After Zhang Xiao read the secrets of the pure Yang Wuji Kungfu, he found that what he thought was too simple. To practice the Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu, you need to cultivate Yuanli, but to cultivate Yuanli, you need to cultivate Yuanli. It is only possible to practice Wudang Neijiaquan to a very deep level.

Zhang Xiao was speechless about this, feeling as if he had entered Baoshan and returned empty-handed, but he still asked the old Taoist: "Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu is pure Jinggong, is there any boxing or martial art that matches it?"

"That's not true, but if you can practice Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu, then you must have reached the realm of Yuanli. The previous boxing techniques can still be used, and they are more powerful. I think this is enough." The old Taoist shook After shaking his head, he explained to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao also understood this, but he still proposed to read the classics of Wudang Neijiaquan and the training experience of his predecessors.

The old Taoist didn't refuse, but took him to a quiet room on the second floor, where he usually meditates.

The quiet room is very simple, except for a bedding and toiletries, there is only a well-made futon left.

This is the real cultivation. Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling admiration for the old Taoist. It is unknown how many such people are able to calm down and concentrate on cultivation.

Soon, with the help of the old Taoist, Zhang Xiao found out a thick pile of exercise books and cultivation experience. Zhang Xiao moved them back to the quiet room and began to read them.

Zhang Xiao first looked at the classics of Wudang Neijiaquan, and compared them with those taught by Daoist Qingfeng. There are some deviations, but this is normal, everyone's understanding of classics will be different.

Especially after Zhang Xiao read the training experience of the seniors, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little helpless, because the seniors had different understandings of Wudang Neijiaquan, but it also gave Zhang Xiao his own ideas about Wudang Neijiaquan. However, Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate, and directly verified his thoughts.

Then Zhang Xiao began to practice boxing in the quiet room. In his understanding, the three boxing techniques of Wudang Neijiaquan correspond to different realms in the three schools. The feeling of aura is transformed into aura, and then you can practice Taijiquan. After practicing to the extreme, the aura can be opened out of the dantian, and then transformed into Yuanli.

With Zhang Xiao's practice, Zhang Xiao didn't realize that his aura became more and more intense, but all of this was seen by the old Taoist.

"Sure enough, he is a genius. He has cultivated Liangyi Fist to such an extent in such a short period of time. Those with a strong sense of aura can transform their aura." The old Taoist sighed in his heart, but he was a little embarrassed about whether to remind Zhang Xiao .

After all, Zhang Xiao's training time is still short, and it would be a bit of a waste to let him transform the sense of Qi into breath now.

After Zhang Xiao practiced for a period of time, he stopped at noon, and then he said to the old Taoist: "Senior, I found that if you practice Liangyiquan to the extreme, it can be transformed into breath naturally, so I feel that beginners At best, I only practice Liangyiquan, and it will be much better to practice Taijiquan after the breath is generated. Of course, this is just my own guess."

The old Taoist couldn't help but fell into deep thought, because since he received the teaching of Wudang Neijiaquan, he has always been practicing the three kinds of boxing together, and never thought of practicing Liangyi boxing first.

"In this way, don't say anything about it, you should practice first, and if the effect is really good, we will promote it." The old Taoist said with a serious expression. After all, this involves the issue of martial arts inheritance, and there is no room for sloppy.

Zhang Xiao nodded, although he felt that his thoughts were correct, but at this time because he was just practicing, there was no evidence that it would be effective, so the old Taoist's approach was considered safe.

But Zhang Xiao still has one thing to deal with, that is, he wants the old Taoist to help him see if the manuscript he got from the parchment is really a practice method.

However, Zhang Xiao also has some scruples. After all, it was brought out by Mo Fangfei from the ancient tomb. It is really a practice technique, and if it works miraculously, it will definitely push himself and Mo Fangfei into danger. There is no reason for the manuscript to be produced.

In the end, Zhang Xiao decided to give up. After all, this matter was no small matter. He was going to wait until he was successful in cultivation. If he had not found a use for the manuscript before taking it out, it would not be too late.

Apart from this matter, Zhang Xiao's coming to Wudang faction this time is considered to be over, Zhang Xiao decided to leave, after all, no matter how good the Wudang faction is, it is not as comfortable as staying in one-third of an acre of land.

After making a decision, Zhang Xiao said directly to the old Taoist: "Senior, I'm going to go back. After all, school will start soon, and besides, I have nothing to do here."

"That's fine, but if you have any questions about cultivation, you can call for advice at any time. After all, our cultivation time is much longer than yours." Zhang Xiao's significance to Wudang is only to prepare for a rainy day, and it is far from when he will be effective.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao left the Sutra Library alone, and returned to the place where the Wudang Sect was. After meeting with Guo Feng and others, Zhang Xiao went to bid farewell to Taoist Taiji, but Taoist Taiji persuaded Zhang Xiao to go to Wudang Mountain for a tour. , after all, it was the real place of the Wudang sect in ancient times.

In modern times, the Wudang sect returned to the current residence for the cultivation of the disciples of the sect, and the front mountain was managed by the disciples of the outer sect, and the Wudang sect only sent a few elders to deal with the situation.

Zhang Xiao refused Taoist Taiji's persuasion, after all, he is not very interested in the scenic spots he has seen in his previous life, and there are still many things in the capital waiting for him to deal with.

Taoist Taiji saw that Zhang Xiao had gone to make a decision, so he asked Taoist Qingfeng to send them away.

On the way back, Daoist Qingfeng handed a fragmented scroll to Zhang Xiao and said, "This is the fragment I found. I hope it can help you."

After Zhang Xiao opened it and read it once, he returned it to Daoist Qingfeng, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Daoist, I have read the content and benefited a lot. Let me see!"

"Don't worry, I will inform you as soon as I have similar books." Daoist Qingfeng said with a smile.

For Zhang Xiao, Daoist Qingfeng is very optimistic, so it is beneficial and harmless to have a good relationship with Zhang Xiao now, and he didn't pay anything, but he just showed Zhang Xiao some books he had read.

For Zhang Xiao, this fragment opened a door for him, because not only the Yuanli was introduced in this fragment, but also the hidden energy Yuanneng was mentioned in a very cryptic way, which was really unexpected for Zhang Xiao. Hi, but the introduction about Yuan Neng is too rare, but the introduction about Yuan Li is very detailed.

In this fragment, Yuan Li is also called Yuan Qi, which is a kind of energy that everyone possesses, the most fundamental and important Qi of the human body, and the driving force of human life activities.

It is very similar to the ancient Chinese theory of vitality that Zhang Xiao knew before, which made Zhang Xiao think that it might be left by ancient practitioners.

The ancient and simple Yuan Qi theory believed that Yuan Qi is the most essential and primitive element that constitutes everything in the universe.According to the theory of primordial qi, the emergence, death, development and changes of all things are the result of primordial qi following the Tao, and qi accumulates and survives, and qi disperses and dies.

According to the ancients, at the beginning of a person's birth, his vitality is the strongest and the most abundant. At this time, if he knows how to practice, he can transcend the limitations of life and death in a short period of time.

As people continue to grow up, vitality must supply the needs of the body's growth on the one hand, and at the same time, the continuous activities of people are also the way to dissipate vitality. At the end of life, the vitality in the human body is finally exhausted. Death is like a lamp going out.Therefore, the amount of vitality is related to the length of life. Although life and death are in line with the principles of nature, but with continuous cultivation and accumulation, longevity can be expected.

And there is a paradox in this, there are almost no people who are born with knowledge, and there are almost no people who want to know how to practice at a very young age, so it becomes impossible to transcend life and death.

But Zhang Xiao, as a person who owns the tree of life, naturally knows that as long as he knows how to absorb energy, longevity will become possible.

After sending Zhang Xiao and others to the parking lot at the foot of Wudang Mountain, Taoist Master Qingfeng told Zhang Xiao, "You must practice hard, don't waste your talent, I look forward to the time when you cultivate into Yuanli."

"Master Daoist, I will work hard. Let's not live today, and see you someday." Zhang Xiao and Daoist Master Qingfeng said with a smile after returning their salutes.

Then Zhang Xiao drove to Jiangcheng by car, where he was going to fly back to the capital.

On the way to Jiangcheng, Guo Feng asked Zhang Xiao, "Boss, do you really believe that people can live forever?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, "Longevity is nothing more than a human vision in my opinion. From ancient times to the present, no one can live forever, but I think it is more realistic to practice martial arts to live longer."

Guo Feng nodded and said with a smile: "That's true. I saw an old man in his 90s in the Wudang sect who looked the same as someone in his 50s. It seems that practicing Wudang's internal boxing can indeed preserve health."

"Yes, that's why I joined the Wudang Sect." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Guo Feng hesitated to speak.

Looking at Guo Feng's hesitant to speak, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said angrily, "Just say what you want, what are you looking at?"

"Boss, now you not only have to study at school, but you also have to deal with a lot of company affairs, and now you have to start practicing martial arts. Isn't this a bit too complicated, and they have no connection with each other, what are you doing?" Why do you want it?" Guo Feng sighed and asked helplessly.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao looked at Guo Feng and said with a serious expression: "This world is huge, and there are countless forces hidden in it. If we want to really step into the top of this world, we must constantly let others Become stronger yourself, otherwise there will be no bones left that are easy to be swallowed by others."

"Earning wealth is making you stronger, continuous learning is also making you stronger, and practicing martial arts is even more powerful. Everything I do is just to make myself stronger."

"I am just a child born in the countryside without a strong background to rely on, and I am not willing to live in such an ordinary life for the rest of my life, and I do not want my descendants to experience everything I have experienced, so I can only Keep learning all kinds of knowledge and seize every opportunity you can seize.”

"Because I know very well that if you feel that the world is unfair to you, then you must be not strong enough. When you become strong, life will naturally be kind to you."

Zhang Xiao's eyes are firm and far away, because since his rebirth, Zhang Xiao seems to have made a lot of money and made a lot of achievements, but only Zhang Xiao knows that he is just a fat pig now, once he is targeted by someone, He can only be slaughtered by others, so he must constantly make himself stronger, strive to grow up, and become a strong man in the true sense, so as to avoid being harvested.

In the past and present life, Zhang Xiao has seen too many people go from humbleness to success, but they were knocked out of the dust at the peak. It's not because they really did something wrong, but because they have too much. And it's because it's not strong enough.Once being targeted by others, they can only be reduced to lambs at the mercy of others.

Just like Zhang Xiao himself is now, even if he has a net worth of tens of billions, he is just a nouveau riche in the eyes of others. If Zhang Xiao is not a student of Huaqing University now, or a new star in the national track and field event, he would have been recognized by others. People reaped.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, Guo Feng couldn't help being a little silent, because he also felt the same about it. If you want to climb up from the bottom of society, the hard work is a hundred times more difficult than people imagined. You can't just work hard. Not even desperately.

The reason why Guo Feng was retired at the beginning was not only because he failed in his mission, but because he was targeted by others. If this was not the case, even if he retired, it would be easy for him to enter a public institution, but now if he hadn’t met Zhang Xiao, maybe he is still busy with his life.

And Guo Feng has also felt the pressure from Zhang Xiao recently, but he has nothing to do about it. He can only watch helplessly as Zhang Xiao seems to be like a tireless machine, working hard and studying hard, not daring to slack off in the slightest .

"Boss, let's work hard together in the future!" Guo Feng said solemnly.

"Of course we have to work hard. After all, there will be a better life waiting for us to enjoy in the future." Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing. The reason why he vomited quickly today is because he really couldn't hold it anymore. Overwhelmed, and Guo Feng's fate is connected with him, so he is naturally a good listener.

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