Mo Fangfei watched Ma Mingfeng leading a group of gangsters to meet him, and said angrily, "Ma Mingfeng, what do you want?"

Ma Mingfeng said to Mo Fangfei with a smirk on his face: "Mo Fangfei, you bitch, you are shameless, today I want to let you know how powerful I am."

After Ma Mingfeng finished speaking, he rushed towards Mo Fangfei, intending to hit Mo Fangfei.

Mo Fangfei's face turned pale. She didn't know whether it was from anger or fright. She stayed where she was and didn't move. She was about to be slapped on the face by Ma Mingfeng.

Zhang Xiao hastily pulled Mo Fangfei behind him to avoid Ma Mingfeng's slap, then Zhang Xiao said to Ma Mingfeng: "Ma Mingfeng, everyone is an adult now, don't be brave and hit people It's against the law, don't you know?"

"You little boy, don't think that you are so great just because you got Mo Fangfei. Let me tell you, Mo Fangfei is a whore, a slut that everyone can fuck, and you, I won't beat you until you can't take care of yourself today." Count me as the loser." Seeing Zhang Xiao, Ma Mingfeng was furious and cursed angrily.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little headache, he had nothing to do when he encountered such unreasonable gangsters, and using violence to control violence was not what he should do.

Zhang Xiao waved to Guo Feng who was at the side, and Guo Feng who had been staying at the side immediately ran over with a dozen security personnel, protecting Zhang Xiao and others behind him.

Seeing that Ma Mingfeng didn't make a move for the time being, Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, do you want to leave first? After all, once there is a fight, this place will become a place of right and wrong. Once the police come over, it will easily have a negative impact on you."

"No need, once we leave, it will really be a fight, but as long as they don't take the lead, we won't do it, and I have already asked Fang Fei to call the police, and the police will be here soon." Zhang Xiao shook his head at Guo Feng and said .

At this moment, Ma Mingfeng watched helplessly as a group of tall and burly security personnel guarded Zhang Xiao and the others behind him, and suddenly he could not make up his mind, because he knew that it was okay for the gangsters he brought along to bully ordinary people. Questions, but compared with these tall and burly bodyguards, they are no match at all.

And once he did it, he might bring shame on himself, and Ma Mingfeng was caught in a dilemma.

Of course Zhang Xiao is not willing to do anything. After all, he is not a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old, but a middle-aged man in his 40s. His expectation is stable development. The reason for the conflict.

"Ma Mingfeng, hurry up, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave even if you want to when the police come." Zhang Xiao knew that Ma Mingfeng needed a step, and the police coming soon was the step Zhang Xiao gave Ma Mingfeng.

"You're ruthless today! We'll see later!" Ma Mingfeng said a cruel word, and was about to leave with a group of gangsters.

"Zhang Xiao, teach him a lesson, he dares to scold me." At this moment, Mo Fangfei refused, and shouted at Zhang Xiao.

"He's just a bastard, why are you bothering with him?" Zhang Xiao shook his head, rejecting Mo Fangfei's request.

Taking advantage of the fact that Guo Feng and the others had no intention of doing anything, Ma Mingfeng left in a hurry, but Zhang Xiao and the others could not leave at this moment and had to wait for the police to arrive.

But within a few minutes, the police arrived at the scene in a police car. Mo Fangfei briefly explained the situation, and the police left after confirming with Mrs. Feng.

After the police left, Zhang Xiao and his party also felt depressed and left separately.

After Zhang Xiao and Mo Fangfei got into the car, Zhang Xiao said helplessly to Mo Fangfei: "What's going on with Ma Mingfeng? I think he's intentionally taking revenge on you?"

"Didn't I say that Uncle Ma is a friend of my dad's, but their family's business tends to be gangsters, so the intersection of the two families is not much. In the past few years, the country has been severely cracked down. Uncle Ma is now looking for transformation, and Ma Mingfeng doesn't know What's the reason, she started stalking me recently, and I'm getting annoyed to death." Mo Fangfei said helplessly.

"It seems that you don't know the reason. I'll ask Eldest Brother another day." Seeing that Mo Fangfei didn't know much, Zhang Xiao shook her head and said.

"You can do whatever you want. Anyway, I don't care. I will make Ma Mingfeng pay the price for this rubbish." Mo Fangfei said angrily, still a little bit aggrieved at the moment.

Zhang Xiao's anger towards Mo Fangfei was very calm. To him, fighting fiercely was meaningless and would only lower his status.

After Zhang Xiao sent Mo Fangfei back to his residence, he returned to the courtyard by car.

After returning to the bedroom, Zhang Xiao began to study the copied manuscript. He felt that the contents of the parchment scroll were very important to him. This was a subconscious intuition.

It's a pity that Zhang Xiao is a little helpless. After studying for a long time, there is still no progress. It seems that there is some fog on it, which makes him unable to see clearly. However, Zhang Xiao also knows that this is not a problem that can be solved in a while. Continue to search for information to decipher the manuscript.

And this made Zhang Xiao couldn't help but miss the Baidu Baike in his previous life very much. As the saying goes, once you have Baidu, you will know it.

And now Baidu has not yet been established, and it will take a while to use Baidupedia.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao returned to school and continued her classes.

As the weather changed and the temperature began to rise, more and more girls began to change into cool clothes, showing the bumpy figure that had been hidden all winter.

I have to say that the women's university has changed at eighteen, and the more it changes, the better it looks.

Girls who have just entered freshman have just gone through three years of torture in high school, and they have been wearing school uniforms for three years in high school, so most of the girls who have just entered freshman have no makeup, their faces are full of collagen, and they also dress with a simple top and Mainly with jeans.

They seldom wear high heels, and walk around campus in a pair of canvas shoes or sneakers.

The hair is hardly dyed, mostly cute shoulder-length short hair, and wearing bulky black-rimmed glasses, which looks a bit rustic.

And the sophomore girl has been in the school for a year, and she is gradually familiar with everything in the school.

More importantly, they take the first step in makeup, learn to trim eyebrows, slowly explore the eyebrow shape that suits them, and start to buy lipstick, liquid foundation, and various skin care products for themselves if they have the conditions.

Even if the economic strength does not allow it, they will not face up to the sky. They have a clean makeup on their faces, giving people a bright and pure look.

They began to abandon the heavy bangs in the past, keep the lovely airy bangs, study the color contact lenses that suit them, and replace the black-rimmed glasses.

In terms of dressing, they have changed from the previous casual and comfortable style to more ladylike style. Dresses, skirts, and shorts have become their common collocations.

After Zhang Xiao entered the classroom, she suddenly found that the few girls in the class who hadn't paid much attention to them before had undergone earth-shaking changes, because they became more beautiful now, and their temperament was more elegant. Their intellectual beauty from inside to outside made them become more attractive.

At this time, the news of Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie's breakup has spread, so whether it is girls in the class or beauties in other departments, they are not drifting in front of Zhang Xiao's eyes, and some beauties even like to use some chance encounters to collide with each other. And other means to attract Zhang Xiao's attention.

However, Zhang Xiao knew this well, so under normal circumstances, he would not leave his contact information. Even if he had to leave his mobile phone number, it was the one held by his secretary Hou Shuyan.

The reason why Zhang Xiao is like this is not that he doesn't like beautiful women, but that since breaking up with Deng Jie, Zhang Xiao has given up the idea of ​​dating.

Because Zhang Xiao knew that most of these girls were willing to associate with him because of money. If he was that penniless poor boy, how many people would be willing to associate with him.

After school that afternoon, Zhang Xiao received a call from Yuan Min.

"Boss, Wudang has sent three Taoists. I have already received them, and now I am heading to the arranged hotel. However, I think you should spare some time to meet with me today. After all, you want to practice Wudang's martial arts. If we met today, it would be considered polite." Yuan Min said on the phone.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Xiao said to Yuan Min: "How about this, you take them to Fenglin Villa directly, and I will go there right away."

"Good boss." Yuan Min immediately agreed.

After Zhang Xiao and Sun Jianxin bid farewell, they drove directly to Fenglin Villa.

Although Zhang Xiao doesn't live in the Fenglin villa very much, the cleaning aunt of the villa is still on duty all year round. After all, not only has the money to get it, but also the villa to live in, which is why many people are willing to go to the villa as a cleaning lady.

Zhang Xiao then called and asked her to tidy up the room, and he will be there in a while.

The reason why Zhang Xiao notified Aunt Baojie instead of making a surprise attack was that on the one hand, she felt at ease with Aunt Baojie, and on the other hand, she also hoped that she would improve if she had something to do.

When Zhang Xiao came to Fenglin Villa, the villa was indeed clean. Not only that, Lu Huaping had already arrived with two people and was preparing for the dinner.

Because he didn't know the customs of people from Wudang, Zhang Xiao told Lu Huaping to focus on vegetarian food, and not eat meat.

Not long after Zhang Xiao arrived at the villa, Yuan Min walked in with three Taoist priests.

Zhang Xiao hurriedly stepped forward to greet her, and said with a smile: "Boy Zhang Xiao, welcome the arrival of the three priests, please come inside."

"You're welcome Zhang Layman, Pindao and the two juniors came here this time because they heard that you want to learn art, so they came here specially to check your physique." The leader of the Taoist priest, Qinghui Taoist priest, said with a smile.

Daoist Qinghui is in his 60s this year, but his beard and hair are black, and he looks only in his 40s. Obviously this is the result of Wudang's health preservation.

After Zhang Xiao led the three priests to sit on the sofa in the living room, Zhang Xiao smiled and said to Taoist Qinghui, "Master Taoist, can you still check your physique?"

"Of course you can. After all, the most important thing to look at when practicing internal strength is a person's physique. The better the constitution, the faster the cultivation speed will be. On the contrary, even if a person with a poor physique is practicing internal strength, it will be difficult for him to get started in a short period of time." Qing Hui The Taoist priest explained to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that Wudang had a way to check the body's physique. This surprised Zhang Xiao, but considering that Wudang has been passed down for hundreds of years, and Wudang martial arts was created by a generation of martial arts masters, it is naturally magical. place.

"How to check?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"You just need to stretch out your arm, and the rest of the checks will be taken care of by the poor Taoist." Daoist Qingwei smiled slightly, and did not talk about the method of checking the physique, but said lightly.

Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate at the moment, she just stretched out her arm and put it on the coffee table, asking Taoist Qingwei to cast a spell to check. After all, Wudang had no reason or motive to harm him.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao was ready, Daoist Qingwei no longer hesitated, took a long breath, and then stretched out his right hand and put it on Zhang Xiao's wrist.

Just when Daoist Qingwei put his right hand on Zhang Xiao's wrist, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt a faint breath extending from Daoist Qingwei to himself.

At this moment, he didn't feel any discomfort, on the contrary, he was very comfortable, and he could clearly feel the faint breath flowing on him.

Soon, a faint breath began to turn towards Taoist Qingwei's wrist, but Zhang Xiao didn't speak, but quietly waited for Taoist Qingwei to finish his work.

"Lay Zhang is really talented. The meridians in his body are not only smooth, but also very wide. This is something I haven't seen in decades." Daoist Qingwei said with a sigh.

Only then did Zhang Xiao say: "Could that aura just now be the legendary internal force?"

"That's right, but Pindao has cultivated himself for nearly 50 years before he has this kind of aura. He is really ashamed of his ancestors." Daoist Qingwei said with some sighs, "But you are different. Once you start resting, I will Wudang's skills will surely advance by leaps and bounds, and the future is limitless."

Zhang Xiao was extremely surprised, because the legendary internal force was like this, and Daoist Qingwei succeeded in cultivation, which gave Zhang Xiao hope again.

But Zhang Xiao still forced himself to calm down, and asked after a long time: "I don't know what price I need to pay to learn Wudang's skills?"

Daoist Qingwei shook his head and said with a smile: "Now that martial arts are on the decline, it is rare to meet a person with outstanding aptitude. How can we ask you to pay the price. As long as you are successful in martial arts, you can learn from Wudang The grace of the industry will do.”

Zhang Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then understood Daoist Qingwei's plan. This was to tie him to Wudang's chariot with morality. Grace.

Sure enough, free is the most expensive.

But Zhang Xiao is clear that the kindness of teaching must be recognized. Even if Wudang doesn't take it as a condition, Zhang Xiao will still think of his kindness. is a test.

"The Taoist priest was joking. You should always remember the kindness of teaching you. You should tell us about your conditions." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile.

Daoist Qingwei shook his head, and said sincerely: "Lay Zhang, you don't need to guess our purpose. After all, for us in Wudang, we don't lack money or disciple incense. What we lack are qualified heirs, generals and teachers. The martial arts of the sages of the door have been passed down and carried forward, and you are the most physically fit person I have met in the past few decades."

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