with the Internet war as soon as possible, and then come to the company to report. At that time, we will discuss the establishment of the company. " Zhang Xiao said very humanely, after all, the Internet war is in full swing, Zhang Xiao dare not let Gu Feng withdraw now.

Gu Feng immediately paid a lot of attention to Zhang Xiao. After all, there are not many bosses who can think from the standpoint of employees. What surprised him even more was the existence of the resettlement fee, which surprised him even more. He couldn't help but say, "Thank you Boss, I will finish the matter as soon as possible and report to the company."

Then Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min to take him to the Finance Department to collect the resettlement fee. This was not the preferential treatment Zhang Xiao gave him, but the tradition of Hongyuan Group.

After Yuan Min took Zhang Xiao away, Zhang Xiao returned to his office and began to think about network security issues.

Network security means that the hardware and software of the network system and the data in the system are protected from being damaged, changed, or leaked due to accidental or malicious reasons, the system runs continuously and reliably, and the network service is not interrupted.

Originally, Zhang Xiao just wanted to develop an anti-virus software to be used in the Shenhua computer operating system to increase the user experience and competitiveness of the operating system. , Let Zhang Xiao make up his mind.

Zhang Xiao is very aware of the importance of network security, which not only involves the development of the company, but also involves the security of company information.

Zhang Xiao didn't realize the problem before, but this Internet war has sounded the alarm for him. It is imperative to establish a network security company. Zhang Xiao doesn't want the company's information to be stolen in the future.

With the rapid development of microelectronic technology companies, information network security has become an important guarantee for the company's development. After all, Zhang Xiao's company has a lot of sensitive information, so it will inevitably attract various human attacks from all over the world, such as information leakage, information Theft, data tampering, data deletion, computer virus, etc.

After Zhang Xiao thought for a while, he began to write a copy about network security. After all, he had a lot of ideas from later generations in his mind, and he wanted to write them down. After the network security company was established, Gu Feng would take action as soon as possible.

On the other side, after Yuan Min took Gu Feng to the Finance Department to collect the resettlement fee, he said with a smile, "How about it, the boss didn't disappoint you, right?"

Looking at the 1 yuan banknote in his hand, Gufeng nodded and said, "It really deserves its reputation. No wonder so many college students are rushing to join Hongyuan Group. It's not without reason. At least this kind of humanized management can make more The employees are so determined, it is really brilliant.”

Gu Feng is not stingy about his admiration for Zhang Xiao. After all, he has seen a lot of advantages from Zhang Xiao, which is a characteristic that many people in charge of enterprises do not have.

"The company is people-oriented. I believe that after you join the group, you will feel this more deeply." Yuan Min, as a veteran employee who has followed Zhang Xiao for two years, knows how good the company's benefits are.

Since the establishment of Hongyuan Group, the working time is five days a week. Even if you have to work overtime on weekends, you can also take a rest next week. Not only that, the company will have holidays on all holidays, and overtime work is paid three times. take.

In addition, there are bonuses issued every quarter, and at the end of the year, there is a year-end bonus. Now, an equity incentive mechanism has been established for employees. Yuan Min himself can't think of how many people are willing to leave under such good conditions.

"I hope so too." Seeing the money in his backpack, Gu Feng smiled and nodded.

In the next few days, as the May [-]th Incident faded away, the Internet war was coming to an end, and both sides knew it was time to stop. After all, if it continued, the police would very likely come to their door.

And Zhang Xiao finally saw Gu Feng a week later.

Today's Gufeng has been replaced by the uniform uniforms issued by Hongyuan Group to employees. Although they are still suits, they fit better than ordinary suits, and the workmanship is excellent, which is no worse than the thousands of yuan clothes on the market.

"Come on, sit down casually, wait for me a moment, I will deal with the documents." Zhang Xiao, who was processing the documents behind the desk, saw Gu Feng walk in, pointed to the sofa and said with a smile.

Gu Feng smiled and said, "Thank you boss, you are busy first."

After finishing speaking, Gu Feng sat down on the sofa by himself.

At this time, Hou Shuyan quickly made tea for Gu Feng, and looked at Gu Feng a few times, but it could be seen that Gu Feng was an ordinary young man, and he was a little shy when facing her.

This made Hou Shuyan a little curious about Gu Feng's identity, but the person Zhang Xiao asked her to wait for must have an unusual identity.

Not long after, Zhang Xiao finished processing today's documents, stood up and said to Hou Shuyan: "Distribute the documents, and then you can ask Director Li from the Human Resources Department to come over."

"Okay, boss." Hou Shuyan hugged a thick stack of documents, and walked out with her buttocks set off by the quilt skirt, and she didn't forget to close the office door when she went out.

Gu Feng is a little stunned at the moment, because he finds the work clothes of Hongyuan Group very interesting. The work clothes of male employees are suits, while the work clothes of female employees are suits and skirts. Although the colors of each department are slightly different, the style is uniform. of.

"Hey, Gu Feng, I'm back to my senses, don't look away when you see a beautiful woman." Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing and teasing.

"Boss, I didn't, I..." Gu Feng suddenly blushed in defense.

"You don't need to explain to me. If you really like Secretary Hou, you can go after him yourself, but don't affect your work, and don't make eye contact in the company." Zhang Xiao didn't listen to Gu Feng's excuse at all, and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao has never objected to office romances. After all, for these people who work, they are most familiar with colleagues, and it is reasonable to have a relationship. Businesses with office romances are not human.

Gu Feng was also a little helpless at the moment, but fortunately Hou Shuyan walked in with Li Xuejiao at this time, resolving Gu Feng's dilemma.

Seeing Li Xuejiao walking in with a folder, Zhang Xiao said, "Director Li, this is Mr. Gufeng Gu, who will be the general manager of our network security company. The contract I asked you to prepare is for him."

"Boss, I understand. I have already met Mr. Gu today." Li Xuejiao sat down on the sofa naturally. After sitting down, Li Xuejiao handed the folder to Zhang Xiao.

After Zhang Xiao opened it and read it once, nodded, then handed it to Gu Fenghou and said: "This is your contract, please read it first, if you have no objection, you can sign it."

Gu Feng nodded, but did not speak, but lowered his head and began to look through the contract documents.

It didn't take long for Gu Feng to finish reading it. He found that although there were many clauses in the contract, there were no restrictions on him, but the salary was very good. The basic salary of [-] per month already made him very satisfied.

Gu Feng quickly signed his name on the contract and returned it to Li Xuejiao.

"Welcome to join, the company will be more brilliant because of your joining." Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand to shake Gu Feng's hand, and said with a happy smile.

"The boss is absurd, but I will work hard." Gu Feng said hastily.

After sitting down again, Zhang Xiao's expression became more serious, and he said to Gu Feng: "Since the network security company has just been established and you are alone, you can ask Director Li to help you recruit the talents you need from various schools. , you can also recruit within the company, it will all be up to you.”

Gu Feng was already prepared for this. After all, he knew the status of the network security company after listening to what Zhang Xiao said last time, and it was the best for her. After all, he could smear on a piece of white paper by himself. , Build a team that really belongs to you.

"Boss, don't worry, I know what to do." Gu Feng agreed without hesitation. After all, for him, this is also a test for him. If he doesn't want to be underestimated, he can only work hard Build the company.

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