When Zhang Xiao and the others arrived in Jiangcheng, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. After a simple meal, everyone rushed to the airport.

After buying tickets to board the plane, only three people were left to drive the car back, and everyone else took the plane back with Zhang Xiao.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Zhang Xiao and the others landed at the airport in Beijing. At the airport entrance, Zhang Xiao saw Hou Shuyan who came to pick them up.

"Boss, the vehicles are all arranged, let's go." Hou Shuyan took the handbag from Zhang Xiao's hand very skillfully, and said with a smile.

"Go back to the courtyard." Zhang Xiao nodded and got into the car first.

On the way back to the courtyard, Hou Shuyan reported some information about the company to Zhang Xiao. This is also Hou Shuyan's main work recently, and that is to report work according to Zhang Xiao's time.

While looking at various reports and proposals, Zhang Xiao listened to the report and calculated the progress of the company's various tasks in his mind.

Compared with the development of other work, Zhang Xiao is somewhat dissatisfied with the progress of the establishment of the group, because the progress of the establishment of the group is really slow, especially the equity incentive mechanism of each branch company has not been formulated yet, which makes Zhang Xiao Some helpless.

However, Zhang Xiao also knows that as long as equity is involved, it is not a trivial matter. After all, the more equity invested in equity incentives, the damage will ultimately be his own interests. Therefore, Zhang Xiao did not express his views on the slow progress. .

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao comfortably ate a big meal at noon. After all, the past few days of work in boats and cars, and the food was all vegetarian, this is also an alternative for Zhang Xiao who loves meat and dislikes torture.

After eating, Zhang Xiao practiced Liangyiquan a few times as usual before washing up and going to bed.

In the next few days, Zhang Xiao's life became very peaceful, but Zhang Xiao knew that some things were destined to happen.

Even though Zhang Xiao knew that some tragedies had happened, he still couldn't remind them, or even dared to face all of them, hoping that things would change.

Saturday, September 1999, 5.

A major event that shocked the world happened. The embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed, which aroused great indignation. Although Zhang Xiao knew that it was about to happen, when it really happened, Zhang Xiao was still the same as in the previous life. like indignation.

In the previous life, Zhang Xiao was just an ordinary high school student when the incident happened, worrying about the college entrance examination, but now Zhang Xiao is in Beijing, and she is a student of Huaqing University. Even on Saturday, Zhang Xiao still received a notice from her classmates, He rushed to the school and held a march to protest the incident.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but participated in the demonstration, and provided buses and other means of transportation for the students in the school. They came to protest in front of the embassies of various countries. The embassy, ​​but did not stop the protests of the students.

During the protest, some agitated students threw stones and even Molotov cocktails into the embassy, ​​but they were not stopped. Zhang Xiao and the protesting students did not leave until evening under the persuasion of the teachers.

Although the students left, more people rushed in, and their protests became more intense, breaking the windows of the embassy and smashing the embassy vehicles. Some protesters clashed with the police.

But Zhang Xiao knew that this incident was not simple, nor was it accidental, but a deliberate provocation.

But Zhang Xiao knew that this incident was just the beginning. With the rapid development of the country, such provocative behavior has continued.

But Zhang Xiao also knows that although he is only an insignificant person, he should plan ahead. After all, whether it is a microelectronics technology company or a chip factory, many core technologies still rely on Western countries to realize the design and manufacture of high-end chips as soon as possible. That's what he should do now.

After all, in Zhang Xiao's memory, the chip stuck in the neck happened from time to time, and many companies suffered from it, but they had to hold their noses and admit it. After all, China has always been at a disadvantage in the field of high-end chips. If you want to use it, you must to import.

In the next few days, on the way to school and company, Zhang Xiao will see many people gather together and hold demonstrations and protests.

On the Internet, however, a red-black war broke out. Countless websites were caught in unsequential attacks, and many websites were paralyzed.

Even the official website of Zhang Xiao's microelectronics technology company was no exception, and the star-spangled banner was hung on it, which made Zhang Xiao helpless.

However, Zhang Xiao still found Academician Ni, handed his notebook to Academician Ni, and said with a smile: "Academician Ni, even our company's official website has been attacked, which makes me feel that our defense ability Some are weak, I think we should build a stronger protective wall to ensure the normal operation of the company's website."

"And I have a worry. Today, these red hackers can enter our company's official website background server at will, so they may be able to enter our company's intranet at any time. This is something I will never tolerate."

Although Zhang Xiao said these words with a smile, Academician Ni could hear anger and dissatisfaction from Zhang Xiao's words, but Academician Ni also knew that he was suffering.

As long as they can participate in this kind of Internet battle between countries, whether they are hackers or hackers, they are all peerless experts in the computer field. Although there are many R&D personnel in microelectronics technology companies, but they can be called experts. There are only a handful of them, and if you want to make the official website run smoothly in the red-black battle, it is tantamount to fighting against hackers all over the world, and Academician Ni himself is not sure.

"Boss, I will ask them to restore the company's official website as soon as possible, but I don't think it is meaningful." Academician Ni said truthfully, "If the red-black battle is not over, even if we restore it, it will be difficult to save it."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and also understands Academician Ni's scruples. After all, once the official website is restored, if it is hacked again, it will also be a blow to the reputation of the microelectronics technology company. In that case, it is better to ignore it and wait. The battle between red and black is over.

"Academician Ni, how do you think we can recruit such top hackers or hackers?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It takes a chance. After all, these hackers have their own legal identities, and they won't admit their status as hackers. It's not so difficult to recruit such talents." Academician Ni couldn't help but feel a little helpless Said, it's not like he didn't have such an idea, but unfortunately he still couldn't find a way.

Seeing Academician Ni, Zhang Xiao has no choice but is also very helpless, but he is not ready to give up. After all, recruiting such a top red guest will be of great benefit to the company's development, especially the anti-virus software that Zhang Xiao is currently preparing to launch. The project requires top experts to sit in charge.

Later, when Zhang Xiao returned to the office, she couldn't help calling Yuan Min.

Not long after, Yuan Min came to Zhang Xiao's office and asked curiously, "Boss, what do you want from me?"

"Mice, I want to recruit some top hacker masters. I wonder if you have any news about this?" Zhang Xiao asked straight to the point.

"If you are dissatisfied with the boss, tell me that I do have some news about some top hackers here, but as for whether they are willing to accept the invitation, I think there are still some difficulties. In this way, I will contact them first and then report to you." Yuan Minren He couldn't help but said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao's eyes lit up immediately, because since Yuan Min said that, it means that he is not very sure, but Zhang Xiao still said: "Contact as soon as possible, the conditions are still open, for such a master, I have Enough mental preparation."

Yuan Min nodded and said, "I'll try my best, just wait for my news."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Min left Zhang Xiao's office in a hurry, and went to contact these top hackers.

But Zhang Xiao was lost in thought, because Zhang Xiao knew very well that the domestic Internet at this time had just been established, and with the rapid development of personal computer users, an easy-to-use antivirus software has great prospects. If you can keep up, it is enough for a company to grow into a giant.

And to design an antivirus software, it involves the recruitment and use of talents, and there are really not many Internet talents in China, and most of them have their own identities, and they are unwilling to reveal their identities as red hackers , and they cannot be recruited at will.

Just when Zhang Xiao was worried about this, Yuan Min drove to an old house in the suburbs of Beijing.

Yuan Min unlocked the door skillfully, pushed the door open and walked in.

"Mice, it's you again, don't you know I'm busy right now?" A hoarse voice sounded in the room.

"Madman, I'm kind enough to see if you're dead, and you're going to treat me like this?" Yuan Min casually threw the big bag of food he brought on the table, and said to the young man who was frantically typing on the keyboard.

"Wait for me, wait until I beat them to pieces." After the young man said something casually, he kept typing on the keyboard with both hands.

With the continuous input of young people, the English characters on the computer began to jump rapidly, and soon, a picture with the four characters "Kill for life" written on the background of the national flag appeared on many foreign portal websites. Even some government websites have been locked with this image.

"Amazing, awesome." Yuan Min had to admire this young man whose original name was Gu Feng, which was also the purpose of his trip.

Gu Feng ignored Yuan Min, and took out instant noodles and ham sausage from the big bag Yuan Min brought over, tore off the wrapping paper, and gnawed on it. He almost choked because he was too anxious to eat. Passed a bottle of mineral water.

Gu Feng, who quickly filled his stomach, lit a cigarette on his own, and said to Yuan Min angrily, "Tell me, who do you want me to check for you this time?"

Yuan Min shook his head, and said with a serious expression: "Madman, are you going to spend the rest of your life like this? And you have almost no income now, so what do you use to support your parents and yourself?"

"I just don't bother to go out to work. I won't be like you, going to camp for a few days for money." Gu Feng took a puff of cigarette, sprayed it on Yuan Min's face, and said with some disdain.

Yuan Min was suddenly a little anxious, fanned the smoke with his hand, and complained angrily: "Madman, don't feel sorry for you alone, everyone else should accommodate you. Your sister did sacrifice for us all, but This is not a reason for you to give up on yourself, you have parents, and they are all waiting for you to support them, if it wasn't for the help of your comrades in the past two years, do you think you can sit here and play computer games with peace of mind?"

Gu Feng was silenced by Yuan Min's words, because he knew that if it wasn't for the help of his comrades, he might have starved to death long ago, and if it wasn't for Guo Feng's support for his parents' life, his parents would have collapsed long ago.

After a long time, Gu Feng looked up at Yuan Min and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to me this time?"

Yuan Min pulled a stool, sat down opposite Gu Feng, unscrewed a bottle of water and took a sip, then said: "This is the last time I will help you, if you are willing to sink like this, I have nothing to say Say."

"My boss Zhang Xiao, you know that he needs a top computer expert to help him build an anti-virus software project. I recommended you to him. I think this is an opportunity!"

"Really? Your boss is now worth tens of billions. It's not easy for him to recruit people. Besides, Academician Ni is helping him. What position can I have if I go." Gu Feng said casually, In fact, there is still some emotion in my heart.

"Of course it is true. Although Academician Ni is an expert in the computer field, he still prefers hardware. I don't think he is as good as you in software." Gu Feng wears a high hat, after all he is familiar with Gu Feng's temper.

"That's true. In terms of domestic software, I really haven't convinced anyone, but tell me the truth, you really recommended me to Zhang Xiao?" Gu Feng was full of disbelief, but his words still betrayed his heart real thought.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can go with me now. My boss is still waiting for my reply in the company." Yuan Min looked at Gu Feng with a smile and said.

Gu Feng knew that this was indeed an opportunity for him, but he didn't want to be restrained. If he really wanted him to clock in and go to work step by step, he might as well kill him. .

"I know you don't want to go to work from [-] to [-], and I have told my boss, I don't think he will give you too many restrictions." Seeing that Gu Feng was moved, Yuan Min couldn't help but said again .

After being silent for a long time, Gu Feng said, "Okay, then I will go with you to meet your boss, this legendary figure."

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