In the evening, Taoist Master Qingfeng entertained Zhang Xiao, Guo Feng and others in the private room of the Wudang School restaurant. Although it was a restaurant, not many Wudang School disciples actually ate there, and most of them liked to cook for themselves.

But when the dishes came, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel refreshed by the Wudang School's Vegetarian Food.

The Wudang sect avoids meat and fishy food, avoids eating rabbits, snakes, eels, cattle, dogs, pork, raw onions, garlic and other irritating foods, and mainly uses natural foods.

The main source of raw materials for Su Zhai is mainly the plants and fruits that grow in the mountains, which are usually picked from the mountains and planted by Taoist priests themselves, such as salt-dried bamboo shoots, salt-dried eagle-jumped bamboo shoots, deer-tailed bamboo shoots, nine fairies, frozen tofu, walnuts , Chinese chestnut, kiwi fruit, fungus, shiitake mushrooms, sealwort, etc. All the oils are vegetable oils, which mainly come from sesame oil and soybean oil donated by pilgrims.

The main feature of Wudang School Vegetarian Vegetarian Vegetarian is that it is made of vegetarian dishes and meat dishes, all of which are made of vegetarian dishes, such as gluten, dried tofu, bracken and other wild vegetables, which are made into fish, rabbit, beef, pork and other meat dishes and named after them. Therefore, it is said that vegetarian dishes are made of meat.

A table full of vegetarian dishes made Zhang Xiao’s eyes open, such as Vegetarian Vegetable and Abalone Soup, Ruyi Vegetable Rolls, Oolong Opera Pearl, Tai Chi Tofu Box, Pan-fried Vegetarian Prawns, Taoist Vegetarian Stir-fry, Roasted Vegetarian Changyu, Xianshan Dishes such as Sibao Vegetable, Xuanmen Pork, Three Fresh Vegetables, Sweet and Sour Pork Chops, Eight Treasure Tremella Soup with Honey Sauce and other dishes filled the table to the brim.

But the wine is non-alcoholic Taoist vegetarian wine, and the slightly sweet vegetarian wine also has a special flavor.

Zhang Xiao ate very happily. At the same time, this also made Lu Huaping, who has always liked cooking, a little itchy. He left the table early to discuss the recipe with the chef after half of the meal.

After the banquet, Zhang Xiao, Guo Feng and others stayed in the guest room of the Wudang faction that night.

After a night of nothing to say, Zhang Xiao woke up early the next morning and practiced Wudang Neijiaquan in the yard for more than an hour before taking a bath and changing clothes.

After all, today is the initiation ceremony, Zhang Xiao attaches great importance to it, and does everything meticulously, which makes Daoist Qingfeng who came to take Zhang Xiao to the Wuji Hall very satisfied.

Because from Zhang Xiao's behavior, he can see that Zhang Xiao attaches great importance to the initiation ceremony, and he is not arrogant because of his extraordinary aptitude. This also shows that Zhang Xiao has a good heart.

When Zhang Xiao followed Daoist Qingfeng to the Wuji Hall, there were already many people sitting in the Wuji Hall, including Daoist Qingwei who knew Zhang Xiao.

Sitting at the top of the main hall is Taoist Taiji, the head of the Wudang School, and even an old Taoist is sitting below at this moment.

Seeing Zhang Xiao coming in, Taoist Tai Chi smiled and said, "This is Zhang Xiao, everyone, let's get to know each other. After all, we will all be in the same sect in the future, and we will inevitably have to deal with each other."

Zhang Xiao also greeted these Taoists of the Wudang sect one by one. After all, these people are all high-level Wudang sects.

"Okay, just get acquainted, let's start the initiation ceremony quickly." Seeing that Zhang Xiao was chatting with everyone endlessly, the old Taoist said impatiently.

Taoist Taiji stood up, smiled and said, "Everyone, please follow me to pay homage to the ancestors of generations."

At the back of the main hall are the memorial tablets of the ancestors of the Wudang School. These tablets are full of more than ten floors of tall and long cases, which shocked Zhang Xiao. After all, these tablets can be placed here. All of them have made great contributions to Wudang in the past People, non-ordinary people can be among them.

When they came here, Taoist Taiji personally arranged the tribute, and then lit high incense. Amidst the smoke, Taoist Taiji brought everyone to pay respects.

Zhang Xiao also followed suit and paid homage with them.

The etiquette was not cumbersome, and it ended soon. At the end, Taoist Taiji handed Zhang Xiao a jade identity card, and said with a serious expression: "This is your jade identity card, keep it well, I hope you can live up to everyone's expectations, mission accomplished."

"Don't worry, head, I will work hard." Zhang Xiao also said solemnly.

At this time, the initiation ceremony was over. After returning to the main hall, everyone else left in twos and threes, leaving only Zhang Xiao, Taoist Taiji and the old Taoist in it.

The old Taoist smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "Since you have already started, I have to explain many things to you. Come with me."

After Zhang Xiao bowed to Taoist Tai Chi, he left with the old Taoist.

While walking, the old Taoist said: "The Buddhist scripture pavilion of the Wudang sect is not here, but in the mountains. There are some old people in the gate to take care of them, and I am one of them."

The old Taoist was walking with a cane, but his steps were very steady, which was quite different from yesterday's situation, which surprised Zhang Xiao a little.

"Why, old Taoist, what's so interesting about my walking?" Seeing Zhang Xiao staring at his legs, the old Taoist asked with some doubts.

"Yesterday you were staggering, why are you so steady today?" Zhang Xiao was puzzled and asked with a smile.

"This is the benefit of practicing Neijiaquan. Although my muscles and bones are a little old, when I spread the energy all over my body, not only can my muscles and bones be rejuvenated, but also my fighting strength can be restored." The old Taoist said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao suddenly understood the reason why the difference between the old man and the old man was so great, but he also knew that there must be restrictions on the use of Yuanli, otherwise the old man would not be staggering most of the time.

Walking on the path between the mountains, the original dazzling sunlight has become much sparser here, coupled with the mountain wind blowing, it does not have the heat of the upcoming summer, but makes people very comfortable.

The Wudang sect's Sutra Library is located in a cave halfway up the mountain, which surprised Zhang Xiao, because ordinary Buddhist scripture pavilions are not placed in caves. After all, the cave is cold and humid, and it is easy to make books moldy. Here Obviously not a good place to store it.

But when Zhang Xiao saw the three-story building in the cave, Zhang Xiao realized that he had taken it for granted.

Although the three-storey small building was built in the cave, it was extremely dry. It seemed that the surrounding environment would not affect the building.

"This three-story small building is all made of warm sun wood that insulates moisture. In addition, it was built in this cave for the safety of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion." The old Taoist looked towards He walked inside and spoke.

Zhang Xiao immediately understood, after all, it is the place where the Wudang School's martial arts are stored, and it will be missed by many forces. If it is not well protected, it will easily cause the inheritance to be cut off, so it is a good choice to build it in this secret cave.

"Master Dao, this place is so important, isn't there anyone guarding it?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"Of course there are people guarding them, but most of them are the same as me. They are old and have already ignored the facts. They will not act unless they have to." The old Taoist shook his head and said with a wry smile.

At this moment, an old Taoist priest who was about [-] years old came out from the Buddhist scripture pavilion. He was wearing a blue Taoist robe, his beard and hair were all white but his face was rosy, and he held a whisk like an old fairy, even more powerful than the old Taoist. Be immortal.

The old Taoist priest seemed to have an invisible Taoist rhyme covering his whole body while walking, making it difficult to see the depth, and seemed a little unpredictable.

"Xiao Zizai, you are very good. You have finally transformed your breath into Yuanli. It seems that you are one step ahead of Zide." The old Taoist said with a big smile when he saw Daoist Zizai.

"Uncle, Junior Brother Zide was busy with mundane affairs before, and his training time is shorter than mine, so it's normal to lag behind." Taoist Zizai said with a smile.

"You don't need to be humble, but you are much slower than your Tai Chi brothers, and you will work harder in the future." The old Taoist encouraged Taoist Master Zizai.

"Uncle, to be honest, I have reached the end of my cultivation to this point. I am afraid that there is no hope to reach the state of turning gas into liquid. In our generation, only Senior Brother Tai Chi has the possibility." Daoist Zizai Knowing his own affairs, he shook his head and smiled wryly.

The old Taoist couldn't help but sighed and said: "Forget it, don't mention it. By the way, this is Zhang Xiao, a genius who has just started, and he has cultivated the sense of qi within half a day. I am going to let him come to collect scriptures." Pavilion to watch Taoism."

"Cultivating the sense of qi within half a day is really a genius, amazing! Uncle, let me take him up." Taoist Zizai looked at Zhang Xiao, praised Zhang Xiao, and then said to the old Taoist.

"You'd better go back and strengthen your cultivation. I'll just take him up there by myself." The old Taoist rejected the kindness of Taoist Priest Zizai, and took Zhang Xiao towards the Sutra Pavilion.

Zhang Xiao made a salute to Taoist Priest Zizai, and followed the old Taoist to the scripture storage pavilion.

After entering the first floor of the Sutra Pavilion, Zhang Xiao looked at the walls full of books, and couldn't help asking in surprise, "Are the books here all martial arts?"

"Where are there so many martial arts skills? These are all Taoist classics. Although they are not very precious, they are still rare." The old Taoist said to Zhang Xiao with a smile, but his words were still full of pride. There are so many Taoist scriptures, which is a remarkable thing, not to mention some of them are extraordinary classics, there are countless isolated copies, and they are also the existence that many Taoist sects yearn for.

Zhang Xiao and the old Taoist didn't stay on the first floor of the Sutra Pavilion for long, but went directly to the second floor.

Although the area of ​​the second floor is about the same as that of the first floor, not much less, the volumes collected in it are much less.

"The books here are all martial arts exercises, but they are all basic exercises. You can also take the time to read them to increase your knowledge." The old Taoist said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was not polite either, picked up a book of martial arts and began to read it.

This is a book about the iron cloth shirt. As a well-known martial arts exercise, Zhang Xiao naturally read it carefully.

There are many ways to practice iron cloth shirt, but what is recorded in this exercise is a method of both internal and external cultivation. Not only does it need to practice muscles, bones, skin and flesh externally, but it also needs to practice alchemy internally. Only in this way can one truly become an iron cloth shirt. , after practice, you can achieve invulnerability.

Of course, the guns mentioned here refer to the guns of cold weapons, not the current hot weapons.

After carefully looking at the iron cloth shirt, Zhang Xiao suddenly understood that what the old Taoist said was true. The martial arts here are much shallower than Wudang Neijiaquan, but some of the cultivation methods gave Zhang Xiao some inspiration. , after all, both internal and external training can improve faster.

"You go to the third floor with me first, and after I tell you the exercises you have to learn, you can come back and read them slowly." Seeing that Zhang Xiao was about to pick up the second book, the old Taoist couldn't help but reminded .

Zhang Xiao suddenly smiled dumbly, nodded and said with a wry smile: "When I read the book, I forget about the business, and I get used to it."

The old Taoist smiled wryly and shook his head, thinking why he was not like this at the beginning, when he saw so many martial arts skills, he couldn't care less about other things.

Then the old Taoist took Zhang Xiao up to the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

The place on the third floor is much smaller, even so, it seems very empty, because there are fewer books here, only about 20 books.

"You can read them all, and Wudang Neijiaquan is also included, and there are even higher-level exercises." The old Taoist looked at the itchy Zhang Xiao and couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao calmed down after hearing the old Taoist's words, because he knew the truth that he couldn't eat too much. After all, for him, Wudang Neijiaquan was enough for him to practice at present. It will have a certain impact on his cultivation.

"No need, just talk about the follow-up exercises of Wudang Neijiaquan." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said to the old Taoist with a smile.

The old Taoist couldn't help but give Zhang Xiao a higher look at the moment. After all, people's desires are infinite, and those who can control their desires are truly powerful people. Facing the temptation, Zhang Xiao did it instead. The old Taoist couldn't help laughing out loud.

After a long time, the old Taoist stopped his laughter, gave Zhang Xiao a thumbs up and said, "Excellent, he can control his desires well in the face of temptation, and he really has great perseverance."

Zhang Xiao shook his head and did not speak. After all, he is not that eighteen or nineteen-year-old youth, but a middle-aged man with more than 40 years of experience. He is far superior to young people in controlling desires.

What's more, Zhang Xiao could clearly see the sophisticated look on the old Taoist's face, he wouldn't lose the big because of small things, after all, the books in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion are here, and he can come here to read them with his status jade card in the future, but he doesn't have to. so anxious.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't intend to speak, the old Taoist sighed and said, "The upper level of Wudang Neijiaquan is the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu. It is said that the founder of Sanfeng was able to ascend the Dao only after he practiced the Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu. .”

When Zhang Xiao heard this, he was immediately overjoyed, because the reputation of Pure Yang Wuji Gong was very high, and ordinary people were not qualified to practice it.

Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu is the essence of Taoist Kung Fu, created by the founder of Sanfeng, it is the highest inner power mental method of Wudang School, and it is also a must practice for body protection.

Pure Yang Promise Kungfu combines internal and external training, combines movement and stillness, internally trains internal organs, externally trains muscles, bones and skin, through long-term inhalation, closure, and exhalation, combined with a series of specific exercises and volleyball exercises on the outside, trunk, and limbs of the body, to achieve the ultimate goal. It has the effect of strengthening the evil, healing the wound and eliminating the disease, and can resist the attack.

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