"You have a good idea. The dining coupon is only a qualification to eat, and you still have to pay. I managed to snatch this dining coupon from my senior brother." Mo Fangfei said with a triumphant smile.

Zhang Xiao understood as soon as he heard it, this is another marketing method created by private kitchens, but this kind of dining qualification system is really enduring, and people still follow it.

After all, the marketing of private dishes is a brand, but although all private dishes are more expensive, the quality is guaranteed, which is acceptable to Zhang Xiao.

"Then let's go there for dinner." In order to avoid Mo Fangfei's entanglement, Zhang Xiao admitted while pinching her nose.

Mo Fangfei immediately became happy. Although she was not short of money, she never tired of getting Zhang Xiao to buy her a meal.

As the name suggests, private kitchen dishes are private dishes, private dishes, which are special dishes cooked by the owner that are eaten in other people's homes.

Private kitchens usually have no shop signs, fixed menus, or full-time waiters. However, the cooking techniques of these dishes are often ancestral, with unique flavors, and limited supply, which cannot be eaten in restaurants in the market.It is said that most of these restaurants originated from ancient deep houses and courtyards. They are relatively remote, each has its own characteristics, and is relatively low-key.

The history of "private kitchen" can be traced back to the Guangxu period in the late Qing Dynasty.It is said that Tan Yuqing, a descendant of a family whose ancestral home is in Guangdong, was an official for generations and loved to eat and drink. His father, Tan Zongjun, mixed Cantonese cuisine from his hometown into Beijing cuisine and made Tan’s family cuisine famous in the capital.

Later, the family was in decline, and Tan Yuqing was sitting on the mountain, so the family cook or his wife and concubine made the Tan family's "private kitchen" to help the family. The banquet was held at home. There were three tables per night. Reservations had to be made three days in advance. a month.

In recent years, with the rapid development of the country's economy, there have been more and more private kitchens. Even so, they are still sought after by people, especially for Beijingers who like food and pay attention to ostentation.

What they eat is not the dishes, but their identity and culture. Whether they are fabricated or not, they will become people's bragging rights.

Today, the Feng family’s private kitchen that Zhang Xiao is going to is a private restaurant that specializes in palace cooking. As the name suggests, palace cooking refers to the meals that ancient concubines and noble women usually eat. host.

When Zhang Xiao came outside this private restaurant, she couldn't help feeling a little emotional. These private dishes are really willing to invest. They set up the private dishes in the courtyard. Although it is not a big house with three entrances, it is also a courtyard with two entrances. .

A few cars were parked at the door. After Guo Feng parked the car, Mo Fangfei didn't get out of the car in a hurry. Instead, she picked up her mobile phone and made a call. After connecting, Mo Fangfei smiled and said to the person on the other side of the phone : "Are you here? I'm already here."

"Okay, hurry up, I'll go in and order first." Mo Fangfei hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Did you call someone else?" Zhang Xiao asked a little puzzled.

"Of course, I called a few good sisters, and then you have to cooperate with me and not disrupt me." Mo Fangfei clenched her fists and said viciously to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao understood as soon as she heard it, what kind of good sisters should be the clinker sisters, and Mo Fangfei just asked him to come over to let her stand for her, but already here, Zhang Xiao had no choice but to agree: "OK , I can cooperate with you, but you can't go too far for a while."

"Don't worry, you think I can see you." Mo Fangfei said with some disdain.

Mo Fangfei led Zhang Xiao towards the courtyard. After entering the gate, Mo Fangfei was obviously familiar with this place, and the so-called dining voucher was just an excuse for her to bring Zhang Xiao here.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head, women are born to be good at acting, he really believed Mo Fangfei's words before.

The table that Mo Fangfei booked was in the central hall, surrounded by expensive Chinese mahogany furniture, which immediately raised the style, and a large dining table for 12 people was not only not obtrusive, but on the contrary It also gives people a feeling of peace and tranquility.

But for Zhang Xiao who was used to living in the courtyard, all this seemed normal, he naturally sat in the main seat, and Mo Fangfei also sat down beside him.

At this time, Mrs. Feng, the owner of the private kitchen, came in with tea, put the tea set on the table, and said to Mo Fangfei with a familiar smile: "Fangfei, I haven't seen you for a long time. What are you up to lately? Why are you so dark?" I lost a lot of weight."

"Didn't you go to XJ with my mentor, and stayed there for more than a month, exposed to the wind and the sun every day, it's impossible not to be dark or thin." Mo Fangfei complained but showed off, "Aunt Feng, can you You have to cook some delicious dishes for me, but I haven't eaten your dishes for a long time."

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to eat my dishes, I welcome you every day." Mrs. Feng said with a smile.

This is the brilliance of private kitchens. They will conduct research on diners, so as to play a big emotional card on diners, so that diners become real repeat customers.

Mrs. Feng chatted with Mo Fangfei for a while, and after asking about the number of people and preferences, she turned and left.

After Mrs. Feng left, Zhang Xiao smiled and said to Mo Fangfei: "I think you are using me as a shield today."

"Why, you don't want to, let me tell you, those who chase me can go to Beijing University from here!" Mo Fangfei said with a chuckle.

"The layout is small, you should say that the person chasing you can circle the earth several times." Zhang Xiao couldn't help joking.

Mo Fangfei was a little depressed immediately, and said to Zhang Xiao fiercely: "Be careful what you say, otherwise I will make you look good."

Zhang Xiao took a sip of tea, and didn't care about Mo Fangfei's threats at all, which made Mo Fangfei a little helpless.

But before Mo Fangfei continued to say anything, three young women who were similar to Mo Fangfei came in together, and there were three young men who came in with them, but in Zhang Xiao's view, they were obviously in a weak position, because they had All carrying women's bags.

As soon as the three women met Mo Fangfei, they were immediately overwhelmed with enthusiasm. They hugged each other, held hands, and exchanged greetings like long time no see, I miss you so much.

Zhang Xiao also stood up at this moment, and said to the three young men, "Sit whatever you want, you're welcome."

The three young people seemed a little cautious at the moment, but they couldn't survive Zhang Xiao's invitation, and they all sat down not far from Zhang Xiao.

Seeing that they were stiff, Zhang Xiao didn't care, but looked at the three women with interest.

Although the three girls were not beautiful, they were not ugly either. They were all wearing elegant light makeup, which was more attractive than Mo Fangfei's plain face.

Women are generally three-point beauty, seven-point dress, and they are too embarrassed to go out without makeup. Only Mo Fangfei feels good about herself, and runs around with her face up every day.

After exchanging pleasantries with the three women, Mo Fangfei pulled Zhang Xiao and introduced, "This is my boyfriend Zhang Xiao, who is currently a sophomore in Huaqing University!"

"This is Sun Weiwei, Liu Juan, and Nangong Yan, all of whom are my good girlfriends." Mo Fangfei introduced the three women in turn.

"Hello, everyone, sit down." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Zhang Xiao, you are the track and field genius who won four gold medals in the National Games, no wonder you look familiar." Sun Weiwei said in surprise.

"It's me, but I'm not a track and field genius." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"Fang Fei, you are so amazing. How did you cheat my idol? It stands to reason that Zhang Xiao is so handsome, how could he fall in love with you, a girl who has no breasts, no butt and no butt." Sun Weiwei was a little apprehensive Said to Mo Fangfei, "You didn't use some shady means, did you?"

"Siwei Weiwei, what are you talking nonsense, see if I don't tear your mouth open." Mo Fangfei hugged Sun Weiwei into her arms a little angrily, and scratched her itch.

But Liu Juan whispered to Zhang Xiao: "Isn't your girlfriend Deng Jie? She and I are classmates."

"We broke up a long time ago." Zhang Xiao shook her head, not bothering to explain anything.

Liu Juan nodded slightly, and Nan Gongyan separated Mo Fangfei and Sun Weiwei who were hugging and tickling each other.

Mo Fangfei tidied up the messed up clothes, and then said helplessly: "To tell you the truth, Zhang Xiao is not actually my boyfriend, he is my little uncle. I originally asked him to come here today to He was acting as a shield, but Ma Mingfeng didn't come, so I wasted my time."

"Let me just say, how can my idol fall in love with you? You are so disrespectful." Sun Weiwei patted the clothes that were crumpled by Mo Fangfei, and said with a smile.

"You're going to die, you won't be able to live comfortably if you don't hurt me for a day, right?" Mo Fangfei said to Sun Weiwei angrily.

"Not to mention, once you say it, I think it's the truth. I don't eat well these days. It seems that it's because you're not by my side." Sun Weiwei pretended to suddenly realize, and laughed.

"Stop making trouble, Ma Mingfeng will be here in a while, everyone pay attention, now Zhang Xiao is Fangfei's boyfriend for the time being, please remember not to expose it." Nangongyan looked at her watch and said to everyone.

"What's going on? Ma Mingfeng really wants to come over." Mo Fangfei wailed suddenly.

"Of course I have to come. The meal ticket is his. How can he not know your character, and you will not come when you encounter delicious food?" Liu Juan said angrily.

Sure enough, as soon as Liu Juan's voice fell, a chunky young man in a black suit walked in with a phone in one hand and a handbag in the other. He looked like a rolling ball, which showed his exaggerated figure.

"Fang Fei, I'm here. You can order whatever you like today. I'll treat you today." Ma Mingfeng said with a smile.

"No need, my boyfriend is here, so don't worry about it." Mo Fangfei put his arm around Zhang Xiao and said with a smile, Ma Mingfeng said.

Ma Mingfeng's face suddenly became gloomy, because he found that Mo Fangfei didn't look like acting this time, because she could not wait to put her whole body into Zhang Xiao's arms, not only that, but Zhang Xiao's arms were also wrapped around Mo Fangfei's waist on, but Mo Fangfei did not reject it.

"Boy, let her go, do you know who I am?" Ma Mingfeng said to Zhang Xiao viciously.

"It doesn't matter who you are to me. Fang Fei is my girlfriend. Don't harass him in the future, or don't blame me for being rude to you." Zhang Xiao took a sip of tea and didn't care about Ma Mingfeng's threat.

"Boy, you have the guts, you wait for me." Ma Mingfeng felt his face completely dropped to the ground at this moment, especially Mo Fangfei was watching the show with an old god, which made him furious and left angrily up.

After Ma Mingfeng left, Mo Fangfei quickly let go of Zhang Xiao's arm, and at the same time knocked off Zhang Xiao's arm that was around his waist.

Zhang Xiao didn't care about Mo Fangfei's crossing the river and destroying bridges. After all, it was just acting. He didn't have any thoughts about Mo Fangfei.

"What is Ma Mingfeng's identity? Are you so afraid of him?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking Mo Fangfei.

"Ma Mingfeng's father and my father are very good friends, but the Ma family's business tends to be dark, so there are not many business intersections, but this Ma Mingfeng has been stalking me recently, and I am annoyed to death. "Mo Fangfei said helplessly.

"Zhang Xiao, you'd better be careful, Ma Mingfeng is just a bastard, he can do anything." Nangong Yan said helplessly.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure." Zhang Xiao said indifferently, but he still sent a message to Guo Feng, asking him to call the security team over.

At this moment, Mrs. Feng brought up the dishes with two waiters, but they were mainly soup, which was suitable for women.

Zhang Xiao is not interested in these soups, but he will not give any opinions. After all, private kitchens have their own characteristics, and they will not change their dishes because of customers.

For example, one of the abalone oxtail soups has the effect of nourishing health, beautifying and beautifying the skin, and men can also invigorate blood and inflate after drinking it. It can be regarded as a successful combination of the efficacy of medicinal materials and the delicious ingredients.

It's not that Zhang Xiao doesn't like it. Zhang Xiao has a soft spot for the stewed pig's trotter on the table, and he ate three of them by himself.

Since everyone doesn't drink alcohol, Zhang Xiao didn't mention alcohol. While eating dishes and drinking soup, listening to Mo Fangfei and Sun Weiwei reminiscing about the old days, she could tell that although the four of them were watching the fight No trouble, but the relationship is still relatively deep, not the clinker sisterhood that Zhang Xiao originally thought.

Zhang Xiao went to settle the bill halfway, and the meal cost Zhang Xiao 600 yuan, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but click his tongue, but the taste of the food was really good, especially the use of traditional Chinese medicine to the extreme, which made Zhang Xiao feel happy A lot of insight.

Due to the presence of the women, the meal without wine also had a bonus of two hours. By the time they came out of the courtyard, it was already 11:30 in the evening.

As soon as a group of eight people came out of the courtyard, they found that Ma Mingfeng had led a group of people waiting outside the courtyard. The reason why he didn't go in was because Mrs. Feng blocked her. Ming Feng would not be so afraid of her.

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