Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 293 Wudang Internal Fist

The 36 forms of Liangyi Boxing are the elementary routines of Wudang Neijiaquan. The style and characteristics of Liangyi Boxing are different from general boxing routines. The skill of winning in softness is to see strength, softness contains rigidity, one movement and one stillness can produce a very penetrating explosive power in an instant, when fighting with the opponent, use shaking force to exert force, the fist speed is extremely fast, the opponent is difficult to avoid Dodge, the movement is even more light and flexible, the power frame is simple and unpretentious, and the practical combat is strong. It is the introductory routine of Wudang Neijiaquan.

Liangyi Quan is also known as "Shenquan" in the martial arts. Liangyi Quan gathers the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, and combines yin and yang into one body. , The moves are peculiar, as fast as a storm, as fast as lightning, from rigid to soft, unpredictable.

Daoist Qingfeng's rehearsal of Liangyiquan was not fast, mainly to teach Zhang Xiao, but it was also smooth and smooth, giving people a different kind of momentum.

Zhang Xiao stared intently, but silently remembered all the actions in his heart.

A quarter of an hour later, Daoist Qingfeng closed his fists and stood up. After exhaling a foul breath, he said slowly, "Do you remember clearly?"

Zhang Xiao nodded, then shook his head and said: "I remember almost, but I don't know if I can type it out."

"Then give it a try. You should practice your boxing first, and then we'll talk about other things." Daoist Qingfeng stepped aside and gestured to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao was also polite, and began to practice according to the movements of Daoist Qingfeng that he remembered.

Following Zhang Xiao's rehearsal, Daoist Qingfeng suddenly became surprised, because Zhang Xiao's movements were very standard. If Zhang Xiao didn't know the method of breathing and exhaling in Liangyiquan, he would have suspected that Zhang Xiao had practiced two times before. Yi punched.

You must know that Liangyiquan is also a secret technique in the Wudang School, and it is not allowed to teach without permission.

Zhang Xiao's rehearsal speed was much faster, and the rehearsal was completed in less than 10 minutes.

Daoist Qingfeng pulled out a stiff and awkward smile at this moment, and said to Zhang Xiao: "You have a good memory, and I can see that your physical fitness is very strong, and you can practice the Liangyiquan completely. You are really amazing. However, although some of the movements are standard, they are too stiff, this is not the state that Liangyiquan should have, and this is what beginners must correct."

"Drill it again, this time at a slower pace, and I will correct your posture and movement essentials at any time." Daoist Qingfeng continued to speak after a slight pause.

Zhang Xiao also felt that Liangyi Quan was a bit awkward to practice by himself, but with the guidance and corrections of Taoist Qingfeng, Zhang Xiao gradually figured out some truths.

The boxing style of Liangyiquan varies from person to person. Although the boxing style of Daoist Qingfeng he imitated just now is standard, it is not combined with his own physical condition, which is why he feels awkward in some postures.

once, twice, three times...

It wasn't until Zhang Xiao finished practicing Liangyiquan for the fifth time that Zhang Xiao completely mastered Liangyiquan. Even so, Daoist Qingfeng was surprised. Stances only need to be practiced dozens or even hundreds of times.

"You have fully mastered the posture of Liangyiquan. Next, I will teach you the method of breathing and exhaling. This is also the core of Liangyiquan." Daoist Qingfeng said, "People's normal breathing is called breathing. Natural breathing method, and the method of our breathing and exhalation is also called reincarnation breathing in Wudang. **** Recirculation breathing method is different from all breathing methods, whether it is natural breathing method or abdominal breathing method. There are 36 postures in Liangyiquan, and the breathing method of each posture is different. Three is a small cycle, nine is a middle cycle, and 36 is a One big cycle."

"The first posture we use is the reverse abdominal breathing method, the second posture is transformed into abdominal breathing method, the third posture is transformed into natural breathing method, and the fourth posture will be transformed into abdominal breathing method..."

Following the explanation of Daoist Qingfeng, Zhang Xiao immediately understood the essence of the reincarnation breathing method, that is, the three breathing methods are constantly changing. If you are standing still, the method of exhaling and exhaling is not difficult. Using reincarnation breathing method in boxing practice will make Zhang Xiao a little bit neglected.

However, Zhang Xiao's soul power is extremely powerful. When he first began to practice boxing with the method of breathing and exhaling, there would always be some confusion, but when Zhang Xiao mobilized his soul power, Zhang Xiao could already breathe and exhale Daoist Qingfeng felt inconceivable that the method of accepting and Liangyiquan were carried out at the same time.

After only three times of Liangyi Fist, Zhang Xiao has combined the method of breathing and exhalation with Liangyi Fist, and there is not much Taoist Master Qingfeng can give Zhang Xiao advice.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao punched Liangyi Fist three times, and suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling all over his body, but Zhang Xiao didn't know whether it was because of practicing Liangyi Fist or because of physical activity.

However, Zhang Xiao still expressed his feelings to Daoist Qingfeng: "Daoist, I feel like something is flowing all over my body. What's the reason?"

Daoist Qingfeng froze for a moment, then immediately pulled Zhang Xiao's right wrist with both hands, and pressed Zhang Xiao's wrist with both hands, as if he was feeling the changes in Zhang Xiao's body.

After a long time, Daoist Qingfeng said incredulously: "This should be the sense of energy. I didn't expect you to have the sense of energy on the first day of practicing. I think you will be able to have the sense of energy after a little time. It is indeed a talent." Extraordinary person."

"Although I've heard about the sense of qi many times, what exactly is the sense of qi?" Zhang Xiao asked the doubts in his heart.

"The sense of qi is also known as the qi mechanism, which is produced by people through cultivation. The smoothness varies from person to person. Some people feel the heat flowing through their bodies, some feel that their bodies are towering and tall, or their bodies disappear. The limbs, especially the arms, feel swollen, numb, heavy, and painful, and there is resistance in movements, as if they are paddling water, and there is a pulling feeling when punching, especially when the hands sometimes attract and sometimes repel each other. Acupoints such as Men, Guanyuan, and Dazhui have a feeling of heat swelling and beating, etc. All of these are called Qi Sensation.”

"In the eyes of ordinary people, the sense of qi is a mysterious thing, but for our school, there is a clear criterion for judging, that is, let the person who has cultivated the breath instill his own breath into the person who has the sense of qi. If it is It is impossible for a person who has a sense of qi to enter his body, because the breath can only enter the body of a person who has developed a sense of qi."

"And my breath just now can't enter your body, which shows that you have indeed cultivated the sense of qi, which is really gratifying." Daoist Qingwei explained the origin and judgment method of the sense of qi, which made Zhang Xiao Some surprises.

"How are the aura and breath graded?" Zhang Xiao asked curiously.

Daoist Qingfeng shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Actually, I am not very clear about it myself, but I have read an introduction about the sense of qi in a fragment of an ancient book. The sense of qi is only the initial feeling of a practitioner. It's not considered a level, but having the breath is the real entry. As the breath grows, when the breath grows to a certain level, you can open up your own dantian, and the breath at this time is also called Yuanli , but it’s gone in the ancient books.”

Zhang Xiao was shocked when he heard Daoist Qingfeng's words, because he heard the word "Yuanli" from Daoist Qingfeng's mouth, which made him unable to resist the sound of Yuanneng in the tree of life, so he smiled and said Asked: "Master Daoist, I wonder if I can take a look at the fragmented copy of your ancient book?"

"Of course, but the fragments of ancient books are still on the mountain. I'll have someone bring them for you when I go back." Daoist Qingfeng said indifferently.

"Okay." Zhang Xiao did not show his desire for the fragments of ancient books, but said calmly.

At this time, the wall clock in the study rang twelve o'clock, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little surprised, because he felt that he hadn't practiced for a long time, and it turned out that the whole morning had already passed.

"Time flies so fast." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Time really flies when you are practicing. The ancients said that one day in the cave is a thousand years in the world." Daoist Qingfeng nodded and said.

Zhang Xiao opened the door of the study, and walked out with Daoist Qingfeng.

As soon as Daoist Qingfeng came out of the study, he quickly walked downstairs alone, found Daoist Qingwei and Qingming Daoist, and told the matter that Zhang Xiao had developed a sense of qi.

"This is a major event for us in Wudang. We thought Zhang Xiao was just talented, but now it seems that we have underestimated him. It is not appropriate to publicize this matter, but we must inform the head of the matter as soon as possible, so that the head Make a decision." Daoist Qingming said excitedly, as a priest of precepts, Daoist Qingming has always been happy and angry, but at this moment he is beaming, obviously excited to the extreme.

"That's right, we have to report this matter to the sect leader." Daoist Qingwei agreed with Daoist Qingming's opinion and nodded.

"Then let Senior Brother Qingfeng report this matter. After all, you are his disciple, so this matter must belong to you." Daoist Qingming said to Daoist Qingfeng.

Taoist Master Qingfeng nodded without hesitation, took out his mobile phone from his luggage, and dialed the number of Taoist Taiji, the head of Wudang.

"Junior Brother Qingfeng, what are you calling for?" Taoist Tai Chi asked after answering the phone.

"Brother Taiji, Zhang Xiao has practiced the sense of Qi this morning. I have tested it, and the breath cannot penetrate into his body." Daoist Qingfeng said a little excitedly.

"Okay! You guys did a good job. I didn't expect to see the birth of a wizard in my lifetime. How lucky. In this way, you can discuss with him and ask him to take time to go back to the mountain with you. His will decides how to act." The Taoist Tai Chi was extremely excited at the moment, because he knew very well how amazing it is to develop a sense of qi within half a day, and how amazing it is to Wudang.

After eating at noon, Taoist Master Qingfeng continued to teach Zhang Xiaowu the second level of internal boxing - Taijiquan in the study, and put what Taoist Taiji ordered in his heart for the time being, because he felt that it was not with Zhang Xiaowu. When talking about this, after all, Zhang Xiao has just made an agreement with Wudang, so it is not appropriate to act too hastily.

Taijiquan, also known as Taiji Thirteen Forms, is because Taijiquan consists of starting posture, holding the ball posture, single pushing posture, exploring posture, holding posture, rushing posture, bearing posture, dividing posture, cloud posture, and transformation posture. It consists of thirteen groups of movements, including double push, down and close.

And these thirteen postures are compiled for the cultivation of the eight meridians of the human body, and the eight meridians are connected to the five internal organs. The entire Taijiquan path contains the five internal organs and eight meridians, and there are five steps and eight methods outside. It is called "Tai Chi Thirteen Poses".

In addition to boxing techniques, Taijiquan also includes three Taoist internal self-cultivation methods, such as breathing and guiding, picking and replenishing Hunyuan piles, which is the second level of Wudang internal boxing.

The essentials of Taijiquan movements are: Xuling pushes the neck, pushes the chest and pulls the back, sinks the shoulders and drops the elbows, and pushes the tongue against the palate.Not only that, when practicing Taijiquan, practitioners are required to harmonize form with mind, mind with qi, and qi with spirit.In Liuhe, the divine form is wonderful, in the movement, it is uninterrupted, like flowing clouds, loose and natural; in the movement and stillness, it is like a needle hidden in the cotton, with softness in the rigidity, rigidity in the softness, hardness and softness contain each other, contained but not exposed ; During breathing, open and close freely, rise and fall naturally, deep and slender, long and even, and breathe back to the root.

The Thirteen Taiji Poses have profound meanings to Wudang because of their richness. It has been the treasure of the Wudang School since ancient times. It is a secret method that will not be passed on to those who are not qualified.

Because Taijiquan contains a lot of content, even if Zhang Xiao has the ability of photographic memory, it is difficult to learn all of them at once. In addition, Taijiquan focuses on the mind but not on the form, which has caused a great impact on Zhang Xiao's cultivation. Trouble.

It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that Zhang Xiao mastered all the techniques of Taijiquan, which also led to the failure of Zhang Xiao's original idea of ​​learning Wudang Neijiaquan today.

However, being able to develop a sense of qi within half a day made Zhang Xiao even more convinced that practicing martial arts by himself was an extremely correct decision.

Although it is the era of hot weapons, this does not mean that martial arts are really outdated. On the contrary, people's physical fitness is often the decisive factor in determining the direction of war.

After having dinner at Fenglin Villa, Zhang Xiao continued to stay here. He wanted to continue to practice. Fenglin Villa is obviously much more secluded than the Siheyuan, and it is more suitable for cultivation than the Siheyuan.

That night, Zhang Xiao practiced until the early hours of the morning before going to bed after eating supper.

Even so, Zhang Xiao still got up on time at six o'clock the next day. Not only that, Zhang Xiao not only regained his spirit after waking up, but was even better than before.

This made both Guo Feng and Yuan Min feel a little speechless, but they have long been used to it. Zhang Xiao has always been very energetic. Today, it is just because he has practiced Neijiaquan, and his spirit recovers faster. .

The three Daoist Qingwei didn't arrive together until about eight o'clock. The driver who sent them over was a security company driver who was responsible for picking up the three Daoist Qingwei for the past two days.

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