Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 289 Complete Chapter

Zhang Xiao, who hurried to the classroom, didn't care about the attention of these students. After all, he was used to being surrounded by people. Fortunately, he is not in the Internet age of later generations. It is only spread in some forums.

When Zhang Xiao rushed to the classroom, the professor who was in class hadn't entered the classroom yet, which made Zhang Xiao slightly relieved, this was not considered late.

"Why are you here so late today?" Sun Jianxin, who helped Zhang Xiao occupy a seat, asked in a low voice.

"I didn't get up late, and I was delayed for some time for dinner." Zhang Xiao opened the book and replied in a low voice.

Afterwards, the professor in class entered the classroom, and the classroom suddenly fell silent.

As the class progressed, Zhang Xiao realized that he had too many classes during this period of time, and it seemed that after class, he still had to find time to borrow his classmates' notes for a look.

After the class in the morning, Zhang Xiao received a call from Yuan Min, saying that Zhang Mingshun had already contacted the Taoist priest of Wudang, and they agreed that Zhang Xiao could practice Wudang martial arts, but they still needed to come to the capital to test Zhang Xiao's physique. In this way, Zhang Xiao was taught the cultivation method in a targeted manner.

"Didn't they say what conditions are needed?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"I didn't say that, but I think they may raise conditions after inspection." Yuan Min said.

"That's fine. If you have anything to do, contact me anytime. If they arrive, you will be responsible for entertaining them." Zhang Xiao reminded.

"Okay, don't worry." Yuan Min immediately agreed.

In the following time, apart from attending classes and going to the company, Zhang Xiao spent the rest of his time researching on oracle bone inscriptions. During this research, Zhang Xiao found that he still underestimated the difficulty. The main reason was that the oracle bone inscriptions were too referenced. It can only be accumulated by the accumulation of time, which makes Zhang Xiao very helpless.

And just when Zhang Xiao was at a loss, Zhang Xiao received a call from Li Wenyuan.

"Uncle Li, did you find anything?" Zhang Xiao asked excitedly.

"Do you have time now? If you have time, come over here. I'll wait for you in the office." Li Wenyuan didn't say anything, but asked Zhang Xiao to go to the office to find him.

Zhang Xiao suddenly understood that he must not be able to explain clearly on the phone, so he let him go.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao didn't stay at the company either, and went directly to Beijing University by car.

When Zhang Xiao came outside Li Wenyuan's office, he happened to bump into Mo Fangfei who was going out.

"Zhang Xiao, here you are. The instructor is waiting for you." Mo Fangfei dragged Zhang Xiao to the office as soon as she saw him.

"Let go, it doesn't matter whether it's big or small, I'm really worried about senior brother, how can you get married like this." Zhang Xiao broke free from Mo Fangfei's grasp helplessly, and walked towards the house, saying involuntarily.

"If you want to take care of it, you should take care of yourself!" Mo Fangfei gave Zhang Xiao an angry look, and said angrily.

"Hey!" Zhang Xiao sneered, ignoring Mo Fangfei, and went straight into Li Wenyuan's office.

Mo Fangfei who was outside the office was stomped by Zhang Xiao angrily, but she still suppressed her anger and followed into the office.

In Li Wenyuan's office, there is not only Li Wenyuan alone, but also an old man with white beard and hair, but his complexion is rosy, and he looks like he is only in his 60s, but Zhang Xiao doesn't know that this old man is now 90 years old.

"Zhang Xiao is here. Let me introduce you. This is Professor Jin Yuancheng Jin who specializes in the study of inscriptions, and is also my mentor." Li Wenyuan said respectfully.

"Professor Jin, hello!" Zhang Xiao saluted Jin Yuancheng respectfully.

"Zhang Xiao, right? I've heard of you. I heard that you are the last disciple of that kid Mo Wenxin, and you are a new generation of emerald king. Now that I see you, you are indeed a good-looking talent!" Jin Yuancheng looked Zhang Xiao up and down. Fan, opened his mouth to praise, "Mo Wenxin is lucky to have you under his family!"

"Professor Jin is absurd, the juniors are really lucky to meet the master!" Zhang Xiao said very seriously.

Zhang Xiao has always regarded Mo Wenxin as a real master, and admired him from the bottom of his heart, because it was Mo Wenxin who allowed him to enter the antique industry, and he was able to accumulate capital quickly. Without Xin's support for him, otherwise, even if he had the tree of life, he would not be able to walk so easily.

"Let's not talk about this, I heard that you and Xiao Fangfei found a parchment scroll, the characters inside are oracle bone inscriptions, and there are even many characters that have not been explained in detail so far." Jin Yuancheng said to Zhang Xiao , In fact, he has already got the news from Li Wenyuan. He said this just to get Zhang Xiao's affirmative answer.

"Yes, what you said is absolutely right. This is also the reason why I am anxious now. After all, if I wait for the oracle bone inscriptions on it to be completely confirmed, I don't know how long I will have to wait." Zhang Xiao is really anxious, and Jin Yuancheng at the moment is like this Ask, is there any good way to think about it.

"I have some ideas, but I have to try all of this before I know." Jin Yuancheng nodded, stood up and said, "In my opinion, Oracle and Bronze Inscriptions are related to a certain extent, so I think business It may be a good choice to start with the bronze inscriptions at the end of the year."

After Zhang Xiao heard Jin Yuancheng's words, he suddenly realized, and also understood Jin Yuancheng's method, which can be tried, after all, there is always nothing wrong with trying.

Bronze inscriptions refer to the inscriptions cast on the bronzes of the Yin, Shang and Zhou dynasties, also known as "Zhongdingwen".

The Shang and Zhou dynasties were the age of bronze wares. The ritual vessels of bronze wares were represented by tripods, and musical instruments were represented by bells. "Zhong Ding" is synonymous with bronze wares.

The country entered the Bronze Age in the Xia Dynasty, and the technology of copper smelting and copperware manufacturing was very developed.

Because copper was also called gold in the Zhou Dynasty, the inscriptions on the bronze wares were called "Jin Wen" or "Auspicious Jin Characters". ".

The age of the application of bronze inscriptions ranged from the end of the Shang Dynasty to the eradication of the six kingdoms by the Qin Dynasty, about 800 years ago.The bronze inscriptions also have a lot of characters. According to historical records, there are more than 700 characters, of which about two-thirds are recognizable characters, or more than 400 characters.

However, what Zhang Xiao and the others are currently using is only Shang Dynasty bronze inscriptions, and the number is only about 1000 to [-], but most of them can already be recognized and translated.

"Professor Jin, you are right, this is a method, but all of this is for you, after all, you are the No. It doesn't matter whether it is No.1 or not, as long as Jin Yuancheng is willing to help him translate the oracle bone inscriptions on the parchment scroll, a few compliments are also deserved.

Moreover, Jin Yuancheng can indeed be called No.1 in the study of inscriptions. After all, there are already many works on inscriptions.

"It's as exaggerated as you said, but it's just a little deeper research than others." Jin Yuancheng happily accepted Zhang Xiao's compliment, and the words that came out of his mouth seemed humble, but in fact he was proud.

At this time, Mo Fangfei had already spread the parchment on the table, not only that, but also took out the draft that had been translated before.

Jin Yuancheng walked to the table, picked up the draft and compared it with the oracle bone inscriptions on the parchment, read it once, nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, most of them have been translated, let's study the rest and see if we can get them from Find similar ones in the gold inscriptions, fill them in and see if you can form a complete chapter."

At this time, Li Wenyuan also helped Jin Yuancheng take out the comparison table of bronze inscriptions, and began to search for similar words.

With the passage of time, some oracle bone inscriptions that can be found in the bronze inscriptions were gradually translated, which made Zhang Xiao very happy.

The oracle bone inscriptions on the sheepskin scrolls have more than 800 characters in full, and only 370 or 240 of them are different. Previously, 21 or [-] of them were translated, but after comparing with the bronze inscriptions, [-] of them were translated, leaving only [-]. The oracle bone inscriptions have not been translated yet, but Zhang Xiao believes that they can be translated almost completely before dark today.

After all, there are both contexts, and the oracle bone inscriptions mixed in it can always roughly delineate its meaning.

Zhang Xiao looked at the manuscript that had been sorted out, and began to read it from top to bottom: "Introduce the body, pass through the central meridian, return to the ancestral orifice, return to the field, gather the five kinds, and grow from the eight meridians..."

The more he looked at Zhang Xiao, the more confused he became. He couldn't figure out what it was. Even if it was combined with the passages of tendons and acupoints on the sheepskin scroll, Zhang Xiao couldn't figure out whether it was a cultivation technique or just A guide to the order in which the meridians of the human body run.

In fact, not only Zhang Xiao couldn't understand, but Jin Yuancheng and Li Wenyuan couldn't understand either, and couldn't help but looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Zhang Xiao, what exactly is this? Can you understand it?" Mo Fangfei asked Zhang Xiao with a confused face.

"I don't understand it either, but I guess this may be the diagram of the meridians and acupoints of the human body, and the text should be the explanation." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said speculatively.

"This may also be the cultivation method of the ancients. After all, in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, people's personal force was extremely amazing. From the unearthed weapons and equipment, it can be seen that the strength of these people is extremely amazing. Then they should know how to cultivate. It is far beyond the present." Jin Yuancheng said with a solemn expression.

Zhang Xiao glanced at Jin Yuancheng, but felt a little stunned. Judging from Jin Yuancheng's body, he didn't look like an old man in his 90s, but rather in his 60s. He should still have practiced internal movement or other exercises, so he can live a long life.

"Teacher, can you ask those martial arts people, maybe they can give an answer." Li Wenyuan suggested to Jin Yuancheng.

"That's fine, but let's complete it now." Jin Yuancheng looked at a little blank in the manuscript and said.

"Okay, then come on, I hope we can deduce it." Li Wenyuan nodded and said without hesitation.

After another hour of hard work, everyone finally deduced the meaning of the remaining 21 words by combining the meaning of the context. Of course, no one knows whether it is correct or not. That's all they can do.

Zhang Xiao read the filled manuscript again, and found that he still couldn't understand it, but he wrote down all the exercises on the parchment scroll.

"In this way, make a few copies of the manuscript, one for each person, and before you figure out the meaning of the manuscript, don't pass it around, because no one knows what kind of secrets are in it." Jin Yuancheng finally decided, laughing He opened his mouth and said.

Zhang Xiao naturally agreed to this. After all, even if he could write down the contents of the manuscript completely, if he could have a manuscript in his hand, it would be convenient for him to study it in the future.

When Mo Fangfei went to copy the manuscript, Li Wenyuan smiled and said to Jin Yuancheng: "Teacher, it's so late, what do you want to eat? Let's go out for dinner."

"No, I have to go back after I get the manuscript. After all, time is not forgiving, I'd better go home and eat." Jin Yuancheng refused without hesitation.

"That's fine, I'll visit you another day." Li Wenyuan also knew the temper of his teacher Jin Yuancheng, so he didn't force it.

After a while, Mo Fangfei came out with the copied manuscripts, put the four manuscripts on the table, and said to Li Wenyuan: "Teacher, I am going to put the original manuscripts together with this parchment, so that I can check them later." .”

"It should be preserved like this. After all, this parchment scroll may be an important evidence for exploring the civilization of the Shang Dynasty in the future. It must not be lost." Li Wenyuan was satisfied with Mo Fangfei's carefulness and thoughtfulness.

Afterwards, the three sent Jin Yuancheng to the car downstairs and watched him leave.

As soon as Jin Yuancheng left, Li Wenyuan no longer had the desire to go out for dinner, so he and Zhang Xiaomo Fangfei waved their hands and went back on their own bicycles.

"Let's go, treat me to a big meal." Mo Fangfei said to Zhang Xiao unceremoniously.

"It's past nine o'clock now, why don't we have a big meal? Let's go eat something and go back to bed." Zhang Xiao looked at his watch, then stretched it out in front of Mo Fangfei, and said helplessly.

"I don't care, I'm going to have a big meal, and it's only after nine o'clock, and the nightlife in the capital has just begun. Do you want me to take you to the bar to meet the beautiful girls?" Mo Fangfei leaned on Zhang Xiao , holding his arm and not letting go.

"Forget it, let's go have a big meal. What do you want to eat?" Zhang Xiao broke free twice, but because she didn't dare to use too much force, she was still held in Mo Fangfei's arms, so she could only agree to Mo Fangfei's request. Require.

"I knew you would agree. I've already thought about the place. Let's go to a private restaurant to eat. Fortunately, I have a meal coupon. Otherwise, even if you want to eat, you won't be able to eat it. Why don't you hurry up and thank me." Mo Fangfei With big eyes fluttering, he took out a meal roll from his bag, handed it to Zhang Xiao and said.

"Don't you have to pay for the meal voucher?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

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