At this time, Zhang Xiao has practiced Wudang Neijiaquan for an hour and a half, and his whole body is getting stronger and stronger, but there is still a long way to go to form the inner breath.

Zhang Xiao had already had breakfast at this time, if Taoist Master Qingfeng hadn't continued to teach him Wujiquan, the third level of Wudang Neijiaquan today, Zhang Xiao would have gone to school for class.

After Daoist Qingfeng arrived, he didn't stop there, and went directly to the study on the second floor with Zhang Xiao, and began to teach Zhang Xiao Wujiquan.

Tai Chi was born in Wuji, and Wuji was born in Dao.

Wuji Quan, also known as Wuji Gong, is a method of refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform spirit, practicing spirit to return to emptiness, and refining emptiness to harmonize the Tao.

The Taoist static alchemy, which mainly cultivates the three treasures of essence, energy, spirit, body and body, can not only develop people's potential, but also develop people's wisdom. It is the highest state of Wudang internal boxing.

In Wudang Neijiaquan, practicing Liangyi to strengthen one's body, practicing Taijiquan to cultivate one's form, and practicing Wuji to cultivate one's foundation, the three practice together can make martial arts practitioners directly reach the Dao.

The three sets of boxing methods rely on each other and complement each other, which is the fundamental method of Wudang secret transmission.

There are eighteen tactics in Wuji boxing, that is, the starting style is "chao" and the closing style is "dark".The front and back are divided into "supporting, rubbing, kneading, rubbing, threading, trapping, winding, coiling, pointing, pressing, dismantling, unloading, smoothing, rotating, flowing, and combining."

Based on the cosmology of the unity of man and nature, summarizing the essence of Wujiquan, combining the functions of the human body with the movement of the stars in the universe, so that people can absorb the energy of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon faster.

Wujiquan contains 27 kinds of natural scenes, [-] kinds of pulse conditions, and [-] kinds of human body shapes.There are twenty kinds of energies contained within: "cold, springy, crisp, fast, hard, heavy, long, soft, soft, skillful, lively, slow, light, agile, shaking, containing, void, sticky, connected, Follow."

Wuji Boxing combines the outside and the inside, and the inside and the outside correspond. It is miraculous and unpredictable. The trick is to seek speed with stability, accuracy, emptiness and spirit.

Wuji Quan emphasizes the essence of "mixing tons of void", extracting the innate qi, adjusting the acquired pure yang essence, returning to the original, concentrating the mind and returning to the void, and reaching the realm of formlessness and formlessness.It is advocated that the practice of the body should not be based on the form, "the form breaks the body, and the intangible keeps the breath".

The Eighteen Characters of Wujiquan contain sixteen kinds of natural scenes, namely: wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, fire, fog, thunder, lightning, electricity, rain, snow, ice, frost, rainbow, dew; 27 kinds Pulse conditions, namely: ups and downs, late counting, slippery, full and empty, long and short, thick and weak, tense and slow, stringy, leathery, weak, loose and thin, rising and falling, promoting cleansing, and changing; thirty kinds of body shapes, namely: Head and neck, shoulders and elbows, wrists and hips, knees and legs, fingers and palms, feet, waist and chest, muscles and bones, qi and blood, flesh, heart and lungs, liver and gallbladder, spleen and stomach, kidneys and navel.

Practicing Wujiquan can cultivate the mind, cultivate the nature, strengthen the body, train people with the sky, integrate with the universe, realize the enhancement of the human body's vitality, and live with the Tao forever.

Daoist Qingfeng only had so much understanding of Wujiquan, many of which he directly recited the essence of Wujiquan, which made Zhang Xiao feel that Wujiquan was profound and obscure, as if there were all kinds of fog. Not real.

"That's all I can tell you about the meaning of Wujiquan. After all, my own understanding of Wujiquan is only so much. I think if you want to know more about the meaning of Wujiquan, you should go to Wudang. After all, there are many classics about Wujiquan in the faction." Daoist Qingfeng said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao's eyes suddenly brightened, because he knew that if he wanted to know more about cultivation, going to Wudang Mountain to read the classics was undoubtedly a shortcut, not to mention that there must be some masters who had achieved success in cultivation on Wudang Mountain. If he can ask a question or two, it will be of great benefit to him.

"It will be Labor Day in a few days, and I will go to Wudang Mountain." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation after thinking for a while.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your arrival on the mountain." Daoist Qingfeng nodded, and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He finally completed the task of being the master, and Zhang Xiao didn't doubt it yet.

After coming out of the study, it was almost noon, Lu Huaping had already prepared the vegetarian meal at this moment, and the three priests of Qingwei were not polite, and went directly to the table.

After lunch, the three Taoists Qingwei bid farewell.

"Master Dao, since you're in the capital, how about I take you to various scenic spots?" Zhang Xiao invited with a smile.

"No, the scenery of the capital is right there. You can go to see it whenever you want. This time the mission to the capital has been completed, and we have to go back to report." Daoist Qingwei smiled and rejected Zhang Xiao's invitation.

Zhang Xiao also knew that they had planned to leave long ago, so they didn't force them to stay. They prepared a Taoist robe for each Taoist priest as a thank you gift, which Zhang Xiao had already prepared.

Daoist Priest Qingwei and the three looked at the finely crafted silk Taoist robe, and had no choice but to accept Zhang Xiao's kindness.

Then Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min to send Qingwei Taoist priest and the three to the airport and return to Wudang Mountain.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao went back to school to continue her classes. After all, it was only two months before the end of this semester. Zhang Xiao could graduate early if there were no accidents. Xiao still insisted on going to class every day, even if she couldn't come because of something, she would ask for leave.

In the next week, Zhang Xiao's life seemed to return to the way it was before, but only Zhang Xiao knew that he had to do a lot more than before, and he became more and more busy.

Zhang Xiao wakes up at 05:30 every morning to practice Wudang Neijiaquan. After practicing for an hour and a half, he eats breakfast. After breakfast, he goes to school for class. He has no time to rest at noon and needs to find time to deal with company affairs.

After class in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao not only had to write a graduation thesis, but also took two hours a day to practice Wudang Neijiaquan as an evening class.

Zhang Xiao always went to bed in the early hours of the morning. If it wasn't for his extraordinary physical fitness and the fact that practicing Wudang Neijiaquan can nourish his spirit, Zhang Xiao didn't know how long he could last.

A week later, Labor Day came as scheduled. Zhang Xiao flew to Wuhan by plane as agreed with Taoist Qingfeng. After meeting Yuan Min who had already arrived at Daqian Station in Wuhan, he drove straight to Wudang Mountain.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when Zhang Xiao arrived at Wudang Mountain. When Zhang Xiao arrived at the foot of Wudang Mountain, he saw Daoist Qingfeng who had been waiting for a long time.

"Lady Zhang, welcome to Wudang." Daoist Qingfeng said to Zhang Xiao with a slight smile.

"It's a great honor to be welcomed by Daoist Lao." Zhang Xiao also smiled back.

Daoist Qingfeng didn't exchange too many pleasantries with Zhang Xiao, after all, they were already very familiar with each other.

Daoist Qingfeng did not stay in the parking lot for a long time, but took Zhang Xiao into a car, Guo Feng also got into the co-pilot, and Yuan Min and others also got into the car and followed.

After getting into the car, Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking, "Aren't we going up the mountain now?"

"We still have to go up the mountain, but we don't go up from the main entrance." Daoist Qingfeng pointed to the road sign not far away and said to Zhang Xiao, "We go up from there. The front is usually the activity place of ordinary disciples."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and didn't say much. After all, for these sects that have already been born, what they have shown in front is for the world to see, and their own core disciples will definitely not appear in front of people.

Under the introduction of Daoist Qingfeng, Zhang Xiao finally understood the business model of Wudang. All their secular industries are in charge of the outer sect disciples and outer sect deacons, including not only the tourism industry belonging to Wudang Mountain, but also hotel services. However, all the core disciples of the Wudang Sect ignore common matters and focus on cultivation and improving their own abilities.

Of course, this does not mean that they are isolated from the world. Every year, they will organize to learn advanced technologies that appear outside to ensure that they are in sync with the times, and they will experience experience in the world.

Zhang Xiao was shocked by this. One must know that Wudang's industry is so huge that it is run by outside disciples. What kind of courage is this? It's just in front of people.

As the vehicle drove, Zhang Xiao found that they had entered the mountain, and the road here was no longer a cement road, but a flat gravel road.

After driving for half an hour, the vehicle stopped halfway up the mountain. After getting off the vehicle first, Taoist Master Qingfeng said to Zhang Xiao: "There are some small roads up there. Vehicles can't go up. We need to walk by ourselves." up."

Zhang Xiao nodded and watched a narrow path stretching towards the mountain, but because of the tall trees here, he couldn't see very far.

Taoist Master Qingfeng went first, Zhang Xiao followed behind, and Guo Feng and others followed behind.

Walking along the winding path for about half an hour, what came into view was a group of antique buildings. All the buildings were well arranged, which made Zhang Xiao have to admire the abilities of these sects. What an achievement it is to build such a magnificent complex of buildings.

"This is where the inner sect of our Wudang Sect is located, and it has been passed down for more than 500 years." Daoist Qingfeng said with some pride.

"Awesome, as expected of the Wudang School!" Zhang Xiao sighed sincerely.

"Let's go in. The head master heard that you have arrived and said he wants to see you." Daoist Qingfeng said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was noncommittal about this, because he didn't see Taoist Qingfeng contacting anyone along the way, and the head of Wudang obviously had plans when he saw him.

After entering the building complex, Zhang Xiao discovered that there were people living in these buildings, and all of them were wearing Taoist robes. They were obviously Taoists who were just beginners. This made Zhang Xiao couldn't help but ask, "Master Taoist, how many people are there in the Wudang sect?"

"Not many, there are only more than [-] novice Taoists now, and the gap from the peak period is too big." Qingfeng Daoist said with a wry smile.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being stunned. More than 400 people don't sound like a lot, but they basically have extraordinary aptitude to be able to get started. This shows the Wudang faction's background from another aspect, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary forces. .

If you add the outer disciples and lay disciples of the Wudang sect, it will be a giant.

Shaolin in the north and Wudang in the south.This sentence is not only an affirmation of their martial arts, but also an affirmation of their status and ability.

Along the way, from time to time, people in Taoist robes saluted Daoist Qingfeng to say hello, but Daoist Qingfeng faced him coldly the whole time, just nodded and walked over. Even so, these disciples were not surprised, they were obviously used to it.

When he came to a huge courtyard, Daoist Qingfeng said to Zhang Xiao: "This is the residence of the head master, you can only go in with me, they will be outside, but I have already asked someone to help you." They have their accommodation ready, they can go to eat and rest first."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said to Guo Feng: "I'll just go in by myself, you take them to rest first, and I'll call you guys if there's anything to do."

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety." Guo Feng also knows that this is the Wudang faction's rule, and they need to abide by it.

After watching Guo Feng and the others leave under the leadership of a young Taoist in Wudang, Zhang Xiao turned around and said to Daoist Qingfeng, "Daoist Qingfeng, let's go in, I think your master is already waiting."

Daoist Qingfeng gave a helpless wry smile and said: "You still found out, to tell you the truth, this time you came to Wudang for the purpose of being the head of the sect, mainly because your aptitude is too good, and it took less than half a day. There is a sense of qi, which is too important to my Wudang sect."

Zhang Xiao nodded and understood the reason why the Wudang Party attached great importance to him. After all, in this period, many inheritances are in danger of being cut off, not because there are few people who cultivate, but because there are not many people who can cultivate to a high level. As a result, no one can practice many advanced martial arts. Over time, it is easy to cause the inheritance to be broken. When the time comes, it will only be more difficult or even impossible to continue the inheritance.

But Zhang Xiao himself is also very clear that the reason why he can cultivate the sense of qi in a short period of time is not because of his aptitude against the sky, but because the tree of life has continuously strengthened his physique in the process of growing up, making him A lot of impurities in the body have been removed, which makes his physique look different from ordinary people.

Zhang Xiao is also looking forward to the martial arts of the Wudang school. After all, Wudang internal boxing is amazing enough, so will the better level of martial arts be even more miraculous.

And Zhang Xiao also wanted to know if the head of the Wudang faction could help him decipher the exercises he translated from the parchment. If he could help him clear up his doubts, then this trip to the Wudang faction would be worthwhile.

After Zhang Xiao followed Taoist Qingfeng into the gate of the courtyard, at a glance, he saw a three-story hall standing in the courtyard.

The three big characters give people a sense of neutrality and peace. After seeing it, people feel calm and even their minds become peaceful, which shocked Zhang Xiao.

Three words can actually cause a change in people's mentality. What a power it is, it is very understandable.

"Daoist Qingfeng, who wrote this?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"This is the inscription I sent Patriarch Sanfeng, and it has a history of more than [-] years." Daoist Qingfeng said with some pride.

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