Zhang Xiao immediately understood that to be able to write such a font that can affect people's mood, what kind of strength is needed, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can write.

There are many rumors about Sanfeng Patriarch of Wudang School. In various biographies of Sanfeng Patriarch or materials about him, there are Sanjiao, Sanfeng, Sanfeng Dunlao, Xuanyi, Junshi, Jubao, Kunyang, Sanfengzi, Lata, Sloppy Zhang Xianren, Ta Xian and many other names.

It is said that the founder of Sanfeng visited Baoji Mountain. There are three peaks, which are tall and beautiful, and they are gratifying, because they call themselves Sanfengzi.It is also wrongly called "Zhang Sanfeng" because the simplified characters of "Feng" and "Feng" have the same shape.

Legend has it that the founder of Sanfeng was tall and handsome, with big ears and round eyes, and a beard like a halberd.No matter whether it is cold or hot, with only one sack and one scorpion, one meal can be eaten for a day, or one meal for a few days, or not for a few months, so you can know in advance.

However, there are different opinions about how long he lived in the end, and there is no conclusion. There are only countless legends that are sought after by many Taoists.

Patriarch Sanfeng advocated the integration of the three religions. He believed: "There are two religions in ancient and modern times, but no three religions. There are two religions: righteousness and evil. There are no three religions? There is only Tao. How can one be divided? How can it be divided into three? There are Kong, Lao, and Muni, and there are Kong, Lao, and Muni. Even though there are Kong, Lao, and Muni, there are not Kong, Lao, and Muni. Confucius, Lao, and Muni are all ancient saints. The teaching of saints is based on orthodoxy, and if it is not an orthodox religion, it is called a cult.”

In his "Song of Meditation", Patriarch Sanfeng said: "Immortals are Buddhas, Buddhas are immortals, and one nature is perfect and bright. The three religions are originally one family. If you are hungry, you will eat and you will sleep when you are sleepy."

Patriarch Sanfeng equated the benevolence and righteousness advocated by Confucianism with the lead and mercury painting of Taoist alchemy, saying that "the lead and mercury of the immortal family are the seeds of benevolence and righteousness."According to Patriarch Sanfeng, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the metal, wood, water, fire, and earth of the five elements of the Yin Yang family, the benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith of the five Confucian virtues, and the liver, lung, heart, spleen and kidney of the five meridians of the human body.

Patriarch Sanfeng said in "Five Virtues": "Benevolence belongs to wood and the liver; righteousness belongs to metal and the lungs; ritual belongs to fire and the heart; wisdom belongs to water and the kidneys; faith belongs to the soil and Spleen also."

There are five virtues in the heart, five meridians in the body, and five elements in the heaven and earth, all of which are indispensable. A person without benevolence will have no thought of nurturing, his liver will be cut off, and the tree will wither; It has been cut off, but the gold will be dull; those who are rude will have no bright color, the heart will be cut off, and the fire will be extinguished; the wise will not be clear, their kidneys have been cut off, and the water will be faint; Those who have no faith will have no feeling of friendship, their spleen has been cut off, and the soil has collapsed.

Patriarch Sanfeng also said: "Virtue encompasses the body, and the body encompasses the mind. The body serves the purpose of the mind, and the mind is enlightened by virtue. The body is the mind, the mind is the body, and the five virtues are the five classics. When virtue is lost, virtue is lost. When the body is completed, the body is completed, and the scriptures are completed, and then you can consult the five elements of the world."

In Zhang Xiao's thoughts, Zhang Xiao followed Qingfeng Daoist into the Wuji Hall. At this moment, there was only one old Taoist in a purple Taoist robe standing in the hall.

The old Taoist watched Zhang Xiao and Daoist Qingfeng come in, looked at Zhang Xiao with a smile, but didn't speak.

Daoist Qingfeng bowed and said respectfully: "Qingfeng pays respects to Master, fortunately he did not disgrace his life, and invited Layman Zhang."

"You go down first, let the kitchen prepare the fast food." The old Taoist waved his hand to Taoist Qingfeng and said.

"Yes, I will take my leave." Daoist Qingfeng saluted again, then took three steps back, turned and left.

After Daoist Qingfeng left, only the old Taoist and Zhang Xiao were left in the hall, both of whom were looking at each other without speaking to each other.

Zhang Xiao felt that the old Taoist was extremely mysterious. Although the old Taoist looked rosy, like a child, but his gray beard and hair revealed his age, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but speculate secretly.

"The boy has met the Taoist priest, and he asked the Taoist priest to clarify his doubts." After a long time, Zhang Xiao was the first to speak, not because he wanted to speak, but because he couldn't bear the pressure brought by the old Taoist.

"Pindao's Dharma name is Taiji. He has been in Wudang for more than [-] years, and he is now the head of Wudang. For more than [-] years, Pindao has never seen a person who can generate a sense of qi within half a day. It seems that it is God's blessing." I am Wudang." Taoist Tai Chi flicked the dust whisk in his hand, showing the aura of dust, and looked at Zhang Xiao with his eyes, but gave Zhang Xiao a sense of peace, far from the majesty just now.

"The Daoist praised it, the kid is just lucky." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile.

Taoist Taiji didn't exhale a foul breath until this time, which surprised Zhang Xiao, because he didn't expect that human breath could be so long. After he came in, he didn't see Taoist Taiji feel breathing. Originally, Zhang Xiao didn't care. It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Xiao clearly understood that Taoist Tai Chi's cultivation must be extremely deep, which can be seen only from his breathing.

"Surprised? This is a natural phenomenon of successful cultivation of the method of breathing and breathing. You must know that even I am only cultivating Yuanli." The Taoist Tai Chi said with a smile. Seeing that Zhang Xiao was a little ignorant, he continued to explain Dao: "We martial arts practitioners have countless levels. From the feeling of breath, to the cultivation of Yuanli, until Yuanli transforms into liquid, and finally condenses into pills, it is considered a great achievement."

"And I have only cultivated Yuanli for more than ten years now, and I don't know how long it will be before Yuanli transforms into liquid. As for the condensed pill, in my opinion, it is too far away." In the end, the Taoist Taiji endured I can't help feeling a little sad.

Zhang Xiao was overjoyed when he heard the Yuanli in Taiji Dao's population, because he felt that Yuanli and Yuanneng must be related, and since a Taiji Taoist cultivated Yuanli, he must be aware of the existence of Yuanneng. It was very important to him, but Zhang Xiao didn't take the initiative to ask.

"Master Dao, do you know if there is a secret to the promotion of these levels?" Zhang Xiao asked.

Taoist Tai Chi heard Zhang Xiao's question, shook his head with a smile and said: "There is no shortcut in martial arts, only hard work can achieve success. As for some quick-fix methods circulated in the martial arts, many of them are based on the essence of the human body. God is fuel, although it can speed up the cultivation speed, but it will cause great damage to the human body, I do not recommend practicing these quick methods."

Zhang Xiao suddenly understood, this is like an exchange, there will be rewards only if you pay, normal practice of Wudang Neijiaquan, although the speed is not too fast, but the victory lies in Zhongzheng's peace, and the quick method is like igniting the human body Spiritual energy, although the initial improvement is very fast, it is in exchange for a person's lifespan.

"Daozhang, I'm just curious and want to ask. As for practicing the quick method, forget it. After all, according to what you said, my current cultivation speed is already very fast. If I continue to practice the quick method, I'm afraid The foundation will be unstable, and the gains will outweigh the losses." Zhang Xiao saw the worry in the eyes of Taoist Tai Chi, and said with a smile.

Taoist Taiji smiled slightly, and naturally heard the meaning of Zhang Xiao's words. He not only sighed slightly in his heart, but said: "Actually, I still have plans to find you this time. Facing the same dilemma as many sects, that is the risk of severing the inheritance of martial arts."

"And my master is over 130 years old now, and he hasn't cultivated to the realm of condensing alchemy so far. This has caused his lifespan to be less than 20 years at most, and I am even more unbearable. It is still far away from turning gas into liquid. Many ancestors You can’t even cultivate the method, and once the time comes, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

"And your appearance gave me a glimmer of hope. According to the records of my sect's classics, those who cultivate the sense of Qi after half a day can gradually produce breath within half a year, and transform it into Yuanli within three years, and Yuanli transforms into Qi." Although it will take a little longer for Weiye, I don't think it will be too long."

Speaking of this, Taoist Tai Chi looked at Zhang Xiao with burning eyes, which made Zhang Xiao feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Taoist Tai Chi looked at Zhang Xiao for a short time, and quickly shifted his gaze to the door of the main hall.

Zhang Xiao followed the eyes of Taoist Tai Chi, and saw a tall old Taoist walking in with a cane, his steps faltered a little, but what made Zhang Xiao curious was that his eyes were as bright as stars.

"Master, why are you here, old man?" Taoist Tai Chi rushed forward, supported the old Taoist excitedly, and said with a smile.

"Come here and have a look at this little guy, is this the Zhang Xiao you told me about?" the old Taoist said to the Taoist Tai Chi.

"That's right, it's him." The Tai Chi Taoist said with a smile after helping the master to the Tai Shi chair.

"It's true that I have extraordinary aptitude, and my whole body is clean and clean, unlike ordinary people. No wonder I can cultivate the sense of qi within half a day. God bless me Wudang." The old Taoist saw Zhang Xiao's extraordinary at a glance, and said with a big smile .

"Predecessor's praise, the boy is just lucky!" Zhang Xiao shook his head, unwilling to say anything more about his physique.

"You are indeed lucky, if reincarnation is also considered luck." The old Taoist laughed.

Zhang Xiao was a little helpless, but did not refute the old Taoist's statement.

"Master, let's get down to business." Taoist Tai Chi reminded the old Taoist.

The old Taoist nodded, and said to Zhang Xiao with a serious expression: "Given your extraordinary aptitude, we at Wudang have decided to recruit you, are you willing?"

Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect the old Taoist to say that. After thinking for a while, Zhang Xiao asked, "Do you need to be a Taoist priest to get started?"

"Not necessarily, it depends on your wishes. If you want to become a Taoist priest, you can do it, but in my opinion, you don't want to be a Taoist priest. Then we discussed a solution for your situation, that is you Joining Wudang as a layman's core disciple, you need to bear the responsibility of inheriting Wudang skills after you have successfully cultivated." The old Taoist and Taiji Taoist looked at each other and said.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao said: "If I can succeed in cultivation, then it is my duty to inherit Wudang Kungfu, but to join Wudang, I still need to discuss it with my master, after all, my master has taught me well. "

"The master you're talking about is Mo Wenxin, right? You can call now to ask for his opinion." Taoist Tai Chi said with a slight smile.

Zhang Xiao saw that the Taoist Tai Chi was very sure that his master Mo Wenxin would agree, although he was a little surprised, he picked up the phone and dialed his master Mo Wenxin.

After the call was connected, Zhang Xiao explained her situation to Mo Wenxin in detail.

"Joining the Wudang Sect is absolutely fine." Mo Wenxin said with a smile, "If you join the Wudang Sect and become a core disciple of the lay school, it will be very beneficial to your future development."

"Master, do you mind?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"Why would I mind? After all, there is very little I can do to help you now. After you join the Wudang Clan, a wider world will open up for you. I can only be happy for you." Mo Wenxin laughed. .

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao smiled and nodded to Taoist Tai Chi and the old Taoist, "My master agrees, and I naturally won't refuse, but I just want to know what I need to do after joining the Wudang Sect? "

The old Taoist stretched out his finger, nodded at Zhang Xiao and said, "You are really a clever ghost, don't worry, after you join the Wudang School, not only will we not restrict your development, but we will treat you when necessary." To support the cause, and what you have to do is to spare more time to practice martial arts, so as to reach the realm of Yuanli as soon as possible, so as to accept a higher inheritance."

"After all, Wudang Neijiaquan is only the beginning and beginning of cultivation. When you practice to the realm of Yuanli, the breath in your body will be transformed into Yuanli, that is, Yuanqi. To reach the realm of turning Qi into liquid, you need Practice more advanced martial arts."

Zhang Xiao suddenly understood that what the Wudang faction valued about him was not other things, but his aptitude beyond ordinary people, and he thought a little bit wrong before.

"Okay, I'll join the Wudang sect." Seeing that the old Taoist had already mentioned this point, Zhang Xiao had no other worries, and nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao finally agreed, the old Taoist immediately laughed and said, "After you take a bath and change clothes tomorrow morning, we will hold your initiation ceremony."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said with some concerns: "But I still hope that things can be simpler, and don't make it known to everyone."

"Of course, we have a sense of proportion. Those who can participate in the initiation ceremony tomorrow will all be the disciples of the faction. There will be no one else. You can rest assured in terms of confidentiality." Zhang Xiao's concerns are also those of Taoist Tai Chi. A person with extraordinary aptitude like Xiao will be robbed by others, so naturally the more low-key the better.

After the initiation ceremony was settled, Zhang Xiao said goodbye and left, and walked outside, leaving only the old Taoist and Taiji Taoist in the Wuji hall.

"Master, I think Zhang Xiao has a lot of bad karma. Is it too casual for him to become a layman's core disciple?" Taoist Tai Chi asked the old Taoist.

"Xiaoyuan, I don't have much time. I don't have that time to find a more suitable disciple than Zhang Xiao, so we need to be more efficient, and those who make big things don't care about small things. Zhang Xiao has his own. All we want is his talent in martial arts, and I think he will handle other things by himself." The old Taoist twitched his lips slightly, waved his hand at Taoist Taiji and said.

Taoist Tai Chi also nodded and said nothing more.

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